Thursday, December 19, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 87)


You talked about Ukraine and Russia issue today. I watched it on Russian news. They said "McCain feels like home in that square." He is really McShame, he's a disgrace to his own last name. That name "maidan" is turkish, they didn't even changed that, so far for their love to their language. Talking of degradation of society in one generation... You're right all of them including the big O should take a drug test. There are no nations who are closer with identity and history and DNA than Russians and Ukrainians. Why West and America are so eager to make a mess of other nations' relationships, it's beyond me. Who like Ukrainians more, British, Germans or the French? As an American first of all I want to see that region in peace. I don't remember who said from Ukraine that all it will give them to become doormen and prostitutes in Europe. Your caller was talking in innocent voice saying that they just want to be like Polish. Well, you should see what British man I talked to recently talked about Polish people in UK.
People are in that square in Kiev are served 3 meals a day, very organized, have all sorts of arms, even catapult, gas, etc. I wonder from whom from Europe?

So long.
