Monday, May 30, 2016

To Michael Savage May 28-29-30 Memorial Day weekend edition


May 28th, Saturday.
I was too busy recently, but was listening on and off.
In his rally in North Dakota, Sanders said that media is owned by big corporations who don't want 'some issues' to be discussed. One of those issues are disastrous trade policies which have cost us millions and millions of jobs, at 
Hallelujah, that a "democrat" is saying it. Praise the Lord!
Sanders is much better than Hillbilly, at least he's not suicidal who wants to go against Russia and take us with him. That baba is in real trance, really lost her mind.

Good things are happening on the right side and now Mr. Trump is officially the GOP nominee.

On the other hand, the other side of the Ocean, NATO is getting cuckooer and cuckooer by the day. It's getting under the nose of Russian Federation and some hoping to pull some hair out of it. Ouch!
They put a big-BS in Romania already, now want to put another one in Poland.
That is literally crossing the red line of security for Russian Nation.
Too bad that changed its format and I can only refer to the time and the program, instead of putting link of the report as I did before. Putin is in Greece now on official visit for 2 days. Today's news at 9pm on showed Putin talking about above-mentioned dangerous steps from Athens.

Situation between RF and US-EU-NATO is getting worse by the day.
I agree with Dr. Cohen that this situation is beyond cold war, this is prerequisite to hot one.
EU's military industrial complex's sell outs have lost their minds - for real.
After listening Putin's press-conference this afternoon from 4pm, I'm listening to Russian patriotic and romantic songs. It's about 10:30pm now and I'm not done yet. Still listening and indulging.
Listen to this and have someone who speaks Russian to translate for you; "There, beyond the fog;"
Farewell to Slavyanka; 
There are several variations, singers and videos of the same songs. I love them all.
Listen to this also; 

Bozos in the west who are busy talking about who can and will pee next to whose bare butt, want to go on these people. Maybe they should? Isn't it a time to get a reality check?
God forbid, though.
I'm putting this effort like a drop in the bucket to help stop that insanity.
See, Putin can't curse out those bozos and tell them as it is, because he has to be "presidential."
What if I do it for him? Wouldn't it be nice? I don't work for anyone and anybody can sue me as much as they want. For all I care.

At 11pm I'm still into music, I'll continue tomorrow.

May 29th, Sunday.
Look what I found; a police officer telling about his experience in Trump's rally in Tuscan, Arizona,
at It's worth to listen to this man. I believe this is the case with the behavior of so called protesters in general. In reality those who get aggressive are thugs supported by bigger thugs in politics.
Look at these street-hoes protesting Trump; 'You can know about a person by his enemies,' - a golden wisdom of ages.
There is an entire poverty industry lead by race pimps paying for this.
I don't understand one thing so far; Trump was and still is complaining that mass media is not showing the real picture, as that officer also points out.
Why he wouldn't get a few video crews covering from every angle of the venue?

Last year madam hillbilly made $21M on her "speeches." How much went under radar and what was she talking about? Just recently she met with her pal Al-Sharptongue. I wonder what was she talking about with him. Costs of ranting a mob? That's what I think. I think she got updated price list and gave him a big diamond ring to get discounts with a promise of more kick-backs later.
Maybe she gave him a diamond crasted replica of the key to WH? With their criminal background, I suspect they might have the copy of the real one. Just saying.
Why should a pimp like Al call before appearing, for all fairness to him? For 8 years he got used to his privilege of using his 'Open Invitation Card' granted by O. It would be nasty to deprive a lucrative friend like him from such simple favor, wouldn't it?

May 30th, Monday, Memorial Day.
To me this day is somber. Put a candle in the morning, did my prayers for those who lost their lives for us to have this day in peace and their families who suffered and straggled because of their loses.
I don't have fun like on 4th of July. It's just pleasant that summer is ahead. I went and spend some time with my neighbors around the BBQ and music that we organize on every holiday.

Other than that, now that I'm checking the news, I get nauseated. Don't want to trow up a good food, so I'll take this easy.
Look at cuckoo-yahoo's-bs; it put Hill-n-Bill first by showing them "marching" in town in upstate NY where they supposedly reside. It's them, Cuomo and their security only. That's some "parade" right there. In the clip you can feel like she is not walking straight.
Then comes the coverage of socialist Brooklyn born BS himself with a quote of one sentence, then, the 'coverage' of Mr. Trump saying that he abstained from Twitter for one day. Can you believe this?
He actually Twitted, congratulated with one sentence, but the vermin with venom has to pour it first before mentioning anything.
After getting into office Mr. Trump's agenda must be dismantling this industry of lies and deceits, called mass media or main stream media, which confuses the nation, keeps it under control, shots people's mouths and thus threatens the security of this nation.
No, I'm not talking of shutting down the media all together. They can stay where they are and do what they were doing for many decades. All it takes a bunch of people who are able to show the reality and compare the reality with reality. I know how it can be done. It's not even complicated. Would it make as much money as MSM makes? Of course not. But, I'm talking about civil society, not profit. I'm not against profit, don't get me wrong, but there are lots of other ways make profit without harming other humans' minds and jeopardizing nation's security. Our nation's security. That comes first for me.
But, it don't mean that confusing us to cause harm won't do the same to others' also, should they in case getting excited by reading this. If we're forced to go to another conflict or war, I strongly believe we should hit first and hard. That's right, people out there, in foreign, hostile lands, thinking and believing that this country is going down. I don't believe we, the American people are all dead-brained like the heads of major networks. We still can think, move and make right moves and fast.
I'm sick and tired of seeing other nations' "kids" dead and shown to us like throwing on our faces and our 'responsibility' is to take care of all of them.
No and NO! They are responsibility of their own parents who didn't think to have a job and enough to live on and raise a family first, but in their 15, 16, 17 years are rush to mate with their first cousins to multiply. Don't you think that you, - you the ones who show this BS on your front pages and screens every day, we know that this people making fun of our lives thinking they'll have fun having unprotected sex at urge and we should go work and pay for what comes out of it?
No kids come of out of the sky. Kids are their parents' responsibility first and foremost. Right now when I'm writing this who knows how many millions around the world are shagging-up like no tomorrow which will create more eating mouths. And, they want and need more by the day. How is going to provide for them? Me? No, thank you. You take your phony 'compassion,' rap around your own money left after taxes and take all of them into your beds. Or, better yet, you go to their countries, help them to have more sex and work for them for free all your lives. I'm for giving those   tile of saints and anything else they want.
I don't like one think about rigid conservatives, who are against abortion. One of them Rush L, who don't even have a one child. The rest paid and will pay the ab.rtion of their wives and girlfriends - hand down!
You think I like the idea? Hell no! I even get disgusted by the name of it, that's why I didn't even fully spell it.  
But, there are other serious realities in this world, which are out of our control, and should be considered on daily bases. Human can't go by talk only, no matter how good it sounds. As of today there are not enough resources to feed the entire population on Earth planet. On top, if this goes like this in 20 years it can and will be doubled.
I strongly believe that normal human should be able to control its instincts and impulses.
Procreation process should be taken extremely seriously by using all the brain cells in human brain.
I don't think all those millions who don't give a thought before breeding don't have normal working brains, they just think the rest don't and should pay for them.
I don't think so.  Don't show me a dead kid of 'refugee.' First I don't know if it's a real 'refugee,' second show first mother an father on top of each other in the cave 'enjoying' themselves without giving a thought what is going on around them and around the world.
I mean, come to think of it, if some gets on with it as soon as getting h.rney, sure wouldn't have time to look around. Entire middle east is populated by semi-literate people, especially women who are used as breeding tools. Why would it be my problem or my fellow citizens' problem to take care of?
Oh, I'm using harsh words? Yes, I am. That is a harsh reality which victimizes good, kind, responsible, moral, decent people like myself on this planet. That's all.
I'm upset thinking that so many thousands died in middle east already and my heart goes out to those who are there, then around the world, in harsh environments facing death, as I'm sitting here.
I look down on the map now and try to imagine each and every American soldier on the land and on the water being away from their families. My heart is with them today. Did they get a BBQ like I did? I'm not sure and I somehow, I don't know why, I feel guilty.
Should I be the commander in chief for one day I'd sign one of those 'magic' papers, like those that O got whole bunch in his drawer, declaring that if one soldier is fallen, the commending general will be buries with him or her alive. How about that? Before deployment we should get an agreement from all soldiers stating their wishes. Maybe some don't want together, so we'll bury the generals separably.
I can go further in my humanity and suggest that they, the generals, be buried only in front of WH and on top of each other. No bureaucrat, no politician, no community organizer or spewing-hatred-college-teacher should be heading our military and defense. That's all.
Just try ones on all live stations on all channels and streams; put one general alive in the ground in the casket while he'she is screaming and nail it, put it 6' deep before showing the soldiers funeral.
Just see how the whole thing "magically" turns around. Theirs will be dead, ours will come back in one piece and alive. That's what I want to see.
From magic it will become miracle over night. We'll call it 'miracle of our days.'
At the end of long weekend, which went fast, these are my feelings today. Situation in our military and with veterans' affairs angers me. No amount of BBQ and fun music can take the bitter taste it leaves in my mouth.
I have more news to cover from Donbass, but I'll do it the next time.
Today was overcast and hot in NYC.

Two Qs I want to ask before singing off;
1. Why both H and O, who both have close ties with Chicago, couldn't do anything to improve the live of that city all these years? If she couldn't fix the town there, how is she going to fix this country?
2. Why nobody in MSM covering Eastern Europe and southeastern Ukraine? Brewing a witch brew there today can poison us here tomorrow. Potheads can't see far through the smoke of their pipes.

So long.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

To Michael Savage May 14-15, weekend edition


Saturday, wee hours.
I heard first 2 hours of your show yesterday, rock-n-roll Friday, as you call it.
General Lori Robinson, who didn't fly a plane in her life, have been promoted to lead top-tier combat commend. Interesting, how that can be?
Then you spoke about thin-smoking-man intimidating Russia by putting military closer and closer to its borders.
Putin had a security council meeting where he said that this last event concerning putting system PRO in Romania is crossing the red line and Russia has no choice but to seriously thinking about taking measures to ensure its national security interests.
He said that those are not 'defensive' systems, they just called as such. In reality those can be used to launched most lethal missiles for offense. The entire so called anti-missile defense shield system is noting less than an American military expansion to eastern Europe, which is not only will threaten Russia's security, but also the world's, At and
[Putin is absolutely right. The whole thing is so ridiculous. How our leaders can think that Russians are ignorant in military? It's beyond me.
But, in other hand, look who is running entire defense business.]

You also mentioned one dumb-retarded woman, from one of the institutions of lower learning, who is against white people, because in her mind it's connected to "oppression."
[Somehow that cuckoo left her country and came to predominantly white country. All of her barking to the tree is to get attention which is against western civilization in its entirety.]

Saturday evening; listening Vladimir Visotskiy for soul. What an incredible talent! He left young, what a shame. I love all his songs, but have my favorites, some of them
at,  banka po belomu,  kupola, koni preveredliviye, etc.

Sunday, quiet and a little chilly day in NYC.
Just watched an amazing report from evening news on Channel One - showing the parade of Immortal Regiment where people came out with portraits of their family members who fought and won in WW2 against Nazis.
This is second year and the trend is going around the world. In many other European countries people did the same. Also for the second time Putin came out and marched side by side with the crowd of people on the streets of central Moscow holding his father's portrait.
That's what shows him not only as a statesman, but also a people's representative in highest office.
No wonder his ratings are so high.
Also in Donbass, in DNR and LNR people celebrated the Victory Day with marches.
At you'll see people with placards saying 'we want to Russia."
That land is Russian, people are Russian and they must be together to protect each other. Some stupid glitch of history put the same people on different sides of a line on the map, which let burning ass neo-nazis to use the opportunity to incite inner-national conflict.
Bozos succeeded though, 'thanks' to American clueless and war mongering administration and O's blunt hatred toward Putin.
Entire regions are devastated, several thousands are dead, more than a million fled their homes and it's not over yet.

In the meantime, crooked-crugman who writes for NYslimes, tried to downplay Trump's massage by saying that he'll run the country down like a casino. If paul-the-woodpecker is so smart in economics why is he not a billionaire? I wonder how much he gets paid for teaching?
Anyone who knows or can find out will put it in comments?

So long.  


Thursday, May 12, 2016

To Michael Savage May 12, Thursday


After reunification of Crimea with Mother Russia, Ukrainian thugs stopped the supply of electricity to it. It was called 'energy blockade.' More than 2 million people living on semi-island were surviving under special save-energy regime. Last 6 months Russian specialists did tremendous work (equal to 2-3 years of labor), to build an electric grid transferring energy from main land Russia to Crimea.
People living there were absolutely trilled. In front of Putin the successful start was given and there, - light from Mother Russia!
Putin said that Russians will overcome any type of blockade at any time if anyone wants to make them "practice" on it more.
This is a very, very good news, because summer is coming and Crimea is a famous vacation destination.
[Should I be able to go I'd be trilled! Maybe anyone who reads this will pray or pay for me to go? :)]

I caught up with your show from the middle of first hour until the end of the second hour.
You were ranting about thin-smoking-man bringing us closer to the verge of hot war with Russia.
Yes, after the fall of Berlin wall NATO acted as a fraudulent entity by shamelessly dodging their side of the bargain.
In July 18, 2001, AP wrote about Putin saying either Russia should become a member, or NATO should be dismantled.
Yes, I remember that and many other times when Putin was saying the same thing.
Instead, Washington run NATO expended toward Russian border more and more.
I can write about this extensively, but not right now.
Projected so called anti-missile shield will be closing over Russian arsenals and that is a NO-NO!!!
Russia can NOT afford to tolerate all these shenanigans in expense of its own survival.
The funny part is that all those military high ranking American and European generals are lying through their teeth by mentioning only one small part of the equation.
Today's had a very good coverage on particulars of the types of missiles can be used instead of those that the West is mentioning.
Putin has to feel like he's dealing with real nut cases. This is not funny, tough. Those nut cases are in charge of most dangerous arsenals of the world.

In Russia they call Hillary "clintonsha" which totally fits the bill. Women is apocalyptic. She is a race baiting queen for domestic policy and fatalistic war monger for foreign affairs.
['Hot mess in basket case.' mw I just created a new expression. ]

Check this;    

So long.

Monday, May 9, 2016

To M. S. May 9th, Monday, Victory Day! Military Parade in Moscow!!!


Victory Day Parade in Moscow was absolutely gorgeous. I watched it live and was stilled. All the people born and grown there have the same background. WW2 was so devastating that no family was untouched by it. Knowing history, paying respect to those who raised us, respect for uniform was a big part of culture and was embedded in national mentality.
Here is aviation part of the parade, at also was streaming it live, but I like to hear Russian language from Russia.
When they put the full version out there, I'll link it in here. **********************************

Weekend was busy for me and today and tomorrow are going to be very busy.
All I could do for politics is watch Trump's interviews to Sunday TV shows late on Sunday on youtube. He is talking from his heart and answering to questions thoroughly. When the vermin don't get what they want, they keep asking the same thing over and over again. He's pretty polite and tolerant, if you ask me. Should I be his consultant, I'll tell him after one answer do not bother to go on and on like talking to dummies. To me, they are dummies, but they play smart by using questions as intimidating tactics, which shows him  being on defensive.
Most of the vermin in MSM are snakes, whose job and personal agenda is to do harm to a good person or a thing, which is s.t.nic. Look at horhay-stephanpoupoupoulous. I should give him an interview and put him in his place every minute with every answer, until he gaves up and ran out of the room. The man is leftest and dumb. Who don't know that? Even he knows. Why would Trump sit down with those types? OK, I understand, he uses it as an access to public and to let his massage out, but many times already he said that media people have been most dishonest and unfair to him.
After he wins and becomes a President, he should remember and do everything to "pay" them back.
How? I know how. I'll tell him how to put them out of business without congress or executive fiat.
Actually I'll do the job for him singe-handily. I'm not exaggerating. I have a plan and project in place. I need tools, space and some technical support, that's all. Later when it intensifies and the small battle grow into a war, I'll need couple of assistants, security detail, lawyers for handling lawsuits, etc.
S.tan in cat's fur will not go away peacefully. I'm sure of it.
In his book "The art of the deal" he wrote that he gets frivolous lawsuits almost daily bases. But, he never settles, that his principal. He has lawyers whose job is to combat those in court.
That's why I think he's so smart and capable working with resolve.

Victory Day celebrations ended with beautiful fireworks in Moscow, at 
I found the full video of parade at Gorgeous!

In the meantime, today, press-secretary of Pentagon Peter Cook for got to mention it all together. After journalists reminded him, he said "yes, 100's of 1000s of Americans participated and more than 400 000 died in WW2."

"Panama Papers" containing a database of offshore investments from all over the world were published at
By the way I listened carefully about a musician, known Russian cellist Sergei Roldugine's explanation about his investments and accounts abroad. It sounded like business like any other.
Why vermin in our MSM are picking on Putin by mentioning his name next to others who are on that list?
If his name would be there, that would be a different story, although people here are allowed to have offshore businesses, investment and accounts as long as they report them and pay appropriate taxes.
They are calling "his surrounding." What is this? Is he responsible for everybody who comes around him? Zillion people want to come around him, myself included. So ... ???
In this country you can't blame the family members for a fraud, like madoff, unless you prove something on them, but if person is Russian or from Russia it automatically "suppose" to be Putin's fault?
It's so stupid...  Is level of stupidity can go any lower?

In terms of local politics, goofy-E is trying to make noise on twitter. Crooked-H wasn't enough for us, she will complete the picture.

#JudgeJeanine is a solid rock professional who's commentary is rocking the both of today's politics.
Trump should appoint her as Justice. Just saying.
Check the following from her at seems to be doing a thorough job in getting out the truth from legal point about H's notorious emails. FBI is on her back, that's for sure. Lynching-madam-Lynch is trying to cover up her home-girl's tracks (so much for 'attorney general').
From all I can hear about her email stuff, one Q of mine is never being asked "why she had to use only one phone to mixed up servers? Why is it not mandatory to give big- shots in government, those who receive sensitive information, a darn-damn-dog-gone separate phone and assure its security.
How a bomb from Romania can heck US secret server? he said that not only he saw everything out on the open very easily, but also saw 10 more 'noses' sniffing inside that system.
To whole system of running government has to be shaken down. Entire relationship with FBI and CIA should be reconstructed. They lost contact. Finding out email-garbage is taking months and months. This should be simple and such things should be 'taking care' of very fast.
We need a strong mind on the top. Two cuckoos are not going to make up for one smart person.
No way.
No matter how much we get self-absorb with our inside life and give into all sorts of falsehoods calling them 'rights,' the rest of the world lives in white and black. First, with O, entire Muslim world and African thought that they concurred USA. He went around bending over, apologizing, giving money out like sunflower seeds to look good, and brought this country to almost $20 Trillion debt.
Now the world is looking and thinking "USA ran out of man, what should we do next to laugh at them?" Who are going to take women (especially "progressive" ones) seriously, Arabs?
Yalla, yalla, fatatan, get the heck out of the way! I can hear it right now.
Oh, did you hear that goofy-Elizabeth used affirmative action pretending that she is descendant of one of American-Indian tribes?
She should be indited for a fraud, pay back, go to jail, lose her law license like hilly-billy-Clinton and of course be banned from politics in the future.
Trump should keep mentioning that billy had his Law license revoked by a judge for lying under oath. How you can put a certified liar back in WH?
Should I be Trump's consultant I'd tell him to have another motto "where is your law license, billy?"
and show a big red card saying "here it is, com get it, I've got your 'liar' license." Big-fat at that, I say!

So long.

Friday, May 6, 2016

To Michael Savage May 6th, Friday


Today Russians buried their hero son, 25 years old officer Alex Prokhorenko. He gave his life in a hot war in Syria by bringing the fire on himself. What a real man and a hero!!!
In his native Oldenburg region today is declared an official trauer day. His wife is about giving birth and was not allowed by doctors to attend. Good choice, she couldn't emotionally handle the stress.
He was following his ancestors' path who were military men.
Look around the world, see how many of those you can find among 7.5 Billion people? Numbers are too far in between.
We have to find more of those in here and rely on them to help this country to go forward.

Domestic news; Paul Ryan of all ugly faces said that he's not ready to endorse Trump just yet.
To me he's trying to play "hard to get" card, but instead he's looking stupid, as his face exhibits.
Also he said that as if Trump inherited Republican party.
For reply at his @realDonaldTrump account Mr. T. said that he didn't 'inherit' GOP, he won it with millions of voters.

I caught up with your second hour, starting right now.
You're saying that we're watching a revolution unfold in front of our faces.
People are awaken and rising up already and between us is face-painted media. But, the makeup is melting down from their faces already.
You're talking about colleges, who denied you from teaching position, because you are a white man. Yes, of course, they didn't put it out that way. I agree. I'm in the same position for 25 years now. Although a woman, but white, educated, not connected and not willing to bend to a boss over for a job, I too, am a living proof of discrimination.
Did you hear about the book just came out that's about people who work in entertainment and media that are screwing each other left and right all over the place? Did you have any doubt? I didn't. It is just not talked about and not being shown. I'm a middle age woman, when I go my legs open in the summer, most men want to jump on me. Imagine I'd ask a job from them or already getting paid by them. What do you think would happen? I worked for women bosses who were straight, but those were also jealous when I'd wear a dressy shoes with skirts. I don't wear long usually, but also not short. Just appropriate. I don't wear makeup, I'm a middle age woman and have no shortage of men, young and old asking me out. I just don't go out with anybody. Just like that. Haven't done it for a looooong time. If a man can't make my day easier and more enjoyable, don't have means to help me to do what I can, want and need to do in my life to feel happy, to me he's not to waste time with.
Do I have friends and neighbors who I socialize with? Of course. Actually, I'm a very social person. Just happened that last several years I have no mood and no energy to socialize much with those who can't teach me anything. Simply don't have extra time to teach and/or entertain them. That's all.
Most man wants good meal and sex anyway. Isn't it true? The rest is just a talk around it while trying to get to it. Isn't it the case?

4;30pm you're ranting about the death of truth thus death of our national security by the vermin in MSM and our government officials.
Yes, national security must be the  main concern. Governments' first obligation is to keep their population alive. Once person or people are dead, there is nothing they can "enjoy" anymore, unless some go to heaven, which is not a tangible commodity, the least to say. So, let's leave that dream alone and concentrate what can and must be done by government, which is run by sinful, egomaniac humans.
Trump said he didn't need a unity in GOP to win, he was and still is right. Ryan is withholding his endorsement for Trump for now, so what, who cares?
Ryan's face reminds me of a genetic kleptomaniac guy I knew growing up. Some things can not be cured. I don't believe a word come out of his mouth. I want hos daily life streamed 24/7.
Before that I'm entitled to my opinions formed by expression of their looks, words and behaviors.

You're saying that we have traitors among us like we had them before. Of course. Every time every country had its own spies and traitors. I came out of my building and the news goes around about what was I wearing and accordingly where I might be going. Unless they ask directly and I see the jealousy and resentment on their faces. Couple of woman, which I never had seen before, in my building are constantly threaten me for last 2.5 years me living here. No police want to hear or do anything about it. I'm tired of reporting, because police threatens me for that. I'm not suppose to "bother" them with any problem. My only thing should be dropping dead, then they'll come, see, enjoy, take a picture, go home. Other than that I haven't seen police do anything to prevent or get involve to do something about the illegality and crime. NYPD is consist of low-life, low-class, low-brain-cells creatures who are not capable of understanding that they're at work and they should do something. They're thought by their superiors 'it's not worth the pay, go home.' If they get a call it's like a personal insult to harm them. It's taken as an attempt to personally harm his peaceful, quiet life, take over his paycheck, thus hurt his/hers family, etc.
Black officers will scare me because I'm white, Hispanics come and speak their own language to others who can understand, make fun, stare to scare and leave. The white one will do the worse in order to show that he/she is not 'raciest.' Whites harass whites more to please the minorities by showing that they're on their side. You know it, I know it, I live it every day.
All those articles in constitution with all the amendment absolutely do not give me any protection from any vermin criminal in daily bases. I can ask for a federal probe into one huge none-profit organization's conduct of having hired their own people on all sorts of no-show jobs. You think media is going to cover, or those government inspectors have brains to figure out? I don't think so.
THE ONLY thing is to live-stream my life 24/7. I'd love FBI to be on tail all the time, around the clock, even if I'm asleep. That will only keep me safe.
I welcome and will be very happy for it, I promise. Not only happy, but grateful. I believe to get in contact with Trump and his family members we all need clearance. I'd LOVE it! Some who has power enforcing the law comes and checks me out, finds out who I am, what I did and do, what I stand for, what are my plans for future? Find out that I'm this incredible clear, clean, honest, honorable person and live a life in most humble ways, never bothered or bothers anybody, but helps as much as possible? What can be more exciting for me? That would be the signal that my time to shine is approaching. It's time for me to be able to put all I accumulated out there to work.
There is nobody else out there can do the stuff I can in my own unique ways.
No one has my mindset how to accomplish most important things in the world, which can have impact of life and death for millions of humans. No one has my plans and projects, no body can understand, because they're not intelligent enough.
You, Dr. savage, and I have been on the same page for average 95% of the time on most important issues, foreign as well as domestic. Foreign - I know more than you. Naturally.
In domestic front my opinions based on my daily life experiences vary from your opinions , which are based on your experiences just a little bit. Maybe 5%, no more. This is as good as it can get.
I disagree with you in 2 'conservative' issues, but I think we'd meet and have a quiet conversation I'd be able to convince you otherwise. All you have to do is not to scream and rant and answer.
Those are issues that you talk about all the time.
On those you say you're rigid conservative and I say I'm an independent. So, I'm middle right, like the most of the rest of this country. The difference is that most of the rest don't know why they're this or the other way, they go by the tide around them. Look at the cesspool, the sewage pipe installed in most college campuses of this country. Look at those "IVY" colleges, which charge arms and legs, brainwashing young against everything around them. including their own parents and the country, and sending them out with crying and confused faces with a huge debt hanging in their pants and pulling it down. They have to keep it down to get a job anywhere.
I worked in one of Ivy colleges in this country. Prozac, birth control pills and M&M were in the same pockets of most of girls - out in the open. All considered a candy.

5:46 your'e saying that most of people are off to weekend at this time and asking us to raise a hand :) if we want you to 'light up" a bit. Yes, I do, but you don't see my hands.
They're up and shaking 'yes.' :)
4:53pm you're talking about your F-book stuff and asking us to check it out. I don't bother with it whatsoever; don't use it, at least hasn't done so yet.
Where is your cheer? How you're ranting again, saying that we should have the equivalent of LAC
(love America committee) to check what and why our government doing this and that. That said that Putin bombed the heck out of .S.L in Syria and now withdrew and media is not talking about any of these.
Well, you and I know that media is taken and ruled by semi-pseudo-intelligent crowd ruled by enemies of this nation. Look at the top on that hill-of-big-sh.t; of holly-weird industry and Soros and Murdock types are on the wheel injecting poison in society and pushing it into abyss. More mess in society is more money for them. What can be simpler than that?
Bad news is a good news for them and that's the bottom line. I bet their families hate them. They don't have anyone who cares and/or wishes them well. Even those who lay under them to get or keep their pathetic "jobs."
To it's be much easier to show how stupid they're rather than bother with analyzing that they say and why. Who cares what they say? I want to know who they are and how they conduct their lives. And, because I'm no interested in that, so I can find my own news and do my own commentary. Let others who have nothing better to do listen to them and waste their precious time.
The end of your show; you're screaming that you're banned from all major networks and are allowed only in handful. We know it. I also say the same thing that you say; judge a person not only by his friends but also by his enemies.
Big thinkers have a hard time to be a part of a group, meaning have whole bunch of friends. Most people don't want to hear or hang around people who are smarter than them. That's why we have fewer friends. Not because we don't want more, but because it's how human nature is constructed.
Lower of the law in society are the gangs. Why? What brings them together and makes them do things the way they do? I know. I;m sure you know and ht readers of this blog should find out themselves, if that will interest them. ***********************************************

Look at this at
It his interview to TASS agency Minister of Culture of FR - Vladimir Medinsky talked about "why the world needs Russia's victories." He spoke of heroism of Russian military, suffering of Syrian people, approaching victory day, etc.
In this clip you can listen to the full consent given by Russian orchestra in Palmyra. It's called a "Pray for Palmyra." I'm going to enjoy it now. Check and follow it @nnr_news.
Also is very good. It reports that mayoral candidate for city of London is a Muslim man with Pakistani roots who is promoted by Labor party. He's ahead, but it seems that (I've got from other up to minute sources) the final stroke of confirmation is going to be put in place on Saturday.
If he's confirmed, he'll be starting work on Sunday as a first Muslim mayor of London.
See how it looks like from afar to all of us? That's how ours look to others in abroad. It just still do not feel alright.
It looks like London ran out of European, white, British, Christian, straight men to work for them. Isn't it?  
With Hillary the rest of the world see the same;  - America ran out of men and relying on an old, jaded woman. Sorry, Hill.

So long.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

To Michael Savage May 5th, Thursday, 2016 AD


Today you have a substitute. I'm listening on and off.
Trump enjoyed Mexican food on Cinco de Mayo made in Grill restaurant located in Trump Tower,

What more Mexicans and the rest of Hispanics need to see to believe that his man has his heart on the right place for them? He employed 1000's of them for decades, definitely like their cuisine by not only eating but praising, etc.
Should I be his consultant I'd suggest him to go out to an Mexican community and dance with them, play games such as hitting Pinatas. I'd suggest to make Pinatas with his own designs, put nice things inside and go send a massage of good will.
Wouldn't it be nice?
He needs a C on C to brief, consult and make recommendation to him and his cabinet.
He also needs to establish a new C on FP with new, much better educated and objective people on broad. Am I rushing the time? Maybe I am and it feels good.

Do you know what funny thing happened couple of days ago?
On Tuesday (May 3rd) I saw a pair of summer shoes made by Ivanka Trump designer. It was the only pair left.
I really didn't need it, can't really walk on it ( I wear comfortable shoes, mostly sneakers), but because it was Ivanka I wanted to buy it. Everybody in the store were in owe how it fit me and how toll and good I looked in those. I admit, I have gorgeous legs. Yes.
I didn't have enough on me, store was already closing and I asked to hold it for me until next morning, which was Wednesday.
I do not go out in mornings unless I have an important appointment that I had no control over the scheduling. I'm a night person, get to sleep in the morning and usually go out in the afternoons.
The store manager gave me only until 11am pick up deadline and I said 'yes.'
On my way home heard that Cruising-Cruz dropped out and was more than trilled. In connected shows with that news. I had a 'news-n-shoes' moment. The news was music to my ears and shoes made me taller and more confident looking. I'm a casual dresser, but for Mr. Trump looks matter, so I have to go by the protocol on this. Yessir. :) I don't mind.

Couldn't sleep all night, working until 6am. Alarm was set at 10am. I got up, brushed my teeth and went out without even a cop of coffee, just like that, which I never do. Though I'll grab something on my way, but didn't.
Got to the store after 11am when they were about putting it back on the floor. I was so excited that looked around more and found onother (not Ivanka) pair, another style, which was a very bright color on a reasonably high heel (on too high - I can't move).
Everybody knows that brights are in style now and everybody around me in the store said that I must have them. So, I've got both.
Did I need them? My conscious said no, but my subconscious told me to have them in case I have to meet with Trump and his family. !?!  It wanted me to look toll and bright, should that day come.
I forgot how many other (all very beautiful, high end shoes, all Italian) I have in my closet that I never even wore. But... I wanted those and that day.
Got back home at 3:03pm. turned the radio on. You started the and said that you went out and bought a news suit for Trump inauguration. That was so funny...., that I opened a beer can.
That's why I listen to your show. Thorough many years I felt our though have telepathic connection.
I hope with God's will and more of our efforts that day will come. I prefer a private meeting over inauguration, because it's too tense, too crowded, take a long time is in cold winter and done outdoors. I don't have Trump-booths. Not yet.

Now, I'll go to the news that no one covers.
In Old Palmyra, Syria, Russian orchestra gave concert of classic music conducted by Valeriy Gergiev.
Amphitheater was full of people who came to enjoy a piece of normal life, after a devastating war.
Works of Bach, Beethoven, Rodion Shchedrin and others were played proving that life and its creations won over distraction and death.
Putin came on live on tele-screens located in amphitheater and said that the concert is dedicated to all victims of Syrian war and is a symbol of hope for defeating terror.
Homage was paid to the memory of  Alex Prokhorenko who gave his life to free Palmyra.
To bad I can't link this wonderful report on You have to search yourselves.
Officer Alex Prokhorenko's funeral is at He was 25 years old, father to be and became a Hero for Russia. He should be hero for Syria too. To me Syrians owe him a monument and other things which are done for that type of sacrifice. I have no words for him. All I can ask is that 'why any American organization is not getting involved to help those Russians families whose members are fighting against t.r.r in Syria and elsewhere. Oh, sorry, I forgot that they're hardly doing anything for American soldiers' families, let alone for Russians.
They have money for every bozo around the world, including $335 Million for Ukraine's multi-billionaire President Uncle-PP, to buy more weapons and kill his own people. Biden calls it "security" assistance. I wonder how much of that money he's going to swindle back to his pocket through his son's phony employment in oil industry. He is consulting Kiev to do what? I'd like to know about it.
Any "journalist" in this county can investigate what is little Biden exactly consulting and who determines the price.
Remember when Hillary was asked how come she got paid $600 000 for a speech in front of wall street men, she said "that's how much they were offering." Interesting. She sounds like a shy girl who is satisfied with what she gets. Imagine if she'd be bargaining?
Bernie is right, she should share her genius thoughts with all of us, so we can better ourselves.
Should I be one of those who Trump will talk to before his debates with her, landslide will be secured. I know things that she doesn't, but as former SoS she suppose to. She'll be so embarrassed that if she'd still has any conscious left, she'll run off the stage.
I'll ask about the functions of our embassies around the world. No Benghazi incident, I'm sick of it. ********************************************************
You were right by saying that ambassadors should speak the language of countries they're stationed in and be a little normal people. Unfortunately they're not. Look at those who are Russia and Ukraine. One is worse than the other in every way. Look at Tefft, he can't move to more. The man is morbidly obese. Fat went into his brain and killed all cells with toxins. He has handful of cells still working, but those are those which support function of stupidity in the brain.
His whole appearance shows that his qualification is in discipline called "Self-Theft of logic."
I just came up with an interesting idea. ************************************************

So long.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

To Michael Savage May 3rd, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
Look at this report at Easter  night there was gun fight in DNR in result of which 2 self-defense soldiers died.

The 'civilized' world does not notice those poor people's deaths. Why? What have those poor, suffered people of Donbass done to anyone?
Why WH is paying our money to murderers in Kiev to kill their own people in their own country? Why? Who is going to help those people and put an end to this war?
Why is the West getting emotional satisfaction on bloodshed in southeastern Ukraine, why?
I have my own very bad answers for this, but can't write in here.

Confucius said; education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.
Low information voter together with those driven by blunt hate are controlling our streets and holding this country down. It is already in financial marsh and going down surely. Unless someone who knows how to dry marshland and make it habitable again gets into WH, we're doomed.
I don't mind to be the pessimist in this equation.

Other quotes from Confucius;
- It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
- Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 
- I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. 

I don't agree with the part of the 3rd one saying "I hear and I forget." That's for visual types. 

I'm auditory, I say 'I hear and I remember, I see and I might remember too, I do and I achieve." I don't need to do everything to understand it. It's for some occasions only, such as computer stuff. 

Early afternoon;
Talk shows are talking about a picture that was posted in Inquirer a few mouths ago. That was a photo where "unidentified" man with JFK's killer.
It didn't make any noise then, but apparently something came up pointing that the unknown man suppose to be, or looks like Rafael Cruz Sr, - Ted Cruz's father.
Apparently Trump said about it on Fox&Friends and Cruz got berserk and talked back to Trump saying that he crossed his father.
Should I work for media and be interested to find out first I'd want to know if his father is still alive and has something to say. Then, if he's not to bring more photos of him and show to try to clear the thing up. But, I'm not and I'm not interested about this topic.
I was the clip when Carly Fiorina fell off the stage, Cruz look and continued to shake hands as appose to jump and pull the lady up. It was so bizarre that I at first second I though that was a fake clip. There are times that you see something which was made up for comedy shows. I have to be sure of those things. Second, in the back of my mind I's expect Cruz to act like a jerk. I don't know why, but it's just my impression of him. The way he talks politics like he's reciting verses and preaching at the same time makes me not trust his words. On top of it is his crooked face that don't make it easy to figure out. Then, his Canadian citizenship that he didn't denounced. Enough? For me it is. That's all.

Another thing I feel while listening to major talk shows makes me feel like whenever you're on one candidate' side, Rush and Levin take on the other. Rush was hot on Palin, you were saying she's not electable. Now, you're on Trump's side, Levin and Rush are not. Am I right all the way on this? I'm not sure. We'll see after Trump's nomination if they will continue to talk against him. 1:15pm.....

10:30pm, oh, sweet sound of Rafael Cruz saying bye-bye. That made my whole week.
I could not trust a word that man was saying. He should be in his senatorial office or on the floor of congress working on his job. People pay him to do his job, not to run around asking for another one and still get paid. It's most disgusting thing that I witness. Who else can do that in this country? Maybe some do, but they're not senators, who "suppose" to be so "important" and not doing it in front of the world. It's good for him tough. If he didn't lose his conscious yet, he knew he was pulling a short and couldn't do the job of President anyway. Now he can get back to a more normal fraudulent existence. To him I'd say - "Show up to work already Teddy-boy. It's time to work for the money you're getting from taxpayers."

To me Bernie makes more sense than the Hillary. I can't argue with him that younger demographic goes after him. That's a fact. Is it necessarily better? I'd hope so should I see smart people in public square or in media talking to them, explaining things to them and addressing their concerns.
Tuition is totally unbelievably high compare what they get in return. Most of them are drowning in debt from their teenage years.

I heard only part of your show. I'll listen the podcast when I get a chance.
Levin was livid today. He blamed Trump for not citing from Constitution. Oh, boo-hoo!

So long.

Monday, May 2, 2016

To Michael Savage May 2nd, Monday


Here is Trump's full speech given in Fort Wayne, IN yesterday,

There is a petition site called "We will walk" at If GOP do wrong to Trump, tell them you'll walk. Yes, he signed a pledge of loyalty, but the other side is not holding its part of bargain.
You still can vote and donate for those who already dropped out of the race?
Isn't it crazy? Where the money goes; to their individual accounts (although gov.) or GOP can collect it under its umbrella. ???
The whole thing is a mess. CO's primary was a "beauty" of insanity. They change the rule right in the middle of the game.

I found extremely cute thing at Look, baby and house dog are communication with each other with sounds and seem to be in harmony. Why RNC can't do the same to Trump, - be in harmony even with wild sounds?

Today is the second anniversary of live burning of people in Odessa by neo-nazis of Kiev sponsored by none-other than "democratic" US and EU. I went back and watched some stuff, but it's so disturbing that don't want to link them. You can find yourself.

In the meantime freeloader NATO and Estonian military are starting joint "exercises" called "Spring Storm" in territory of Estonia. Right under Putin's nose, isn't it nice?
Hope they will bite the dust provided by Russia sooner than later.

I used to respect The Heritage Foundation and its work.
Couple of weeks ago I saw an article written in its mouthpiece by a hair-head-woman called "fellow." She wrote about Russian "propaganda" on reality, while taking her own hallucinations as reality.
Who is going to teach anything to these bozos? Who is going to point out their bozoship? Whlo is going to hold them responsible for disinformation?
I can't care less what media and press say about the taste or looks or behavior of any person. We can see and think ourselves, if we're interested. Only stupids buy newspapers these days or pay attention to daily blabbing of made up faces and loud mouths on TV - anyway.
But... When talk is about foreign policy, which costs American taxpayer a fortune that it already can't pay to start with, costs human lives, forever broken families, kids without a parent, maimed young men and women, - somebody has to have a hands on mission to stop this shenanigan. This is only working well for military contractors who make fortune on bloody wars.
Someone should put their names on internet, keep it there all the time and publicize amount of money they're making.
Relations with Russia should be on the top of the list of most important issues on foreign policy in WH. The number ONE! Talking and moreover writing psychopathic stuff against one only another superpower in the world today, is not belong on the page of different scales of professionalism.
It's way over the hill to be defined as unprofessional, low-information, low-life, cuckoo, bozo, insane, etc. This is an issue which has to be brought into court system and analyze there.
Those whose actions directly and indirectly can effect our lives in terms of survival, should be taken seriously. Their salary is a blood money. It's not an entertainment that people can chose to use or not.
War is a serious business and everyone who uses their own sick, perverted, twisted hallucinations in public forum should be taken seriously.
Yes, publication who write about foreign policy should be responsible for the news and commentary they're putting out there. They should be responsible for those who they give platform in their medium also. This garbage is a different product. We, the thinking people, already know that those who make war decisions are surrounded by all sort of none-experts who have their own agenda and profit. Go blow smoke into President's ears and you can confuse the most powerful man in the world.
I totally and completely believe that that is the case. Not only I can bring examples from the past about how media can effect foreign policy, but, in my lifetime, I have seen wrong decisions made from both sides of the big pond, because of no-communication or wrong communication. You can top it off with human factor together with mental and emotional state of those who can give commend, and you will have a WAR!
Specifically, with Russian Federation in this case, this might not be just A WAR, this might be the
I'm so serious about this that I'm spending my Monday afternoon doing this, spending valuable time of my life (without getting paid or recognized for it) to bring awareness and caution.
This is like a bell-ringing from the church's rooftop to let the village know that there is a danger.
How much Putin can take from WH and cuckoo NATO who is escalating of playing war games in his backyard? Three Baltic republics, which came together and bent over to NATO are in the way from mainland Russia to its Kaliningrad region. Lithuania among them directly is a corridor from the land. Three of them directly on the way to Baltic Sea there RF has its Navy's Baltic Fleet.
Look at the map and see what's going on. NATO is all over on those 3-lala-lands and soon planing to starts more intense training exercises in Estonia, which is on the top of the 3 and surrounded with more water. Like a snake lurking in the farthest corner of the backyard it has an eye to come closer and closer to the main gate of the house. NATO sends its soldiers like roaches to multiply and make more and stronger roaches. Multiply not biologically but occupationally.
This is one example of potentially dangerous collision that can happen at any minute of any day,
What is our air-force is doing there? I know the reason, I'm just asking for logical justification.

I want to see one journalist in here finding out how much of our money is going to be spent to recruit more and train soldiers in those 3 countries, which are all hostile to Russian Federation.
What Putin suppose to do as of today not to let this danger expend around his house?
What we all do when we see a person or an animal who can cause us fatal harm? I like mice, look how cute and famous Mickey and Minnie are. But I spray my roaches and get my mice on traps. Actually I don't wait for them to appear, than decide what to do. And, i'm not the only one. Entire building hired an exterminating company to periodically spray before we'll have problems.
It called prevention, precaution, hygiene, which is a health issue and must be mandatory.
What's the difference between roaches, rats, snakes and hostile and dangerously lethally armed people close to your country, home, family your skin? Armed military people can kill way faster much more than any of those animals in big groups.
Putin's job is to protect his country, which stats with borders and its people living close or far from those borders. That's what he's hired for by them. It's his obligation. As appose to vermin in our media think he should do, he knows very well what he should do.
In my estimation so far he has been an unbelievably patient and lenient toward the West.
The US, EU with NATO are picking fight with him from all corners of his backyard. The recent outburst of war all the way at southern border where RF has military bases in friendly Armenia, between NK and AZ, is also an attempt to open another front of conflict. Don't make mistake about it. Soured relations with Turkey is direct cause of it. Turkey has been boldly open about it.  
Who knows better what's going on inside middle eastern countries right now? Clueless in WH? Of course not. Should I interview him, he'll look like an F student.
There are awesome experts on middle eastern studies in Russia that we absolutely do not have.
Not even one in any IVY college, I promise you. So, what you expect from semi-literate, aggressive, attention seeking bozos on the media? I lost hope. Somebody has to do it.
I think it has to be ME. With God's help and Trump's Presidency we can survive this world a little longer.
Trump said that most important thing in life is to have family. I agree and can add that the biggest happiness is to have a good and happy family.
Last 25 years living here, mostly in NYC, I couldn't rap my mind around how to start, who to trust, how to build and raise a family that I consider appropriate. Liberalism used as a soft tyranny to suppress the daily facts of life swiped this country with immorality and poisoned most minds with all sorts of drugs. Especially in big cities like this one.
Do you think there are some left who are in their right mind and did not give up hope for normal future of this country. I think so and I definitely hope so. So far though, I see with my eyes and hear with my ears only one - Trump with the support of his wonderful family.
I know he can have things done, because I see what he has done already. Not only I can see, but I can touch. He has something to protect - his family. He does not need to work a minute of his life. He doesn't ask anyone's material help. He is old enough to know and still energetic enough to act on his knowledge.
I remember something interesting I heard him say many years ago which caught my attention.
He doesn't like a full, back to back, steep schedule. He said that he always leaves open times in between. I'm like that. it's very important. Flexibility of mind shows that it's open to waves of information and ready to absorb, learn and take on it.
Inflexibility is a huge red light showing mental illness.
If you add to it stubbornness, aggression, control freak, power hungry character traits, you'll have a
disaster waiting to happen to all of us.

Your show will start shortly and I have to grab some lunch.

Back on the beat; you're talking about correspondents' dinner in WH, that no one dared to say anything against O, that there are no good minds in the media, etc.
We all know it and I didn't watch that event. Wasn't worth my time.                            
Now, in the second hour you're asking; "where are the visionaries of our time?"
Usually visionary is recognized to be as such after certain time, so if I have an idea how to bring entire media industrial complex down it won't be considered a "vision" before I do it.
Am I right on this? Can it be considered as such if'd write about it, but never be able to realize it in life? Maybe. After someone else does it, I guess.
I think I'm a visionary and can be the one who only can realize the idea, but also the one  and only who can do a unique job at it.

To bring down lies and deceits in main stream media, injected into american minds on daily bases,  
I need some additional tools. I have the machine, the engine, the most important part, - my brain with skills, all I need a professional place, equipment and protection to be able to function and survive the upcoming hate.
That will be like sticking hands into snakes' den. I have to get some anti-venom, protective gear, etc.

Now you're saying that you believe in reincarnation, saying that your massage of B, L & C resonated with your listeners.
You're asking to call and tell you what words, phrases and massages affecting the listener.
I'm not sure yet. Maybe it's hard to pick one or two.
I like the saying; It don't matter how many breaths we take in our lifetime, matters how many things take our breaths away.
I don't remember what took my breath away the last time. Usually nature effects me with those things. I'll try to remember latter.

Your second hour is almost over; you're saying that Malia-O is not going off to collage after high school, but taking a "gap" year. You don't see it as a positive decision. I don't care, because we don't know what's going on inside that family. Can be number of reasons.

In the meantime;
Group of Russian motorcyclists called "Night Wolves" got into EU territory in spite of bozo-polish gov. who stopped them at the border and didn't let them go through. The head of the group, Alex, a courageous man by nick name "Surgeon" said that stopping them is a useless effort.
The ride is dedicated to Victory on WW2 and commemoration of its victims.

5:30pm you're suggesting to call with one-liners from Savage and you want to put them together for radio history.
I don't have patience calling you. I might find a way to write to you and get your attention that way.
I don't think you read email sent to your website. It's not ran properly.
One caller reminded that once you said that 3 things keep you going; - 3 Vs; vitamins, vodka and vitriol.
Almost the end of the show, you're playing your favorite spring song.
You have a dream; when Donald Trump wins, justice department will go after ACLU and Soros won't find a country to hid in .... You are happily ranting and just finished the show on a high-spirited note. Good job!

7pm; was checking something about Kasich and found out the he was born in May 13th. This year it falls on Friday. ??? Do you believe in numbers? I know a psychologist, CU grad, who believes that it's a combination that can bring bad luck. Actually I saw myself bad thing happen to him in front of me on 13th, Fr. many years ago. I was laughing, which was embarrassing.
This was in NJ, where I lived one year in the mid. 90's. He asked me out and it was Fr. the 13th. We were on line in front of movie theater's box office when a piece of stone came down from above, hit his forehead, knocked his eye glasses off. I'm not sure if glasses broke though.
I grow up hearing that if you don't believe those types of things they won't happen to you. Superstition was a thing for an old grandma who lost logic. And I don't. I don't give a damn what day it is. If I have energy to think and work I'm all good.
But I never imagined that I'll come to America and meet a psychologist from Columbia University who believes in it and ... he'd be right... for himself.

So long.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

To Michael Savage May 1st, Eastern Sunday in Jerusalem!


Today is Easter for Eastern Orthodox Christians around the world.
Jesus said "do not remember my birth, remember my death."
This is the highest holiday; bigger than Christmas. Although, maybe, we pay attention to Christmas more, because of more activities like shopping, decorating, the music connected with winter season, etc., but this is The deal. Mysterious light goes off in the place were Jesus died giving a sign that he didn't not forget his people, at
There are very nice pictures on this site.
Nice report at 
Main Cathedral of Russian Federation is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which can fit 10 000 people. It was full and line to get in was unending. Patriarch of all Russia, Kirill, headed the service.

Two big things collided this year for Russians, because their Labor Day is on May 1st.
May 1st is a holiday for peace, labor, spring, unity, etc. and it's celebrated by a huge parade.
I remember with fondness how we're happy when that day came. School would prepare us for the parade, everybody would shop for spring clothes, mouth May meant that June is close and summer holidays are around the corner.
Reports from the streets of Moscow, where was also the practice for upcoming May 9th victory parade was going on, is at and
All political parties of Duma with their leaders were participating. All of them, even the head of communist party said that he's also celebrating the Easter. The head of socialist-dem. party also said that between the 2 holidays Easter is more important to him.
Everybody can search and find more clips from those 2 celebrations.

In Anakara more than 400 reporters working for opposition press were kicked out of their jobs yesterday.
The entire editorial board of popular newspapers Zaman was let go.
I'd call it erdogan-boy's "spring cleaning of tongues."
Do you see who the US and EU are friends with? This is a 'friend" and Russia is a foe?
Go figure.

In your Friday interview Trump said that is was very expansive for Russians to get on with .S.L in Syria. Yes, with all his money, the MAN knows that it's expensive. He got short of mentioning the current economic conditions of Russia, which are extremely low oil prices plus freaky-sanctions.
Trump knows money because he worked for it. Not the stench-spraying-DC-skunks sitting on other people's money. Oh, no, they don't even come in warning colors like skunks do. They're worse.
Sorry skunks.
O gave his wife's classmate, which is Canadian, a Billion $s of taxpayer money for creating a  .....
a dysfunctional website.
Did that dude paid taxes on it in here?

In yesterday's reports from Russia one showed rounding up of t.r.r group in central Russia.
Those groups are getting bigger and stronger, getting more money and int'l support, so Russia is fighting the vermin inside and out at the same time, while USA wants to weaken it further with every tool it has.

Erdogan-boy doesn't stop there. He keeps on 'tripping,' as we call it in NYC streets. Maybe he should come after me too?
Wait to hear this; he demanded from European Commission to cut support for Dresden symphonic orchestra, because it played music to commemorate 101st anniversary of Armenian genocide.
Turkey don't like word "genocide." Do you believe in this level of insanity? But, wait, it gets worse. EC did cave in and took word "genocide" off from postings. Then, German intellectuals and members of parliament, including those from D-tran's party, made noise that this bending over for erdo is getting too far. The whole thing hit the fan and got into European parliament's agenda calling themselves - the Europeans, spineless.
After a tsunami of complains from all thinking minds, the word "genocide" was placed back and the thing ended up in gloom-n-doom of Europeans 'freedom of speech' fraud and came out with 'disclaimer' saying 'EU is not responsible for the content of the text, at
You should watch this report, which is at yesterday's news program at Apparently erdogan-boy's nickname in Europe is "crazy from Bosphore." I'd call him crazy-boz.
This orchestra has scheduled performances in Turkey in this November. Most likely this topic we'll come up again. We'll see what happens.

Russian bikers called "night Wolves," for commemorating of the victory of WW2 started their ride from Moscow to Berlin stopping in historic places and paying respect on their way.
As it happen last year Poles stopped them from entering the country.

Evening news;
Trump was on some Sunday TV shows, one of them is at
Look how sleazy-chris-wallace (who's skids were greased from the get go, thinks to his mama), is   mixing words, pushing name tags, twisting logic around the point with that smirk. Look how he's moving his lips; on the right side of her mouth pulling a little top and away from the nose to give viewers an impression of hearing something "funny." See how far they've gone with their cuckooism on TV? Isn't this disrespectful to the viewer? Thinking we don't have the necessary intellect to see te BS through and through.
I never would talk to fox anyway, if even they'd pay me. Why? I wrote about this before. I have witnessed how people talked when Fox was tapes them. Then I saw cut out words from context with voice-over. They can take your sound and make it slower and squicky, so subliminally the listener will form a feel of disgust and/or distrust. Even if its live they also can do sound manipulations by lowering the voice of the interviewee and strengthen the voice of the reporter, especially on the words when he's pushing his name tags. So, if you give a test to average listeners, overwhelming majority will remember the "tags" as the real news.
For example; in this video twisted-wallace "announces" that Trump "offended" a lots of people in this country besides the Latinos and he ca not win like that, - right on his face. Not even behind his back. He's not interviewing, he's interrogating, calling names, giving negative prognoses with a smirk, which goes from intimidation to bulling with bad vibe. If I see that crooked-face-twisted-mind man I'd tell him to put the picture of his ugly face with nasty words in his pipe and smoke it. It's time, after 20 years of BSing, that man goes away. I don't know anyone who would listen to his blubber mouth anyways. I just listened the clip to hear what Trump was talking about.
This Tuesday in IN is crucial for the race, but I have no doubts that Trump will win. Hillary is getting fatter, redundant, boring and we don't want pre-stroke person get her hands on the nuke button.
As "senator" she didn't work. That was a 'no-show' job. As SoS she was banished by O to foreign lands and didn't even know where she was at. World is not a place for a sisi playing power.
All she did in her life is run her mouth and get paid.
I better off with Bernie. At least he has been consistent, so you know what you're getting. Also he's not suicidal, like the fatso. I wanted how high is her BMI? What about the rest of her tests?
Why a woman of that age wants to rule the world with obsession like that, is beyond my comprehension.

O tried to joke about Trump's foreign policy experience at WH correspondence dinner. Of course he was reading from someone else's script. Trump wasn't there.
Here is Trump's speech on foreign policy, at 

You know what amazes me? Why someone don't take this garbage on the media and shove .....
let me stop here. I think that someone suppose to be me. That's all.****************************

It has been a rainy day in NYC and I didn't go out. At the first time with serious interest watched professional surfing competition from Hawaii. I love the magic carpet rides. I was amazed and trilled.    

So long.


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