Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 18)

Dr. Savage,

I keep listening, but nothing came up in your program about previous post's topic and today came not the good news.
First, Appellate Court will answer only in 3-15 months, which is unbelievable, and second, today I've got an email that yesterday Clemency Board denied Lt. Michael Behenna any day of short of his sentence. Wow, how Secretary of the Army John McHugh goes to sleep? What if Michael would be his son? Does he care about the enemy more than the men and women under his commend?
I'll be puzzled unless I get a chance to ask him personally and look into his eyes.
At this moment my feeling is if one day with God's will I have a son, I make sure he doesn't go to military. It wasn't bad enough what was there, they keep putting more, muddying the waters, polluting the system, see what happens. Geez!
I was listening to an ex-solder yesterday who was saying that military's goal in implementing any policy suppose to be based on increasing 2 things only:
1st vitality and 2nd survivability of the troops.
Makes sense to me, but now, how is the recent adopted policy serves these 2 causes?
It's going to cost not only limbs, but lives of the solders. They're going to be faced with more hatred and violence. This was a major visiting card handed out to enemy to scream demise to our troops, most of which don't carry the stigma, but minorities in this country going to finish majority and it's not a "democracy" to go preach others.

In terms of signing START treaty with Russia I know you disagree, but I have a soft spot for Russia and think that if we are not going to use what we have anyways, so what the heck. Russian government's job is to worry about protecting its people and I respect that. Every government's job is the same. We're not suppose to be or act as enemies anymore.
I'd suggest to be friends with Russia, and in case we need something we don't have, we'll buy or borrow from them, what about that? I should be the negotiator in reserve, just in case.

Russia today has enough trouble with its neighboring Republics. Those make trouble pretending they like America better and want to be with us. Yeah, right!
They just want our money, that's it. If America wouldn't give them money, they would be happy to see it gone and finished.
Some of those Republics' heads made a career for themselves by badmouthing Russia and getting millions from us, while the simple people there have mixed families, history, culture and blood intertwined for centuries.
Ukrainians and Russian's are first cousins, no one is closer than them by blood, look what's going on there. What about Georgia? It was a beautiful multicultural, multiethnic wonderful country in Soviet times where everybody got along, respected and loved each other. Doors and tables were open to total strangers passing by.
See what happened? 3-4 different ethnic wars broke loose, bombs came down on peaceful people.
America sends his sons and daughters to train their solders to do exactly what and why?
Can you answer? Try, let's figure this out together, if you want. I'll help you out.
If our gov. would stop giving them money, which is indirectly victimizing us here, there would be less trouble and they'd get along much better. Most of Americans don't know where these places are on the map, neither they're interested to find out, as far as I'm concerned.
Although I'm sure Russians know about this, but I'll repeat it anyway.
Check my blog to Mr. Putin through my profile. I'm not intimidated by his name like the rest are, he's just another man with big job in his hand and tremendous responsibilities on his shoulders. He's a seasoned politician, though, that's all. I like people like that. I better talk to one of those, rather than the ones with condescending nature and attitude.

American foreign policy has not been consistent throughout the history and it continues now.
So, let's work together. I'm an American first and foremost. I know Russia's weaknesses better than you can find out. Today, western liberals are up in arms to infect, infest and destroy that country from within beyond recognition. Bombs won't destroy Russia or USA. Liberalism, which breeds perversion and sickness and works against country's defenses, will. And, most of that garbage goes there fast from Europe. All one has to do is to look what it did to lazy Europe, to understand the consequences for themselves. Are they smart and cautious enough? That's my fear and the cause of my efforts.
RF and USA are in the same shoe right now, they're 2 sides of the coin.

That's why I think they need your books. I'd be happy to help you publish your books in Russian. Why don't we go there? I'll be your interpreter/translator, let's arrange a different type of conversation. It's not being done by anyone right now.

The START treaty was ratified by Congress, but it's not a done deal as of yet. Russian Duma has to approve it.
Someone from Washington Times was supplementing for you couple of days ago, he said so many bad things about Mr. Putin, which are not true. Why doesn't he check the facts first or just withhold himself from sounding like a gossip columnist. I used to listen when he was on before, I turned him off that day.
Put the "best of 2010" it's OK.
So long.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

To Michael Savage (part 17)

Mr. Savage,

Today is the Appellate hearing for Army Ranger 1stLieutenant Michael Behenna.
A MAN, a SOLDIER who dared to put a uniform on and went to serve his country to keep us safe.
Did you hear anything yet? Is any of family member scheduled to be on your show today?
I'll be listening.
I believe many of your listeners are anxiously waiting and hoping for a good result also.
It's late afternoon now, I'll continue this post tonight after your show.
