Thursday, September 26, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 79)


I hear you, I hear your outrage. Christians are loosing their spine. Look what is happening to them all over the world and in this country.
My father was born in Alexandria, Egypt and went to French Catholic school.
Alexandria was a very international city then and they say it's still the most international today in that country. Because of the Mediterranean sea, the whole Europe was trading there at that time. My father
spoke his native language, French, Arabic, Turkish and then learned Russian.
When I was in high school in 70's he still had cousins in Egypt. They visited us couple of times and were saying that Christians are gradually leaving Egypt. At that time already many of his cousins left, mostly to Europe and America.
I have so many things in my life these days, my mind is racing. I have 21 horses in all directions pulling me to do so many things and the only obstacle is for not being able to do all those things, guess? - you're right, the money. Money, money, money, always sunny in the rich men's world. Remember the Abba's song? Not sure that is always sunny in the rich men's world, but as my cousin says better be miserable with money, rather than without it.
My friends say I shouldn't blame myself, because I'm a "book smart" not a "street smart." I'm not connected, innocent and moral.  These are no-nos in aggressive and immoral society.
If American government would be considered a corporation it would be legally bankrupt long time ago. Those smarty pants in congress!!! Look what they did to this country! Of course they should pass a drug test and should do it every month and it should be randomly done on live TV. This massure will clean it up alright. And these people thinking they have something to tell others?
Teach others "democracy?" Democracy your dog's foot! Let me stop here, before I go to far.

So long.

To Michael savage (part 78)

Ha, ha ha, you said it. O acted like a school girl who decided not to go to prom because the guy made her upset. Ohboyohboy.

The racism issue with Oprah handbag. She wasn't buying it anyways. She wasn't even that harsh talking about the incident and media took it off talking on the news on radio practically every hour. Like the whole world came down. Here I go to store, right in NYC and I feel uncomfortable when they greet me, some stores shake hands, so you know they're watching you closely. I worked in 2 retail stores years ago. They trained us to give the most attention the ones who are most suspicious.
Europe and also Soviet blocks are famous for their nasty service attitudes. Go to Rego Park in Queens or Brighten Beach, they are almost as nasty as they have been back there. Like they're doing favor for you scanning your items or just taking the money. Extremely few, maybe the one who grew up in here might not rack your nerves. And this is when you speak their language.
In France you can ask the price in French, if the behind the counter don't like you, not only she wouldn't answer or show, she 'd simply turn back. At least that woman who was selling bags communicated with O and said, sorry she don't want to spoil her mood.
You know how many times I curse them out for their nastiness, French and Russians alike? That's why I'm not planing to go anywhere anytime soon.
In my experience living in Queens for 4 years and going to grocery stores almost daily Iranian Jews are very extrimly nice and kind and good merchants. No comparason to Russians - Jew or Gentile.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 77)


Congratulation on your new time slot, I'm happy when you're happy although it don't make any difference for me right now. If I'd work full time, how would I listen to you during the day?
I just checked if Mr. Putin was in NYC these days. He wasn't, prime Minister was. They came up with some resolution today, you can read it on and the second round of talks will be in October.
John Bachelor was right in his opinion about Putin's article saying that he's saying and directing theUS in the right direction in terms of politics and mistakes made in Middle East. Putin always says that he always does what he signs under. There was a US senator on foreign affairs committee years ago screaming and listing the international agreements and contracts between the two saying that on each and every one of them the US failed to comply or follow up.
Oh, by the way, just read that yesterday Bill Clinton talked on his Clinton Global Initiative's  annual meeting and told CNN that Putin can be trusted, that he kept all of their deals. Now I know why was he
in NYC. But with his wife they bed-mounted each other. She said Putin has no soul because he was an agent guy and Mr. Putin said that in his opinion politician at least has to have a head. So between two of those river is frozen right now.
Also Russia and Belarus conducted military drills on western borders. Estonian president became paranoid and sent bombers into airspace. This was the laughing part of today news loud for me. Also I'm sure you saw that kerry meet with his Iranian counterpart.
I'll be listening to you in about an hour from now. Just was wondering who pays more Cumulus or the other network which has WOR where Rush and Sean are moving?
Some agency is suing Geraldo Rivera. This guy talks from all 4 sides of his mouth every day. How he's on conservative channel? He smells like those old rotten democrats who never can come out of their shell. Sometimes he sneaks his mustache out of it, but his tongue gives it away at the end.
Your show will start on 20 minutes. I'll be listening.

So long now.

To Michael Savage (part 76)


You know NYC now is packed with "important" people from all over the world. I try and successfully avoid all the traffic. Couldn't care less to see anyone up close. Maybe only Mr. Putin, I'm not even sure if he's here. Yesterday, Tuesday, I was walking back home on 5th Ave., turned your program on at 9:06pm. You just started, in few minutes when I approached 5th Ave. and 60th street, I saw security all over on front of The Pierre. Passing by the front door I saw they're clearing the way to someone to come out. There was a man by the door, he smiled at me, said hello, I joined and stood by his side to see who is coming out.
Lo and behold, guess who - Bill Clinton himself, without the wife. I never have seen him in person, although he has been in different occasions like book signing after his presidency at Barnes and Noble in UWS, but I coudn't care less to go. This was real up-close. He looked worn-out, his hair was all grey and thinner, had all wrinkled neck. He's a little over 6" I'd say. The man beside me said that he spoke at UN for about 20 minutes and that he's one of his videographers. Showed me more pictures of him and his wife on his phone. This took maybe 5 minutes or so, the big shot got into a car, I said good night to the man, walked towards Madison Ave. and put the volume up on my walkman. I was pleasantly surprised, he was my president after all, but had mixed feelings anyway, somehow wasn't in awe to see ones most powerful person in the world so close. I was trying to sort out my feelings with my mind. when I heard your voice again, you were talking what? - about him! Calling him a criminal who bombed Serbian churches, killed people, devastated Christian art and cultural values. How he came to your mind right at that minute when I was asking myself if he was a good or a bad man, that was more surprising to me than seeing him in person accidentally. Like you saw me seeing him and asking myself how to feel about him. You just answered to my Q. You talked about talisman that Serbian priest gave you, when you visited the church when he was bombing Serbia and talked about donation you made to church through a nun and how you found the talisman  after thinking that you lost it. That was a sign. Your words at those minutes were the sign telling me don't be "pleasantly" surprised, he's a crook. Mark Levin today on his show called him a p.rv.
Your words brought me to that time. I also went to Serbian church in NYC in midtown at 26th street, talked to the priest there. They were collecting help to send out to victims. I donated clothing and put a candle preying by the side of a young Serbian girl. At that Easter I went to that church. I didn't know anyone, but I felt home. Actually saying "Christ is risen" in Serbian is the same as in Russian.
Sometimes somethings can come to my mind and you start talking about it. And that might not be the news of the day. I start singing some tune before your show starts and all over sudden you start the show with the same tune. Some telepathy is in works. Most of the time, which is usual by now, whatever is in my mind you just put in words loudly. Also you're like me (or I'm like you) can change the topic fast. Most of the people I know often stop me to find out if I'm still on the same page or I changed the topic already. And those could be Columbia graduates. Of course your English is still better, but I also speak ebonics (lol), and couple of other languages. You should try ebonics, it's fun, you'll fit into Harlem crowds right away. My favorite comedian is Katt Williams. i can do Katt by heart, on a dot. People absolutely crake up. You don't believe how many people, total strangers ask me if I'm a professional comedienne. I say no, but maybe I should be. It's a good way cooping with depression, right? @ times a day you have to be up and 2 times you have to be down, like the seas, as you say.
Absolutely correct!
Your show starts in 3 minutes and I have to log out now to listen.

So long.

Monday, September 23, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 75)


Monday morning in NYC. I walk to the park, watched the seals swimming in the Central Park Zoo, listened to Delacorte clock's 9:30 song, came to work on Internet. From looking at your site I decided to
send an email to Pravda and ask them to publish your dissected letter of Mccain's stupidity. I tried 100 times to email whatever directly they put out there, it wasn't working. So Pravda never have been and is not a big deal in Russia. Then I emailed differently, not sure if it got there. I'll also print it out and send them with usual mail, see what happens.
The rest of the world is laughing on America's laws when they see our justice system. If you incarcerate
people, can't touch them, can't bit the sh.t out of them, can't victimize their families, feed them good food in jails and prisons and let them out bigger and stronger, what do you expect?
What I experience last 2 years is something out of the movie, which can consider fiction. And this is happening where? Guess where? In most expensive zip code in this city.
Today, when I came out looking at locals on Park Avenue, had an idea of the book cover "Clueless on Park Avenue." That would be ok, if these clueless people, most of them liberal, tote bag carrying men and plastic surgery women wouldn't pay for this.
Most of my neighborhood is still not back from where ever they're are, I assume Hamptons. I've got myself a quiet neighborhood while living in hell in the belly of the beast.
The only thing keeps me going is that I tell myself that everything has a reason and this should have it's own and shall end one day - GOD willing!!!
Have your producer call to Pravda.

So long.

Friday, September 20, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 74)


Yesterday's show was brilliant! You should send that very truthful and analytical letter of yours to Pravda, Izvestiya, Moscow Times and others. You should go on Why your producer don't call? In Russia they have a famous discussion group called "Volday group" you should go on that too.
Today I came out of house, went around 59th street and saw an enourmous line to Apple store for new IPhones. Stood by the securrity lady who was managing the lines, chit-chat a little bit and watched the crowds. Overwhelming majority of people looked Asian. She said they send those to their countries, they more expensive in there.
Something strange came to my mind. I'd do it if I'd be younger and not uncomfortable getting attention in public. I wanted to make a sign "Senator McCain - kiss Putin's .ss" and hold it right there - in front of that enourmous crowds passing by. That really would hit some scenes very fast. Most of them in there were playing with their phones and taking pictures of the "event."
If I'd have your blassings I'd do it though.

So long.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 73)


I'm listening. I just don't have the patience to keep calling and not being able to get though. I just read the article by Mr. Putin, which was very polite. Then I went and read just couple of paragraphs of that
Buck McKeon character and I've got noxious. I can't throw up in here, I'm in electronic's store. This thing is in charge of committee of armed forces? WOW, WOW, WOW! they all MUST be checked in head and in mind. In Russian they say "duxovno bolnoy" means sick in the soul. What we call mentally  
ill they call spiritually ill. This guy is both. He's a basket case. I don't like that Moscow Times thing. I think it's leftist or something. I'm going to double check. Now, I've got a desire to right against this so called "fellow citizen of mine" - the buck - the horn!

If you'd hear my life stories every day or see on live-stream, you'll find out that some sick take medication, many are not. Some are known crazies, many are obscure. Last 2 years I meet so many bed and crazy people, that I expect everyone to be and act crazy. I'm not surprised what that schizophrenic did. Who checks anybodies mental health and who are the checkers? The doctors? The ones who can't find their own right medications and cures?

It's got colder in NYC. I wasn't ready. My nose is running. I'll be listening to you in 10 minutes.
So long.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 72)


I can't, I can't, oh my!... This should be funny, if wouldn't be so dangerous. See who are ruling the world. How did this happen? How insane people got where they got? It's like a comedy of errors not for normal equations or people but of mentally ill, psychopathic, vicious and suicidal.
Nobody knows what's going on. More garbage you hear more sh.t comes out of it. No sooner you hear someone is trying to make sense, another one is putting a hot mess on top of it.
Rush was right to call carry and mccain old f.rts. Did you hear? They hired a 26 years old fraud to consult them? If even she had a PHD, it don't mean anything to me. She knew someone that's how she got a job and she also has "personal qualifications" for old f.rts. I saw she photo, she looks like a face they'd like you use.
What about coney rice who got a job because of she skin color? She had a PHD about "cold war" which she brought back. Now this administration got another lying rice on their side. She got a position because of the color and the last name and she connections to feds.
That was nice that you read from Mr. Putin. Also the comedy about nancy was hilarious. She consulted she 4 years old grandson what to do about the world, like O was saying that his 10 years old daughter consult him about the rights of homosexuals. 10 years old knows about sex? That's one "functional" family right there. No wonder his wife flies separately and had a freudian slip of the tongue saying 'as a single mother" while talking about herself. After the reporter try to correct she, she didn't even change, she said that was what she meant.
There was a statistic that about 70% of American are on at least one medication. My doctor things that's very optimistic. I think, the rest should be too. Some taking it, some don't. Do we know how many politicians here and all over the world are drugged up?  You should see what kind of fraud, illegality, "violation" of "human rights" I see every day. I actually saw it today, right this morning.
Someone being threatened while called racial names, such as "white batch" called the police. 19 precinct as usual operates on the motto "get paid, get out of here" came over, didn't do nothing, she called again, then they frisked her and call the ambulance.  Place I'm at has a policy of not taping, so ones you don't have a proof you just give business to courts. How you can proof what's going on, if it's "illegal" to tape. I don't know where to ask for political asylum to get our of this messy garbage this liberal trash society created for themselves. There are no right and wrong, no good or bad, so if you were born normal, lived a normal life and want to continue, it becomes impossible.
because they're the crazies, they are the perverts, they're the criminals, that's why they say the rest of society is like them so they can bring everybody down with them. If you mixed good with bad, it ALWAYS becomes bad. That's why the bad, rotten ones say we're all the same, which means you can't be good. There is no good in their minds.
Oh well, you have to be a monarch to clean this sh.t. No less than a good monarch can fix this.
I'll be listening to see how tragicomedy of my life unfold today.

So long.
