Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 62)


I'm listening. I heard what Donald Trump said on
Everyone knows that every country is spying on the others. Remember what O did to Medvedev after he took him out for "burger summit?" They looked like newly founded day care buddies, both knowing
what's behind the scenes. Russia asks from America criminals, murderers, hijackers who killed Russian citizens for many many decades. Lots of lying freeloaders came to America and worked the system that
I know personally. Who cared? 70% medicated Americans are aware what's going on? But you and I believe in Karma - the ones who allow the destruction of this country morally, politically and economically are going to end up in ruins caused by their own actions.
Now, I watched Russian main channels today. It says that Sn...d.n is in Moscow in hotel called "kapsulnioy" which is in internationally neutral area of Sheremetyevo Int'l airport. His companion, british layer Sara harrison should be with him. Room with a window in that hotel costs $2,600.00 for 4 hours. Some without window are cheaper. Only one Russian journalist, a woman, who was able to reserve a room in there, she showed inside, but don't know where he might be.
Charman of the advisory board for president of RF for advancement of civil society and human rights Mikhail Fedotov says that "clause 33.1 under Geneva convention of 1955 for protection protection of asylum seekers dealers that individual who is seeking asylum can NOT be deported or extradited.
Also under the worldwide Int'l law he still can NOT be deported while asking for asylum." He didn't ask asylum from Russia yet, anyways, so he can stay there 10 years. Revoking his passport does not revoke his citizenship, it just makes his travel impossible.
Executive director of Institute for research of foreign affairs and initiatives in Moscow, Ms. Veronica Krashennikova says that he was standing up for the same values that his country preaches and his gov. was breaking.
Alexander Brod, Dir of Moscow bureau of Human Rights was saying that he is a brave man as a person and as a citizen who didn't fear to announce of breach of human right for privacy by his government. He can NOt be extradited  the place where he might spend the rest of his life in prison.
One lawmaker that I like in Duma was announcing that he is a  tasty piece for Chinese to have and offering a swap.  
Oh well... To me, I'm still learning. I don't know much about those things, how dangerous they can be for  us now or, if revealed, how much worse it can be for American citizens.
The announcements with "surprise" how low our influence gone in the world are absolutely not surprising for me. It's going down by the day. China announced 21 century century of China and we owe them money. Hello?
I'm sure you heard what happened today in DC and I'm going to listen to your commentaries tonight.
Also saw one placard saying "immigration equality" which mixes legal and illegal in the same pot on the name of "equality." Where I grew up there was a saying "thief stole from the thief, God watched and got surprised." Only the rhyme is more melodic in that language. I'm just translating it literally.

So long.

Friday, June 21, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 61)


I was watching Russian news about Moscow's mayoral elections. Current mayor was saying that estimated 300,000 illegals in Moscow are doing the most crime. He said "if we'd put them out, Moscow would be the most law abiding city in the world."
Do you know that several years ago Putin gave amnesty to illegals in Moscow? Drones of them were lined up to get their residency papers. See where they are now? They've got more of them, that's all!
Moscow is more populous than New York.

About that actor's death. I never watched The Sopranos. I'm completely ignorant how mafia works.
He was fat, wasn't he? Heart attack is only an assumption, maybe he was whacked for promoting a stereotype, or had a rival in profession? Nobody really says anything. Of course overeating in vocation might contribute. Italian authorities wouldn't want to find out if there was a foul play, right?

Putin wants to protect Russians in Syria, as he should. There are tens of thousands of them there, including professionals who are highly educated, working there and need to go home to contribute to their own. Their lose won't be just only the number of people, but also intellectual commodity of the nation who educated them on taxpayers' expense. Russia has a bad experience when America thumbs its nose into the areas it doesn't understand. Sarah Palin was right saying on Faxnews that both sides calls on God, let's God sorts it out. I didn't know haz.....lloh is so big it has a radio and TV programming and seats in parliament. America can't fight with cave men in villages of Afg. how it's going to fight an organized army? Chris Christi said he's going to lower the flags in half on Monday in honor of Gandolfini. I don't mind, but why he don't do it when young men and women solders from NJ coming in caskets from protecting his fat behind? Never? When actor is more important than soldier, it says a lot about the people's values as well as politicians. I believe every nation deserves its king. The only victims are the decent ones.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 60)


In today's meeting between Putin and Cameron Putin said "who are you going to help in Syria, cannibals, who take insides of their dead enemies and eat on camera?" I told you about that video on Russian news sites, why didn't you put on your site?
Also check That's in Russian, showing good samaritans are taking in their hands to bring some order in different areas of society's ills.
I was at Metropolitan Museum today. It was crowded, lots of tourists, I heard lots of French. Coffee was $3. lol You never really see the Museum in full. It's so big, every time when I come out I want to go back the next day to finish the rest. My favorite galleries are Egyptian, American, Greek sculpture, etc.
There are lots of books about American civil war now. I wonder how would it look like if the other side won? I found a book, which has very interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes unnerving, revealing facts about the notable events in history. To find out that so much depended on accidents and coincidences during the history, while we try to view it from a prism of reason, is really eyeopening.

Did you know that because of his hemorrhoids in the morning of Waterloo battle Napoleon was uneasy and was late to start the battle as planned by about 5 hours, which believed brought his solders down?
I'll bring other examples too, which are informative and funny later.

So long.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 59)


Iran has a new President, let's hope for the best. Yesterday Russian channel had an interview with an Iranian family- a young couple with a child. Husband spoke Russian, he studied at University of Tehran. They were going to elections. He showed his passport, saying without it he can't vote. Crew went with them, everyone in line had a document - a mandatorily required passport in their hands, plus, they had to give a finger image with ink - all of them. Talking of election and democracy????......... .???? Where? When?
In NYC, where illegals go from one election's post to another and vote without any proof of ID and no fingerprints? What about they're registered in different states? And America goes to Russia and other places to monitor them? This is an irony of world events. If I'd not be the witness, I'd not believe.
About the article that Putin took Robert Croft's ring. Robert Croft is lying out of his teeth. First, Putin don't speak English, that might be misunderstanding the least to say, but in case of "stealing?"
Robert Croft should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. All those drug-addics like him, don't know what's going on in their lives. I don't trust none of them, not even walking a dog. Putin don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't drink. R. Croft is. Putin took it and he put it in Library? Why he didn't keep it, if I'd like it so much? Why Croft took it out and handed to him, instead of just showing. Putin hasn't seen a ring in his life? Why would he even talk to Croft ay first place?
You haven't seen the wealth exhibited in Kremlin Museums. I remember when Ronald Reagan visited Russia and were taken there, his wife said they have been around the world and haven't seen anything like that. And that's after what rich stoled and ran away before and during the revolution. Most of them came to America with stolen goods from nation and were given a harbor. Putin don't talk anybody anywhere that wouldn't be in camera and in record, especially with foreigners. So... where is the proof?

So long now.

Friday, June 14, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 58)


I listened today for first 2 hours. That's true that people who listen on Friday evening have no social life. lol
I certainly don't socialize too much. Who am I going to talk to in this town, libs? About what?
Chameleon is the word and you also should add scorpion in the mix for ice cream man. That dude is really a vicious violent soul who can push any dangerous idea through a sewage pipe in the name of "good."
You hear the choice of words he is using and how he is purging them out like machine gun?
Jeb is another thing; starting with kissing lowlifes' behinds off the top. If you pay people, those who have no education and no ambition, for unprotected sex, you'll have "fertile" population, of course. Look what happened in Europe, when "fertile" ones arrived and started reproducing 2-3-4 times more: natives who were paying for it started not reproducing themselves. Why? Because they don't see a future and they don't feel safe.
I checked Russian sites. They put C. Powell's testimony before Iraq war in UN and then, after, when he says he was wrong. They say USA is doing it all over again. And it is true. 10 years in Iraq, 12 years in Afg., what's next - Syria?
Michael Behenna's case was denied again... How idiotic Americans can't understand one simplistic, primitive thing: we can not pay for those types of self distractive wars anymore. We don't want anymore body-bags, injured and our own in jails. People don't know where Syria is, how this can happen?
In the mean time, King O is traveling, revenging America, burning money while country is in debt. You're right, there is no media. I can't believe that I chose to come here 22 years ago for freedom of speech and still can see any journalistic outlet I would like to work for.

Ending on a good note; I was crossing from West side to East on Central Park South at the end of your second hour listening to you and was blowing kisses to horses on carriages lined up on the park side of the street. Do you know how sensitive their ears are? They are very sensitive. I blew kisses and their ears move and they turn to me, but their eyes are covered from both sides by some shades, I guess for them not to be distracted. I feel sorry for them. Standing in the traffic all day long, in the hot summer and the cold winter, that's an animal abuse. They should be free in a place they can run around. At least they should keep them in the park, not on the streets.
In terms of Bloomi as a mayor, he did good things. His police doesn't report crime, though. He brought definition of crime very low, that's why he reports crime down. But... He didn't ban anything. I was in McDonald's today; people are buying sodas in bucket looking cups and sucking on them too. What did he ban, where? I'm sick and tired of fatsos taking 1.5 and 2 seats everywhere. Some even more, plus their shopping carts. Smokers - they should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. I'm sick of their stink coming to my lungs and contaminating everything around. If they allowed to do it to me, why shouldn't I be allowed to spray some toxic gas on their faces? What's the difference? They harm me, i should harm them, wouldn't it be fair? Or spit in their mouths the way it would go into their lungs. Sorry, my spit is too clean, it wouldn't do any harm.
You should be running for office. I should be your advisor.
See what Iranian election results going to be tomorrow.
50 years ago soviets put a woman in space first in the world - Valentina Tereshkova. She is member of Russian parliament now and wants to go to Mars. Still in good shape, very nice woman. I loved the reportings about her and her career on various Russian media sites. Check

So long.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 57)


I was listening that rubioicecreamman on Hennity today and was amazed what kind of pep-talk he was pushing through. There also is suspicion that he says things differently for Spanish speaking people. He is lying so big and so bad I can't even imagine. How he starts from one end and ends up in 180 degrees on the other in one breath - it's scary to hear! The man is really demonic.
I can't still figure out about that guy who is in Asia today. What did he do and what he is able to do tomorrow will change his role in general and will judge his actions.
Today was national day of Russia. The president announced new type of party called "National Front for Russia." If you want to know in detail get someone who speaks Russian to translate for you from
Also Roger Ails accepted the Bradly prize. One of his expressions that I like was "political correctness substitute for the truth." That's what liberals are doing and hot-air balloon example was very good.

So long.

To Michael Savage (part 56)


I was checking russian news and saw the site
It says for one day it has already 1000 votes and need 100,000 to be considered.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 55)


You said "damaged good" about that script reader? LOL That's funny. Another thing is in my mind that O wanted to put another black woman in high position like that to match up with G.W. Don't you think so?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 54)


Just finished emailing back to 1st Lt. Michael Behenna's parents, who would love to be on your show.
Don't know why wouldn't you follow up with them as often as possible? I'm anxiously waiting to hear what's going on with his case. Please.
Also checked your site and saw the clip about the movie screening and the t-shirt story. Of course, media with most liberal colleges' "smarty pants professors" are up in arms to finish this country. What you expect? Entire Europe is infested with immorality and the stink is coming this way and infecting and paralyzing the immune system of the society.
Mid 90's I was working in so called "ivy collage" ("ivy" my foot) and years of my employment left me with surprises about the policies encouraging the bad and discouraging the good. Being white christian and straight was on the bottom line of education chain. Let alone you have to talk right from wrong and good from bad, oh, no!!! Conservative would consider a traitor, wouldn't be given a "financial aid" and would be forced out of school in the broad day light. If you'd go to ask Qs to admissions office, let's say you want to go to school and give them business by being ripped off your arms and legs, still, if they wouldn't like your Qs they'd scare you out. Imagine having an opinion which wasn't praising perversion, badmouthing of the country and nation, the white men, promoting illegality and paying from school's budget for s.t.n worshipping group, oh, no, hmm, hmm... don't even try.
There was this one famous student at "barnyard college," as many call it, who was black, lasbian and muslim all together, on top of it she was hardly 4' tall. She was what administration called a "t.rr.r" of the school. She was one extremely obnoxious, violently aggressive, outright physically fightful creep who was giving into and being taking care of every time. I asked all the administrators and security supervisors why wouldn't anyone straightening up this creep, the answer was "a lawsuit."She could claim anything under the sun, lie about everything and no one would want to deal with it. It was easier to victimize everyone else and themselves included.
If you were a good employee, had "excellent" on every year's job evaluation, they'd get rid of you and be on the side of the criminal, just to be on the safer side. Anyone who would be white, christian, straight, let out "conservative" would be arrested on the spot for that type of behavior. If i'd be secretly taping my working years in "ivy college" and all discrimination I've got for being who I was - an excellent employee, but white, not connected, christian, straight, decent, innocent, moral with accent i'd not be staggering till today. People come from from other countries and ask for asylum for those things.
I'm still thinking who to ask asylum from?
I wish someone would do it, now that God gave a human imagination to come up with live-stream, it should be done. God willing that day is coming closer and closer and you and I will see the house of cards of media coming down from left and right.
Someone like Soros on the right should sponsor people like me and able us to do it. The only way to show the reality is a hidden camera and backup of powerful people, so we won't end up in the streets or dead.
22 years of America gave me nothing but an american passport. Of course I learned things, I experience  life, but I'm wondering if still straggling and not being able to have a family in a result, was a right life move on my part. Oh, well, Mother St. Teresa had doubts too. You have doubts, I'm thinking Michael Behanna's parent's have doubts for raising a patriot son. Look how "smarties" in Congress bankrupt this country from left and right. trillions in debt and brother O just borrowed another 300 billion?
They want to thumb their nose into Syria now? They didn't have enough caskets coming back, they're craving for more?
June 1st is the Int'l day of protection of children. Russians always celebrate with social and cultural activities. I didn't see anything done in here. Maybe it was, but I didn't see or find. You say San Francisco is emptied from children? Who is in his right mind wants or can raise children in the there?

So long.


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