Sunday, January 31, 2016

To Michael Savage Feb. 1st, Monday, 2016


Wee hours of the morning.
Nice weather for February in NYC. I enjoyed the blizzard, some snow piles are still here and there.
Today is Iowa caucuses' day. How much is that important for final result in November, I don't know.
Everybody can check this site for more info 

I found so many heart warming videos on youtube, I'm going to link a few just to show that as humans we vary in our nature as animals in their kingdom.
Look one is hostile and dangerous, the other is friendly and helpful,
at  Delphine rescues dog from shark. 
If this is a made up video, it's still matches the nature.

Look, a man rescuing a dog from icy waters, at
This is something else; a dog sobbing uncontrollably on its owner's grave,

Thursday, January 28, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 28th, Thursday


Good for Trump! He don't have time for bimbos like megyn, everyone go to #BoycottFoxDebate and do not watch it; not today and not ever!!! Until bozos called "journalists" in main stream media learn a lesson of bitter truth that they're not representing the public.
Doc, you're right, most blab-mouths-called-journalists=vermin-in-entertainment-industry.
Journalist should be an intellectual, the least to say. Which one is intellectual among those vermin working in "liars for highers" industry?
Just ask yourselves; "what did I learn by listening to this program? You'll get your own answer -
nothing but bozo-bimbo-cuckoo-garbage! Made up faces and pictures that every bomb who don't have internet can release themselves. Oh, oops! I shouldn't have said it. My bad. But, I did; - I spoke everyone's mind.
Tonight Mr. Trump is going to invest his time and energy to benefit worthy people in this society, not to give business to! Again, Oops! See how truth can come out from someone like me who don't answer to NOBODY but God?
I'll tell you why I say this; because real, real, real smart, educated, knowledgeable, experienced and decent (meaning moral, yes "moral") and not connected people can't find a job to tell the TRUTH.
The game of the main stream media is mostly fake, phony, fraudulent business based on "tone of voice," "impressions" and of course, - lies. A big time!
More I watch, hear, read and think about things they write, show and talk about, more disappointed I get.
We need an alternative media. Totally new type. It's becoming imperative by the day. The type that will bring down the business empires ran by conmen-n-bullsh.t artists without being afraid of retaliation. Do not underestimate the power of viciousness those who run such empires are possessing.
If someone independent can break into the "funny" relationship between the-fat-slab-roger-n-the-bimbo, American public in general will start gaining a little confidence about real journalism and about those who are out there and can dare to tell the truth.
That can be me, myself and I with God's will and Mr. Trump who can sponsor my project.
I was coming to this point for many, many years, approximately from mid 90's when I started to read, watch and listen in English and after the clinton's scandal broke.
Let me remind the readers of this blog; I never, ever had one hour of "English language" lesson in my life. I learned how to read and write all by myself here in NYC starting 20 years ago.
If my English is not up to par with English language professors of Columbia University, it's as good or even better than the ones who graduated with MBA from there.
How do I know? I used to work there and many professors from there told me.
This blog is like a hard copy, a notebook, a scab book for my thoughts. I don't have time to read, reread or edit myself. I can go on with "fancy" words like NYTimes does, but who are they fooling? Not me. I don't read that thing. Look at the language of NY Post. It's a total slang. Look at headlines with no grammar whatsoever and beside don't even make sense.
Sometimes I think that instead of "pot-room" for break they've got "dispensary." What are they mixing? Who checks the illegal drags in their system? How about mental illness?
At least, for comedians, you know that they're on something most of the time. I mean, I'm not saying all of them, I'm saying most of them, but at least, I believe, most of them come out, talk and laugh about it. They do not pretend to be "intellectuals." That's why I like comedy clubs.
In my opinion comedy is the best way to destroy the vermin in the media. I can do that.
I haven't ever smoke anything; cigarettes, pot, legal, illegal - whatever. I never saw any other than pot in my life. Know many, many who are on it their entire life. Some are very "functional." Don't know the difference between heavy drags, don't even want to find out.
I hate smoke of any kind and detest smokers who poison the air that I need to breath to survive. Those who do it in their own homes,- be your own guest and stay there, please. Who does it in the streets and in other public places and it gets to my lungs, as far as I'm concerned, should drop dead.
Sooner the better.
Throughout almost quarter of century living in NYC I have seen so many vicious, verminic, hateful, destructive and dangerous people that I thank God I didn't become a doctor. I wouldn't practice anyway. Giving "help" to some of those I came across in my life is a crime committed not only against Americans, but against humanity in whole. I'm not exaggerating at all. That's why I like cameras all over. I want cameras 24/7 attached on me on 360 angle live-streaming. Only then you can sue and sue and sue and sue and break down the empires of lies and deceits. Otherwise, bozo-judges using naive-n-stupid laws can't do anything.
Why I say this? Because; taking the video in many places is "illegal" and when going to the court -
"you don't have the proof." Imagine that. Isn't this a sick logic for the lack of better words?

I heard that bimbo-megyn was talking about "white privileged" with O'Reilly. She is under a white-fat-pig, I agree, she is "privileged," She was talking about herself.
Isn't it? I should ask her this. Why not her answering to my Qs?
All I need a mic., studio, sponsor and psychical protection. Believe me, as soon as I'll open my mouth, hate will come toward me like a tycoon. No doubt about it.
I'm ready though.

After 3pm, your show started.
"Adapt or die" - you say, - "You can live with purest philosophy." Pragmatist vs. purists. You're pragmatist, I'm pragmatist, Mr. Trump is pragmatist.
You're right, Trump is the best right now, there is no one comes close. I was ready for him in 2011.
I started my blog then at and was disappointed when he stopped.
But guess what? I still have those couple of posts. I didn't delete them for the reason that I hopped he's come back. Now I continue, but most of the material about him I write in here.
I don't even know if these 2 blogs are connected. Maybe I should find out how to do it?
I don't watch CNN, That's a real stupid network, but tonight I'm going to. Unless and before we start our own broadcasting company, we have to use those bozos'.
I need to talk to an "intellectual property" lawyer. Now that I remember, I'll mark it down here.

Let me tell you something; there is no such thing that "purest." Who is the purist? Show me one and let me check their lives with 24/7 camera. You'll find out what "pure" means. Very quickly.
I consider myself a conservative, but disagree with 2 major issues on their list. Those two particularly look very good and humane, the way that if you'd say you disagree you'll feel bad about your own self. That's what they rely on; for you to feel "bad" and say nothing, but "yes." Unfortunately to their "pure conservative" brains, they don't or pretend they don't understand that generally people are not stupid, they ask their own Qs. One of those 2 major points, which are not negotiable in their rigid minds, is a lie, and the other is anything but humane.
I don't want to go into it right now. Actually you agree with both of those. You repeated a million times. I can't argue with you on your show, unless we sit down privately, tete-a-tete, and I ask couple of Qs to clear your position. ********************************************************

You're talking about Teddy now, my heart goes out for him. Boo-boo, little baby boy.... Ohhhhhh.....
I'd baby-sit for him. Dogs love me. I have a very strong positive energy. Proven. Kids and animals are more sensible and they feel it right away. Dogs jump on me on the streets, they owners get puzzled; "do I know you" they ask usually. I say "no, your dog does, we are long lost cousins." I've got to know couple of people in UWS through their dogs. They "introduced" us.

You're talking about "young whites with hanging down pants who can't do the job that immigrants do." What about blacks? Do they do it? Why you're separating only one group? I don't get it. You often blame others for doing so by saying "you attack those who most likely won't fight back." Now you're doing it and the caller is saying "America is full of greatness and by talking like that you sound like a democrat." I agree with this caller.
My opinion; maybe some job in certain places, but not in general. I still believe and want to see that I have been right that in America there are enough young people to carry this country forward. They need guidance, leadership, education, moral stimulus, etc. I know what stimuli they need. I also will include them in my conversations. Pick them up from streets. Ask them Qs directly. Show their parents, their lives, their examples. ****************************************************
I'll based my programs on all of those spheres of social and political life of this country. **********
See you're helping me to collect my thoughts in here. I have them in so many notes that is difficult for me to sort out. Everything is intertwined and connected in life. Cause and effect and side effect. Like in medicine. Oh, let me say again, if I missed it, I'm also a licensed Medical Nurse in Military Reserves, trained in USSR. I've got 2 technician certificates from here and many years ago worked in doctor's office as a medical assistant.
Oh, I've got another idea to help Mr. Trump to maintain his health and get even better.

Your second hour just started; you're reading from J. R. Kipling, a poem to his son. You like that poem, you read it before couple of times.

4:12pm you say "the opponents unleashed sharks at Trump to see him bleed."
You just gave me another idea; I'm going to get a shark for him. Not a real one, a toy, a stuffed animal, for him to carry like a talisman.
Yes, Mr. Trump is the only one who can have things done, he is THE only deal maker in today's political lineup. He's the one who has a big family and business to protect. I can trust him the steering wheel of the yacht.
With Hilly or Bernie we will get into terrible wars that we can't come out from. That's my gut feeling. Cruzing-Ted is a product of a law school of lower learning. he might not be a bad person, might really mean well and good for America, but he's not street smart or practical enough to navigate a yacht full of more than 300 Million people in increasingly stormy waters where every fishing boat wants to attack and drown it.

Some disgusting feeling I have about the law in general in USA.
1. Lying is like a second nature for lawyers in general in this country.    
2. They don't even know the law. There is very little clarity. It uses 200 years old language, outcome depends on how good is the lawyer is or who is the judge.
What kind of sh.t is that? Craftsmanship of conning and bs artistry.
I never could be one of them.

Actually when I was new, I thought they were the heroes of this society. When I heard from an elderly but still very smart lady (102 years old at the time) that both are crooks, I  thought she was joking, just being funny with me. Little I knew...     she wasn't. Almost. I hope.

You're calling O'Reilly a Leprechaun, and saying that 18% of Fox owned by Saudi prince.
You think they like you, love you and appreciate that you let them buy a piece of business to make more money for themselves? No-hell-no! They hate you more and want you dead as soon as possible. It's just more money for them to buy more rope for you when they come closer to your head.
They associate America, Christianity and western civilization with only money, immorality, blood and other sins, which in their minds is the reason God created them to clean it up from the face of the earth.
Killing us is a God's massage for them, which is rewarded with unlimited sex and heavenly life. And, if they die for it, then it's even better because they will go the the better side sooner and faster.
All of them are like that? I don't know. I don't have a polling company. I hope not. How many are like that percentage-wise? You do the math. To me it's a very-very high percentage.

Fox news VP BillSammon's daughter works for Rubio campaign? A-ha! No wonder.
He's one of them who writs Qs to candidates? Pack of hyenas on Fox. You should write a "political zoo" on all of them. Foxy fox is in charge in that territory. I see.
Good job Mr. Corey Lewandowski!

Now look how world can turn around in a minute and how important it is to have a sane commander-in-chief of USA. Apparently last Monday, 25th, American spy jet (otherwise called "reconnaissance" or "intelligence gathering" aircraft (to fool the fools)) was flying over Black Sea and Russian SU-27 destroyer buzzed it. They came very close. Now, some Hernandez character from our Navy said that it was "a dangerous provocation." Ha?
Say it again, Mr. DanielHernandez! You put your nose into someone's backyard sniffing around and when give an a buzz to watch out you feel threatened? Oh..... Poor you from me.
But.. if you so scared by buzz why don't you go home and get under your warm blanket and lay with your cat by the fireplace? That would be good for all of us - Americans.

Look at this, see how tiger's patience can expire, even if he becomes friend with a goat.
I posted the story of tiger Amur and goat Timur who became friends in Russian zoo. Timur was given to Amur for dinner, but instead of eating him, Amur took him as a friend. For last 2 mouths they are co-existing, sharing a warm cave, playing, eating, sometimes arguing and browsing around in their own ways. After an hour of intimidating Amur by pushing, shaving and jumping, Timur got a slap on his face and ended up in vet's clinic with minor injuries. Director of the zoo is giving credit to Amur for not killing Timur, at and Their life is live-streamed and watched by people from around the world.

Russian athlete Max Kovtun finished 3rd in European skating championship in Bratislava, at 

About 11pm; I watched Trump's event for veterans in Des Moines, Iowa.
Raised over $6M in one day. He started planing only less than 24 hours before the event.
Good for him, God bless, almost all his family was there.
Everyone can donate at Two of his "competitors" were there also; Huckabee and Santorum. They were united with one cause; - help the wounded worriers.
It was about an hour, shorter than I expected, but there was no entertainment, besides 2 girls for couple of minutes whose endorsement of Trump went viral in youtube.
You know what was upsetting to me? This wasn't political event. Of course it comes like a wallpaper in everyone's mind, but to me this was a pure charity event.
But again, bunch of disturbed disturbers made noise couple of times.

Let me write these before I forget;
1. In 5 American cities DOS is closing Russian consulates. [What that suppose to mean? For what?]
2. America is building a military base in Syria. [Really itching to go head to head with RF, isn't it?]

In his last press-conference, couple of days ago, Sergei Lavrov said that for last couple of decades the West had been aggressive toward Russian borders and continuing to be. "RF is tired of negotiating one way, from now on it has to come from its own interests as from equal partner,"
he said.  

The war can get hot between RF and UA in Donbass and RF and USA in Syria, all because of American foreign policy's cuckooishness there - in Europe, there - in Middle East and everywhere else. Trump is right; he asked today; "who remembers when the last time we won anything?"
O doesn't listen even to John Kerry on Russia. Who knows what type of powers are cooking ideas in his mind. ???
We need completely and totally independent media and we need it real fast. No doubt about it.
I smell the end of EU and that stinks. I'm afraid 2 oceans are not enough to filter it, this is a news type of stuff and we're not prepared. No brains in Congress or in WH to prepare American people for this and no willingness to prevent whatsoever.
The proof that we have incompetent mass media is that all these hot staff is not even mentioned in any debates by presidential candidates. To Qs to them, no answers from them, nothing. Only Trump is acting wise by not wanting to have war with Russia, but it as far as he goes. He needs big time real deal advisers on this. I'm one of them. I know who the others can be and can bring them together.  

So long.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 26th, Tuesday


Snow is melting today in NYC. Nice and bright sunshine.
Yesterday I listened to the first part of your show. You were fuming.
You started your show today by talking about elections in general, said that Trump is going to be on the next hour. Talked about Teddy's cardiogram. He'll be OK.
You've got an article on your web site called "diseases without borders" and want us to spread the word through our social media sites. I don't use Face-hook, very rarely Twitter.
I tweeted it for you already @Starlet737.
I'm not using my name, because I have not done and still don't do anything commercial.
Maybe I should start. ??? Soon it will be 6 years I have been blogging. Money will help me to get socially more involved, first of all in politics.
I don't even know how to do it. Not yet. Someone can give me ideas on comments box? thx!

It's after 4pm now and Trump will come on on the bottom of the hour. He is right to be worn Fox News with not willing to participate in another BS-show scheduled by them on Thursday.
Why would he. He knows that dem-controlled-lame-stream-media is against him. he said it so many times. We saw it with out own eyes already.
They already show their poisonous tongues, their violently hostile minds and faces in a form of a so called "nice looking woman."
In the first debate she didn't look nice, she looked scary and emotionally violently aggressive. Dark smoke was coming out of her nostrils and she was ready to jump him and bite on his neck. That's what I saw. And she started with a nasty comments trying to shmere him with mud before asking pathetic Qs.
Roger Ales should be ashamed of himself. Don't you think he's  ............................  let me stop here.
4:36pm mr. Trump is on.
For your Q about defense he said we need people like Patton and MacArthur and we can find them today in our military schools.
You asked all sorts of Qs and I will link it from your site, after you'll post it in there.
You think this was the best interview of all with him so far.
"Hide, run and fight" is today's commend for military by O.
You said that your listeners should remember and never forget that all the people who are attacking Trump now, attacked you for years. I agree.
You're asking to call the show to comment, but I don't want to. You're bad in picking up calls. 5pm.

Wow, look at that! Look what I found; today is 135th Birthday of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. 
In Nov. of this year will be 130th of Gen. George Patton.

3rd hour; you're talking about the US Navy being ran by a woman under O's watch. Calling Sanders a man from Katz'sdeli. Yes, he could be the one who gives out tickets. Will kill my appetite though.

1. To me the basic and absolutely necessary thing should be the drag test of all politicians. From the presidential candidates, members of Congress, governors, all Mayors of the cities, I mean - all of them. We all have doctors, right. So, what seems to be the problem? It's not even any additional effort needs to be made to release records about their physical health as well as about the state of their minds.
A little effort, which will be worth making, to me, would be the mandatory tests by 3 independent General Practitioners, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, who will be randomly picked by (I prefer by drawing) an independent commission.
That will clear the field so good, we'd not even believe in our own eyes.

2. The second law should be that they can not have any foreign investments or accounts at the time of their service and their family members can not be involved in doing business with government.

3. Lobbyism should be abolished. All members of Congress should get very highly qualified people running their offices-affairs (in both sense). I don't want "interns" picking up their phones and checking their emails.

4. No one while in any gov. office should be able to run for another job while getting paid for the one he/she is not doing.  Hello???
How someone can be paid as a senator, a governor, a mayor, etc. when he/she is not at work?

Can I get paid at any job while openly being on national TV and radio and asking for another job? What are you talking about? This is the biggest scam of this system.

5:40pm you're talking about generations of immigrant coming to this country and working hard to survive and succeed.
Statute of Liberty doesn't say "give me your poor" to feed for free, it says "to get a job."
I agree.
Don't let me start with that "Liberty" thing. Do you know the history of that statute and how the whole thing came about?
I have couple of real Liberty symbols in my house. Now that I remember this, I might open my heart and send them to Mr. Trump. ********************************************************

5:47pm. you're talking about human jealousy. OMG! You're right, there is no limit or reason for it.
That don't go under any column of  reasonable thinking. It's a monster on its own merits.
Some are born with that inside their hearts and minds, some are the living monsters themselves.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be enough or satisfying to some of those d.mons.
They're all over, every step of the way.
I used to think that poor people are better than the rich. That was the mentality in socialism, there I grew up. In there you simply could not be rich unless you stole. Well, I came to America not to become "rich" but to freely do what I wanted to do, what I was good at, and what I considered my mission. So far I haven't done it publicly and haven't seen the results - financial and/or moral.
I have done this for my soul only. So far this blog has been only a spiritual journey.
If even this won't mount to anything else, I'll still be very glad that I have done this.
6pm. You're done for today.
I want to talk about disease and immigrants. I'm an immigrant, I'm a naturalized citizen. I had to come with permission to exit the old country and with permission to enter this country.
Do be able to do so I was required to have a medial report about infectious diseases I might have. Also a x-ray picture and check up of lungs. Then, when I had to go for interviews for permanent residency, they required me to go to a doctor here and get those things done in here.
At that time I was working in Ivy college, had a privet insurance, went to an UWS doctor and had it done in his office. Took all the medical records, letters from work places (there was time when I worked in more than 1 jobs), did the copies of paychecks (just in case), have made photos from in 2 different places, have done fingerprints in 2 different places, etc.
Everything was more than asked, more than enough and presented in variety of ways.
I still remember the immigration officer who had my file in his caseload and interviewing me 2-3 times before I become a permanent resident, - Mr. B.rg.yne. He was amazed by me.
He said "in my long career (about 30 years) in this department, interviewing countless people, I haven't seen anybody else as ready and eager to become a US citizen as you are."
We chat-chat about other "easy ways" people can get in. He really didn't like it.
"When they get in easy, they don't appreciate. The motivation is not there and in result they don't try to help themselves either." he said to me.
Now, my Q is; why would I try so hard and others don't and we suppose to be treated the same?
Where is the equality in this? Isn't this a discrimination of highest degree? Knowing that Europeans have heath care in much higher standards than the rest, why should I go through all sorts of hustles (not that I minded at that time, to me it was a pleasure to comply and prove myself worthy) and others don't?
When today's administration all the time is talking about "others" while "forgetting" to mention
US-WE the people of USA, thinking we're low-lives, we're as "smoked" as them, don't think that we have feeling of self-worth and we will NOT dare to question. Any Q they don't like has an "ism" in it, which attacks not only the subject of discussion, but also the person, thus shutting down the discussion all together.
Immigration is not a processes to "help" everybody around the world at first, but, to do good to society of the US - first and foremost.
Nobody knows about those things. Only me, myself and I. You want facts? I'll give you facts!
Mr. Trump is winning because "silenced" majority of this country is behind his beck. That's all.
People of this country who love it, want to keep it prosperous and strong, in general are smart, but most of them still don't know very much about lots of things going on around the world.
We already know that 2 oceans might not keep us safe in here anymore. The world is becoming a smaller and smaller place by the day. Even by the hour. Can society of amorality as its normal standard and living with legalized daily dope consumption catch up with it?
That's the problem. That's the question. It's old and basic as "to be or not to be."
As the saying goes "what goes around, comes around." It has a wisdom of ages. Came from Sanskrit. You do the math.
I'll get the chapter from Shakespeare and put in here later. *********************************
It's my Q too; should I waste my time, my life worrying and doing this,
or go out do like the rest, play the same game, have some "good" time?
After all life has a limit and no one can give the hours I put in here back to me. I don't have children.
Why would I care?
That's my Q to myself and the answer is "because I care." To be grateful to my country is in my genome, in my upbringing and education. That's who I am.

So long.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan 23-24, weekend edition


Wee hours of the morning. They predicted snow storm starting at any time. So far this has been a quite a warm winter with almost no precipitations, so I guess it's time. A little snow is good for soil.

Last couple of days I wasn't able to listen to your show. The last time you were fuming about Palin's endorsement of Trump.
I see it this way; Last time she endorsed Cruz. At this time at least Trump blocked it for Cruz.
If she'd not endorse Trump now, she'd still be somewhere in the middle of those two, right? This way, kind of, the coast is clear for T.
He said they have known each other for a long time and he respected her highly.
Do not underestimate power of Palin, she might still have lots of fans. Her career path was very difficult; white conservative woman who fought with her own party to get on top and survived and succeeded?
She was attacked and verbally ostracized by all sides. In her position she was constantly being sued no matter what she had done, that's why she left the office. Being married all her life to a full time working husband, raising a big family, already a grandmother and still looking good - you have to give it to her.
Trump has to use every help he can get, that's how I see it.

What else is new that I want to mention in here?
Saline Dian's brother and husband died at the same time from the same thing. What the heck!

Oh, yeah, another stupidity of Int'l caliber came out from British governemnt. After so many years, they came up with a "conclusion" that MP of Duma, Andrei Lugovoy killed Alex. Livtinenko in 2006.
How the binge-drinkers figure that out, of course, will remain unknown.
I watched an extensive interview with him by one of the best interviewers on Russian TV and got the picture in my mind. First of all, cuckoo wiki-pedia don't put everything currently in there.
The 3 facts I've got out from him;
1. Unpredictability of British Government; it can grant VISA, can't reject it to whomever, whenever.
[That's what in my book called "cuckooishness." mw]
2. He was poisoned with polonium210 also. he went through treatment and survived.
[Actually they weren't even 2 of them poisoned, there were other people also. That makes me think that maybe British authorities wanted to kill everyone who they knew had been and still was working for RF? Maybe Litvinenko had a worse immune system, or got a lower doze, or after they've got everything out of him, just let him go? ]
3. Litvinenko was a traitor, he was working for for 2000 pounds a month.
[Who likes a traitor? Nobody. Every country hates them, they just use another country;s bastard before they discards them. Litvinenko most likely, in my opinion, was one of those who's "usefulness" expired before his demise. Why pay a useless idiot monthly salary? It's stupid and I agree with it.]
4. MI6 openly offered Lugovoy to "change hands" of the master (mw), but he refused. Shortly after that they got rid Litvinenko all together.
5. All the "digging the ditch again" restarted after Malaysian airplane crushed over Ukrainian couple of years ago and the West tried very hard to blame on Russia.
Any dirt they can dig to keep RF "at bay," continue sanctions or bring an "excuse" in order to come up with new ones and get some "damages" paid for it, they will do. Don't forget, most of lawyers work on commission. So, why not put out all the hooks just in case?
This is basically it. Lugavoy is a deputy of Duma, they can't catch him, have him deported, etc.
In English they say "barking up the wrong tree." In other language, that I'm fluent in, they call it with one word - "money-bark." That's all.

Who doesn't know that Intel service is ran like a gang; it has harshest commitment rules; you can leave it, but you can't go against it? What's difficult in it to understand?
Keeping mouth shut is also required in any other simple workplaces. If I go to the next place asking for a job and start badmouthing the previous job or boss, guess what, nobody is going to take me.
For badmouthing you can get sued for causing damage to other person's reputation.
Imagine that "badmouthing" pertains to security of a country. Litvinenko was a piece a sh.t and he died like that.
After his demise holly-woodies didn't waste a day; came up with a movie, took his wife and young son around to every " film opening" like show dogs. Made as much money as they could.
I'm sure all the holly-weirdos forgot about them right after their checks cleared.

Wackos and weirdos in entertainment also paraded a very young Pakistanian girl and made money on her pain too. The other day you were reading names on WH's invitation list, you read hers and said
"I don't know who it is." I know, but there is no need for you to know, so, I'll save my energy.

Good notes from Russia;
Ruble went up a little, which is good for multi-suffering (literal translation from Russian word "mnogostradalnaya") people of Russia.
This one is really funny and great; a young man was targeting and robbing old ladies in his town.
After several offences and no arrest, a local policeman decided to get the bottom of it. ???
Guess how? He wore old lady's clothing and shoes, picked up a handbag, covered his his face as much as he could with scarf and went out for a walk at night. There... !!!
As soon as bastard attacked, he was downed and arrested.
That's the Lady's Man right there. He should get that title. he came up with the idea by himself and did it. Should I be his boss, I'd give him the title LM, give a bonus and upgrade his rank.

I wish someone from NYPD can do it to protect my "rights." I don't see it happening any time soon.
2am. Snow started. GN

1:46pm, snow storm is at full swing in NY and NJ. This one looks NOT to be overstated. Mayor declared a state of emergency and as of 2:30pm all private and none emergency vehicles are ordered to be off the roads. Public transportation also is going to be shut down, such city and interstate buses, Metro North, LIRR with over the ground stations of subway.

Well, it's nice to be home and watch all of this on TV.
Now news; Russian diaspora in Berlin came out to protest against the flood of unchecked refugees who commit crimes and go uncharged. They said that they're not against immigrants, they are against violence they bring with them. Remind you that this is at aftermath of 13 y. old Lisa's (Russian girl) kidnapping and rape by migrants. About 700 people came out the streets to demand full investigation and inquiry if all immigration laws on the books. Germany is famous for its hard immigration policies and with this flow it broke all the bars, at

In the meantime 6 German Attorneys filed a lawsuit against De-tran and her cabinet in Constitutional Court for policies handling refugee crisis, at 

Look, something interesting at 60 km from Moscow, a single engine plane experienced a failure and pilot had no choice but to land in the middle of busy highway. Miraculously no one got hurt.

Giant Panda in the National Zoo in DC at the first time in her life enjoying the snow, frolicking adorably, at It's viral on Internet.

Another amazing thing, this one is from the world of Art, at
In Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow exhibition of works of Valentin Serov got so overcrowded that it has been extended for another week. Why? Why is this a big deal to report?
Just look at the line of people trying to get inside the museum in that freezing weather. Have you seen anything like that in here? It's 1*F or -17*C in Moscow.
Due to overflow of art-thirsty people, necessary temperature for preservation of painting inside the galleries was compromised. One of the entrance doors, which suffered a damage due to "storming in" 2 days ago had to be fixed. Today, Saturday, from early morning lines of visitors formed around the block. Museum's administration and city's emergency services put out tents where visitors could warm up, have a cup of hot tea and food from military-type traditional field kitchen provided by "Military-Historical Society" with buckwheat kasha (porridge) and "tushonka" (canned pork), which warmed up serves as stew.
At 2:17min. head of search operation of MH Society, Sergei Bachinskiy says that it's a field recipe from 1941.
Talking of a cultural boom.

[That's a real Russian spirit right there. I don't like cold, at 29*F in NYC I'm in my bed, but that type of event would take me out too. To me that's an experience of 3 sensations combined; the Art, the taste of food on historic recipe and the type of people around.
Look at this; at 1:30min. into the tape you'll see a young couple who arrived on train this morning from Blagoveshchensk, Amur region, just to see the painting with their own eyes. Check how far it is from Moscow and you'll get the feel of atmosphere outside of the Gallery.
At 1:42min. a man on line shows a hand warmer he is using to keep warm and says that he is ready to stand on line for another 4 hours. Yolky zelenniye! ]

Minister of Culture of RF Vlad Medinskiy with Gallery's director was saying that for future they're going to sell electronic tickets with the entry time on them to avoid the overcrowding like this.
Also the report at, where at 1:20min. shows the visit of Putin to Gallery too.

Now I'm going to check V. Serov's paintings. He was a student of famous Ilya Repin and entrusted to draw imperial family's portraits, which was a huge privileged.

Middle East; Russian military protects Int'l journalists who tour in liberated town of Salma, Syria,
once booming resort town, which is located on a major road to Aleppo and is one hour away from Latakia, at

Our main stream media vermin bickering about Trump video in support of Veterans,
[What's the big deal? Those are Russian ally veterans' chests. That is a fresh photo taken at the 70th anniversary victory parade in Moscow. There are no faces or names with those medals. After you see American servicemen with their faces in the video. I don't see anything misleading or confusing.
Everyone knows that orange and black stripped ribbon is the symbol of Order of St. George (est. 1769), which was highest military decoration, also often carried with Cross of St. George. DUH???
I have couple of those in my house. Maybe I should give one to Mr. Trump? ******************
Maybe I should try to find the cross too? Good idea! *************************************
What about Fox News showing riots in the streets of Athens with all the signs and names in Greek and says it's in Moscow? Remember that? Anybody in here can recognize the difference between Greek and Russian alphabets? They're very different, you know. I'm not saying to speak those languages (that would be 'over-qualification'), I'm saying to recognize the sounds and the letters.
Also it's usual practice for Fox News to do voice-overs for guests and those they interview or just record. They make it sound the way they want.
Somebody should sue them for that - a big time!]

It's about 5pm. in NYC. Still snowing. Mass transit, besides underground stations of Subway, is shut down and travel ban imposed on city.
I feel like getting out of my bed and popping popcorn in microwave. How about that? Good thinking!

11pm; I watched figure skating competition from St. Paul, Minnesota, which was great.
Checked Russian political talk shows and news from Donbass/Novorossiya on Internet.
To those who want to check the news by themselves, I recommend site.

Now I'm watching SNL,which I don't watch regularity, of course. Right at the beginning they started making fun of S Palin's endorsement of Trump. Nothing better to do with their inferior brains. How they are even working tonight, is beyond me. Everything is shut down, including theaters. 11:30pm

Sunday; 24th, 8:04pm.
I listen again, very carefully, the interview with A. Lugovoy about the so called "murder" of cuckoohead-litvinenko, who was pawn of british-drunken-thugs-of-MI6.
Total fake-phony-fraudulent "decision" of kangaroo-court. No doubt my mind. Look at the so called "evidence" they had. Judges words are; possible, maybe probable, could be, must be if not, but not limited to, etc. etc. Lugovoy also was poisoned. He frequently stayed in hotels there, traveled on their airlines, even the bar he went with litvinenko was laced with that poisonous metal. Owner of that bar also died, the other thug-oligarch-berezovsky, who was the sponsor of litvinenko and who dropped him on the curb, was hanged. Initially it was announced as suicide, but Lugovoy doesn't think so.
I don't mind MI6 killing all the oligarchs who stole the money from their own countries and moved to theirs. Concept of 'thief stealing from another thief' looks like a fair game to me. They should kill also all the traitor of other countries who sell themselves out to them. When everything is squeezed out of the vermin already, what the reason of paying 2000 lb every mouth to feed him. At that point every vermin is declared useless and not worthy of  any more waste of resources to keep an eye on them.
10 years later, after relative quiet, all over sudden, after Malaysian airliner crush, Ukraine mess, and, I assume not limited to O's phone call  British "intel" pulled the case from "under the 'potty'" (as Lugovoy calls it) and came up with a "verdict" to justify using taxpayer money on keeping their jobs. They openly offered Lugovoy to work for them. The latter refused. Of course they know that he'll tell the Russian government about it. Of course after that they want to harm him any and every way possible. Lugavoy sounds smart and cool headed to me. He said "I spit on their 'decision' and everything they say about me. To the Q if he'd fight to "clear his name" is said "No. By doing so, I'll give legitimacy to their actions. I have a good life, I live in my country, I work, I have a wonderful family with 2 brilliant sons and not planning to go anywhere."
That's all.
Why I was interested about this news.
First because the same cuckoos put your name on the list of ban thus trying to tarnish your reputation. Second, I hear you say they want to put Trump's name also.
Is it true, is it serious, where did you hear it from, I don't know. Maybe I missed more info. about it from you.
Should I be the one you'd consult with, I'd tell you to do the same as L. did - ignore! Laugh at them. Be happy with saving money by not visiting that country. That will answer them more than enough.
But, everybody has their way of getting emotional, financial or moral satisfaction. You chose to fight and lost more nerve and money on it.
If they get their noses close to Trump's derriere, I'm going to pick on them all the time. I have been in London 3 times, which is more than enough and never will go their again. First simple reason; - it's not worth the money. It's dirty, overrated, there is no smell of European culture in there whatsoever. Maybe somewhere in deep country side pictures are different, but not in big cities.

NYC blizzard was OK, I actually enjoyed it. Now roads are much better, public transport is running on regular scedule and it started melting. Early morning, I took a big piece of carton, big can of oatmeal and crashed cookies and went outside. It was gorgeous. The sun was shining on thick white blanket making it look like something majestic. It was an unusually bright feeling of admiration for the work of almighty nature. Can you believe that it's a frozen water forms of gazillions of little flacks which are all different and unique? I was very lightly dressed (was just crossing the street), otherwise I'd lie on the snow and play like that Ponda in the D.C. Zoo. I put the carton on the white, fluffy blanket, secured it and poured their picnic food on top. Evened it on surface, so they won't pile up on each other and have a place to land. I know they like my cookies. They come on those crumbs right away, all the time. I don't know about oatmeal. Do you think it's good for birdies?
Tomorrow I'll check what happened from left overs.
When I've got back inside, I had a though maybe going out later. But I had my morning coffee, got involved in my daily routine, then lunch and got lazy to go out again.
It's after 9pm now and I'm still not done with all the info sources of today/ Some interviews I watch from all over the world are from half and hour to 3 hours each.
I do not merely put anything in here close what I find out and learn every day.
That would be too much for any reader. I need a livestream to talk it out and get over with just with summarizing. I can run my own channel. But... it has to be with my own money thus my own way.
I don't have it and only independent person who is financially capable of sponsoring the idea and will not have the component of jealousy of competitions is Mr. Trump and only Mr. trump.
Maybe there are others out there who don't have public names, but would like to sponsor such project, alas...

Let's see what's on the global news.
Russian oil dropped 13 year low following 2 int'l trends; one was already there - changed conditions in Chinese commodities' markets and lifting of Iran sanctions.

German minister of Transportation announced that the entire system is overwhelmed and requested from government to close the borders, at Report says that 600 000 refugees "disappeared without the trace" in that country.
[Of course, they have to wait to check the waters. Once the coast is clear and they find out where are the offices of applications for free living, they will all come out, don't you worry, germans. Right now wherever they are they're not wasting a dark night and just praying. they're having more unprotected sex to have more eating mouths sitting on your neck and for getting paid for them too. I'd not be mind, whatsoever, However hitler's recently reprinted book "my struggle" is a #1 bestseller, - a hot potato on book shelves. It's so much in demand that a copy can be sold for a thousand Euro. Yes, not 100, but 1 0 0 0! Euros, which is more than dollars. When the last time anyone you know paid more than $1000 for a reprinted old book? ]
The report says that Switzerland is charging refugees for the entry to the country, thus trying to limit it and in Netherlands they're taking their money and jewels so they won't do bad things with it and to each other for it.
Report does not clarify it it's being declared on the paper and will be returned in some point, so I can't form an opinion on it yet. maybe it's not a good idea for people in close quarters to have things that might make them vulnerable.
Report say more, but I on't want to comment on everything.
One thing is clear; germany of this year is already very different from germany of last year.
As of last year people still wanted to go there, now all the neighboring countries are putting fences around it so the chaos won't spread into their own. De-tran is being sued in Constitutional court and many are paying a fortune for hitler's book.
Biggest exodus from EU are done by the Jews going to Israel.
"How democracy and "helping" the poor is working for you - Western civilization? - I'm asking, -
"How letting people into your house, who despise your ways of living and hate your existence and God, is going to 'enrich' you in any possible way?

There is an unrest in the streets of Moldova these days, opposition wants to change the ruling class. They're not comparing themselves with Ukrainian maidan revolution, but didn't even let journalists from Russian TV networks to enter the country - without explanation. Just like that. One woman slipped into, at 
[Smells 'democracy' doesn't it? I wonder if good-old-USA and young, but terminally ill EU invested Billions in this project also.]

Couple of day ago Bloomberg published an article about Saudis' holding lots of previously hidden US debt. ???
[So what? What happens then? I don't know much about economy, don't believe in reports about them anyway, so I say boo-hoo to Saudis on that. ] 10:30pm in NYC

So long.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 19th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
I heard first 2 hours of your show yesterday. You started with Hill-the-hilarious's speech about so called "disproportionate" incarceration numbers among minorities.
That old-bag hasn't walk in the streets of NYC in her entire fraudulent life. If law on the books will be enforced, huge portion of this city should be in jail. How many would you like me to show you who did crime all their lives and are doing crime now and are getting away with it royally.
I'm not rich to live with rich people, I don't know any of them, thus I live among minorities and people I'm talking about are minorities. Very small percentage of them are white. Talking of NYPD, 99% of them are no goodnik idiots with bias toward white people regardless of their own color. Minorities will victimize me because I'm white and white PO will victimize me even quicker just to please his peers to be fit in their crowd mentality.
Should I have videos of the things happen,
I have written about it before, so I'm not going to get into it now. All I can say that if you're white in not only in NYC, but now also in entire country, you MUST have 24/7 video proof of anything you do anywhere; - streaming live.

The most disturbing news was Portland community College's "initiative" provoking more racism in the name of ending it. That so called "college" should be sued so bad so it get bankrupt and close its doors.
White majority has to understand that this bickering about racism is not going to end any time soon.
The expression "ending the racism," which originally meant against blacks, did not mean to end the racism all together. That's what most of the people before us and you and I wanted to believe. It doesn't say "end the racism against everybody." It says when you end the racism against blacks (and now others joined in) then, when we'll have the power, will do it to you and will do it much worse and will do it forever. Point. End of the story!
There is no limit, no border, no line drown to stop this reverse racism. Where is it? Can you show me? As long as four major industries are making money this will not show sign of subsiding any time soon. MLDF!!!

What to do about it? Talking and informing is good, like your show, but that's not merely enough. You must help your own with concrete measures. You know that in civilized world where the rest of the planet wants to run to, whites do not procreate enough to replace themselves.
Start from there. Have organizations to help their own. For any ethnic organization, there should be a few times more majority organizations. Where are they? Isn't democracy good any more? Isn't it about a majority? I didn't feel like I was a member of majority "community" in this country who had the "power." My feelings are not based on "feelings" itself, but on hard evidences and facts of my daily life. I went to school here, different work experiences, you name it.
I can go on and on with this, but I better start thinking of doing something instead.
Anybody wants to sue NYPD just to get some practice law, please leave your contact in comment box. Until recently I blocked all comments, just for last several postings I left it open.
No, I haven't been arrested in my life, because I have not ever been a perpetrator, but was always harassed, intimidated by police just for calling them for help. They came and say "you're not bleeding, not dead yet, why dud you call?" No matter what is your problem, no matter of the video evidence in the building, or on the street, or presence of witnesses, they're not there to hear, check and do anything. They came and scare with arresting me, rather than check and do something.
Of course the perpetrators know this. Of course that encourages them to do more and worse.
You want believe what happened the last time I called those bozos. One of my good neighbors (she is an African American) and I were threatened by another neighbor, who is hispanic woman. She is the certified craziest creature you can ever meet. 2 PO's came, one white, one hispanic, the white one thought that I was the only one who called and, after seeing me alive, sitting outside of my building, got so upset that I dialed 911 that tried to scare me that he will arrest me for making a false report. He took the stand first to show that "see, I'm white and I'm threatening a white woman, I'm "suppose" to be "fair." He didn't assume that my neighbor (who was on her phone at that time) was with me on this.
He started talking real stupid (you will not believe what he asked me (you have to hear something like that to believe it), pulled out his notepad as if reporting about the crime of "false report" that I committed, my neighbor got off her phone and I pointed toward her as my witness. When she came close, she said not only she was my witness, but she was being stalked by the same person throughout the day and she called 911 for herself. Then the white one stooped writing and the hispanic one got cynical and asked us why we live in this building or in this area or something like that.
That set her off. She is a big, strong woman with lots of muscles with rap-shit and can bring a good sized man down easily. She has done it before. She jumped from her sit and charged toward the spanish bastard, which was on her side with her phone almost sticking in his eyes and words from her mouth came out like from fire-hydrant. There was no stooping her, should the hispanic bastard walk back a little and white bastard decided that it's time to leave. He stopped his "writing" momentarily and said "let's get out of here, man, we don't want to talk to people who have no penises." I swear.
They rushed into the patrol car, I call my girl to back off, and they took off fast. We were sitting and contemplating about what just happened.
She was sure that they thought I was alone and were harassing me. She was sure that they'd not do it to her. She wouldn't take a sh.t like that and stand there trying to "talk" to them like me. When I told her that the white bastard was writing a report on me for so called "false police report" and threatening me with arrest, because I committed a crime for dialing 911, she was boiling.
She were on and on and let it loose. Having been an Auxiliary Police officer I still have respect for uniform, but last 24 years living in this city I haven't seen one of them come and protect me. None.
Every single call was resulted from 'don't pay no mind' attitude to threatening me - the victim.
911 call for help is more upsetting and nerve racking for me, then a hope of getting anything. Just nothing. None whatsoever.
The same night, when the cuckoo tripped again on doorman, police was called again and she was hospitalized for 5-6 weeks. She must have tried to kill the ER doctor for the hospital to keep her in cucckoo-word for that long. She is not a cuckoo, she is a s.tanic creature. That's how s.tan looks, talk, walks, eats and operates. She had played the system like her circus. Taxpayers is the clowns of those demonic souls in this society.
The lesson from this; have a streaming video while dealing with police; white, black, otherwise.
Now that I remember, shouldn't I sue NYPD? That so called "Civilian complain review board" is another waste of time. Of course those bastards didn't come back to "arrest" me for "false" report?
Do I have a case? How long I'm going to be treated like 'persona non grata' for those badge wearing bastards in my country?
Police force is getting younger and darker skin in this city by the day. I don't mind if they are all qualified and act in good faith on their job. But for many of them that is just "a job" like any other they would like to cheat on and avoid doing, if they can. There is no family honor (as it used to be before), or pride in integrity of uniform, as we still assume.
That's just another work clothing like any store, warehouse or office worker has to wear. I haven't seen a grown up white man in police uniform in NYC for a looooooong time.
They have disappeared like yesteryear's snow.
Start from mayor Dinkins' administration. Just do the research and get the numbers out. He cleaned up entire city system from whites workers and replaced them by blacks.
Anybody dared to question? Look who are their sponsors. Whose who run the main stream media industrial complex? Just guessing.
Look who wrote MLK's speech. Not him. Hear what he says in that speech that everyone leaves out.
You did leave out too yesterday. You also do not want to go "so far" in underlining a vicious thought in his speech. I'm not going to write it in here for everything to go and think and find themselves.
You talk about the same issue, but I never heard you connecting his name to it. You talk about it in general terms.

Now let's go around the world; In mostly Orthodox Christian Russia today is Holy Baptism, commemorating the day Jesus was baptized in Jordan river by John the Apostle, aka Saint John/John the Baptist.
This day some "crazy" Russians go deep themselves in icy waters. They're also called Morzh(es), meaning Walrus(es). Some do it in Brighton Beach in NYC also.
Although its 19*F right now at 3:25am and going to go up to 29*F, but still this year it's not that called in NYC compare to some minus Celsius temperatures that can be normal for RF. In some areas they break a thick layers of  ice to deep in one by one. Just the thought of it gives me goosebumps.

Look at this; Faithful throughout Russia bathed in icy waters, at 
This is Epiphany, one of 12 most important religious holidays on Orthodox calendar. [I didn't know.] Sermons are given not only in temples but also in reservoirs where people deep themselves.
The belief is that the consecrated water heals the body and cleans the soul from sins.
At 1:20min. a member of Duma, famous boxer Nikolay Valuyev shows an example in Yenisei River in Siberia.
In Moscow 60 portable pools for diving served the locals and tourists, at,
also at, also at In this clip there is a picture of another PM diving in Moscow's Revolution Square. That man is a champ in many things all the time.
[It looks like fun, but I'm not about getting second thought, oh, no.]
We'll see pictures from Brighton today.

Also in your show yesterday you mentioned that UK is working on banning Trump.
That's good, he won't go there and won't spend his money there. It's expensive, overrated and waste of money and time together.
4:30am GN to me.

2:05pm, look how Russia looks under the snow. I mean the entire country is covered, all time zones from European parts to Far East, at 
[Where is the 'global warming?' Oh, sorry, now it's 'climate change?' It changes from time to time? Like how? hours by hour, minute by minute? In which way? Hot to cold or hot to very hot, then what? Russia needs global warming, as far as I'm concerned.
The lawyer, who comes before you on WABC, the pony-tale-snake-oil-salesman (he is on right now), once was "explaining" the difference between weather and climate change. It made so much sense from his point. It's a good science made up by and for lawyers.
Russia should seize this opportunity to cut off all the gas to Europe. It is in an emergency situation and needs to provide for its own people's survival. More than $3Billion is not paid by West's puppet state Ukraine, so why provide free services to your enemies? I don't see any report that any western country is offering help in this situation. I believe many of them are happy to see them suffer.]

For coming days in St. Petersburg and Moscow temperatures will drop further with more accumulations of snow and with stronger gusting winds, at
[Hello global!.. what?]

You started your show calling Sanders a man from Abrahamic times.
Well, looking at him, I'm reminded of a Soviet time cartoon character by the name "Kashchei Bessmertniy," meaning Kashchei the Immortal.

About the Hilly-the-hilarious, this is my take.
1. She is a lawyer and should be able to find out something is legal or illegal by herself, instead of hiring "liars for highers" as Curtis Sliwa calls them.
2. Let's say she was not and is not a lawyer. Wasn't she married to one? A law "professor" at that?
Yessir. If I'd marry one I could learn law basics in the bad, couldn't I?
3. She has been a first lady for 8 years. She might learn there.
4. She has been Secretary of State for how many years?
After so many years of running around she can not figure out the law in the books and can't sort out what she did was legal and illegal and needs to pay other lawyers?
Let me sum this up;
She has an Ivy college law degree to start with, married to a law professor, then governor, then president, worked as manager of law firm "Rose" in AR, has slept in white house for 8 years with the President, had been a Senator in a big state like NY, then SoS of USA and..... still need other lawyers "professional" help to "figure things out?"
What does it say about that profession and herself particularly. Talking of a damaged good, OMG!
She doesn't need "sorting out things," she needs a high profile cover-up by those who might know how. That's all.

You also were talking about today's endorsement of Trump by Sarah Palin.
Why are you working yourself up by talking about it? No big deal. She is not bad, she can't hurt at least. Does she have a base or how big of it? I don't feel like she has, but who knows? I'm not sure.
She has been a consistent conservative in her entire life though. Maybe it will ring a bell with Evangelicals.
5:22pm; you put a clip from potato-face-Kerry saying that if Saudis buy a nuke they can be inspected. You say he's taking the side of Iran. I'm not sure that's true. I assume in his mind we already stopped Iran from getting it.
We don't need to be on either side. Both of them do not "like" us. That's what I'm sure about!

You are absolutely right on one issue; Trump does not know who in the media is talking on his side and who is against him.
I'm saying that he MIGHT not know. Well, it's understandable, he can't possibly have that much time. He goes on the shows who invite him. Yesterday Levin was ranting, taking the side of Cruz vs Trump.
Today I heard that until 2014 Cruz had duel citizenship. When did he drop one and how?
If even his Canadian passport is expired, it doesn't mean he denounced his citizenship there, isn't it?
Can you get a few immigration lawyers on the air from both sides of the border? That would be interesting. I'm saying a few, because in my experience those are most incompetent types in "law industry."
Also Trump said that Cruz had a loan for $1M from goldmine-sucks and "forgot" to report?
I'm not sure what exactly it was, but Trump said that if someone can't read his own financial papers, how good is he?

Now you say that last week you've got a bad news about Teddy. What happened? I'm worried now. Why would you mention that and not give us a hint? Keep us updated on that issue, will you?

5:48pm, you're rating that your audience is bigger than Sara Palin's and Trump should change his advisers, because they're taking him to a wrong road. You've got pissed off hearing that this was the highest profile GOP endorsement so far.
I just hope that it's only the beginning.
You're not a politician and you're not a member of GOP, remember?
It doesn't mean that you can't have stronger influence on processes through your listeners, but the comparison wasn't between all of us, it was between GOP crowd. So, don't worry about it. 6pm.

You should watch this at It's a good stuff.
Jews are complaining about rising antisemitism in Europe and Putin offers them to go to Russia.
The head of Jewish Congress tells him that the best place for Jews now on entire European continent is the RF.

NATO is ganging up on Russia from Black Sea and RF is responding by deploying new weapons
in there, at 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 16-17, weekend edition


Saturday, the 16th.
Look how "good" the invasion of Germany is working for not only their young women, but for kids also, 
A minor girl going to school was picked up by 3 young Middle Eastern men and raped.
Chancellor of Austria in an unprecedented manner decided to temporarily suspend its participation in Schengen agreement and shut down its borders for undocumented refugees.
All new comers have to be thoroughly screened and those who don't have appropriate documentation and can't be qualified will be put out of the country.
Also Prime Minister of Bavaria made an ultimatum to Deutsche-tran; if within 2 weeks authorities do not take control over the country's borders, he will take her to constitutional court.

[He should file the lawsuit right away. Why loose 2 weeks? European slowness, perhaps.]
Another report of Austria and EU standoff on migrant crisis is at 

There are last check-ups going on with compliance of Iran to lift sanctions against it by US and EU. As soon as Monday Iran will be able to get into int'l oil market, which maybe can bring oil prices further down. ??? Today it came under $30 a barrel. Not less important for Iranian economy will be the release of $56107 Billion, which the West had frozen for many years.
In some other sources of reporting the number of frozen assets is $100 Billion. ???
Russian economy might be hurting more because of that? ???

A day after Russian humanitarian aid was airdropped in al-Bogilya settlement in Deir ez-Zor province in Syria, .S.L killed 280 people there and took 400 hostages for co-operation with Syrian gov. forces. Among dead are women, children and elderly, most of them beheaded, at 

Another report of Austria and EU standoff on migrant crisis is at

Did you see the toupee-man on Fox recently? I'm talking about lunatic-looking-Frank-Luntz.
Is he a pollster? A guru? Polling who, his cousins for a $1? Guru of BSing? Of course the people he get together will say what he wants. He looks like a crook to me.
This is another one who says "don't matter what words you say, matters what people hear." Another mind magician. I detest these type of people. They think the most are stupider than they, because some idiots listens to them or buy their books about cuckooism.
Cuckooism... Hah? Nice word, I just invented it.
During the debate, in my opinion, Trump won in every way, but this Luntz-the-lunatic wanted to give it to Cruz for some reason. I mean, reason can be that he is a hidden commi, Trojan horse of GOP and his parents were card holding commies from Sheepshead Bay. ??? He smells fishy to me.
Look how Cruz, like a slickly lawyer, is turning Trump's words the other way and actually is getting away with it, because Trump is not cutting him short and putting him in his place. I would!
Cruz didn't answer the Q; why not to clarify his native born status in court and put it to rest?
He says; "I served my country for many years," blah, blah, blah.
The problem is in positions that he worked (he calls it "serving" to look better), were NOT requiring the same thing that the position of Commander-n-Chief requires in this country. DUH? As simple as that. You think he didn't know that? Or maybe he thinks people are high and drunk and can get easily confused?
I can become a US Senator, Governor of a State, or Attorney General, but I can NOT become the President, because whatever is in Constitution about the requirement of the type of citizenship still stands. It is not changed. I'm a citizen, but I'm naturalized citizen, not a native born. That's all.
Is it fair or not is a totally different argument. That's a "moral" issue. Not a legal one.
I think I can be much better President of this country (I'm not loosing sleep over it, don't worry yet) than the rest of Americans who were born here, but... It doesn't change the letter of the law until that letter of the law is changed by "the people" or Congress or Supreme Court or maybe... God!
God would do for me faster, though. :)
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2 times elected Governor of the biggest state in the Union, was asked if he'd like run for Presidency. He said that if they change the Constitutional requirement for eligibility, he will consider.
It's a technicality, but many things in life are decided by technicalities.
If I do not have required documentation, I can not establish residency in another state. I can travel, I can stay there as long as I want, but I can't be elected or do certain jobs which require residency.
Instead of blabbing, Cruz should dog-gone go to court and get over with that.
He should be smart enough to be nice to Trump. He might be in need of good position in government later on.
I assume, for businessmen to do bureaucratic paperwork can be from annoying to painful, but for an Attorney it suppose to be fun. That's what they do; talk (most of it screwy-dewey) and shave papers.
Isn't it true? So, what seems to be the problem? If he is not good at that and don't enjoy it, he's a no good lawyer to start with.
Are his facial features a little awkward, or it's me?

10am Moscow time; Iran sanctions are lifted, at 
I knew it already. I think Russia is putting a nice face on this news, but nuclear Iran is not good for Russia. Is this really an honest deal on the side of Iran? One can only hope.
But look at another aspect of Western stupidity. They lifted sanctions against Iran, where 99% of people hate Americans, but continue sanctions against Russia, where 99% of people like or love us.
Russia Orthodox do not even think of harming us, when shiit-12ers want us all dead and probably can't wait to get their tickets to heaven in our expanse as soon as possible.

What is going to happen to oil trade and energy market in general, remains to be seen in near future.
Russia's economy is heavily dependent on energy export. It's suffering already because of the West's sanction and their client state Ukraine's failure to pay the debt in Billions of dollars.
Go figure, if you can.
Putin should feel like he's dealing with nutty-psychopaths-EU-n-US, who are suicidal and want to take others with them.
When people in here going to understand that in Middle East the idea of "revenge" is a MUST?
It's a deed of highest morality. Life is not taken the way we view it. It doesn't have the same idea, price or value. It's a different commodity. Entire Arab and Muslim world is swelled with human population. They keep breeding uncontrollably. No matter how much and who they pray screaming, food, clothing, housing, education and other things for survival are not going to come down from sky. If course there will be more wars and bloodshed. There are not enough resources on this planet to feed and sustain so many people. Half of the population, the women are at home and their job is to reproduce more eating mouths. They start from their minor years and are having as many as possible. Men are mostly semi-literate, can create anything, not use to "work" as we know it, etc. etc.
In Europe the bad news is going to get worse by the day. The water and oil can be in one jar, but they can't be mixed. One group of people's mindset can NOT be changed because the other group makes or helps them to move from one location to another and hopes for it. There are millions of thoughts should be changed to able the actions to be different. In this case nothing even being tried.

Look, I found a good news; Festival of lights in London, at
Such a good idea. We should do it in here, in Central park.

Not all of Iran sanctions are lifted. Some will stay up for 5, others for another 10 years.
The list if some of those is at 
American companies are still restricted from doing business with Iran.
Oil prices are plummeting all over the world, but Russian economists don't see reason for panic.
Government of RF is working on adjustments in its economic plans.

Report at shows that a monastery of Dormition Abby in Jerusalem was vandalized.
Graffiti read....  Oh well, I'm not going to repeat it in here. It's too nasty.

Did you hear that .S.L is setting up shop in city of Sirte, Libya? Yes, all the Russian political experts know and are talking about it, but you won't hear from anyone in here.

Did you hear the recent statistic for number of rapes in the world?
1st is South Africa, 2nd - Stockholm, Sweden.
"How 'helping migrants' and 'multiculturalism' is working for you?" -  Dr. Phil would ask.

So long.

Friday, January 15, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 15th Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
I didn't watch the GOP debate yesterday. I'll see and hear the highlights today.

See what's going on in Donbass, at 
Heroic Dariya Morozova, who is Human Rights representative of DNR reporting that there are many hostages taken from Donbass under so called ATO, they're being killed and tortured and what is being done to people of Donbass from Kiev is a real genocide.

This young woman work very hard last 2 years, she work in dangerous situations when 2 enemy sides had to meet in the dark of the night in the middle of nowhere to exchange hostages. I mean, anything could go wrong. She is a real hero. We need citizens like that in here; devoted and fearless.

Also check at and about things going on in southeastern Ukraine.

Did you know that couple of mouths ago Soros's "Open Society Foundation" and another bozo-named none-profit of his were banned in RF? Yessir!
RF's General Prosecutor's office decided that those are "undesirable" due to their potential harm to Russian society.

[Unfortunately, there are some organizations that are still operating on foundation's money. That's not the end of his verminic work. In one of the colleges in Russia (I don't want to name it) they burnt 53 books published by Soros. In qualification of those says; "they were expressing distorted perception of history and spreading harmful ideas to our society." What a nice thing to hear.
It's a coal-mining town and it's cold in there.
What a delight to have so much extra paper to lit up the old fashion wood furnace!
I mean, I don't like the idea of "burning books" (I'd throw in the garbage in NYC), but if they have no use or can even harm thinking minds of young generation, why not warm up a little? It is actually putting in use.
To me that's what it exactly have use for. Tossing is just going to overwhelm the garbage.
OK, I agree, I'm a good girl. Recycle.]

Yesterday's WSJ at 11:30pm published this; 

Russian military airmen are helping civilians of Syria to survive food shortage,
The region that suffered the most is called Deir ez-Zor, which suffers blockade for already 4 years.
Humanitarian aid is jointly prepared by both Russian and Syrian governments.

[Deir ez-Zor is name of a desert. Has a very dark and nasty connotation in everyone's mind who knows about Armenian genocide committed by Turks 100 years ago. Turks took 1000s of people and kill them in that desert. In the area where mass graves were found, the victim's descendants built a church, which is already bombed and destroyed.
Armenian Genocide Victims' memorial, check at,_Der_Zor.
You can see the photos before and after.
Throughout decades that area was inhabited, small towns were built.
Now Der Zor is a name of a town too. Starving town at that. What are the odds? Desert is being socked by blood of innocent civilians again in 21st Century. Century of Technology, Space exploration, nukes, social media and starvation. ]

The food is going to be dropped from aircrafts from 4000m height.
Now "moderate" opposition, which called "patriotic" is helping Russians and Syria military to fight .S.L.

I heard only your second hour today. Why don't you have a podcast on your website? You were saying that the 3rd hour of yesterday's show was brilliant, because you gave the list of agencies that should be closed, if Trump becomes the President, in order to save this country.
You also said that Cruz could be good attorney general, but not the President. Also Rubio should ran a Ben-Rubio ice cream corporation.

Turkish gov. arrested its own members of intelligentsia, 18 of them to be precise. !5 of them are released already, 3 are still detained. Those were among 1000 academics from 90 colleges who signed a declaration denouncing military action against Kurdish rebels.

So long.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 14th, Thursday


Wee hours of the morning.
Russian main stream media's interpretation of O's State of the Union speech on Tuesday is at 
You should watch it. It has reality (the way they see from the other side) served with touch of cynicism.
O praised himself, his work and the US's leading role in the world. Asked Congress to vote to permit ground military operations in Syria.
At 4:44min. into the type O says that RF is pouring money in its "client" states Syria and Ukraine, because they're sliding out of the sphere of its influence.
Ukrainian radical Oleg Lyashko burst out on his social media pages, calling O "out of reality."
Chairman of Committee on Int'l affairs of Duma - Konstantin Kosachyov said that O was trying to put the blame of consequences of such action on Congress. Also that would become the problem for the next President.

On Twitter Trump called O's speech boring. slow, lethargic and hard to watch.

Late night;
Today I listened to first 2 hours of your show. You were ranting about 10 marines taken hostage by Iran, which are already released.
First I heard there was a fishing boat and 4 people, then it became 2 boats with 10 people, then it became not fishermen, but soldiers. Then you called them Navy Seals?
Well, it's over, it's uninteresting to me, so I'm not going to check anything about it.
There was one woman among them, you said they undressed her and made her wear hi-jab? You were furious about it. One doesn't need to be undressed before wearing hijab, she can be dressed as she wants underneath. If they made her wear hijab, that should not be a concern. Once you're on their soil you have to obey their rules. I have Arab friends who invite me to visit. I know if I go I have to cover my hair and the rest of the skin. I have a choice.
I have seen very beautiful ones. For middle or older age women it's even better. It covers the wrinkles on the neck area from where the age shows the most.
Anyone gets me silk scarfs from Hermes, I'm ready.

Also you were talking about first lady having 72 assistants. If she would be totally dysfunctional, she still wouldn't need that many. You know the name of the game don't you? It called "sticking up to you." How many her mother got? How much her service cars, food, catering and protection costs to taxpayers? You said they also have a live-in dog trainer? How much is that casting. I don't mind anything for dogs well-being, but ridiculous is not one of them. After housebreaking how many tricks they have to learn? Why they have to do tricks? Are they working entertainment tools for that family for 24/7?

I had a dog, she knew tricks when I got her. But I never made her to do any of it while I was her mother. She didn't work for food or any other reword.
To me it felt like a cruelty. Maybe I'm a little too sensitive, but that's just me.
She eat with us, whatever we were eating and got the best piece of cooked meat from the pot first. We didn't have dog food then. All domestic dogs that I knew eat human food, - cooked, tasty, diverse and fresh. My would eat only meat and of course chew on bones, not much of else.
She wouldn't even eat alone, she would wait for us and ask us to start first. When we had guests, she would sit around the table, in the chair, put her little cute hands on the table on both sides of the plate and eat so neatly, that she wouldn't drop anything.
I would put everything in pieces that were good for her grab. If we would forget about her and not pay attention for a short period of time, she would disappear all together. I had to go find her under my blanket in my room or under one of the beds in master bedroom.
It would take some effort and time to make up with her.
She was like a baby, she was my baby and my parents grandchild. She didn't know she was a dog, because we treated her like she was a human. She only couldn't talk on human language. She used all her signs and sounds and said everything she wanted to say.
It's absolutely amazing how smart and sensitive dogs are. She name was Charlotte. She was a French poodle, white, about 8-9 lbs.
I have her photo next to my bed on my nightstand, so when I wake up I see her face and when I turn the light off, I see her face again.
Another thing for dogs was good where I grew up was that there was no leash law. She didn't know what her leash was for. Two times I tried to put on her for her own protection when we were going out late night, in case there would be some stray dog or an aggressive cat outside. Both times she got shell shocked looking into my eyeballs to see my soul.
She eyes show her puzzled mind
I was explaining like to a human; why, what that was for, using every groovy, cute and begging faces and tones, but... She stood firm like a statuette, looked at me, looked the other way and didn't move. After couple of times, I gave up. Carrying her on my chest like a kid was much easier.

See, I'm like you, I can get sidetracked. For my dog or all dogs - any time.
I'd prefer to spend time writing about them, then ... let me stop here.

You're putting your bid on Donald Trump and I'm with you on it.
Oh, I just remember, today, before your show, Curtis Sliwa was saying that you were very talkative at your interview with Trump. He said you were talking more than him. "Shut up Savage," he said, - "let the man say something." I didn't feel like that though, I didn't notice.

I wonder what is wrong with that man's attitude that all of his 4 women threw him out. With the last one he has 2 sons, I thought that was working out. She had her parents' house, they were living there like a perfect family. All over sudden he calls himself homeless and he also rescued a Siamese cat which he wants to put out for adoption. It's so funny. Years ago, when I was more open minded to develop a relashonship, I'd go out with him. Now no. Just friends would be wonderful.
He is a brother and never had and a friend I do not have yet. He really did and does wonderful job with for decades now. He even went to Moscow to open a chapter there.
I don't know if he succeeded, but I'd be glad to help him with that.
I'm baffled by his energy. He says he sleeps 3-4 hours a day? He talks a mile a minute with creativity and after going through lots of health problems he does not show signs of subsiding, tu,tu,tu, I'm knocking on wood!
I call him "Living landmark of New York." He recognizes me as a listener for many, many years and
always stops and handshakes and chats with me when we meet occasionally on some events.
many years ago I told him that I want him to have at least 4 sons and some. This was when he didn't have any. Now at least he has 3.
That thing called his co-host, the pony-tale? OMG! What a born snake oil salesman that is!?! They go together good though, they pick up words and meanings from each other good, but they hate each other. How they work together is another miracle that you can enjoy 5 times a week.
Don't tell me there are no miracles left in this world.

What else I have to write about? I watch all the news around the world and do not have comments for today.
Oh, today you also talked about turkey fling on the plane as an "emotional service" animal on a separate sit. Why would that bother you so much? Don't you take Teddy with you? I don't know about you, but I better have a checked service-turkey, rather than an unchecked human next to me. I'm serious. On the bad side of the equation average human can harm me much more than turkey ever can.
It was funny that the caller said that a man took a bucket of fish as comfort animals on the plane.
I don't understand how one can take a horse? When did that happen? How a horse can fit in an aircraft? They can fit in a luggage compartment if they're just being transported, but if animal considered an "emotional support" it has to be next to the passenger. How many sits the horse can take? They have to remover all the sits and let the horse stand there? How you secure the horse? What kind of sit-belt it needs? How many tickets that passenger has to buy for the space that horse can take? I mean, it's unbelievable to me. But, you didn't get to the bottom of it, you just named the animals. Small snake should be easy. Put in the glass box and put next to the idiot owner.
As long as it's not poisonous, small and cute. If people pay for the separate sits for their companions, which they do, I'm all for it. Why not?
Also one caller called about a woman who had a rooster on the plane? You said that she suppose to be "not good looking" if she has a rooster, because also rooster has another name that you couldn't say on family show like yours. I know what you meant in English, but that slang word came from
French word "coq," which mean rooster. All the slang in English comes from french words.
I know it because before learning English I spoke fluent French.
Let me finish this on a fun note. Another slang word that every grown straight man likes to hear is on every door in France.  Any wild guess?

So long.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 12th, Tuesday, 2016 AD


Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I watched Trump's appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
I didn't like that the first Q was about immigration, especially he started with a point with Muslims. It's just vicious. The tone also wasn't really neutral. Jimmy sounded like "is this true, how this can be?"
Trump was straight forward. He said that there is tremendous hatred out there toward America, it's coming in and we have to protect ourselves.
You still have to "explain" to TV "workers" this thing? Really? Then he did so called 'mock interview' and Trump answered why he wants to be the next President.
I was glad Q about that big-deal-Mexican-drag-dealer was left out. As you advise him to leave it out, because there is nothing to be gained. To me just mentioning of the person's existence is too much of
honor for that lowlife. Why do it?
You're so right that the vermin in the main stream media are out there to prey on every normal or good thing to discredit and damage it. It's their 'genetic' code, their blood-type.
I just came out with something; MSM's blood-type is P+ (main stream media's blood-type is Poison plus).  ****************************************************************

Interesting cultural thing I found on Russian TV about Orthodox tradition of Christmas time.
It called "svyatky" - a "Christmas-tide," which last 12 days.
This is the happiest time of the year for believers. They play a puppet theater with Biblical themes, cook and bake certain foods in certain ways, galore folk music, etc.
It's fun to watch; at

Second part of Putin's interview with will be published today.
A little excerpt from it is at  Putin says that O's referring to Russia as a "regional power" is derogatory.
It will do world of good if O would listen or read the interview fully. I'll link the English version when it comes out. **************************

Deutsche-tran admitted that Europe wasn't ready for the huge influx of refugees. Now some locals are threatening to take the law in their hands, at 

[No wonder. She is the head of the insider snake. Arch enemy within.
What do you think all those young men from Middle East, Africa or whatever hell-hole they came from are thinking, are feeling and thinking when they see women acting and dressing so "loose" according to their mentality? Of course they're going to think that those are asking for a trouble. And, trouble they give them. What they think about the men who let their women out like that? You think they're going to be scared of those?
Europe's culture and mentality is so far away from those who just massively invaded it with grudge and revenge in their hearts of minds that there NEVER will be ANY kind of reconciliation. In million years. You can put oil and water in the same bottle and shake in hope of mixing. try and see what you get. The only mixing is that they are in the same bottle, but they'll never mix inside that bottle.
It can not happen. That's one of those things. Fight between Gods can not be won. It's unsolvable and unending. 99.99 % of them do not believe we have the same God. They believe their God is different, the only one and the best.
When I hear the pervert-drag-addicts of the West using word "tolerance," I want to tell  them to give that crop to those "lovely invaders" to eat. See if it files up their stomachs.
How you can 'tolerate' someone who wants you dead, so he can get you 'stuff," wants to kill you personally, so he can get more reward after life - forever, is absolutely beyond my comprehension.
Those "tolerance" preachers are the ones who think I can not have my own opinion about their behavior and other things in life, that I should agree and go by them all the time. Now they're asking for "tolerance?" De-tran should be executed for committing "high crimes and misdemeanors" against not only Germany, but entire continent of Europe, which will be inevitably spread to American continent and beyond. ]

At report says that RF's air-force is providing support not only for Assad, but for 7 000 rebels. I assume those considered the "good" ones?
I can only hope. I don't know who and how is checking them out and determining those things.

Yesterday Pentagon official told AFP that US forces destroyed .S.L's cash store estimated Millions of dollars in it, which was being used to pay wages and run the war. It took 2 of 900kg bombs to destroy the facility. It's at 

[If western men would not be sleeping in donkey's ear, would this type of things go on unnoticed for so long? How they much cash got in there? Nobody was watching, seeing, hearing?
What about such huge organizations like CIA.DHS? What they were busy smoking?

Bundy brothers, Ammon and Ryan, may God bless them, heading the group of occupying the fowl refuge in south of Burns. Oregan, are sticking up to federal government's BS in their backyard.
They cut a part of the gov. fence to replace it with a gate to able access the postures.
Also rancher brothers said that they will not end the occupation until Dwight and Steven Hammond are released from jail.
[Jailing those men on stupid changes like that, especially one of them in his advanced age, is a disgrace. Nothing else to spend taxpayer money on, right? Take good-heated, real American working men, prosecute them on "" charges and lock them up? This is BS of highest order!
We should do something about this situation and those men out there. The're our fellow citizens!!! ]

After 5pm. Your 3rd hour is about to begin. I heard first 2 fully.
You were talking about courts, the law, your lawsuit of 5 years that your "antagonist" lost in supreme court yesterday. You won because he took it there and they refused to gear it. You advised everyone to stay away from lawyers and court system, That arbitration is not faster and/or cheaper than the court, etc.

[Isn't it something? I just wrote about the law, the discrimination, lies and how it's almost no way for a good person to stand up in society for his/her rights in honest way. Unless you also use the same unscrupulous ways to proof your point, there are many levels of wires already in place to stop you. is Also it's interesting coincidence that your "antagonist" was arrested on domestic violence charges the same day - yesterday.
You will not believe what I'm about to say; I'm a middle age woman, never harmed anyone, never was sued by anyone. I had many haters throughout years who hated me just because there were rotten and hateful to themselves. Got racially attacked and injured by a young Hispanic woman who's name I didn't not even know. After injuring me and playing with a BS of the law, which let her loose back to streets, she went out and injured 3 more grown people, 2 women and one man, in broad daylight, none-other than Coney Island amusement park full of people and children. She pleaded guilty, took 10 years of imprisonment with fun, like she got away with something worse and won already, and in handcuffs went to prison like merry go lucky. Who knows what she did even worse that would threaten her life all together. For some like that prison is an  ideal place to be. No work, free food, bastard she dropped will be taking care of by system, by stupid, idiotic taxpayer, and she is much safer there than anywhere else.
Now that I remember that vermin exists, I need to find out if she is eligible for parole, because in the court they were so caution to talk to me and give me ant info. They didn't give me other victims names either, so I could contact and find out the details (if they'd like to give it to me, of course) and write about it. Like the whole place was there to protect her. You should see how 2 big policemen were behind her so I couldn't even see her physically. She was so far anyways that no Olympic athlete could jump over. Why they were cautious of me? What I found out later, looking at papers, she signed different last names on the first and the second orders of protection. You might think law enforcement, Assistant DA and the judge can read? Any of them asked and got her real ID?
Talking of disappointment. Court of a mass. Or I haven't been lucky to meet normal ones, or that's the case, I'm not sure. I avoid to deal with any of it with every choice I make from my side of the story.]

5:45pm you're talking to your lawyer Daniel Horowitz, who dealt with very scary characters (he is a defense attorney and represents them), about "el-chappo-n-sean-penn-story" and taking calls from listeners.
That story stinks to high heavens, there should be much more to it that meets the eye we never can find out. That's a boring story for me, because I don't care for any of the characters involved.
Before Horowitz you interviewed ex-DEA agent and writer Michael Levine.
He talked about how decades ago, when crime was extremely rampant in Argentina created by leftists, the right wingers got harsh methods to curb it. The tactics he discribed were what in Russian they call "klin klinom vishibayut," meaning "pull out of wedge with a wedge."
Of course in lala land of ours that sounds horrible, but apparently in worked in there with good results. He also was careful in his words and in his tone and repeated that he doesn't "suggest" that we should do it here. Even a man of that caliber and of that specialty was talking like a wuss. I felt like he was weighing his words to able them to walk on egg shells.
Anyway, if I'd talk to you so slowly and with unnecessary details, you'd hang up on me long before I made my points.
5:57pm. you put an excerpt from a speech of el-jefe of ours, said that you're not going to listened to
"State of the Union" speech, you can't take it, if the rest of us believe in Snow-white, Cinderella and Pinocchio, we should.
[I believe in all of them ;), but I'm not going to listen. I'd listen to Rush's comments about it. He always listens. He says that is his job. ]

Russia; After a huge snowstorm, blizzard is intensifying in Moscow with winds gusting 20 km per sec. and able to take people on the streets off their feet, at

[I absolutely love Moscow, but never lived there because of the weather. I like warm and hot. Always visited it in the summer time. Only the winter time I was there was Dec. of 1991, when I was coming here. Although I had a fur coat, it was slight and I arrived with cold and almost no voice. I know people who like cold, they live there like fish in their best pond. Not my pond.
I'm in my cozy bed right now surrounded by even cozier stuffed animals who are happy that I'm home with them. I made a tea with fresh mint and need to let my eyes rest from this screen. ]

Oh, good news; Iran said it will soon release 4 American sailors who were taken hostage in there.
[How soon? Why there is no end of that sentence? What's the deal? Can we know about it. If not, so do it already then let us know. Trump knows, he talked about it, even explained (in one of his rallies) how he'd have it done and got over with long time ago. It made so much sense, it was ridiculous why nobody was doing it?
No thinkers, no advisers, no doers, no watchers in WH, is that it?]


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