Saturday, January 2, 2016

To Michael Savage January 2, 2016


Last week you were broadcasting from Beverly "Trills," as you called it. Cute and funny name at the same time. You're right that holly-woodies who own the film making studios do not produce anything humane. You take sex, money, intrigue, violence, guns, expressions of the lowest of human mental and psychological conditions, you'll end up absolutely no theme, plot or a simple meaning. But that don't end with film, it controls entire entertainment industry. That's why mental and emotional state of  average viewer is becoming worse and worse. Don't you think pharmaceuticals are in cahoots with weirdos? Look who is advertising the most in the main street media. Can you find the number and let us know?
To me those two are like "two hands washing the face," as the old saying goes. If you watch a Hollywood movie, you need a medication for your emotional state, which already effected your psychical faculties.
That's how I see it. I should do my doctorate on this. *************************************
Why institutions of lower learning, called Universities, don't have a class on this topic in order to help keep their constituency sane?
Who needs their future competition "sane" anyway? Isn't that it? How system like this can operate in "civil society?"
What is civil society anyway? *******************************************************

But; let's come down to today's basics with factual events happening in public domain broad daylight around the "civilized" world, where the US and EU are directing the show and paying for it too.
In the middle of Kiev, whole bunch of people, about 3 000, consist of mainly right wing "svoboda" and "right sector" party members came out with StephanBandera's picture and marched with torches celebrating his birthday, at 
Demonstration also happened in a few other cities of Ukraine.
Last year uncle PP legalized this vermin's activities.
Look who that SB was, what he did, look at his picture in nazi uniform and ask in your show out loud; why those rich and almost almighty geniuses owning and running the "hollyweirdo" business,   (who have access to WH like to a pizza parlor), whose parents and grandparents suffered and died in the hands of nazis, don't see this, don't do anything against this occurrences, which, if not confronted and stopped right now, by the time only are going to grew bigger?
The same is going to come here, if that is not stopped there. Commi-islamists says that only way to created a "better society" is to fight American injustices and are recruiting with the tools that the West gave them, and no one in this country is talking how to start stopping this thing?

Vermin in the main stream media even using self-promoted-phonies calling themselves "psychic" to undermine Trump.
So far God is watching out for him because of the "silenced" majority, but he should start getting real, trustworthy people around him to be prepared for any contingency.
That's my wish is for him for this year.
There are very few trustworthy people in this world in general one can find at any given time. Especially in that type of sensitive endeavor that he took on. People swear oath to God, get married and half of them get divorce.
What will make a man ,who is running for a most powerful position in the world, trust another man?
I can only guess, but don't have a certain answer. ***************************************

In the meantime, vermin of .S.L in Syria devastated villages where the last people were speaking Aramaic, - the language of the Lord Christ. I heard this on Russian TV from a retired general who is also an expert in middle east and the current head of a research institute.
Details in what's going on in ME that experts in Russia know, we never heard in here. Maybe in department of middle eastern studies at CU some have a clue, but where are they? Who asks their opinion? No "journalists," no commentators and no politicians, as far as I see.
Why don't you put them on your show? **********************************************

 In the meantime, in Tehran people attacked Saudi embassy and threw fires on it for killing Shiite cleric among 47 other "rebels" against kingdom.
[All they did is talk. I don't see America worries about this part of the world. I guess according to diagnosis of our government Saudis have different immune system. "Democracy" pill, which is treated like a flue shot, might give them severe allergy and cause acute asthma attack at the same time. ]

Greeting New Year in Crimea; at Some didn't have electricity. Only 80% of semi-island is supplied by it and that is mostly with generators. Public didn't complain though, all were having fun saying that they survived shortages for one month, they're ready to survive another 3 mo, before the bridge from Russia will be completed. It expects to be done by April.
[Don't anyone in their right mind understand that you can not make people love, respect, deal and love with you or under your rule by force and victimization? Especially and particularly Russians.
What kind of cocktail drags, legal and illegal, the "West" provided to the thugs in Kiev to make their pathetic minds believe that type of insanity and actually act on it too? ] ***********************

In financial sphere; Bloomberg business predicted strengthening of $ in 2016.
Demonstrations and unrest are growing all over the Muslim world against Saudi gov. for execution of shiite cleric in there.

Syrian army is advancing in southern Daraa province.
Report by heroic Murad Gadziev, at 

To warm up all your hearts who are reading this blog, watch this at
I saw this story a few days ago and was following to see what happens. It could end tragically for a goat name Timur in a wild animal sanctuary called "Safari Park" in Russia. I was afraid to see him become a dinner for a tiger named Amur, as he meant to be.
Apparently twice a week Amur is fed a livestock. But when Timur had to meet his fate in Amur's claws and jaws, the cute beast changed his mind and became friends with him. ???
News hit the social media, then the TV, now there is a webcam streaming live 24/7 from enclosure of these unlikely friends.
Amur didn't become vegetarian overnight though. For last 3 years was being fed with live animals, goats, sheep and rabbits twice a week. But after this, no more goats are being served as dinner "courtesy" to Timur's "feeling."
This courageous animal is not a feed anymore, but a "persona," and favorite at that, for many millions of humans around the world who are watching this phenomenon in disbelieve.
In the beginning when the news broke on TV Russian experts were saying that tigers are unpredictable predators and Amur can flip on Timur at any time. Even some Animal Rights groups called on the zoo to separate them.
That's why I didn't report this right away. But now, I have a feeling that Amur is going to be a good boy all the way.
How many goats' lives Timur saved so far?
Can we, humans, also, all get along like Amur and Timur? Wouldn't it be nice?
We have an example that it can be done after-all, don't we?
I can only pray for more of these types of displays of compassion among those humans who prey on each another worse than beasts.
Most beast mostly have instincts for no fault of theirs. God gave humans intellect, conscience, judgment and will power, alas, often, to little or no avail.

So long.     :)
P.S. I wonder, if I'd go to Safari Park to hang with them for a little while, just for fun, would Amur spare me? Don't I look better than Timur? Look at my legs and his legs, hallo? I have better smile too... I can play ball... Climb a tree... Anyone can write to zoo keeper and Amur on my behalf,
please?  :) :) :)
P.P.S. I want to make a song about these two. I'll start with lyrics.

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