Thursday, January 7, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 7th, Thursday


Orthodox Christmas celebrations are continuing for 180 Million people worldwide. Christmas-tide will continue until the 19th, the day of Christening of JC, - Epiphany.
In St. Petersburg the first time after 90 years Yule liturgy was held in Cathedral of St. Isaak's.
This clip is continuation from yesterday's events.
Beautiful, you should watch to see the tradition and hear massages, at  
Warmth of heart and Mercy as an action to be taken towards each other is the main massage.  

3:30pm, your show started with clip from hillary-the-hilarious saying that global "climate change" is real.
[DUH? What about it? This thing going to make it 80*F 24/7 everywhere on this planet? I want to see her plan for it. First it was "warming," now it "cooling?"]

Now you're talking about leech-soros and his money predictions.
[That person is a menace to humanity in whole.]

Cortisol level in hair and in body fluids of a person can show the stress level and predict its effect on the psyche.

3:30pm. you're talking about sexual attacks from foreigners (mostly young middle eastern and north african males) on young girls in Germany over the holiday celebrations and in other places in EU. Cologne's cuckoo mayor said that young women should "conduct themselves appropriately" while in public among muslim men. She almost compared the attacks with "freedom of expression."
[Do not open my big fat mouth on this. At least not today. Don't have time for that now,
I don't like to put aggressor and the victim in the same place, but in this case thick filters needed to sort out that mess.
We have to do something in here today, in order not to let that happen in here.]

You just put a clip from the hilarious saying "we can't 'round' up 11 Million people in this country like in a bad movie."
You say she's deteriorating by the day and if Trump goes strong like this, she won't stand a chance.
[I agree. What is she talking about? Dementia sets in for her. First of all it's not 11 Million, it's much more, secondly, there are laws on the books already, she doesn't know about or she doesn't want to comply? So much so for a "lawyer" she is. Remember "Rose" law firm she was running? She ran that to the ground didn't she? Remember her on-the-paper-husband has his law licences revoked by the court for committing perjury? Remember she has a small blood-clot behind her ear a year ago for what she had to go through some procedure? Her hubby also looks very sickly to me. That's wrong with this couple?]

Now you say that not too long ago drags, addiction, dealers and users were topic of the talk in America. Not any more. You say, because of the pharmaceuticals and their lobbyists.
[Well, I knew that long ago. I wrote about it in this blog long ago. To me there are 4 pillars of the treat to this society's survival. MPLD I call it. It's the spin of the evil. The brain is the money, legs and hands are the lobbyists, etc. One day I'll draw my own diagram on this.
Lobby-ism should be prohibited abolished, prohibited and prosecuted. Otherwise the viruses, bacteria and infections can NOT be stopped from entering the body.]  ******************************

4:09pm; You're continuing the talk about drag addictions. You don't feel sympathy for addicts. You're right.
[Well, you want a news? Today in Union Square opened a pot-place. Another place in LI called "dispensary" is serving kosher too. ] ************************************************

You're talking about an Australian research which says that Cortisol level in hair and in body fluids of a person can show the stress level and predict its effect on the psyche.
Cortisol is similar to Adrenalin (both are stress hormones) and their levels can be lowered with V-C, Omega 3s. Bs, etc.

Drags are out of control and they're going just worse. I agree.
You're asking why presidential candidates are not talking about this issue? Afghanistan, drags and the money it provides for Some say they're the same. I agree with that too.
I agree with one of other talk show hosts who said on radio, "bomb them, bomb them, bomb, bomb, bomb and get out." I say "don;t even get close to get out, do it from afar. When you want to stop the gangrene of a finger you do not pick and poke, you amputate the hand or the leg. What if every corner of the body is infested with gangrene? It called "mercy killing, so infection will not spread. Infection WILL spread because there are no sanitation, no medications and no hygiene." Those are the conditions society MUST have to be able to survive physically. I can not start telling you how this people who are portrayed as "poor" (in every sense of that word),  hate America, western civilization and how happy they will be to finish with us all in order to go to heaven, live there forever and get their 72 virgins and none-bending p.nises. Don't tell me I came up with the last one. I heard a clip from a muslim preacher on Rush's show.

4:42pm you're saying that they're some rich people who are stupid and you have met some very smart people who are poor. That's true. I'm one of them. I don't call myself poor, I call myself "temporarily out of cash."
If a person has education, training in some trade, has a skill, experience in doing something, learning ability and can function physically and/or emotionally is not "poor," he/she is temporarily "broke."
Being broke can teach you other skills of survival and keep you away from evils, which can be beneficial and never will occur to you, should you haven't been broke. For example - overeating, or using drags, or using money to influence people in a wrong way (which can backfire at any time). I mean least can go on and on. Of something wrong with someone's judgment and you hive his/her lots of money that money will feed the bad habits, addictions, and even put a person in harmful ways.
In short, if you have money, it can go both ways; feed good and bad, and bad is more probable in a society where there is no morality, shame and virtue.
Look at holly-woodies, at their level of virtue and morality,  Beverly-thriller-limousine-liberals and their lives. In how many you can see a none-fiction assistance. Most of them lost a feeling of reality. They live in their own fictitious world, which works on the wheels called "faking and pretending" and the landlords of their "castles" are the their psychiatrists and psychologists.

Your second hour of over and I'm tired and hungry. I don't eat junk food, so I have to get going.
I'll listen the third hour on Internet while cooking.
6pm, your 3rd hour was mostly about the show you saw on HBO in cape cod and consequently about the influence of illegal drags on youth and on general population in our society.

8pm, I had a supper listening Russian romance music. So beautiful...
Report of Russian Christmas service from Latakia, Syria, at  

In Paris, a Moroccan man tried to get into #18 Police station with a big knife in his hand and was gun down, at  Surrounding metro stations were temporarily shot down.

Frenchman tightrope walker and extermal Mele Tankred drop from 30 m height to his dead in southeast of France while rehearsing high risk stunt. He was the founder of acrobatic group called Flying Frenchies.
He was only 32 y.old, had wife and a young child, at 
Another French dare-devil, wire-walker Philippe Petite walked between Twin Towers, NYC, in 1974 when those were still under contraction. He got arrested and charged with 14 criminal counts.

For today I finally found one good news. It's from Kamarovo, Russia.
A boy by the name Dmitri, who lived in orphanage and wanted to have a family wrote a letter to Grandpa Frost (Santa in here) and asked to have a family, was adopted on the New Year's Eve, at Now he has a father, the mother is his school teacher and 2 older sisters. It's it nice...

I forgot to send a letter. I still have wishes and dreams. Wonder if I do it now, will it be counted?
New Year by the old calendar is at 14th. I have 7 days. I'm going to put P.S. and send out to ......
I let you all know when it happens.

So long.


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