Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Michael Savage (part 24)

Hi Doc,

I have 23rd post in draft.
Yesterday was Constitution Day in Russia. People celebrated, read it, gave out copies on the streets of lots of cities throughout the country.
Do we do that in here? I never noticed throughout 20 years I have been in here.
You were complaining about OccupyWallStreet crowd trying to block ports in the West. Some got arrested in here. I understand why you don't identify yourself with the movement, but they're not all punks or yuppies or hobos. Actually many of them are educated, underemployed or even employed, know politics and agree with many things you bring up as being out of control policies of this country. You're right about the reasons and some of them are exactly working to change those.
I have a youtube channel called Cocoandbrownie's and I address to you from there, hoping this will get to you. I can be on the phone reporting from the ground to you, if you'd like to know particulars. The entire movement is very big and diverse. I can't and wouldn't like to be with all of them, but all of them got real sick with corporate corruption backed by government, which you yell and scream about all the time.
Some have some utopia ideas about the future seeking and hoping for different type of solution that you and I have in mind, but hey, this is still America, they can express themselves. Nothing really I haven't seen or heard before in New York City, this is just people's gathering in one place to bring their grievances out loud on the open and to the streets.
You know media is not doing anything about it, don't you? Who calls them "a lapdog" rightfully, don't you? Also you say "nobody is watching the watchers," right?
And, I quote you in my clips and add some more to their appearance and characteristic.
I'm going to get a sign saying "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
You should check it out and take it easy, you also badmouth your fellow consrvatives, I'm used to it. How did it happen that you're all together on this, plus Howard Stern? Makes me laught out loud.
Michael Moore was in one of the working groups couple of days ago listening to "demands." It wasn't being filmed by anyone. He was dozzing off most of the time, maybe he was just listening his own way.

So long.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To Michael Savage (part 22)

Hi Doc,

Hate to start on a depressive note, tried to let it go as another news for already several day. It's so sickening to feel powerless to do anything. I'm talking about young serviceman perished in a crush of that ugly, slow and stupid looking aircraft.
When I heard the news, in a half a second it struck me; who put them all together in one dumb looking thing like that?
I'm no military expert, but bare eye could see that thing is slow moving and too big to maneuver. Why, why, WHY???!!!
As soon as I turned you on that evening, you screamed the same Q first.
This happens quiet often, it's like telepathy, that's why I keep this up.
I couldn't go and look at their pictures, but after you put it on your site, I took a look and heard an interview with one of the widows on TV who has 2 kids. She was crying the whole time. The only hopeless shouting I could do is to wish that her tears and tears of others who cried for them will burn the heart of the generals and their superiors who put them in that situation. May they suffer in this life and in the other and afterwords and forever and ever more!
Where I grew up wishing a death of someone wasn't consider the worst curse, wishing suffering was. It says "may you search for your death and won't find it."
Also today you screamed your lungs off saying this might be a conspiracy. Could it be? Don't know. It's a scary thought, but what could be the explanation of something so bluntly insane like that? Don't the families of people in charge questions their father, husband or brother who made a decision like that? I would, if I would be one of them. Who are they, where do they live? Is this an old human envy of old men sending young men to their deaths?
You should tell victims families to find those addresses and go to their houses and ask their wives why their husbands killed their husbands.
They should sit in front of WH with Lt. Behanna's mother and ask Qs. Why is this young man still in jail, for God's sake!
I can't get over this, seriously. The sad part that burns me that I can't do anything to help, but say these words and pray for their souls and for courage of their families to carry on. I know this is pathetically not enough, but alas.
I go to bed thinking of their precious kids going to bed without their fathers reading books on their side and kissing them good night. Never coming back and knocking on the door...
Instead their fathers, who were cream of the crop of the men of this country are in six feet deep and we don't have anyone in jail waiting for trial of hanging?
What professional would survive a job that by mistake would kill 30 people?
How is this just or fair to any of us who sleep safe and have human basic sense of gratitude for those who serve for us?
Talking of democracy!.. I better stop here, before I say things I regret.

So long.

Friday, July 8, 2011

To Michael Savage (part 21)

Dr. Savage,

I'm listening. So much to write, but no time and other factors.

Today was a day of family, love and loyalty in Russia. President also participated with the first lady, gave good wishes and bouquets to newlyweds. Wished them having lots of children.
They even have patron Saints for this purpose; Saints Peter and Phevronia. She treated him from some sickness and he left his power and status to marry her. They lived a long life together and died the same hour.
The offices of registering the nuptials worked around the clock and divorces were not officially filed on July 8th in RF at official day of family. I never knew this holiday in Russia and was pleasantly surprised. They were concerts on national TV praising love and commitment. People who had been married for 25 years or longer also were paid tribute. WOW! Isn't it beautiful?!
Do we have anything like that in USA?
Ask churches and synagogues on your show to promote something like that, see what you get.
Oh, let me add; all of them were one man and one woman.

So long.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

To Michael Savage (part 20)


I'm listening. Lots of things are happening in my life, I'm still in central FL, working and soon to get back to NYC. Can't afford to spend so much time blogging, especially there is too much to say for God's sake.
Right now couldn't resist not to comment and answer to the question you keep asking about the timing of that dead vermin's demise.
1. Why is this even important how and when and what, who dropped first on front of whom and so on and so forth?
The HELL with him already! Stop talking about it and giving him a spotlight. Got nothing in common with BC issue.
2. They did the raid that night because there was NO MOONLIGHT. NO MOON. They calculated it. Got it? Makes perfect sense to me.
How didn't you hear this?

I couldn't care less about his ugly photos. If victims' families require them, they should be able to get it. That's about it.
I bow to NAVY SEALS. THE REAL MEN with testosterone; murderers and killers as you said. Bravo! Someone did it for us at this time.
It's hilarious that you think O got angry, because he wasn't invited to the wedding in UK. Lol!
They said it wasn't a State event. Even ambassadors' wives weren't invited. Who cares? It's just an another show. O'Reilly called them "doppy people in carriages."
I thought that was funny. J. Leno ones called Her "sand-head with flower basket on it." Who knows how many skeletons these people have in their closets.
Look at Her 4 childrens' marriages. Sorry, I should divorces. One of the princesses wasn't invited either. I liked the bride though. She seemed very cool, collected, very simple. She got everything she needs to be grounded and confident - the maturity and education. Well, good luck!
I'm still waiting for mine. I open the window every morning, looking if there is a white horse standing by, if not, closing the window and putting on the AC.

I'm listening to you now on WDTK 1400. It's 2am now. One more hour to go.
So long.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

To Michael Savage (part 19)

Mr. Savaaaaaage!!!

Happy New Year and more tongue lashing on your part this year!
More forcefully and mercilessly, I might add. LOL
What else I can wish to the biggest mouth in the contemporary Media of the United States of America - The land of the free and home of the brave? It will be free as long as we'll be brave, isn't it? Amen to that!
You're blessed, God gave you a tool - a microphone, so go ahead, blow it all... Enjoy the ride!
I don't have that luxury, I pray to him to give platform to me too. So, if He hears me finally, the crowd will get nosier among conservatives.
But... I'm asking you, here and now, lash it out on enemies within and foreign, not on your fellow conservatives, please...
As far as I'm concerned, this should be your professional resolution or one of them for this year. I'm requesting it as a listener.
Try only for this year, see what happens. If you're not happier, then go back and make it out for loses by doubling the dosage in 2012.
Leeaavve them aloooone! Will you?...
Just do your job, you're OK, you'll be better off if you stop it.
They don't badmouth you, you notice that, don't you?
I still don't know if you're aware of this blog, because no matter how many emails or letters I sent, there is no reply or answer. So, I'm going to send postcards to your 2 favorite restaurants (you mentioned them on Radio), one of them North Beach and ask the owners to refer this info to you.
I also will ask and encourage anybody who is accidentally reading this to call and tell them about this, so will get this news to you one way or the other.
Enjoy your dinner with your family and loyal friends.
Be happy, it's a moral obligation for this year.
It's very difficult, I know, but I'm going to try myself, we'll see what happens.
I'll tell you who's the person commending it. He's a wise man, he's deep and might be very well right on this. Won't hurt to try, that's for sure.
So long.
