Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 71)


You're right, lots of people are out of big town of NYC, but I'm in. Can't believe summer got our of my hands so fast.
I tried to call your show throughout years sooooooo many times. I just gave up. You say there are few women are listening, I'm one of them.
I can't believe this gov. is getting into another conflict against the will of their own people.  I hope Russia would not step off and do what they have to do to protect their own interests in a good faith according to International law.
I watched Russian news in Russian. They show Damascus live.
Most pathetic and disturbing thing is in the middle of NYC there is a fascistic conspiratory policies  against people who want to survive, I mean physically survive, I mean not to be physically attacked and injured and killed. Those "do gooders" created a permanent so called "poverty" class, some of them in that class are criminals, frauds, drug-addicts and drug-dealers. Tax payer pays their bills and they can eat and do the rest of human and animal creatures do without giving a rat's .ss who pays and actually victimize them without any consequence whatsoever.
I'll get deeper in it later, but just letting you know that not everyone is out and we're witnessing another self-perpetrated demise of USA in near future. All those people they're pretending to "help" can't wait to get their hands on their necks.
Racism business against whites is blooming. It's getting more and more vicious and lucrative for black and other minority racists and their pimps and hustlers. You should go to the site of James David Manning on youtube and check couple of clips about T.martin and zimmer thing. One clip says T.M. son of the s.t.ns son, refering to O, who in deeper sense was putting more seeds into racist division of America.  He puts it into open words that you didn't do and possibly wouldn't do b/c of the fear of  being called racist. Pastor is black, he has "right" to talk about his own. We, whites are not allowed.
We only can be victims and shot the hell up. I could prove every word I say in here million times over in daily bases, should I carry a hidden camera just to show my simple daily life of survival.
I believe that day will come and every white person MUST and SHOULD carry a concealed or open camera everywhere and every moment of their lives in this town and in America. I'd be rich, taking care of myself, raising a family and helping "deserving" one in my life, should I have it done starting 20 years ago. Anybody is talking about "freedom of speech" and "justice, should always mention - "not for whites." Fist category of 'Humans in here are the precious, special creatures blacks. they go first, they matter most, then hispanics, LG - whatever, Asians, white locals who can afford to stay away and hide behind their doormen, then maybe the only 5th or 6th category of humans are the immigrant whites, especially the one who are decent, educated, moral, working or non-working poor and not connected. Those are in the worst condition. You were right saying that if white person goes to black he/she hates him, and if he goes to a white one this hates him more. You know why? because of the fear from other blacks. Whits don't even congregate, or talk to each other if they are in predominately
black company or surrounding, b/c if one becomes a victim, the other one will be targeted too. They will be safe separately being "nice" and hanging around blacks.
When you say who verminic S.r.s or some such talk about things like they're poor, Rush had very good explanation; it so called "justifies" what they have so they won't be victimized. Of course they don't want bums in their neighborhood, but if I'd need help such as that bums in the street, they'd give them,
not me. Liberalism is mental disorder of highest degree and conservatism has 2 main issues which ends up being self-defeating for their own survival. It's like an suicidal ideology, which directly benefits their haters who want them dead, multiply their own killers. Paying to your enemy to more in numbers, bigger and stronger to kill and finish your kind. It happened already in Europe and it's here and growing. Numbers and facts talk for themselves.
If normal person wouldn't be depressed today in this society, it means that person wasn't normal from the get go. My doctor says if I'd be depressed she should be worried then, it would mean I was so bad I couldn't get any worse.

But... As you say, it's normal to be down at least twice a day. I keep that in mine when I feel down. Thank GOD I have been born with great sense of humor, otherwise I might get a heartache or two a day.
I believe in karma, though. So sad that being just around those bozos can and will indenter our lives. The mess is getting bigger and coming close.
No science of psychology and psychiatry can even imagine what the real human nature is like I do.
If I'd have the possibility to write about my life in details for last 2 years I NYC, you'll change your opinion about humans and so called industry of helping them indiscriminately.
Rich who are psychopathic liberals and liars pay for their own demise and demise of good people who have limited financial possibilities.
My life should be on lifestream 24/7 at least last 2 years. You might want to know what I'm talking about and break the black magic curse in this society and establish your own nationalist party.

So long.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 70)


I was listening yesterday and remembering the time of Clinton's first election. I was new, getting familiar with US politics, my English was no good, so I was trying hard and digging into minings of idioms. When he was elected I was surprised, because at that time he already proven to be a lier. Not only about his own life, but about the promises he brought to public. Cigar story had yet to come in second term. At his impeachment time I really got shocked how American politics worked and how NYSlimes was covering the news.
Back in old country, when I was a student, my dream was to come to America, become an American, learn English and work for NYTimes. Already here, better my English got, worse things I found out about the whole thing. Now being here for 22 years, running my mouth mile a minute in English I haven't touched that paper maybe for 15 years and also saw not only a bad governance, but devastating mentality of self-distraction of the culture, language and, oh well, the other one didn't exist anyway.
Today's news says that O said that Putin has a cold war mentality. Actually he said "sometimes they do things with cold war mentality." Guess who created the cold war? Americans. Why they don't give out terrorists and criminals of Russia? They claim "no having extradition treaty." So, they still don't have, what's the fuss? Initially Sno.d.n didn't think about Russia. He went to China first. He got his asylum request fulfilled in Latin America. But America didn't want him to move around and get lost, they wanted him back. They blocked his way around, managed to check one President's plane in the hope of finding him. I think he got stuck in Moscow and had no other choice. For Putin he is too small of a treat to bother with. Don't you think Russian and every other country's intelligence services know what others are dining? They all do to their own and each other, that's it the end of the story, point!!!
World thugs come to America and get on the free food regiment. I know so many of them, thugs, piers, illegals and criminals. I see them all over in NYC every day. I knew lots of them who came, bed mounted former Soviet Union, sold their houses there, transfer the cash underground, got phony political asylum and lived for decades on free sh.t. Still living right now. You want to investigate their documents, their applications? I give you quite a few names. Are you join to put their faces out there in your program, sue US government for BS-ing its own people? let's do that, but I intent to get paid. Contact White house, tell them to email me, put me on your program regularly (I won't charge for that).
Middle of 70's there were father and son team who highjacked a soviet plane, killed 18 years old
board attendant, who was the only child of her parents and flee to good old USA. Did they gave them away? No, they rewarded them, gave them "political asylum." US wouldn't have Afg. war right now if didn't tomb its nose into war of 1979. It was in backyard of Russia, not theirs. Go figure.

In terms of closing the Embassies; I personally feel very good about it. I'll feel much better, maybe even regain trust about the future of this country, if they close all of them at least for a year to indefinitely.
Anybody who is American should consider to be responsible without any help of American authorities, if they're abroad, that's all. Is this complicated? And the best and sweetest part that it would little shorten
the number of sold VISAs to lots of criminals and thugs to come here with fraudulent documents and distractive ideas. I mean, look at that; how many people this days are coming to live and work who speak English, know the culture, loves it and starts working and contributing to society? How many? Is there a statistic. 1%? 0.00001%? 10 people a year? 120? How many?
Don't travel overseas. Spend your darn damn money in your own neighborhood. Give business to your local businesses who straggles to survive.
I should be a monarch for one week. One week only. Don't need more. Don't want more.
I'd clean this up very good and it would survive another 200 years. But the way this is going - I'm not sure. Won't be surprised that communists' saying of "we'll hang capitalists with their own rope" comes true. I have my version of reasons why America's open trade, capitalist, "only money, not culture" polices will kill itself eventually. Now, young generation called millennials, who things everyone is the same including the you and I, O and O, purple dinosaur and the rattle snake, not only not learning anything useful for their future, but being indoctrinated by self-hating, distractive ideology.
I saw a book today saying education for kids and young adults is harmful in America. I mean, I agree, besides real science, which you can learn anywhere in the world, you're on your own.
There is an Asian professor, I'll mention his name, I marked it down *************** who was saying "in science world America has a secret weapon - ... VISA. Most scientist who create all technology are foreigners, and 100% of them foreigners in his field of theoretical physics. In silicon valley first language is not English, it's Russian. They came for money, that's it. If Russia will pay them more, I promise you they'll go back.

I can't believe how distorted the media is in here talking about "banning gay athletes in winter Olympics." They're not banned there. Gays are not prosecuted in Russia, "preaching homosexuality to MINORS" is prohibited by the law, which shows that that nation still have some conscious left for its kids.
I don't see USA bothering Saudis about their moral codes. Why is that that some feel like Russia is their colony. Chukecheeseschumer sounded like his subservient wasn't behaving and he wanted his "property Sn.d.en" back to his farm from some thug who stoled it. O didn't have face to show, he better stay home and pay attention to his job.
Another O who came out of the same anti-American church and crazy preacher's influence, who made billions of $ because of stupid white women, who she also made fun of eventually, goes around talking race. WOW!
You can take a girl from garbage, but you can't take the garbage out of the girl. When innocent 2 years old girl got shot in Upper west side couple of years ago and dropped dead on front of her grandmother this anti-crist duel of O & O couldn't care less. This little innocent angel, who never got a chance to protect herself and pick a fight like T. M. did, means not only less, but means nothing. And how many are there like her every day. Let's put photos of their innocent faces on the walls of O's bedroom, shall we, see what he can do.            

I'll be listening. Try not to repeat things all over and over about African event. I'm sick of it, I'll turn you off.

So long.

Monday, August 5, 2013

to Michael Savage (part 69)


After listening an hour you talking also "fake" embassy closings, I turned the show off. Why would you even put so much emphases on that? Let them be closed. Actually let them be closed 1 entire year and see what changes in American's life. It will change to much better, because you don't know what they do all over the world. Let me tell you, what you never can find out, because you never applied to go to another country for living. They sell VISAS. It's a big black market, which only poisons America.
There are people called "maklers" who have their prices set up for different "products" means different types of VISAS. They call it "taxi" or "taxy" from the word "tax." People who couldn't otherwise get one or didn't want to wait, will find one of the shyster ones who personally connected to a worker in Embassy. They would even go with those people, standing on the line with them to show their faces. I personally know people who came paying $1000s and presenting fouls copies of Marriage Certificate,
Diploma, home ownership, fake children's photos claiming they are theirs, etc. - you name it.
I personally got to know quite a few of them right here in NYC, and some of them even got new Birth Certificates under other's names - right here in NYC. I know some of them for decades, working for cash, making much better living than I am. One is right there on upper east side a few blocks away from Michael Bloomberg's house. You think he cares? Since when? Let me go and tell him, see what happens. Maybe I'll be harassed by him like I've been so many times by his NYPD.
Talking of being a journalist in this country? WOW! That's some profession right there. Preslovutiy - in Russian. No wonder my soul stopped me to work for anyone in the media and soil my conscious and poison my mind by pretending doing something good for society.
The second, that all Embassies are spying agencies on each other all over the world. Who don't know that, you? So why would you care if they are closed. I was happy to hear.
The third is that not only American, but some European Embassies closed too. The treat WAS credible, because it was even a bounty openly offered for the head of Ambassador(s).
When you or Aaron Klein talk about Libya and that dead Ambassador I turn the radio off. Why? Don't I care? Why would I care about someone who was an arms pusher for Hill. the hilarious rot-ham Clinton? Does she care? Since when? How many millions of US VISAS have been illegally sold all over the world under her watch? Even Russian travel Agencies are on the roll of rolling sh.t. Do you anything about it? Why don't you have me on your program regularly and pay me to teach you. I can show you too.
All I care about Seals who died trying to protect illegally rented place in Libya, which wasn't the Embassy or the  wasn't even the consulate.
What fool would let their son go to military in this country? To protect who?
I'd like to to find who their parents are and contact them on your show. I want to hear their story. Military is a business too, as anything else in this country, including journalism and education, instead of public service. Military should be mandatory for men and they should pay them. Then big bastards would make better decisions about it.
I have my vision about it and everyone I spoke about it said i should run for office.
I'll be listening tonight.

So long

Saturday, August 3, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 68)


Yesterday you were saying that white women became selfish and some other much stronger terms that some might  so very self-hating that don't want to continue to transfer their genome. You asked many Qs and I have my observations about the life in America and can tell why I still don't have children.
The 1st  one is about everyone I can't say in an open forum. That's one of those things that in "freest" country in the world you can't express. Some things as you know and said it before you can talk with your dog only. The trend is all over and it worse in Europe.
About my own experience; did I plan not to have children in my life? - NO! Did I plan to be single all my life? - NO! Why don't I have it all? Don't I deserve it? Of course, I'd be one of the best mothers in the word if not the best - hands down, no Qs asked! Oh, wait, maybe you SHOULD ask.
Let me do this; while I tell my story I'll do also some Q&A.
To be a good wife you have to have a good husband. To have a happy, psychologically healthy family you have to have a functional family.
You were expressing your feelings how a man when he sees his newborn kid wants to protect him/her. It's a life changing feeling and instinct that gives you energy and power to do so.
Unfortunately...... many men lost their primal instincts about it.
Men's job is to 1) provide, 2) protect, 3) love. Women's is  1) love, 2) nurture, 3) comfort.
Now look at those words.
How many man can love a woman and provide her with what she wants and what she needs?
How man can protect woman when he "can't take the law in his own hands?" Someone kills your loved one and you call police, right? Right! Good luck, then.
Love is always have been and is still is a very fragile emotion and it has very many form of expression and it's conditional.
For most men it's physical. I was listening to Dr. Errol Gluck on radio, he said "there is no attraction, for men it's only sex."  For cynics like you and I it's a good enough explanation.
Before women and men needed each other for their survival. Now when women go to higher schools of education and working they don't need men. Life became very busy and it made next to impossible to work, raise chidren and nurture a family at the same time. Men need care more than a woman in general, but with the help of washer/dryer machine, dry cleaners, pizza and Chinese food deliveries, drugs, smoke and alcohol and, also the internet, he craves for comfort and nurturing less and less.
For women who are normal, moral, educated, have values and some standards and don't do above-mentioned things there is very few, if any, men out there. To do it all and chase an uncertainty of the future, be it infidelity or other things, which can bring to demise of the union, one becomes very cautious, if not afraid, to start a family. Another thing is the goal and the mining of doing something; nowdays in here kids don't take care of their parents, it's not even expected, so having them became a self-defeating, money wasting thing.
Rush was talking about mothers who sent their kids to day care, he said "they farm the kids" somewhere and go about their business. I didn't want to go to daycare and I didn't. I cried and my parents found ways to care for me at home, and did it by both working full time and without stranger as a baby-sitter. It called extended family, grandmothers and cousins. I still find a daycare not an attractive place for kids to be. I hate the idea of living a kid or a dog in strangers' hands. That's it, end of the story.
I have to be there every hour and free to care for them the way I think is best.
Dr. Joy Brown was saying that half of the births were not intended and the second kid was mostly an accident in America. Don't know where she got the numbers, but everything I hear backed by statistic pretty much matching my observations in daily life. Also Dr. Laura Schlesinger was saying that most of mothers could afford to stay home with their kids and raise them. There are some gruesome statistic about certain ethnic groups where at least 2/3 of the fathers are not married to their kids' mother or one of them. In some neighborhoods men have nick names that they use as title praising themselves, you know? It goes by the number of  women they impregnated. Ever heard of "crown jewel"? You know what it means? Come to Harlem, ask in the street.
Talking of morality? There goes your "Liberalism is a mental disorder" motto.

I was listening some sermon on the radio. Happen to be a black preacher. I din't know, until he invited another one into conversation talking of being pro-life and lo and behold turned against white people claiming racism.
The last paragraph I mentioned not accidentally. It's a bigger conversation that I can have on Internet.

So long.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 67)


I just checked your site along with
Might add that on Drudge under Snowden it says "Zdravstuj" for Hello in Russian. It should be "ZdravstuY" the last letter sounds like Y in word Young, not J, next, U should sound like in word Urban, not like in Umbrella, so in English it's better to use OO like in word Door, next it is singular instead of plural. It should be plural, such as "Zdravstvooyte." The letter A sounds like A in word Apple, not EY, like the first letter in alphabet.
Edward Joseph Snowden got 1 year asylum in Russia after spending 39 days in transit zone. He wouldn't be there if he wouldn't be blocked by Americans to leave to other countries.
His lawyer is a prominent Human Rights Attorney in the country - Anatoly Kucherena, who gave him books about history of Russia, Moscow City, classics like Dostoyevsky, etc. He said that Snowden has to be adjusting to his new life and asked from the press for their understanding of S's circumstance.

I see a BIG lie in American media and it's shocking that most of the sites will include it in theirs without checking, including Drudge. One of them says that as if in 2014 winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia "gay athletes could be prosecuted." I want to puke when I see such reporting, but again, what can you expect from WABC? Don't connect it to your site, here is why.
1. Gays always have been in Russia, especially in Moscow, which is as big or even bigger than New York. Soviet time they would get arrested if police would find them getting laid in on of the main public parks where usually they gettered. Parks weren't been closing at nights anyway, such as in NYC, where I can get arrested for just being there after the set time.
2. Now gays are roaming around in Russia and in territory of former Soviet Union as anywhere else in the world. they have their clubs, they protest, they openly provoke public who disagree with them and it's illegal to arrest them for being gay.
3. Duma implemented a law prohibiting "Gay PROPAGANDA to MINORS," which to me is way overdue in here. Nowhere in Russian media says "gays are not allowed to Olympics." It's very primitive for perverted minds to not to grasp that if you're visiting a country you have to abide by its laws. And yes, if you're gay or you're not gay, but if you're "propagandizing to a minor" you COULD be prosecuted. Tell this to your audience, please.
****************** I'll tell you a fun fact that I just found out about 1980 Russian Olympics that I didn't know. I heard it on Russian Radio channel in here.

There is a student in GSU - Georgia State University name Patrick Sharp, who formed a "white student union." So what about it I would say, but no.... Others - racist minorities and self - hating whites did managed to put it out to steer a hatred and controversy.
Entire media and press, at least 99.9% of it acting as satanic enterprises to destroy this country, which has been established and built by white people in general. Ivy college Columbia University which will cost you at least $80,000 a year (it's their estimation, not reality) allows student to have a satan worshipping club or "union" and pays $100s and if not $1000 from its budget (according how many members or attendants they have) to accommodate them (for buying food and drinks while having "meetings," maybe even "instruments" or "tools" to practice and teach, who is checking anyway?), but if a white kid wants to get together with others to share his own heritage, it's a racism. Wow! "Ain't it a b...h!" my favorite comedian Katt Williams would say. Report doesn't say that this student union excluding others who want to join, does it? And look at the other aspect of this: They're already judged by being bad, up to putting them out for vermin in the media to prey on, without others "proving" so. What happened to "American" way of "innocent unless proven guilty" s..t? White Europeans established this country 200 years ago, to just and up with none of it for their kids today. Go figure.
Examples are countless:
1. Go to, put a posting white man/woman/ looking for a white man/woman. See what happens. It will be flagged and removed, before you know it. Use another email and put "black man/woman looking for a black man/woman, no whites reply, please" see what happens there. It WILL BE there.
2. One weekend a few months ago I ended up listening some program about sports and sportsmen on NPR or ESPN, not sure, from Harlem Public Library on 135th street. I know that library, I use to use it, so I kept listening. I'm going to tell you the name of the commentator **************** and what he was exactly saying to minority youngsters who the program was addressed and it was live with live audience full of them, such as "what are we doing working for  "white man," we are destroying ourselves. He was constantly getting applauds for his racist rants by youngsters and other who were present there. Why this wasn't in your or Drudge's site? Why media didn't throw it to the fan or even call this person to "discuss" what he meant?
Answer is: it is organized racist media and press against whites in this country and have a mission to destroy white race." I'm afraid that they'll destroy this country in the process. I see it every day.
Solution: there are more conservative blacks are coming out and there is a website called www. There is a business man last name ************ who has his firm in Wall Street, he goes to often talks about markets and more, there is Dr. Ben Carson,  Larry Elder, Deneen Borelli and others who are intimidated by their own.
I learned new expressions recently and I'm happy to start using them, such as race hustlers and grievance peddlers. Everyone should use those as titles for al nonesharpton and jessyhummm jerkson and many others when they mention their names.
If you see how in daily bases I'm discriminated, hated, and mistreated (not saying attacked and wounded, because it's in the courts and being prosecuted now) as a white person in NYC, you'd give me an asylum in your studio to report to listeners. There is no minority judge is going to prosecute a crime against me from a black or hispanic as a hate crime. This is happening now and here.
The only and only GOD's given hidden camera live-steam can break the beckbone of this criminal and racist against whites and christians in this country verminic media.
Talking of "freedom of speech?" It's a biggest lie perpetrated to the world full of decent, educated and good people who come here for that, such as myself.

Your portrayal of Moses on your yesterday's show was genius.  Yeah, he had a speech defect and his brother was interpreting was he was saying to people. I was shock when I read that. No one before told me. I was laughing and telling my roommates at that time who also were from Russia.

So long.  

