Sunday, December 28, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 28th, Sunday, 2014


I'm listening for most of the time.
You were right about giving gifts, ha, ha! I think the best thing to do is not to give anything to anyone, but I have a bad habit of giving. It's deeply rooted in the culture and daily routine of people's lives where I come from and my mother was one of the few humans in millions who was happy to give unconditionally, readily, quickly, happily and all the time to everyone who might need or even not need of anything.

Now about politics and social life.
The overview of last year's events from the eyes of Russians you can check at
Winter Olympics of 2014 was really amazing and became a source of pride for Russians. Whole world was watching and enjoying, but America (as it did in 1980, when  i was on the other side),
was trying to badmouth, poison, put a dark shadow on it.
It was too much for Putin to enjoy in his adversaries' eyes. That's how I see it.
Lights didn't manage to be turned off from the grandiose festivities, when he had to rush to look through binoculars into far waters of Black See to manage facing upcoming possible war zone.
Just watch the clip. See how unbelievable happiness Russian nation felt for a month.
It showed new Russia to the world in many different ways than only sports competition could.
USA, who thinks that it's a leader of all good things in the world, showed "sinat chinam" in my opinion.
I'm not saying that it's not a source for any good around the world, I'm saying that this was sinat chinam for any normal person. **************************************
For a short time Russia a and city of Sochi (which I remember as paradise from my experience many years ago) had become the best place to be for the world.
How could this be any good for those who have destructive minds? Oh, no.... Someone else had the spot under the sun? How could it be tolerated by war mongering perverts and their sponsors? No way. They were using green $s and every other lies possible to bring bloodshed as fast as they could. When Russian sport pros were getting showers of stars for their performance, western nato satans and mccain-addict warmongering blood thirsty contractors in here were working hard to make it to be forgotten as fast as possible.
Look at the faces, hear the sounds of euphoria of happiness in this clip and put the parallel picture of the events in neighboring Ukraine. Look how madam pawpaw nuland is giving cookies out in maidan, EU promising money and encouraging the thugs in the street to start killing their own brethren in their own country.
Paralytics showed that there is no limit to the dream. Impossible was made possible and unattainable was achievable when you see men without legs playing hockey.
Autonomous Republic of Crimea's reunification through referendum added to the pride of RF in 2014 AD. Winter and spring were good for Russia, but there came the summer without delay. Witch brew worked. The only people who don't guess that the whole world is seeing it as it is are the only blood brewers themselves. At you'll see a short overview of the year.

"Most difficult and painful topic of this year has been the civil war in Southeastern Ukraine, which
touched every Russian family," saying the commentator at
Commentaries varied from side to side but all agreed with one definition - "tragedy."
Peaceful songs against corruption in the main square in Kiev turned into scary bloodshed in the country. Armed coup, radical overrun of power, burning people alive in Odessa, shelling entire cities full of residents, foreign $ involvement and dirty insider money took almost 5 000 innocent civilian lives so far. 100 000s are wounded, about million displaced so far. Families divided by ideology and entire regions are burned down and destroyed. It will take generations to rebuild and many more to forget and forgive.

Look at new political card on the map at

Sunday, December 14, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 14th, Sunday


Brief overview of last week's events you can read at You could see the political and social mess going on in Kiev, Kharkov and in the rest of UA. Look at nazi signs on the emblems of private army group called Azov, which is sponsored by one of the oligarchs. I'm sure there is horror going on in southeastern parts in the form of hunger and freezing from cold for those who are alone and unable to get anywhere to get help to survive.
This past week IMF announced that promised financial help in the amount of 17 Billion Euro to UA is under threat, because it can not allocate 15 Billion of those. That's why a EU delegation went to Kiev and according to Financial Times Germany's finance Minister called Moscow and asked to delay the payment of interest on the last year's 3 Billion Euro debt. Apparently UK's finance minister was puzzled saying "they are asking for help from Russia and still keeping the sanctions? It doesn't work that way."
The 9th convoy with humanitarian aid from Russia arrived in Lugansk region last week with food and other necessary survival stuff for winter. Report says that this is only a week for a long time that they didn't get a report of any civilian casualties from warfare.
I'm sure they're dying from side-effects of already happened hostilities, which created distraction, hunger and despair. Top it off with a cold winter without roof over head and heat and you'll get the picture.

Interesting interview at showing how our uncle had set up shop in Estonia against RF and what happened to it. And, supposedly, Putin should not know all about these things?
Now this "unconditional humane 'help' for poor UA" is a rosy shade or what? Who would fight arms and legs with bloody death of their own sons and daughters to just "help" someone else? WTFDTM?

Member of EU parliament Nigel Farage said "enough poking the Russian bear, we can't tell Ukraine which way to go and it's unwise to provoke the bear, which finally may react."
It's at

So long.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 13th, Saterday


Yesterday you were talking about p.rn and asking listeners to call and share how it affected their lives. I don't see it affecting anyone's live in a positive way. To me it's a stain on human dignity and can't be justified. Human race should get rid of it all together, because it only caters to a wild, aggressive and ugly side of a human psyche. Humans in general are comprised of both angel and satan. You can see it on daily bases. One person might push you under the upcoming train from subway platform for no other reason but hate, another one might jeopardize his own life by jumping down and rescuing you from bloody death.
Watch local NYC news, you won't miss it. Just recently in The Bronx a strange man to the couple standing on the platform pushed the husband under the subway train. Wife saw how her husband bludgeoned to death in front of her eyes. How she can survive such a trauma, only God knows.
P.rn is inherently aggressive, emotionally and physically violent act which shows the lowest of the low in human. No one in their right mind would be involved in it or approve of that type of "business." That's how I see it. Of course, I agree with you that it can and it IS being used by more conservative cultures like in Islamic world to condemn, reject and demean the cultures and religions where it is acceptable and/or is a legal business, such as the Western World.
But... if somebody is watching it, using it, making money on it, in type of society like ours, it's hard to put a stop on it. Good freedoms bring bad freedoms and for decent people, who are always a minority in my opinion, is hard or almost impossible to make changes. That garbage bloomed under stainy clinton, a little subsided under bush, now it's running rampant according to statistics.
You should see a program on UK TV taped in London; Muslims in their neighborhoods are trying to stop congregating and doing "business" on the streets by taking down the flyers from the polls, patrolling on their own cars on speakerphones to disburse the "haram" as they call it.
And, white, christian, Englishmen are going around with placards screaming "freedom" and "democracy" to protect their garbage.
In this particular case I'm on the Muslim side. It doesn't mean in Muslim world there is no perversion,
sodomy, or other things. But to let it out like that and make it legal like it has been in many European countries for a long time by now, is totally destructive to family. No wonder those societies do not procreate enough to replace themselves.

The light side of your show was when you called John Boehner a pallbearer at the funeral. That was hilarious.
Today street mobs are in DC pleasing their master. All it will end by making the streets less safe and charge the taxpayer mad $. That's all. Some of them in that crowd going to be rich, - very, very rich.

Not much is reported for today from Southeastern UA, but one of the political TV talk shows I heard a DNR parliament member saying that an elderly woman was found dead in Donetsk eaten by rats. She was so weak from hunger that she couldn't fight against the vermin. And USA sent troops to fight alongside brother killers and also food, cloths and other things. Amazing...
Some residents interviewed on the streets were saying that they hear sporadic gunfires here and there. There is still a hot battle for Donetsk airport.

So long.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 11th, Thursday, 2014


You just started your show talking about D. Feinstein stabbing statue of liberty in the back with her comments and stand on the conduct of intelligence agency issue.
You were happy that was raining in San-Fran, because it would keep the mobs off the streets rioting and looting, hopefully. You say there is no 4th of state, no press, no media in general.
Putting clip from O's interview talking about "race" (what is new under the son) you mentioned "without quality can't be equality" you wrote in your book named "Death of the white man."
Talking about your father and other immigrants who came and worked hard and there was no welfare state then.
Then asking listeners is they punish their children these days and how. Then you told how you were punishing by your father and why it made you the person you're now.
Well, I don't have children, this topic do not concern me, but the children I see coming out of schools in NYC, riding buses, running the streets I qualify as "jangle broke loose." Not only the majority of them are not ever punished or disciplined, but never told to act as a human. To have "manners" is a fancy word most of them don't ever heard of, let alone act on it.
And, if you say something to protect yourself from emotional abuse and harassment, you might be very well attacked physically, accused of "discrimination and racism" (although they are all mixed race groups) and you'll just make it worse only for yourself.
All adults walk by, sometimes look at each other with eyebrows raised, and walk away. No one says anything that I heard of, including myself for last 23 years living in NYC. Teaching in school system, especially the public, was never in my mind, although it could be lucrative job, for the reason that it looked like not institution of learning, but an adult day care where they congregate for some times of the day, while their parents are doing whatever they're doing. Rush L. calls it "farming" and I agree with him on this.

I'd love to have that book of yours mentioned above.
3:39 pm now you mentioned that 50% of adults don't work in this country. For people like me, as you called before "innocent and not connected," I'd add "educated and decent," there are no "jobs" to pay for market price rent anymore in this city and the situation will is getting and will get only worse.

Now Int'l news; Putin is in India and this visit is more productive than any other before. India and Russia had good relationship for a very long time and india considers a "privileged partner" in business. From supplier and consumer relationship these 2 are now in the spheres of military and nuclear development cooperations. Also in 2015 RF will supply oil to India.
And, this is the beginning, the RF rep. says at
Ukraine is in turmoil; on daily bases there are more and more protests are bursting out all over.
Country is completely bankrupt and can only survive on hand out from outside. Did EU know this can happen? Did they anticipated problem of this magnitude? Did they need any more eating mouths depend on them? Millions not only in need of food and energy, but medication and shelter? More poor people flooding into their countries? Nice... Who knew?

So long.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 10th, Wednesday


Today you started the show asking if there are sedition laws on the books, as I agree with you, should be. But are there? I'm not sure. It makes complete sense to have those. I'd say it's necessary,
but I'll be optimistic now, just hoping there are some under other "definitions."
It's so stressful to see what's going on, that listening about it one more time, makes it more distressing. I couldn't listen to the entire show.
But look at that so called UN thing; who is it to tell what our intelligence community should do and not do?
To me, it's time to get those bums out of this town, give the building to Trump Corp. to convert it to condos. Let them have it in South Africa, where it might have more use, such as traveling, turism, etc. NYC residents shouldn't pay taxes to accommodate those bums and also shouldn't have provided
security to so called british royalty for their useless visit, who have enough money to bring their own security with them. The least I'd agree with, would be that City Hall should send a bill for all the expenses accrued for their show up, show off, self advertisement and entertainment.

Yesterday I was listening to Dr. Cohen on the radio, he talked about 50 prominent Europeans signing against sanctions against RF published in german press. Also he was assuming a possibility of Ukraine being partitioned not only west and east, but in many parts. Western Ukraine is formed from different parts coming together throughout history with their own ethnic majorities from neighboring countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc.
That newly elected ultra right-wing parliament of theirs with western puppet oligarch president in reality does not have the support and followings of the rest of the country. Average Ukrainian don't like the war with their brothers and don't like the oligarchs either. I don't see that those oligarchs in UA giving out their money to pay for country's debt or even collaborating with each other for the good of the country.
Moreover none of them are in the front line fighting for their "cause" whatever that might be. Some have their own private armies, who do whatever they want to do on the ground and are not accountable to any authority, including the president.

But let me share a laugh with you. This made my day couple of days ago. Did you hear that Columbia Law school students took off or change the schedule of their exam because they were
"emotionally distressed" or "traumatized" by the grand jury decision about not indicting the cop?
I had a real good belly laugh. My monkey George laughed too.

At you'll see the convoy of humanitarian aid going from Russia to Eastern Ukraine. 40 tracks from Moscow region, then 80 more from other parts of the country carrying food and other necessary survival things all together 1200 ton are took off on Tuesday.
Also taking New Year presents for kids. In Russia Santa comes at night of Dec. 31st and brings gifts to kids only. Orthodox Christmas is at January 6th and it's a religious holiday only and does not include any gift giving to each other. You can give to anyone anything or donate to the church, but it doesn't have the connotation of custom or obligation to do so.
At reports that the people who live in Avdeyevka villege in Eastern UA are telling about the thivery of armed forces of UA.
Who knows who are they exactly? Could be anyone sent there to do whatever they want to do. Who is watching, who is watching "suppose" to be watchers when they're the one sending those out there.
At the report says that 80% of Ukrainians say that the political situation is bad. Duh? There is a hot civil war for a year already.
Their PM who is an "economist" is not covering up that for next year the economic situation will not improve and the goal will be to survive.

Youth in London is running around against their police, I'm sure you saw it. Can you believe that English white men are being killed in their own country with axes on the streets and the crowds are protesting against wussy british police? Why do you think this is happening? Look at those youth and then look at their mothers and fathers. Look who was babysitting them, what they were watching on TV, reading and learning from Internet.
i can write a book about this, but for now, so long.

Monday, December 8, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 8th, Monday, 2014 AD NYC, NY, USA


Look at wonderful celebrations for 250th anniversary of Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.
If you haven't been there, you should go. If it's too cold for you now, go at the end of May and beginning of June.
Look at the stunning 3D light show projecting the history of it!...  WOW!
St. Petersburg itself an amazing city. Its developer - Peter The Great invited famous Italian architects of the time. He was pro-West. He built the city as a window to the West, modernized even the looks of Boyars. Boyars then were like senators now. He ordered them to cut their beards short and change their long tunics to western clothing. There is a movie made about that time, it's fascinating. You're a history buff, you should watch it. I forgot the name, but you can search.

Today you were saying "hi, hi, ho, ho, everyone get a gun to go." I was laughing by myself in restaurant, while having chinese lunch in UWS.  Well, what is going on right now is complete and utter demoralization of law enforcement, which can bring us to the edge of distrust in authority.
And there where your civil society goes. Color was a reason for massive criminalistic behavior,
then it became excuse, now, after 2008 it's becoming a sign of power, which means all of us, including the armed police should be scared to say or do anything to protect ourselves or apply the law. I don't want to go into this because it so "politically incorrect." We're not suppose to see it, feel it, mention it, talk about it, oh no. Look how scared the mainstream media is, - handing over backwards to please the crowds, so they won't be attacked.
While you were mentioning that 100s of young people who don't work are rolling on the streets of San-Fran, my Qs is; who raised them like that? Who were their parents? The school, the society, entertainment industry, which in the eyes of our adversaries and enemies makes us look demonic.
I'm not saying they're better, I'm saying when they show the dirt part of western civilization, their ideas of distraction of it becomes valuable, moral and justified.
Can we just ignore them, pretend they don't exist? We may, but that would be idiotic of our part, -
the least to say. Unfounded optimism is more dangerous than pessimism. We let them in in droves, but we can't go to their countries. We say "it shows we are better people." In front of whom?
Saudis definitely don't think so. They think Christians are immoral and thus dirty people in general
and don't want them to walk their streets. We take them to WH, the last resident of which bent over
to the King, remember?
I asked my Yemeni friends, who are all decent family moral hard working people. They all say "we believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet, but his time is gone. Christianity used to be a good religion at that time. Now it's Islam." That's all. That's what they believe. Do you think anybody will challenge them on it? Not me and no one else that I know of or have seen. There are more than 100 mosques/prayer places in Manhattan only.

NYC today is busy with royal guests, I believe the Russian oligarch who owns the team will be there.
Maybe his friend Bloomberg also, of course with Jay Z and Beyonce, etc. Media calls Lebron James our King - King James. It's about 7:30pm now, I'll see if I can catch the game on Internet.

So long.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 7th, Sunday, 2014 AD


At the end of the week you were mostly talking about the incident in S.I. saying that cop(s) should be indicted. When you see the short version of the tape, it's awful. It looks like they killed him by choking right then and there, but when you see the lengthy version you'll see that it's not a chokehold technically and after he says he can't breath cops called the EMS and were acting pretty concerned about his situation. He died of complications of his preexisting health conditions. Being arrested wasn't the first time, so he should know better what to do, which he wasn't. Instead of getting lessons from this what NOT to do when cops are arresting you, the massage sent by the mobs in the streets is "do not obey at all, do worse, blame the law and get paid for it as much as you can."
Soon will be law of lawlessness for doing anything with people with dark pigmentation of the skin."
Do you know how many times I didn't call the police, that I should of? How many times police comes and play clowns doing nothing? How minority cops can make fun of you if you're white and take a side of the one who looks like them, no matter what? Pe-liz!
My take on this is this; if cop will be indicted and convicted there can't be no monetary reward. To me, crime is crime, no matter what. There is no "hate" crime, because simply there is no "love" crime. All crimes are hate crimes. What does "civil rights violation" means? The man is DEAD! How many of his right weren't violated? Hello? Duh? All his right were violated, papa! How you consider one right is above the other and one is more important than other, when someone is DEAD!?

Another topic you were talking about last week was that minorities invested couple of things to accuse majority and get over them taking all sorts of privileges. Yes, you were right on that; they called me "privileged" because of my skin color, even though I had nobody to help me with anything - my own ethnic group or black, white or other. By inventing things (nobody stops them anyway) they can take more and more privileges for themselves and make people like me 5th sort of citizen.
I was already 3rd class when I came here in 1991, now it's getting lower and lower and simply becomes more dangerous to walk the streets of NYC.
Suggestion: all white people, I mean ALL of them should wear hidden or open livestreamed cameras on themselves everywhere; the streets, their residences and the workplaces where they share space with minorities. Only and only showing everything factual and live can show the truth of this society's multi-level historic lies, mainstream media's corruption and sociopathy in their reportings - news and commentary alike. Yes it's going to be police state, no matter what you and I say or like, because the drones will hit soon. Be ready. I do NOT care. I want drones and I want them everywhere - in my street, on top of my residence and on top of anyone I come in contact with on daily basis. Should I had a hidden camera throughout years of my simple, low-key, minding my own business life in NYC, I should be rich and retired by now. All those so called "human rights and civil rights" never applied to me in this country, - in 23 years by now.

Right now this country is starting OPENLY spit in the souls of those who respected it, did legal thing and showed meritt to get something to be proud of. I remember that day. I remember how happy I was to become a US citizen many years ago. Rules of conduct were different for me than for others who did the wrong thing. I want to know, why are the ones who did something ILLEGAL not only are not punished, but being REWARDED!
When Mr. Bloomberg became a mayor he said "if you'd say yes to something wrong, how are you going to teach your kids to do the right thing?" I thought he meant it. Look at all of them - the whole lineup of geniuses who ruled and are ruling over us. No matter which side of political aisle they're on.

Now the other things;
Those sanctions imposed by the WESTand the US are hurting Russia, but in his address to Federal Council of the country, Russian president Putin said that difficulties bring new possibilities and RF will stand and will be stronger.
He offered "one time amnesty" for deoffshorisation of money taken out of RF. I think that's reasonable and should be done by those who made their money there, continue to live and work there or are simply patriotic. I'd say the same thing to Americans. Actually, it should be a law everywhere. You made your money here - keep and spend in here. Otherwise, at least, if you took it out meaning you trust another country's system better, get the hell out and live there. Should they complain complain about the taxes, should do something about it; change the system, invest tax free, etc.
For example Google operates in Russia tax free. Yeah! It dribbles and dunks at the same time! Hello, Kitty!

Now, the bad news; people left in Southeastern Ukraine continue to die from bullets, bombs, hunger and cold. Where are our "int'l media outlets" like CNN? It's busy showing local streets' unrests which only exacerbates the situation.
Russia should and hopefully will take "serious steps" to help those people who are their brethren.
They sent another "humanitarian convoy," but should you believe in retarded UA mainstream media,
Russians should have been taken Kiev by now and inaugurate Putin as new Czar of New Russia.
At least they saved the lives of Crimeans. They'd be perished like the rest right next to them.
At you'll see some small business owners are happy that Putin said that gov. is not going to raise the taxes and school children are getting familiare who is who in politics. New companies are exempt from taxes for first 2 years. Moreover, at 2:30 min. of the clip
he says that he's suggesting a "break time" from any audit for those businesses who will be compliant for first 3 years of their start, for the time of another 3 years. You'll be good for 3 years, you'll be trusted for another 3. Isn't it a wonderful idea?
You should see and hear young people in there who are starting and running their businesses and talking about it. They say it shouldn't only be a survival thing, but competitive and strategic.
Come to think of it, should you (or someone else who reads this blog) sponsor me, I'd love to think about doing business in RF.  :)
I know one business is absolutely necessary to be done by now in both USA and RF at the same time and in between. I can do it - brilliantly! I just need some cash to put the connections together.
Nobody else that I see, hear and know of can do what I can in this sphere.
My genetic gifts from God topped off with my education, knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, desires, dreams, willingness and availability right now can NOT be matched by anyone.
Hope you'll change the topic this week. I want to hear Dr. Cohen in your show.

So long.
P.S. Also check to see where your tax$s are going and American young men in uniform are doing in Eastern Ukraine. It's at

Thursday, December 4, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 4th, Thursday

I heard your opinion on not indicting the cop yesterday. What would be the reasons behind the decision, we do not know, unless we'll be able to see what was presented to them. But what came out of it is much more harmful to white people living in NYC and around the country, because all this type is to make mad money to those agitators in the street. Tax payers who are at work right now and got NOTHING to do with it will pay an enormous price and make all those people behind the mics on TV screens richer and more famous.
Am I on the side of cops? Not all the time. If I given to walk the street by the side of the cop instead of one standing in the corner and plus who knows doing what, I'd certainly prefer the cop. Do cop do what they suppose to do when I need them and call them. Nope, they never did. They play stupid and leave or even worse, harass and intimidate me for calling. Should I had those incidents on tape, you'll be shocked to hear they actually like to "work" such as do something about something while in their uniforms on their job. Do I know a little bit about the penal law and police function in general.
Maybe. I have been an Auxiliary Police officer at NYPD. Got the training, passed the test, put the same uniform on without gun and volunteered for the goodness of my heart.  Garner died in hospital and he had many underlying conditions. What coroner said has no meaning to me personally, because every one of them would not be mind to get a fortune out of it and retire. Who is going to double check their work? YOU?
Should a black cop who shot a white man cause this type of a steer? It had not before? Yes it did and it's forgotten.
I know one thing from yesterday; streets in NYC are getting more dangerous for people like myself. And, you're not there psychically to protect us.
Now, after 3pm, you started your show with the same topic while I'm writing this. You keep putting the tape for us to hear and it's disturbing. I'd be you, I'd try to contribute for prevailing of cool heads now, rather than putting more oil on already burning fire. I don't want to go out to the city because of unpredictable crowds. I use public transportation unlike you and live in predominantly minority area, where 3 weeks ago right around the corner of my block at 7:30 in the evening I almost got mugged by a teenager. I spent the cash on food and had only food shopping bags in my hands, which I offered to him and treated him like he'd be my son. He kept repeating "give me all your money, all your money, all your money," looking into my eyes, trying to scare me with his a few inch away face. I really didn't and told him. I said "take the carrot cake, do you like carrot cake?, that's my favorite."
I was not prepared to get defensive, had no time, he approached me very nicely running from the other side of the street and calling me "miss, miss, excuse me." When i stopped and turned to him I said "yes, baby what are you looking for, what you need?" My initial feeling was that he was asking for direction, because nobody else was on the street. When he came close he asked if I had money. When I said "no, i don't have cash, he got emotionally belligerent and got on my face with scary look. I kind of offer help to take what ever he could from me by offering what I had. I thing he just believed me and left. I told a girl behind me to hold off until he's gone. She was very thankful to be warned. Both were black and very young. She said I was lucky, because maybe he just started his "journey" for the night. He'll keep going until he'll get what he was looking for.

Top of the 4 o'clock news now on the radio says that it was NOT a chokehold that cop applied, it was a 'take down' text book maneuver.

To me, it can't be double jeopardy. Someone can't go to jail and the taxpayer pays the bill. One or the other. Law should be changed. If cop is guilty, he goes to jail. That's it. If you want more punishment, such as what you call for "violation of human rights" he should pay the monetary price. To me it should be one or the other. If he/she has no money, victim should get no money. That's it. As in my case. I've got hurt by a bozo bam, who pays me? She went to prison eating and doing other things for free victimizing the society more everyday.
Victim's family should be offered one or the other thing;
Money or prosecution. That's all. End of the story. Let's mandatorily indict  all cops, see what happens or settle the case. Give the money publically and have them sign on live TV that they'd take, go, enjoy it and never talk about it publically, otherwise public should sue for damages.
I'm sick and tired of listening anti-white racist rhetoric by media, which is escalating in streets by the hour. The law-life and snake oil salesman before your program on your station here was spewing hatred for 5 hours yesterday instead of 3, continued today for 3 more and you join the band afterwords. Enough is enough. The lies on the streets are so perverted that I can't believe what I'm seeing. Phony "black lives matter" (as if they haven't been matter for 150 years by now) in reality is cover for subliminal message of "kill all whites, they don't matter anymore, black power mobs ruling the streets starting from WH." That's the real headline underneath.

Real politics is going on in eastern Europe, which can effect all of us here - white, black and in between and you're not talking about it.
At  and /273210/11and full version at /273180 Putin says that the most important political event of 2014 was reuniting Crimea to motherland as it was always part of and belonged to. If you'd read the text in English you could learn more about the history, culture and the politics of that region today. Your grandparents come from there, right? Your grandmother talked the language, so it should be close to home. Maybe you should read Ivan Ilyin, see what he says about Russia.
Putin says that disbalance of power is dangerous for USA too, because it gives them a false believe that they're almighty. "More tolerant and cooperative we've got with the WEST last 2 decades, more insolent our adversaries got," he says.
I mean you should really listen what he says and how and compare with the bloody fiction thrown on us by the main stream media in here.
He also said that RF is not interesting in new and costly arms race, but won't let anyone to intimidate and endanger its safety and security. "Difficulties create new possibilities" he said at the end.
That's true, RF is big and have great resources and by not importing stuff, they'd be more inclined to produce their own goods and services.
For example in Silicon Valley the first language is not English, but Russian. They're building good accommodations to try to take them back. All they have to do to pay them as much as they can get in here. That's all. I think more of them we'll go back.

So long.

Monday, December 1, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 1st, 2014


I'm listening. Not all the time, but pretty regularly. At least I leave my home radio on WABC when I leave.
Today you started with thoughts about family gatherings in general; that some leave the Thanksgiving table bruised. Well, in New York I've got to know people who are scared yo meet their families. One of them, who is in his 50's successful man, can't take the emotional stress of being around his own mother. She can say some things such as "I used to have good looking kids, look what happened" and look at all grown 3 children; teacher, nurse and Wall Street trader. This is a light one. She came to NYC from CA and he just couldn't go out to eat with her. Just didn't go out for a dinner and never invites his mother to his place. So...
From last Friday I started listening to Christmas music. I'm in Starbucks now in UWS and it's playing in background. Smell of fresh Christmas trees being sold on Broadway reminds me my childhood when we always had a fresh tree and big ones. Where I'm from Santa comes after midnight
of Dec. 31st for kids only and they open the gifts in the morning of Jan. 1st. I remember I wanted a dog, a real one. Every year I'd wake up there would be a stuffed one. There was always an excuse
of a new year, next grade and more weight. Yes, as your father thought you should be a macho man, my mother thought I should be a big and fat. She was obsessed with feeding me, which made me hate food. That worked perfectly well; growing up I was always slim and even after 23 years of living alone in NYC I'm just perfect.
This is the Ok part of the blog, lets go to politics.
Today you also mentioned that there are 2 things blackrasists (yes it should be one word from now),
created; as if whites have "privilege" and there is racism without racists. Oh, you haven't heard much more about what's being created by the day. Because of criminal main stream media enterprise, only one side is being heard from - the real racist side, which they're afraid to confront.
Mob rule rules the main stream media and now it's getting worse by the day.

Politico published some retarded reporter's article about Ukraine. As if their pres. says they're dying because they want to be European. I don't know to sneeze or vomit on that thought process.
To me journalism is the best profession in the world, because I think it comes to me naturally,
but these so called ones especially in USA can cause real world problems.
This Ukraine issue created by NATO is as low as any criminal perpetration of a brother killing war can go. So called cease-fire signed in the beginning of Sep. is not working. Every day there are shellings of residential areas and innocent human deaths. Oh, by the way, one American company is providing food for so called "Ukrainian soldiers" and the name of the battalion is Azov ran by an oligarch, which got nothing to do with regular forces. They don't even obey the president or parliament. Maybe you should find out the name of the contractor company and talk about your taxes going there.
Yes, ruble is down, yes, oil prices are down and sanctions hurt Russian economy, but Russians got through hell on earth throughout the history and by making them suffer won't make them like you more than they already do. Last Tuesday Dr. S.F. Cohen had some good facts on radio about the situation. I don't want to repeat them in here.
At you can read that Crimea established free investment
 zone and I feel everyone who can afford to do so should be going there or investing in there.
I can go on and on showing the atrocities being committed by western ukrainians (which are minority by the way in their own country) and their sponsors in West and USA, but I'll tell you what we don't see and hear in here; Putin said that Russia has more friends than adversaries in the Western Europe.
Among them Presidents, Prime Ministers, very many MPs, 12 000 enterprises and business connected to Russia, which can make up the number in Millions.
I couldn't even believe anybody who would tell me that there is not One and only ONE journalist who can write about the right thing regarding this conflict in the middle of Europe, actually a worse type of a war,unless I'd see it with my eyes. And, here I am. A year watching and analysing and not hearing anything factual and realistic in so called freest and most "competitive"media world of the whole wide world.
You're the only one has a gut feeling about this, but you don't have anyone who would come on the air and put out the facts and commentaries. Unless you put me on.

So long.


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