Monday, November 30, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 30th, Blue Monday


Can't believe November is gone.
I love Russian politics. You should see how some members of Parliament can passionately fistfight and use mighty folklore of Russian language at the same time.
I have my favorite person in it. I love to see him fight. He don't hold back and he's always right.
Over-educated, over-sized, clever, full of energy, sometimes funny and provocative, but 99.9% right on every issue for last 20 years in high level politics.
Parliamentary system looks a little better to me. But, I don't want to go into it now.  

You should read book called "Strategic depth" by Ahmet  Davutoglu. In that he heralds that Christianity is finished and Islam is going everywhere on autopilot. He is the "mastermind"  of strategy to fill up Crimea with Tatars and other Muslims while closely working former Soviet Republics of  Central Asia; Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

Do not underestimate power of spermatozoons supplied by violently-hungry, blood-thirsty and death-worshiping humanoids.

Today I heard part of your show. You "explained" a caller correlation between fuel and electricity - alright.
Science is a changing thing. Kamchatka is not getting warmer. If some of those hot-air-heads want to chill they should go there,
Did you hear who Bloomberg badmouthed Carson saying that he was a doctor, but doesn't believe in science?

Today in Paris big shots got together. At Putin is answering to Qs from Int'l Media and Press representatives. Just listen to those Qs, hear the stupidity.
US and NATO "pressured" erdogan-boy to make up with Putin before he went to Paris. But at 9:40min. P says that they didn't meet. ???

Do you know that 78% of NATO budget is paid by the US. That's too much.

Look what happened; after P put out the ban list of imported products from Turkey, Qatar and Saudi announced that they'll compensate Turkey all the loses, they will buy all those products and (as if, at least that's what they say) will send to poor countries (of course Muslim ones) in Africa.
[That's what will come around when 'stupid' Christians giving pump to Arabs to pump the oil and paying for it too. I'm not sure even if Arabs are working in engineering and labor jobs. maybe very few. I guess all the westerners are running the dirty thing.
T.r.r.sts and their sponsors are sticking their ugly heads out of black dirt at the same time.

O washed his hands out of the mess in result of Russian Military plane ambush; said that it's a Russian-Turkish problem. O said to turkey to close that area. Meaning to create a buffer zone.
Turkey has an eye on some pieces of land. Who is going to check if it's done, Susan Rice?
Turkey has its plans; after Assad it wants to get into Iraq and more. That's all planned.
Russian presence in the region messed up their plans.

After the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" incident between Turkish ship and Israeli forces in 2010, Erdogan threatened Israel; "Do not try the patience of Turkey. I'm going to be on the next one, see how you 'll dare to touch it," he announced. Israel said "com'on boy, welcome, we're going to drown it!"
So... he forgot about it.
As one famous Russian Jewish historian said on TV yesterday, "the man is impudent, but cowardly."

For many decades Turkey paid money to Tatars and other ethnically Muslim group in Crimea to multiply?
Here is the example; $800 for each Tatar or other Muslim newborn. Not for Russian or other Christians. Stupid Ukraine government was in charge.
So Turkey now playing with 2 hands; also it's on the side of those extremist-nazi-remnants in Kiev who are killing their own in the Southeast of their own country and harming people in Crimea as much as they can.
To me, to cut electricity to 2 million people is an act of Who know how much suffering, financial and emotional, how many accident and death accured in the result of it.
Even Merkel told Kiev to stop the Genocide of Crimeans and immediately restore the energy supply. Yes, she used word "genocide." I cut her some slack on this.

Do you know that there is a biggest lion sanctuary in Crimea and those animals can die from hunger and cold if the owner is not able to provide for them? At this time should be few visitors there.
What can happens if it's dark, cols and no money is coming in?
That's in my mind these last days.
Why those geniuses in Paris are not talking about this? I know why. Because Putin is soft.
This is a big world-scale scam. Do I want pollution, exhaustion, poisons in the soil we all live on?
Of course not. I'm doing my conscientious part in it in daily bases. I want clean rivers, fertile soil, fresh air, you name it.
I can write a list of measures I;d impose should I be in power.
1. I'd closed down all cigarette growing farms, factories, anything connected to it and prohibit the import of any tobacco products. ***************************************************
I can go on with the list, but maybe later.

NATO is trying to provide cover for Turkey's mistake saying that is their fault, at 

In the meantime Erdogan said that he'll resign if there is a proof that .S.L oil goes thought Turkey or he's buying oil from them, at and also

At; Today in Syria Russian Su-24 took off not only with bombs they usually carry, but also with "air-to-air" missiles for more protection.

In Paris they gave every big shot 4 minutes to talk, O talked for 14 minutes, bending over and taking responsibility for the troubles of entire world. 
In my opinion he wants to throw money around to those he likes better than Americans. Who knows what can happen anywhere? After jumping off of sinking ship he will have "friends" in far away places to go to. Just saying.  

Putin and Bibi Nat. meet and decided to coordinate their efforts against vermin.

In the meantime plane carrying body of perished commander of Su-24 Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov arrived in military airport in Moscow region.  The flight was escorted by fighter jets.
At Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Aerospace forces commander-in-chief, lieutenant colonel Viktor Bondarev and other highest ranking military men meet the plane. He will be buried in Lipetsk where he was last stationed before leaving for the assignment in Syria.

Here is a good news; - Prosecutor general of RF (same as our Attorney general) banned Soros's "Open Society Iinstitute," its affiliate "Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation" and other such groups naming them "undesirable."
AG Yury Chaika said that those groups were a treat to foundation of Russia's Constitutional order and national security. Also he launched a probe in activities of those organizations.
What a brilliant man, what a brilliant idea! Russia's immune system gave a little kick in the .ss to a world known "societal infection," as far as I'm concerned. ('societal infection' -my words).
The ban list includes the National Endowment for Democracy; the International Republican Institute; the National Democratic Institute; the MacArthur Foundation and Freedom House.
In late July, the Russian Justice Ministry recognized the US National Endowment for Democracy as an undesirable group after prosecutors discovered the US NGO had spent millions on attempts to question the legitimacy of Russian elections and tarnish the prestige of national military service.
The Law on Undesirable Foreign Organizations came into force in early June this year. It requires the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Foreign Ministry to draw up an official list of undesirable foreign organizations and outlaw their activities. Once a group is recognized as undesirable, its assets in Russia must be frozen, its offices closed and the distribution of any of its materials must be banned.
If the ban is violated, the personnel of the outlawed group and any Russian citizens who cooperate with them could face heavy fines, or even prison terms in the case of repeated or aggravated offences.
The Soros Foundation started working in Russia in the mid-1990s, but wrapped up its active operations in 2003.
[Good job Mr. Chaika. God bless you! Chaika is a bird, English Seagull. ]
Can you find mission statements of this "organizations" and read for us on radio, please?

So long.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 29th, Sunday


Wee hours of the morning.
I just found something that made my day already.

Look at this painting by renowned Russian artist Ilya Repin done in 1891. This is something else.
It was looked as "something else" from the get go, because then the Tsar Alexander III purchased it with 35.000 rubles which was the highest price ever paid for Russian painting at that time.
[Just imagine how crazy he got for it. He was the TSAR, couldn't he ask for a gift? Just saying.]
This is based on historic fact. This episode is one of the pages in the thick book of crush of civilizations between East and West, Christianity and Islam, between Russia, its ally Christian neighbors (Slavic nations, Armenia, Georgia) and Turkey.
Painting is depicting time of Crimean War (1853-1856) when brave Zoporozhian Cossacks' replying to the letter of Turkish sultan, in which he suggest their surrender to his rule.
As you can see they are having very much fun writing that reply letter. Oh, my goodness! I wish I'd be there to cheer them up more.
You have to read both texts. The second one will improve anyone's English. It did mine already.
Actually I know a little more detail in original language which is not really translated correctly.
I mean I can't put it in here either. That is one folklore loaded historic document. It shows not only the bravery of Slavs who were proud of their religion, but also displays their mighty language.
I love it, love it, love it! I'm going to treat myself with a beer today and toast for the honor of those men and Otaman Ivan Sirko. I wish I'd know all their names.
[Who can better safeguard their remains and memory if not Russians nation today?
Crimea is socked by blood and sweat of Russian people in its history. It didn't and doesn't know any other. I was, it is and it will be Russian soil populated by Russians - forever after.
No matter how many bastards controlled by s.tan or sultan can cause blackout there in November of 2015, it will fix the problem and get only stronger. That's all. Point!

Now, enjoy the painting;  
You might find a better resolution.
Here is the reply letter.

Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!
O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.
You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

This painting is in St. Petersburg now. Should I be rich, like really, really rich, rich enough to have my own airplane, I'd call my pilot and fly to St. Petersburg today to pay tribute to it. 
St. Petersburg is tremendous place for art and art lovers. It have mind boggling museums. The whole city is like a open museum under the sky itself. 
I'd be Putin's consultant I'd suggest attaching a copy of this painting to sanctions list and send to erdogan-boy.  
Can you ever believe that turks forgot about their bloody noses? Do you know how many wars and how much blood has been shed between these 2 civilizations throughout centuries? 
I'll tell you; clash of these 2 civilizations, (except some down times and "co-operations" when far away enemy attacked the both on that continent) has been going on for almost 550 years. 13 wars (not conflicts) from which at least 12 (one is deputed) was won by Russians. What happened, how all over sudden things change so rapidly on "goody-goody" side? Trading goods opened Russia to turks to expend. The problem is that that expansion will only grow and take over. Just by sheer number of people.
Some things never change or change just a little only. This is one of those. 
When I saw Putin signing that gas pipeline deal with erdogan-boy a few mouths ago (because idiotic Bulgarians didn't want it to go through their territory), it left a bitter taste in my mouth. Sign a such a big dead with your historic enemy who inside his soul hates you to death? I wouldn't of. Pipeline is not like a tourism when idle people going "places." That you can curb without causing major damage to country's economy.   
My gut feeling was right, unfortunately. To me it was wrong for Russians to go to Egypt, Turkey, UAE and elsewhere for vacation or any other reason. In a long run they're weakening their country and their kids' future. 
Today especially when Crimea and Donbass need help to survive, RF is hurting economically because of the sanctions, on top of all that got an expenditure of conducting a war in Syria, nobody should spend any ruble outside of their country. That's just my opinion. If everyone does a little bid, not only it will show its positive results, but also will uplift people's moral. They need it there. It's winter, it cold, its expensive to live in such climate. People there should get together, stay together, give comfort and warm up each others' spirits. 1am

6pm. Evening news is in from Moscow.
Last week was a harsh week for relations between Moscow and Ankara, at 
[Tell me about it. I cover all on time, day by day. Don't need to go over again.]
But you watch and hear what an expert is saying about the lie that as if turks didn't know who's plane SU-24 plane. At 10:10min expert explains; "no need to think that turkish pilot was an idiot (he uses "cretin") that couldn't determine difference between Russian and Arabic languages. 
[He could see clearly and could hear clearly, no doubt. Let's say, he said that he didn't. Fine. 
Then, what if he was downing of their "ally" nato plane? That is not a procedure in the air. It requires to establish contact first, and if that is not successful, then go close with F-16 (which is much, much faster than SU-24) and escort it out. None of that happen. No contact was attempted whatsoever. Attack came from nowhere so fast that Russian pilots couldn't respond. It was an AMBUSH! PROVOCATION!
Weather was clear, plane was on 6000 m.only, pilots knew that area very well. Flew 100s of time through that area. Only 17 seconds Russians were close to border. Never crossed it. The proof? How Russian pilots come down in Syrian territory instead of Turkey? Also, pay attention to this; Russian plane was flying back after assignment and had no ammo in it. Could turkish pilot see the direction of the nose of the plane he was hitting? 
This was a snake attack. Russians were hit because they didn't expect to be hit. They didn't even see where the fire came from. To me it's a miracle that they managed to eject themselves. They were coming down just to be shut at and ambushed from ground. Then the vermin shoot at 2 helicopters which came to their rescue, down one. Airplane is gone with a pilot and helicopter gone with an infantry man. Who is going to pay for this?  
Why there were cameras pointed right where plane was flying? How did that happen? They had a film crew in a war zone? No. The proof? Those with camera were soldiers like scavengers screaming their favorite al#$u%^bar! ] 

In 2012 Syrian air-force shut down a Turkish plane in its territory, erdogan-boy was singing very different song. He said "airspace violation does not justify attack." Check it out. 
Turkey violates Greece's airspace almost every day. How about that?
Oh, let me tell you about something I heard from Greek journalist on Russian TV. He said that after RF sent S-400s to Mediterranean Greeks sleep much better and thanked Russian government. 
Greeks are sick and tired of Turks. Seriously. Look at Cyprus and its history. 
Don't go too far, start from 1974. Unfortunately it's a matter of time that Turks will take over. The time count there goes by intensity and frequency of having unprotected sex and fertility rate of their females. 
What? Isn't it true?  
For rigid conservatives this should be a "beautiful thing." They should promote it and pay for it too!
That's what I am saying. 

Turkey had to give Russian officials the body of Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Peshkov and it should be transported home today, at 
I didn't even know it was still there. Why so long? I ask. But Kremlin is asking "how it was taken from Syrian "rebels?" Doesn't it suggests that there is a connection between official Ankara and "fighters"
who were on the ground and screaming from joy and dancing around the pilot's body? Why is Ankara
rejecting that fact? 
Well, FM Lavrov said that before naming shooters of Russian plane as "te.r.r.sts" and bringing them to justice there will be no reconciliation. 
You should watch the whole type. You'll see clearly how prepared bastards were before and after the ambush. At 5:38min. you will see heroic reporter Mikhail Akinchenko and the crew coming under the fire.

There is a suggestion to name an airplane after the commander Peshkov in Khmaymim base were he was working.  

10pm, I'm done.  

Saturday, November 28, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 28th, Saterday


Now turkmen-ergogan from "no-apology"stand switched to "regret" for downing of Russian fighter jet. No apology yet from that imbecile. At

[You have to understand some cultures, know their history to see their behavior today through and through. They don't apologize for atrocities committed 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, etc.
In 2 world wars they were nazi allies. Nazi germany apologized for its atrocities, compensated (although to me human life can not be measured by money), put on their textbooks condemning themselves by saying "although entire nation wasn't involved in it, but its responsible for its rulers' acts."
By saying and doing so at least germans make you believe (at least hope) that today we're dealing with new generation witch has different mentality and approach to human value and life itself.
In both horror wars those "allies" were defeated.  Int'l court went back and forth in the process of prosecuting Turkish organizers. One of the papers sand to trial says "we have the general count, but don't have names of individuals." DUH?
Do you think when murderers with guns came to neighborhoods to order people to get out of their homes, they were taking notes? DUH? Most of them couldn't even read and write. What do they care who are they killing? They considered them a human moving flesh to be destroyed. There were no electricity, no telephone and not even car in those areas. The elite and the group of people who considered the leaders of their people were already killed in bulk in April 24th, 1915. How did that happen? Turkish government call them to a big meeting as if to discuss the war and kill all of them right there. They beheaded the elite, the intellectuals, of the nation first. Then, men of fighting age were taken to military service and shot dead behind their becks. Those left home were only women, children and elderly who had no means of protecting themselves whatsoever. They were taken like a lame by a wolf. They were told that they're going to "evacuate" because the war was coming close to them. They were instructed to take their money and jewels, anything valuable that they could carry on themselves - on foot. On the way to nowhere they were robbed, perished from exhaustion while walking, then whoever reached "somewhere" it happen to be their mass grave.
Many groups weren't even killed at first. It was lots of "work" to use yatagan or waste a bullet on so many "individually." Still alive were pushed in mass graves with dead and half dead, poured a gasoline and set on fire. One of them woke up with his mother's and brother's dead bodies on top of him - Solomon Tehlerian. He crawled out and by some miracle survived, started living in Berlin when by accident in movie theater heard men talking Turkish and calling one of them "pasha."
He heard the name. He was surprised. He know who that might be; - one of 3 main organizers, interior minister of ottoman empire - "talaat-pasha"-may-he-burn-in-hell!
He followed to make sure. He observed and followed him again to be certain. Then got a gun.
Then one day coming out of movie theater where bastard was conducted his secret meetings, Solomon gun the bastard down on one of the street. He called his name first - "talaat pasha?" He latter turned around. Got shot! Wait, that's not all. Why the bastard was hiding and having meetings in a dark movie theater? Because in turkey he was already convicted of crimes against humanity and
and condemned to death penalty. he was a fugitive living in Germany under an assumed name.
Solomon was vindicated by court.
There were scores of them convicted and condemned to death and were running around the world loose. Americans decided to have an assassination campaign and take the matter into their hand.
One of those bastards were gun down in UN building in NYC.
When you have seen justice to be on the side of those who lost everything and have nothing to protect themselves?
Wait, it's not all. My grandfather's mother died from exhaustion from walking. Don't forget they didn't have asphalt streets, sneakers, bottled water and the hellish place they were being taken to was a desert called Deir al-Zor on Syrian border.
There is a city built in there now. It's 7th biggest in today's Syria. There is an Armenian Genocide Memorial Church, at,_Der_Zor.
Opened 1990 it contained the interment of victims' remains found in one of mass graves close to that site. It was a beautiful Church. But wait, why am I talking about it in past tense?
This is why; In Sep 21st, 2014 it was blown up by .S.L sponsored by none other than the same turks.
Look at the pictures before and after at
But wait; why Sep. 21st? This is why; In 1991 Sep. 21st Armenia became an independent Republic and subsequently member of UN. It was its 13th anniversary. Do you see the correlation between 13s? Nov. 13th - attacked in Paris. France was one of the first republics in Europe to acknowledge massacres as Genocide and pressure turkey to admit it and pay for their atrocities. It has been one of those who hold the red sign from admitting turks into EU, because the latter didn't change its mind until today. How you can treat someone differently when he/she doesn't admit fault?
Doesn't' pay the price, doesn't teach their generations that it was wrong and not to do it anymore?
They're doing it right now. Nothing changed. More than 100 years gone by and the genome, the mentality, the behavior is mainly the same. At least for "rulers" of today.
There are more things I can write about how different turks have been in their atrocities.
Some of things that turks came up with, (i don't have appropriate name for it yet), are these;
they took young women (Armenians, Greeks, others who were more civilized and better looking than themselves) into their harems to provide uterus for them. Primal sex and breeding uncontrollably has been the goal and the mission of their nomadic lives throughout history. There is nothing better to achieve in life than creating eating mouths dependant on you, so you can have the stimulus to kill others and take what they have. That was the practice of survival in their mentality. Even to this day. Look at the rate of birth they still have. In that country most women are still sitting home to be breed. A little food will do. What voting right for women have anything to do with it?
In harems they kept Eunuchs, who were castrated black man from Africa to "watch the girls," so they would not run away from their "breeders." Why descendants of those black men don't have grievances against turkey today? You do the math. That's another discussion.
Then, they took orphaned male kids and boys of minor age (who they hoped won't remember what happened to their families) and made them "yenicheries" of new time, in continuation of 13th century military tradition. But in 20th century it was worse than in 13th century. Those kids who had no one and nothing were used only as soldiers to fight and die. Guess who they were fighting against? Their own blood. They didn't even know they were Armenians or Greeks or others by birth.
This is as low as human mind can get. You tell me what kind of medication can bring a nation of almost 80 million to publicly admit that it was a bad idea and they're not into it anymore?
Wait, I'll be finish soon. You came to NYC, I'm going to show you (I'd not treat you in there though)
Turkish restaurant called "yatagan." To Armenian it sounds the same if the Jews would see a German night club called "gas chamber." Or, for Americans - "anthrax cafe."
But wait; if you'd be a turk and say something against gov. you'd be thrown in jail. Their government today puts its own people, members of intelligentsia, who say "let's get rid of the dirt in our past and join the league of civilized nations." Europeans know history. They don't want those type of violent people who didn't change yet sit down around the same table and be equal decision makers. Look what they did in Vienna to Austrian King's palace in 17th century. Look at history of Polish, Bulgarian, Albanian and other European nations' wars against Turkish invasions.
For Europe and Middle east truks have been the same or similar like Japanese have been for Asia - ruthless, pervasive aggressors. Now, even Japanese has changed. But not turks, nosir.    
Wait, I found it; Article 301 of turkish penal code (implemented as recently as June 1st, 2005) prohibits to insult turkishness/turkish nation and has punishment of 6 mouth in jail.
Under that umbrella it covers people who rules it, who work for it, government institutions and organization, criticizers of its history, etc. You name it, they'll cover it. It has lots leeway.
Look what they did to Orhan Pamuk, who is the most known turk in modern literature, a Columbia University proffesor. A few years ago, when he opened his moth just a little bit, not much (didn't even dared to call the ottoman killing "Genocide") they sued him, make him pay for it and who knows under what kind of threats this man lives on daily bases.
He is in this clip;  He calls artile 301 a "secret gun" toward civilized world.
My Q is; how came my country, good young US of A, that thinks that its mission is to promote democracy around the world, specifically puts aside enormous amount taxpayer money (most of them don't know what's going on in the rest of the world and couldn't care less in this moment in time as I type this), to insight "orange revolutions" and topple governments in the name of "democracy." How only this country in entire planet of ours has become friend of Turks, gave them nuclear weapon, brought them into NATO and even today doesn't see that this "friend" gave and will give a FINGER about anything it "promotes" or stands for?
I know the history; the US did it just to use it against Russia in the time of cold war. Put nukes in there and now got caught by its tail. But now, after iraq war, when Turkey showed a FINGER to America and didn't let US troops to go through its teritory, knowing very well that entire Europeans continent doesn't like mentality of Turks as of today, is still keeping that "friendship" and actually paying for it?
Now US is against .S.L? Seriously. Oh good. I don't mind. But, how it don't see that turkish policy is pro .S.L?
How it don't see that that nation instead of becoming "democratic" is going backwards? Where are the retarded running the show in American media. Is this too much to find out and contemplate on for vermin graduated from institutions of lower learning and "working" for media?
They should be working for my rate's .ss and pay for it too, should I'd had one. maybe I should get one. To make fun of those who are running after Trump's behind trying to defame his character with every gesture he makes. Sure they have time and energy for that type of "professionalism."
Aren't air waves owned by public? Isn't that why O wants to bring the "fairness doctrine?"
My point is that there is no accountability of any type in any level or standard of professionalism in journalism in this country. I'm sure that "mission statements" of networks and others smaller channels' are looking so fair and humane that can bring a tear or two in anyone's eyes.
But look at the grim reality.
Vermin in the media and the press-titutes are in cloud of their own thick smoke (whatever they're smoking) and in the smog imposed on them called "political correctness."
To function, get ahead and make big money (which they call "successful" by mistake too) in that
"industry" is to survive intellectual toxicity for so long that most of them don't even know they range from incredibly stupid to utter insane.
Don't get me wrong. Some of them didn't lose. They were born snakes. That's their calling.
They have a genome running on poison called LF; - lair and fraud. (just made that up).
These didn't lose their minds, they're operating on their natural juices in their perfect environment.
I have known people who lie in every step they make every day of their lives, no mater what it is. Imagine one of them will work for CNN?

Now, let get back to today's news.
Yesterday's WSJ said that O's told Turkey to deploy troops to the border with Syria to combat .S.L.
[Yah, right! Like they think he's "somebody?"]

At; Putin signed list of sanctions against Turkey.
1. To stop no-visa zone for Turkish citizens, beside those who have place of residency in Russia and diplomats and their families.
2. Interacted tour companies to stop selling packages to visit Turkey.
3. Limiting the charter flights back and forth and imposing rigid inspections on the freight from Turkey, etc.
[I think this gift will keep on giving in coming days and months.]

Look at this at Big-turk "regrets" but not apologizes. Turkish public is divided on this issue. There were demonstrations on both sides of this issue in Anakara.
Heroic Eygeniy Lyamin is reporting from Anakara.
Watch this clip, hear what their own people are saying; border with the area controlled by .S.L is totally open and many from both side, including Turkish law enforcement, even members of intelligence agencies are doing business - alright.
[His son is running a cartel in there - his own son! He has his proud pictures taken by members of vermin. What do you expect?
Now that the nasty thing became obvious and hit the fan, will see what coming days will bring.]

Watch in the above clip showing a prominent Kurdish attorney Tahir Elci, The President of Bar Association of that province, being shut to death in the street of southeastern city called Diyarbakir while giving an interview to a TV crew, because he was "critical" of Turkey's policies. at 2:30min
People came out to streets to protest and police opened teargas and water-cannons on them.
2 journalists have been arrested so far, police disbursed demonstrations of protest against those arrests held in Istanbul and Ankara.

[Hear this; Turkey was supplying .S.L "stuff" by convoys stretching up to gazoo. Apparently they were calling it "a humanitarian aid." After news given out and showing of the the pictures from satellite by Puitn, just recently they were stopped and checked. I don't know by who, though. It's not in this report. Happen to be instead of crackers and cheese there were weapons and ammunition. As Russia was thinking. At 5:25min. Syrian General speaker for Syrian Military says that Turkey is
crossing Syrian borders constantly and continuously while helping t.r.r.sts.
Oh, good news; Washington expressed "concern" towards arrests of 2 journalists. Ooh, la, la.

Look here; Russians found 2 of criminals (husband and wife) who blow up transmitters of electricity supplying Crimean peninsula and cause total blackout for several days.
Look what people who live there went through. Count how much damaged it caused.
Look at Tatars who live there and help the criminals.
Most of Tatars are the inside enemy to Crimeans. A musilm minority thuging and victimizing the christian majority in their own country.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder" come to mind.
Shouldn't criminals of that caliber be punish by death? Those are sworn t.r.r.sts. They have nothing better to do but kill and destroy. That's their livelihood. They're in breeding business every night all night long. Doing it worse than animals. Why worse. I'll tell you. Animals have mostly instinct. Some of them are very advanced though. They generally don't have the emotional will power and/or intellect to totally control their body functions. Not all of them, some of them in general terms. Look at the birds. They put a nest before laying eggs.
Some humans having so many children they can not possible feed and cloth them and come up with any theory in their minds to justify taking what others have.
Who is going to pay for food and shelter of all those backwards nations who do not think how to create things, how to provide services and products for themselves and others, but know how to lay with their first cousin when they're minors? Not me. I don't want to do that. God, nature or both gave human a conscious, free will and judgement. Whoever chooses not to use those highest gifts, should be treated less than an animal. That's what I'm saying.
You might think I'm cruel and just came up with this. Hell, no. I was thought my my parents and grandparents. I was thought that as a human belong to human society I am obligated to conduct myself in certain manners. I can not do everything come to my mind or my body wants or need.
They both worked decades for full time and told us; get education first, it's your most valuable investment. Have a trade, a skill, master in it, be the best. To think about grown up think like sex and relashonship, at first you have to be a grown up. You study, you work, get established, find someone like you that you can trust with a life time commitment like marriage, have a decent place to live before you have children. have as many as you'll be able to possibly provide with the best, so they want feel they don't have a good life. Give, don't take. When you give, you feel good. When you take you feel bad.
Are this things complected, unheard of, created by some special geniuses? No.
I'd say the 95% of society I lived in in former soviet union lived by these norms. My parents and grandparents didn't need to tell us this thing word by word. They showed us example with their own lives with their own behavior. My grandmother didn't tell me the whole scientific thing about birds. She wasn't a zoologist. When I was a little child, ones she just showed me birds putting their nests on trees in the garden and said: "Look how smart the little birds are. Look how small their heads are. They should have little tiny bids of brain and they're building a home for their off-springs, before those come out. Look how much bigger and powerful the human and his mind is and how much more he should do and can do with it." That picture got stuck in my mind and froze in time. I still remember that. I din't need to learn those things from church and/or school. Those are basic.
Also where I grew up there was such thing like "shame, embarrassment, humiliation," and some such." To get out, get kn.cked up and come home pregnant? What are you talking about?
It was a no-no not because your family would kill you, but because you'd stain their name, ashamed them, embarrass and humiliate their humanity in front of society with your behavior. Why is that so deep? I'll tell you. That's not deep at all. It's simple; it would mean that they raised someone who could not exercise her mind to control her body. What does that suppose to mean;
1. you were born a damaged good, you're mentally challenged and can be ever taken seriously.
2. They fail to educate you, guide you, train you, give you advice, finally guard your behavior to prevent it.
3. They did everything right, you know better and you did it consciously to spit on everyone.
So what one who want to choose? I can take essence of these 3 together and open a preaching center in NYC. Actually years ago one of my neighbors (a liberal man) in UWS, who I told the same thing, came up with that idea for me. Even preaching can't be straight forward in this country. No way.
Now that I sidetracked, I have to add one more little thing; food sharing was a MUST in the culture I grew up. Doors were unlocked, most of the time, and there was always food for anybody who come in. A lots of people would play an instrument, because music school was free. I played piano.
So there was always a little joyous thing to bring out to quell tiredness and stress of the working day.

Many years ago Russia banned death penalty under the pressure of Europe to be able
"to join the more civilized world." Oh, boo-hoo!
Now, when capitalistic greed messed up that place, there are discussions to bring it back.
I have a Q; how came Europe don't dare to put pressure on my love of life, my country, my good young US of A?
Because nobody let them before I arrive here 24 years ago and I would NOT let them from now on.
That's why!   It's so simple. It's primitive. Russians shouldn't either. That's all.

Where I grew up I don't recall anyone who could possibly be on the side of a criminal; a little thief or a serial killer. Even if that would be their own son. They were the ones who should share the burden of failure to prevent or stop the person. So, they were the ones to condemn most to clean themselves up. Family was responsible for each other. They shared an honor and a shame. That, as I see in USA and compare, is much better deterrent, judge and jury than any other.  

@Kosarev_RT and you'll see the vemin are using TOW (anti-tank) missiles shooting at the van carrying RT crew in Latakia region. To RT correspondent Gayane Chichikian's Q "how US made TOW missiles ended up in t.r.r.sts' hands," Mark Toner from DOS answers "in any number of ways."
One American expert says that US weapons were going to arm "good" opposition and can end up anywhere. As you can see in that clip a "moderate/good opposition is giving it to vermin and getting "thanks" and big hugs for it. Maybe the "good" ones are even selling them. Who know?

8:30pm. Now that I ruined my Saturday night doing this at home, I need to put some lyrical music and get something to eat.



Friday, November 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 27th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
Most people are thinking shopping, I'm watching world affairs and credible experts in history and political commentators. Besides hard facts of history, they don't agree on everything political, far from it.
The hard fact is that F.Hollande was in Moscow yesterday and started with "dear Vladimir" while addressing P in front of media.
[Is it a soft-hearted, sincere approach of wounded man who must shuffle cards of priorities and needs help? That's not how I see it. He couldn't care less about P and RF before Nov. 13th. Moreover he was hurting RF's economy by acting like a herd for USA. I eel that P should not talk to him without having sanctions against his country lifted and financial damages compensated.
What I would do suggest P should do, should I be his consultant?
After lending and getting into wherever he had to stay, he should send his team to have F.H. call Paris (on the videotape) to remove sanctions immediately and get his thick checkbook out and write a check with my number on it. That's all. To me, that's should the be minimum condition. That's just fair. Then he could meet him and call him 'my dearest Francois" as many time as he's want to.]
Yesterday P said that RF is giving info about his forces' whereabouts in Syria to the US and asked if downing of a Russian jet means that the latter is giving out that info left and right? While explaining how they conduct their anti-t.r.r operation and how they gave all the info. in order to avoid any accident, they've got stabbed in the back. What those "turkman" groups were doing in that area, waiting with video-cameras ready pointed right on the flying plane? Then quickly putting it on internet and bragging?  
[Good Q, but nobody from WH is answering.
Thug-turk-erdogan, who organizes t.r.r acts in his own country against kurds and other minorities, said that he is not going to apologize for the incident. What do you expect from a genome like that? His son is involved in oil trade with .S.L and has his picture taken with them.
Also big-daddy-commander of the world in WH didn't care to pressure him to do so. Nice...
In my opinion RF doesn't need to be in any coalition. It's a superpower and can take care of its own affairs. That's why the Nato members are ganging up on it. They can't stand to see somebody independent and powerful. It's not bad to get everyone together, if West is going to be the ones who is going to rule and give commands the rest. Russia has a long history of being ripped off, betrayed, taken advantage of, etc. Russian people know history more than any other. ]

By the opinion of Russian experts Hollande's visit to the US and RF is for photo-op with O and P in order to show that as if he's going places and "doing" things, - just to propping up his reputation at home. Downing Russian jet and killing one pilot when he ejected himself and came down, was an organized ambush and official Washington didn't even condemn it. Thugs got on him like scavengers screaming their al.%$^! Does it show anything? Not for those who're heavily sedated by cocktail illegal drags or in vegetative state!

Russia's and France's priorities toward Syrian problem didn't match.
As usual frenchman's thinking was backwards. He wants to remove Assad first, then establish interim government, then fight against .S.L.
Putin wants to defeat .S.L, then let Syria people to decide their future.
Who is sane between this two?

Look what I remembered and looked up from Oct. 8th, after Russians got on with business in Syria; Ash-head-ex-college-professor-Carter said that Russians are behaving "unprofessionally" in Syria, they're crossing Turkey's airspace and their plans are going to come down.
You think this bozo is a prophetic super-expert in military? Look at him, his demeanor, his "qualifications" and who appointed him for that position. He has been a professor of "science and int'l affairs" in lower-learning-institution-of-Harvard? Wow! Look at that subject matter. How many million lies he had to use each hour "lecturing" that type of uselessness?
You got the picture.

Another "interesting" thing; turkman-criminal-erdogan doesn't apologize for ambush and downing of Russian fighter jet and a helicopter and killing of 2 servicemen, but still wants to meet with P at
"climate summit." So called "UN climate change conference" in Paris is starting this Monday.

[To me, P shouldn't bother with that big BS to start with. Russia should be for global warming, like myself. I like hot better than cold. Russia has vast territory which is not being used because of severe cold weather.
When globe will boil, lot of people will move to those clean, amazingly beautiful and unobstructed areas with clean air and water. I'll go there and live with surviving animals, hopefully lots of dogs (who don't need to ride sleds anymore) and bears. Yesir. We'll save polar bears. I'll organize it. They're going to be all right. I love them. I have a real big polar bear (stuffed animal) in my house.
I bought her and I'm taking care of her so good, you have to see it to believe it.
Liberals, progressives and other mentally-not-grown-ones still on pot and crock might ask me;
"What about the rest of the world which might be effected badly?
My answer; "What about it? You take care of the rest of the world. I care about one big part of it.
Capish? Good! I'm not applying for sainthood, not running for Pope's position either. Haven't born with angel wings, so can't fly places whenever I want. I need a steady ground, pal. You save the world, you became saint - for all I care."
The problem with people getting together and pulling shenanigan on the rest of us using that excuse is a sickness called "greed." They've got so far in the game of conmanship and bullsh.t artistry that they're doing in out in the open, in front of the wold. Grabbing money or getting involved in it's shoving around to their cronies is the goal of that game.
Am I against being careful or caring toward nature. Not at all. I do that every day with a little bid I can with my habits and behavior. But to talk and do globally tricky things and make huge money on it, only genetically snaky people can do. The first and biggest proof in this particular case in starts with the headline; at first it was "global warming" (remember Y2K panic?), after that didn't fly (because Kamchatka is not getting any warmer), now it's "climate change." Change in what direction? It's getting hotter or colder now? Who know?!
Maybe they're getting together to figure out that part.  2:30am
Global money grabbers and exchangers always need stupid people with power in large groups around them. What a nice occasion to get together on this thing ....  Pay attention; always verbs like "helping," "saving," "rescuing" are used. Who can "dare" to be against those brilliant and heroic "life-saving" things? You can't even open your mouth for a Q in the fear of self-condemnation of your conscious. That's what they're relying on; using your own conscious against you. 2:30am

Afternoon; After I signed out, went to bed and turned on the TV, 4am news showed and said
"After F. Hollande visited Russia, Putin agreed to "join" the western coalition against .S.L.
WHAT? What are the people in media are smoking? Are they all crazy? Any of them can read and right, comprehend simple things? What is this?
Why would Putin "agree to join" when he was doing it all by himself? This a 180 degrees the other way around. This is not usual lying, misleading, leaving important part of info. out, this is all the way the other way around. Like in WWII when french decided to switch on Russian side from German side (remember french forces were guarding "Reichst.g" in Berlin and letting nazis scr.w their women broad daylight on Ch-El while riding their tanks to win their own "Grand Prix?). Oh, yes.
Just take a look at the date when USA decided to join the fight. I'll make it easy for you; it was after
soviet military started to push the vermin back. Then USA jumped on bandwagon to share "victory."
Unfortunately lost many of his own mostly young people. French still think that Americans did it for themselves to help their "economy." Whatever!......

3:08pm, you're saying that we're facing the same enemy for 1200 years. You're calling your listeners all sorts of degrading names, such as brain-dead, psychotic, etc. for not understanding that those are religious fanatics and we're dealing with low-class, historically genetic murderers.
Who are you talking to? Why are you creaming, ranting on those who turned your show on?
People who hate you don't listen to your show. I don't want you to use word "you" directly on us while you're insulting those who're in "dance of death" in Europe or not against those who wants to bring it here. I don't like to be yelled at.
You ALWAYS should use "THOSE WHO don't understand," "WHOSE WHO can't see clearly,"
"WHOSE WHO don't uneducated," Point who are you talking about with simple words "those who" instead of "YOU."
You called Sanders "a typical crazy" for blaming climate change for What would you expect from a person with background like his? Extremely few can come out of the sewage that he grew up in. As the saying goes "you can take a person out of trash, but you can't take trash out of the person." This applies directly to Sanders. He was making more sense dealing with Russia (saying we should stay away from conflict with it) than hillary-the-hilarious-with-menopause is. That woman is a living-breathing-running-around-death-wish for this country.
At 3:29pm you suggested to put O in a position of "war time consigliere" instead of his job. Well, that is an elder statesman and second close confidant for the top person. That's still too high. He should NOT be in the top with any power at all.
3:38pm,  you're saying that Russia is sending 150 000 soldiers to wipe out vermin and they're rightfully not going to allow our vermanic media with its cameras to follow them.
I don't want them to send ground forces; - only from air. They lost 6 pilots in t.r.r attack in Mali,
2 (one pilot and one marine) in recent war-criminal-ambush-by-turks. If you compare the rate of human reproduction between Christians and Muslims, you could see it's 1:10 at least.
It can be even 1:100 in some areas of the world where the latter are extremely preoccupied with consuming food and products and having unprotected sex. The fake prayers (for peace) are the break in between whose 2 "rituals." "Peace" means THEY shouldn't be killed. It doesn't say anywhere in their books that they shouldn't kill US. There even a reward for doing it is in a form of granting residency in heaven with supply of unlimited amount of sex, starting with 72 virgins. Who wouldn't not take that deal? Especially the men stuck with their first semi-retarded cousins like themselves.
If course men in those areas will run to their deaths with signing joyful songs as we see. They're getting paid $400 a month from those who sit on black gold and are enjoying themselves with the money that our stupid governemnt is paying them for that g.rbage. There is no job which can pay that much, their parents are mating like no tomorrow until they die, there is no room and enough food for everyone, so what the heck; let's get paid to get rid of this stupid life to get to the other - the much better one.
Do you see the deep mind-game played with nice words under the name of God and religion to execute this psychological trick to murderdom? Call it "martyrdom" instead, that's all. Who's is checking words?  Half of muslim world can read and write, but wants and needs food and sex
every minute of the day. What about hot water and soap they need to use after those "rituals" just to start the laundry list?
Who is going to provide? Me? Anybody thinks can tell a tale to me like that should kiss my rate's .ss, if you can afford it, of course, because doesn't take anything besides cold cash in $s - up front. No credits. Even my rate is smarter than billions of people on this earth who are shagging up worse than animals right now "hopping" that another idiot (who didn't know how do do himself) it is at work right now and will pay for what will come out of it. Those dirty .ss inbreeds! Of course they're going to close their faces. What kind of face you want them to show in public? Don't they know what they were doing minute ago?

Let me tell you something; I'm not happy with this so called "coalition" garbage Americans are pulling on Russians. O will send troops to bother and interfere with Russian mission in Syria, in the result of which more Russians will be in harms way. That's what my gut is telling me.
To create balance in the world within rapid human growth and consumption and present and potential resources on this planet can be even out only with another clean up huge war. Unfortunately. That's the truth and I'm not the only one who knows about it and talks about it.
That's not what self-hating murderous and suicidal vermin can say. Those cowards use worlds like "help" and "compassion" just to get their cheese our of it and be on the safer side of equation.
Should I say the same, I'll feel much safer too. It feel good to be "for life" like rigid conservatives preach. I want any of them come for an interview with me with a condition that they'd answer to all personal Qs also. See how many will show up. I'll get you on a secret off top - NON!
You're one of them on that issue, but I let you slid, because I agree with you on most things. You're not a suicidal maniac who wants apocalypse after himself. You have family and a grandchild. I don't have those, which makes me more humane person! :) Just saying.............
4:35pm. - in "Savage States of America" is D. Trump on the phone with you. It's encore of your previous interview with him that I heard live and commented on it.
Trump says that Christians can't come, but muslims are allowed to this country, when Christians are having their head cut off.
What I can say is that you and Trump don't know even a small part of fraud committed in immigration in this country. It's a one big hot mess. A mob cartel is running it from top to bottom.
Both of you can't check and find out unless I personally point out factual things to you. I don't like just talking, saying things, hearing someone's comments before processing things myself using my abilities. That's why I like when anyone who wants to make a point to start the sentence with word "because." Say "because of this," then "I thing, I feel," etc. I'll save you time, because in the middle of the talk I'll get the point already. I can bring many examples and you'll be amazed how effective interview am I.
I can't believe that with all his means Trump and his wonderful children sat down with old-b.g-B-W in his home answering to banal Qs. Especially the stupid, childish and in the core sneaky Qs she asked to grown children while reading from her papers.
You think about 90 years old who got so much poison injected on her face is writing her own Qs to start with? With all her millions of $s she don't hire a off-pot-professional to write decent Qs for her?
I understand that Trump has to use any exposure to media. At the same time he knows is he says loudly "media is terrible, they don't even show the crowds when I speak. I go home, my wife asks "were there any people, darling?"
Even after that, they don't turn around and show the crowds just to prove him wrong. Not even, nosir. Those are incurable, unchangeable genomes. They're full of poison and naturally use poison to run on. Consequently poison comes out and goes around to poison others wherever they go.
I know what Trump needs to succeed. And, he is the only one who can afford it. He MUST try it. He MUST at least talk to me and listen to me until I finish explaining. If he can realize the huge project I have in my mind without me, - good luck to him. I'm all for it! Should he'll see that I'm the only one who can do it (simply because it's my project to start with), all I need are tools and expenses paid.
Unless he becomes Potus I don't need to apply for any job on his payroll. I'm ok right here.
How about that?
Do you know how we can start? How he can check my abilities?
He can open any paper, any article in it, any interview on TV, including the recent one with the old-b.g-who-can't-smile anymore (because of 100's of face-lifts), and ask me to analyze and comment on it. See what he thinks. He'll be convinced that there is not even one out there like me. There is not even a remote chance finding anyone close to my natural gift in communication with the type of education I've got, my knowledge and life experience honed by living in different parts of the world, my abilities and willingness to use all of it for goodness of good humans on this planet. There were and always will be bad people in the world. I'm not naive. I can be hopeful, but not delusional. I want to help good people to make us all survive. That's all.
Should that not happen, guess what?; I do not have children and do not need to worry what would be after me. But, in 2015 AD, I still do.
Now, at 5:30pm, before I check the news from my trusted sources and learn more stuff from real world class experts in different fields, I'll get some lunch and listen to good, spirit uplifting music.

Do you know that from times of Pharaohs' Egypt the territory of today's Syria was a land of warfare between Hittites in the north and Egyptians from south? Hittites were located mostly on the territory of today's turkey. Their 'remnants' are doing the same thing today, aren't they? Syria was a cross road, trade route and strategic location in middle east. That's why is was a constant battleground. After Egyptians there were Romans. Look at events started from 15th century B.C. and come down with numbers.
Not only today's turkey is on the side of .s.l and trades oil with them, but its end game is to brake Syria in parts and take some of it. How that can be done? Not the way Putin suggests; - stabilizing the situations, getting rid of t.r.r.sts and having elections by Syrian people. He doesn't wish collapse of that state. Look what nato did in Lybia. Hollande was one of the main forces in that genius adventure. Contrary to Russia and its interests Turkey wants Syria is disarray, totally broken in pieces and out of control. At has its eyes at least on 2 provinces that they want to take for a long time.
By the same token Christians should take most of Syria and Turkey to visit their ancestors' graves.
Look at Istanbul, a totally Christian city started by Greeks. Why America doesn't put Greece and turkey, both Nato members (Greece is closer because it's an EU member too), side by side and take the side of its Christian and broker a dead to restore historic fairness? Look what Greeks are saying;
"Turkey is encroaching our airspace every day."

Now this; My wish came true. Good news for Russians.  
At; non-visa regime between RF and TR will stop from Jan.1st.
[I didn't even know there was a such thing. that was reckless to start with. You can't let millions of your citizens to go visit and spend money in a country who has been your historic enemy and still is.
There is nothing in common between those two. besides that simple people are minding their own business and want the same basic things in life. there are good people in there, of course. But one can't go and search in millions to meet one. It's impossible. They can make money and do business and want to dead anyway. Right here, in NYC, I heard turkes saying bad things about Russians and their "travel" business in there.
Especially today, under the economic sanctions, no Russian should go anywhere overseas (unless they have a family or business) to just look around and spend money. Russia is very big, actually it's a biggest country in the world and there are plenty of places to spend money and support their own.
All compassionate Russians today should have people of Donbass in their mind and heart, try to go there, help their own people.
I'd be in P's place I'd close the border to any muslim country first, then the rest.
It's not "humane"? Who say? America had embargo against Cuba for 55 years. Hello? Rush had to get his cigars from underground. No, just kidding. I don't like smokers, that's why I'm picking on him.
So, the new decision made by gov. of RF doesn't say that Turks can not travel there. They just have to go through process. There are up to 100 000 turks in Russia today. Huge construction companies are doing business. Lavrov said that the last act of aggression is not the only reason they came to this conclusion. There have been many other things before this.
cockoo-erdogan was telling P not to "play with fire over the downed plane incident." Oh, boo-boo to you! I hope he goes ahead and put a visa regime in place from his side of the border.

Discussions about the meeting of Hollande with Putin were in world media.
At, 3:55min. Putin says that there is no chance that Russian plane wasn't targeted. "They have insignia clearly visible on them, "missing out or being confused" is excluded. That's nonsense. That's an excuse. Too bad that instead of investigating, apologizing and insuring that it won't happen again, they're trying to give us excuses, as if there is even nothing to apologize for. Well, that's not our choice, that's the choice of turkish side," he says.
One "genius" foreign journalist (following what she read in her local paper), asking P why he sent
S 400 to Syria calling it MRL (system of volley fire). P corrects her saying that's an "air defense system." You read the rest. P is asking Qs like he is talking directly to turkman.

[System of Volley Fire/Multi Rocket Launcher is the second most dangerous weapon after nuclear. How the representative of "western media" (who apparently was able to get her big behind in 2 big Presidents' press conference) confuses a defense system with it? Isn't that typical occurrence instead of an exception? You better believe it.
On the bright side, I can use this episode in my upcoming comedy show.]

At; Today in Novocherkassk, Rostov region, line was unending to say good bye to marine Alex Pozinich.
He was only 29 years young and 10 of those years he gave to service of his homeland. Parished while rescuing a comrade in  arms.
To remind you; when bastards hit the plane, 2 pilots ejected themselves. Bastards shut at them both. Oleg died and Konstantine was wounded. 2 helicopters flew to rescue them. Bastards opened fire on them too. One was shut down. Alex was in that one. Dead. Then bastards blew up the helicopter laughing and chanting their #$%^! Marine Alex Pozinich died in the process of rescuing commander, 1st class pilot Oleg Peshkin.
Kostya is in recovery now. He wants to stay in military and in the same Syrian base. Bravo, man!
We should take some of Russian brave officers to train our new generals. O purged the best of them so easily like throwing away some rotten carrots from his wife's veggie garden.

Words can't describe my sadness. I pray for their souls and for strength of their lived ones. to survive after them.
Bastardturks should pay their families to the rest of their lives. But no. Putin is too soft for it. Has been like that for a long time. It's time to draw conclusions and act accordingly and appropriately.
Should I be clever enough to end up in a crowd in front of him as a "journalist" I'd ask him;
"When are you going to draw conclusions from lessons learnt and finally act on them, Mr. President?"  

So long.

P.S. Trivia; You believe in fate or in coincidence? A man can be struck by lightening - twice?
Watch this schlemazel crawling at OMG!
My heart goes out for him. I hope he's OK. I sinned, I laughed first.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 25th, Wednesday


Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday when I've got the disturbing news, the whole day I could not look at the screen of computer. I didn't want to see the pictures. No matter how much we get used to it through media,
it still gets to me.
I listened 2 hours of your show, though. Yes, you're right, those who forget the lesson of history are condemned to repeat it. O's grandfather was WWII veteran, look what came out of 50's-60's cookie-hippy-hanging-with-everybody-who-comes-close daughter of his.
You know and I know that O's grudge against P is deeply personal and can not be cured by any medication.
After the G20 "interfaith" summit in turkey, at press-conference, P says that some sponsors of .S.L
are members of G20. I linked that report, where reporters says "without saying the names everyone knew that they were turkey,qatar&saudi.
Don't you think that caught up with turks? You better believe it.
Downing of Russian SY-24 was carefully planned; at Just listen to the voices rejoicing-in-the-name-of-all.h- when they realize the man is a Russian pilot. Even starving wolves don't make such noses when they find a lame to eat.
P has been soft, in my opinion he's a liberal, he played carefully with Ukraine (8000 people dead in there), with US, with NATO retards (letting them come close to his borders) and this is how he's being treated. Not too long ago he signed a big dead to build the pipeline through turkey with that low-life. That's what he got. He never, ever should do anything friendly with Turks. They can not be trusted. With them, it's genetic. Look at the history. What changed? They say sorry for 1915 genocide? NO. They want to get out of Cyprus, which they invaded in 1974 and already took most of the island, because of their "rapidly multiplying" habit? NO. Look what happened to civilizations around them which existed 6000 years, before the name of the group like that. Read how they ran their harems, how they used women like uterus providers/breeding object. Well, in civilized western world only Americans don't know that the name"turk"for everyone sounds like an insult.
Are they good people among them who say "let's clean out past, let's admit, say sorry and change?" Yes, there are. Many educated people among them. There are some good, righteous people everywhere, but I'm talking about the facts of history and today's majority's mentality and actions.
Those are the force running the mock today in there. They always were and still are big-time back-stabbers. Ask everyone next to them; start with any Arab country. They don't like them either.
You know, there is a famous painting, depicting turkish-Russian war, where on the boat kazakhs are writing a letter to sultan. You should look at that and see what they wrote to him. And, kazakhs were right, they won and they're still right. That's why the sea called "black," turks name it; - Black Sea, I love it.

In Syria they're still searching for the Russian pilot; at & 

I don't want to go to cuckoo cnn or other site i don't like. I'll wait until something reliable comes out from trusted by me source.
One of pilots was saved by Syrian army, at 
Russian helicopter was shut down by weapons provided by the US, at

Russian MID said that it did not expect that NATO can not be objective in this incident,               
Nato thinks that after this "dialog" between R and T is important, at 
[Oh, boo-hoo! Seriously.]

Also look at 
1:30am, I'm sick of this. 

Afternoon in NYC. Evening news from Russia is in. A good one, finally, thank GOD!
Navigator of Russian bomber CY-24 was found alive and safe and was brought to Russian military base in Syria, at 
Journalists had a chance to ask him how is he feeling, what happened, etc. He say that he's OK and Russian medics can perform miracles. Also adds that there was no encroachment into Turkish airspace whatsoever and there was no warning from Turkish side either. He wants to stay in service in Russian air-force in Syria.
You should hear him word to word explaining how things operate in general in the air, how he knows the area like 5 fingers in his hand, that they weren't the first time in the same area, how things were going and how it went down. He is adamant that there was NO warning whatsoever and how the warning should to conducted, should there was any. The racket came at the plane so suddenly that it couldn't be detected on time. He is still in recovery. Afterwords he going to ask to stay in the same base.
Pay attention what he say the warning should look like. Turkish F-16 should fly parallel and give a signal/make contact. None of them was done.
At Putin said that the captain of the crew, Oleg Peshkov, will be awarded with the medal of Hero of RF posthumously. Ministry of Defense will do everything in their power to use every means to protect safety of Russian forces. S-400s defense missile system "Triumf" (triumph) will be deployed to the base in Khmeimim.
Konstantin Myrahktin, the surviving navigator of the crew, is awarded with "Order of Courage."
The same was also posthumously given to the sailor Alexander Pozinich, who perished in rescue operation. Same topic is also at About beefing up security Putin talks at  
[I think they should give those 2 Star of Hero too.]
Prime Minister D. Medvedev said that Ankara defends .S.L for oil trade.
Russia considers Turkish action against his force as an open act of aggression.

Defense Ministry of RF opened its gen. staff meeting with minute of silence.
Minister Sergei Shoigu discussed the future methods of protection against possible future aggression against Russian military, what P previously called "stab in the beck," at
At 2:45min. Shoigu said that they're stopping all military contact with turkish side.

At 3;26min. Sergei Lavrov says; "I spoke with my Turkish counterpart and he said they didn't know that was a Russian air craft, that Syria air-force is also flying in there. I want to mention that also NATO forces fly in that area, should they were shooting down without knowing who their were, they would hit one of their own. I asked if they coordinated their actions with leading force of NATO - the US, but he had no answer. The whole thing looks like a carefully organized provocation."
Russian politicians expressed harsh criticism toward the incident; Chairman of Duma, Sergei Narishkin, said that they considered it a crime and direct sponsorship to t.r.r.sts. "This crime has persons who're responsible, they have to be found and brought to justice,"he said.
All Russian Parlamentarian, heads of major parties expressed their outraged and called for new measures for safety of their military men.
At 6:38min. you'll see the photos of perished 2 Russian military service men; 
Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Anatolievich Peshkov and Alexander Mikhailovich Pozinoch. 
[Look at those, their families, their education, their work and those who kill them. You'll get the picture.]
Russia also asked Turkey about why are they covering up, hiding and protecting those who came out of Russia or from territory of former soviet union and are fighting on the side of t.r.r.sts.
No answer to that also.
9 facts about SU-24 downed by turkish thugs, at  
[You do the math; 17 seconds only close to "suspicious" area, while thugs on the ground had their cameras pointed watching and filming it? Then running to the downed man screaming ""?]

Evening in NYC; I listened part of your show talking about religions, especially "religion of peace," asking how killing mentality comes mostly from it. Gave tribute to those who had families with children despite of horrible times throughout human history. Said O wants to bring as many M-As as the DC population is, asked why would he do that?
Every psychiatrist, who's mind is still working, can tell you if you're their close friend and will sign a gag order. I'll tell you without gag order, should we meet. Teddy can be there too.
Then you were explained why being cautious and using common sense is not xenophobia, as libs call it, but a simple survival judgment. Called on the people to say "Merry Christmas" and wear crosses if they're Christian. You brought example of you growing up in melting pot of NYC, going to China town or a German bar in UES and not being spooked by seeing all the signs in their languages only.

Well, well, Dr. Savage. The sad part of you explaining those things is the fact itself. It should be understood all by itself for every adult. The scary part of that those who work against interests and safety to their own are not only adults, but were able to get so far ahead to become decision makers with power and influence for millions. In O's case, more than 300 million. That's one scary stuff.
Doesn't he think about the future of his daughters? - you asked. My answer is - no, not the way you and I think he should. That's the problem. The tragedy is that most of people in this country think like you and I, but he still has more power. So much so for "democracy." This is a Democracy for small groups of people like him and his mentality, not for oppressed and silenced majority who makes this country function.
If you want to see racism against white person practiced everyday in NYC, give me a hidden camera, keep me on live-stream connected to your website and any other site of the world. Make sure lawyers are watching, because what they will see, will not go to court, it will be settled very quickly.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, we're doing cookout in our building, where I have 1 person threatening and stalking me always, everywhere, permanently, another 2, whenever they get a chance.
And, if I'd had a streaming video of me shopping in Rite-aid yesterday evening, today that video might go viral and that company would settle the lawsuit immediately.
I stopped believing 99% what a media says. 1% if I see a proof; picture, video and that has to makes sense to me. 99% reports are deceitful, 1% - doubtful, that's my theory.
If you think this is just happening. just like another tide in history, like natural evolution of life in America, - I say NO!
This is carefully planed and organized demise of this country's internal enemies first, external enemies, second. That's all. Trump is the only hope. Cruz can be a vice-president, perhaps?
So long.  

Monday, November 23, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 23rd, Monday


Look what's going on in Crimea at 
It's in dark. 
Cronies and lackeys of WH and DOS in Kiev bombed last standing 2 towers providing electric from mainland. Today, Monday, in Crimea everything is closed; no school, no work. Only emergency facilities, like hospitals, which have their own generators, are working.
Ukrainian radicals which are working on blockading Crimea from the time it was reunited with mother Russia, in their retarded-neo-nazi minds trying to make people "suffer" and leave the region.
That's how hopelessly psychotic they are. At 2:44min. look at the fights breaking out because those fascists don't let people to go close to towers to fix them.

Today is a day of mourning in Ulyanovsk region of RF where 5 of 6 crew members of cargo airplane were from, at 
All churches and cathedrals will hold masses for departed souls.
The rest of the crew, 9 people who survived the carnage, arrived back last night.

Look at this and do your own math; at Each bearded-meat-targets working for .S.L casts $400 a month for 7th-century-gown-wearing-saudi-kingdom. Army of 30 000 he can pay, for sure. Thanks to stupid America, which give them, installed and showed them how use a pump to pump the oil and then started buying from them. Well, pal, they wouldn't be able to do it by themselves, why would you let them have it?
To me it's a problem with judgement of this government, but the tragedy is that that money have been used (remember 9/11?), is being used (watch the clip) and will be used against us to finish us, - infidels. Those are the type that you can take out of desert, but you can't get sand out of their minds.
(Do you remember sheiks visiting Putin and the "main head" was sitting in open toe sandals?)
They already changed American society as we knew it, changed the way we used to live already.
I came here in 1991 and in 90's going into office buildings without ID and without taking my shoes off in airports, Even I, a relatively new comer, feels the big difference every day.
.S.L costs 12M a month, which is peanuts for their sponsors from all over the world. Those people whose parents were first cousins, still can't pump their black-liquid-gold themselves. Oh-no! Low-life Europeans for good money went there and doing it for them.
You should definitely watch every second of this report. Vermin are not only thriving on oil, but on other things around them, such as pieces of ancient artifacts, ransoms, big-juicy donations from pseudo-God-fearing-ultra-religious-sheiks and every other Assad-hater.

Kiev's thugs fired at villages in DNR, at 

Within last 48 hours Russian air strikes destroyed 472 t.r.r targets, within last 5 days - 1000 oil tankers in Syria.

Do you know what's the motto for .S.L thugs? You didn't hear it on American media, did you? Me neither.
It's, -  "Christians to Egypt, Alawites to grave!"
3:03pm now, before your show, the pseudo news says "if Russia changes it tactics, we'll welcome it to our coalition of 65 states." Can you believe your ears?
Those people are doing that dangerous, dirty, expensive work called "war" all by themselves, now finally 65 idiots realized they were wrong, they are "ready" to welcome Russia?

You started; "the thin smoking man in WH didn't talk about the slaughter in Paris, but about media for not reporting ........"
Then you're reading from RT about Sicilian mafia warning .S.L with retaliation in the case of attempting on NY. Then reading from your book "The Savage Nation" where many years ago you wrote about that to stop the government needs to invite the baddest of mafias to WH and ask them how to do it. This is the original report at
It's fascinating.
Mr. Gambino will be joining the show later on.
You're right, "the man 'who knows from where' in WH, vermin in the media and ratsenbergs are doing exactly the job of what's called "domestic enemy."
When taking the oath of allegiance I swore to fight against enemies "foreign, as well as domestic." Every decent citizen should!
You're right - sorority is running the country. It should be dark skin and preferably with uterus.
That's the qualification for attorney general, national security adviser, you name it.
Throw in some self-hating liberal Jews like d.axelrod (the ones like him in Upper West Side of Manhattan hate your guts and want to shut you up), some child molesting liberal Catholics and a few white christian and atheist drag-addicts on welfare, - there goes your country!
That's what consist of Dem-party with donkey as coat of arms; just look at the names, the faces, the action and check the medical records.
At 3:43pm, talking about Kennedys.
I think Kennedys were a mob, I don't like the entire clan, whatsoever! Some mobsters can do good for their communities, there are different ones among them. In island of Sicily people were left without any control of government. they fought against Mussolini, against nazis, so they're not that all bad. If course where is a vacuum in authority and law and order, people tend to control themselves. Consequently those are with natural skills and charisma in organizing and ruling come out and run the place.

4:00pm. Gambino will come on the show (from "undisclosed" location) 30min. after the hour.

10:10pm; I heard Gambino on your show. He talked a little bid about history of Sicily, describes the the safe life a little while ago in NYC's Italian neighborhoods when people would sit outaside, drink coffee, kids would play and do their things and everybody knew everybody. Unfortunately it's not the case anymore. Things changed, neighborhoods and country in whole has changed.
He evaded your direct Q as "what he thinks gov. will do should they take on themselves defending their neighborhoods." He said "we have to get together, we have to unite." I'm all for it.
I'd love to meet with him and hos friends. I can use some protection right now, right here, where am at. NYPD is full a low-lives from streets who hate working, hate white people (it comes from the top) and victimize them every step of the way knowing that they can get away with it.
We need people of all walks of life, especially couple of brave, righteous and decent black persons to work with me to uncover, show, expose, sue, shut down and correct this nasty, twisted systematic discrimination against majority individuals and groups.

Today, idiotic president of Ukraine, an old oligarch who worked for every prior administration and crook in that country before being "elected" as a "better" one, was celebrating 2 years of starting so called "maidan" demonstrations in Kiev, which in his words "changed the country, EU and the world."
I agree, it changed by to all the way to worse. That country is bankrupt beyond repair, in the last 2 years it's economy dropped 47%, in its Southeastern regions civil war killed 8 000 thousand innocent and displaced a million. Entire residential thriving areas became ruins of war-zone. Unemployment, inflation, you name it, it's a basket case - a big time!
As Dr. S. F. Cohen says "it's an economic cemetery." [Good diagnoses, doc!]
At, poll shows that 72% of Ukrainians think that country headed to a wrong direction.
[Too bad that events in middle east and recently in 2 big capitals in EU shifted the attention from those poor, starving, suffering, innocent, decent, hard-working and abandoned people of Donbass; - ethnic Ukrainians, Russians and others alike.
Only Russia still helps them with humanitarian aid periodically. Look how many thing Putin has on his plate. Is that a job for one man? He does work of at least dozen super-man.

So long.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 21-22, weekend edition


Here is Trump's speech in NewtonIowa in Nov. 19th. Not for you (I'm sure you watched it) for the readers of this blog. It's an hour long, He starts talking at 16th min.
Another one in Fort Dodge, IA in Nov. 12th, at 

My favorite parts from SNL hosted by Trump at Nov.7th is at scene and him doing some dance moves.  
I don't all what those 2 girls are  talking about, but it sounds typical of h..ches who talk differently
I thought I could pull off slang language spoken in NYC streets, but obviously not in that department. Slut-slang is a thing by itself and sounds really funny. I wonder what "professional" language in that sphere sounds like. In many countries that's a profession like any other, for example Sweden, where Muslims pour in. They can have more of job choices, that's for sure.

Some M preachers on TV were saying that when is a t.r.r attack "the media" is mentioning their religion trying to connect one with another. Duhhhh? If the ones committing the heinous acts using their religion to justify it, why media shouldn't mention it? It definitely doesn't insult those who were committing them and many of their sympathizers.

Russian Navy continues to crock-up vermin in Syria from 2 seas simultaneously, Mediterranean and Caspian, - heating them on their targets precisely.
At Reporter Klim Kanatkin is on a ship called "Grad Sviyakhsk" from Caspian Flotilla, which is able to send rackets reaching 2500 km. Those take 15 min. to get there.
Missiles were painted with words "for ours and for Paris," at 

In the meantime DOS continues to embarrass itself talking stupid by saying that "Russia needs to change its strategy if it want to join US-led coalition."
[Pentagon's press-secretary John Kirby is actually a US Navy Rear Admiral? Wow! Mind is a terrible thing to lose. It seems that it can happen to anyone who works for this administration. maybe it chooses those who already shown signs of wasted intellect? I wonder if it has a test for it, because this seems to be well organized and persistent.
This is beyond joke, right? It should be funny shouldn't it be so sad. This is a sad state of affairs by people who're asleep in donkey's ear in Washington DC.
1.Russia doesn't need to ask anyone to act on its security measures. It's a super power and can take care of itself. - thank you very much.
2. There is no US-led "NOTHING" in Syria, let alone "coalition."
3. As usual, US DOS is talking stupid by twisting facts thinking those who sit in that room are pot-smoking-bozos from American colleges. They might be right, but they're wrong about American people in general and the rest of the world who sees and knows better.
4. Put above 3 together and you'll see why main stream media, which seems to be on WH's payroll, is in this pathetic shape in reporting news and commenting on it.]

Saturday, Nov. 21st;
6 Russian citizens working for Ulyanovsk's airline company called "Volga-Dnepr" (large cargo carrier) were found among the 19 dead in capital of Mali. They were shot at the first minutes of attack by t.r.r.sts, while standing in Radisson hotel's lobby. It happened at 7am yesterday, Friday.
9 other Russians are out of that place and safe in the airport at the time of this report from Moscow, at Russians most likely were in pilot's uniform and were going to have breakfast before starting their shift.
There are also dozen Americans, who were initially taken hostage. One is conformed dead, but I don't see any clearer report about the fate of the rest yet.
Look at the report by Russians that you won't hear from American media; after taking 170 hostages the vermin demanded to cite versus from M-holy-book-K. They released those who could do so.
Hello? Wake up! Good morning infidels!!! Those usually delivered cargo with humanitarian aid to fight Ebola and other things in line with UN humanitarian mission. This particular flight delivered constriction materials.
[Ain't it nice? At 2:30min into the type you'll see the names and pictures of dead pilots. All white, young, christian man with education and skills to help the world. "Disappearing species," that what come to my mind when I see a white man. Even in NYC.
That's why I'm against all those flying to other countries to do good, spend money there for "vacation" or for any other reason.
I say; - Leave them alone to figure out their own problems. Don't let them come here and bring their problems and mentality with them either, That's all. Isn't it simple.
Entire UN is working for one thing; taking money, resources, goods, services, skilled workforce from western white christian world and distributes it to 4th world mostly muslim countries, who do not concentrate to change their lives, because they're extremely busy having unprotected sex as much as possible. What comes out of it, in their mind, should be the problem for the rest of the world. Otherwise they'll come (and were coming already alright), ask, demand, take, consume, attack, kill and take it anyway. In their minds it shouldn't stops on this planet either. By killing us to make the taking process faster they're going to go to heaven and get more sex with more virgins than they could find here, in this life. So, what you think is going to stop them? Talking? Helping? Giving your house and wife, maybe?
Won't be enough either.
Only one thing can stop this, but I can't put it in here. Some things, as you say, you can talk about with your dog only. ]
Russian pilots' names are;
1. Alexander Vitalyevich Kononenko, captain of AN-124-100, born Nov. 14th, 1963.
2. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kudryashov, navigator, ------------   born April, 4th, 1975.
3. Konstantin Vladimirovich Preobrazhenskiy,          engineer,  born Oct. 1st, 1959.
4. Sergei Alexandrovich Urasov, load master   -----------------  born March 14th, 1963.
5. Stanislav Nikolayevich Dumanskiy, avia technician --------- born Sep. 25th, 1973.
6. Pavel Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev, avia technician -------- born August 25th, 1988.

Ages from 27 to 56, all in prime of life.
Monday, Nov. 23rd, in Ulyanovsk region declared a day of mourning.
[I have a sister in law, who was born in Ulyanovsk. That's a famous town for soviet times. Why? Lenin was born and grew up there. His home-museum is in there.
I haven't been there, though. I'd go there with pleasure. I'd go to all corners of Russia just to look around, should I have a chance.]

Brussels is under max security alert (4th level) and stopped its metro and other public transport, keeps administrative and public buildings, concert halls, stadiums closed, also ordered to keep stores and restaurants and cafes closed too, at 
[I guess, just another lazy day for lazy Europeans. Shouldn't they be lazy they'd never had that influx of foreigners. They got so doped up and out of reality that couldn't care less if those new comers were the ones who hated their existence. They would hate and isolate me, should I go, making me feel that I don't belong. How they let millions of others so different from them and so dangerous to them in?
Check the level of all drag consumption, legal and illegal, divorce and prostitution rates, fights about what language to speak in their parliament, level of education by looking at their curriculum, etc, you'll get the picture. ]

In the meantime, France extended the time of mourning from constitutionally allowed 12 days to 3 mouths.
[Another way of excusing their "leisurely" lifestyle. I bet how much it's going to cost those who were working for themselves, such as small family business, no one will give a damn. Unions own the country from top to bottom. When I was living there, one French man told me "we're world champions of sport called "sticking." He didn't like it, though, was making fun of it.
Another one who had been in French military said that he didn't like France and its attitude towards others. He hadn't been anywhere else in the world yet, he was still in his 20's, but he said he didn't like it there anyway.]

The following story warms my heart; In a spirit of solidarity, Russian Police force is grooming a puppy to give to forces of French Ministry of Internal Affairs to replace the hero dog they lost by the name Diesel. Diesel was a German shepherd who died on the line of duty when they were storming the house in suburb of Paris where assumed was hiding. He was the first one to get a fired on, saving the lives of 5 soldiers who were behind him.
The new Russian dog is only 2 mouths old, his name is Dobrinya (from word "dobro," meaning kindness or goodness) and the trainers already believe that he can be a worthy pooch for police force. It's at 
[I'd not give a dog like that to nobody. Dobrinya needs a song devoted to him. He's going to have a tense and dangerous working life ahead of him. May God bless that cute pooch and keeps him safe!]  

In the meantime when the world forgot about survival of humans living in southeastern Ukraine (I didn't, I follow it every day), Ukrainian government ruled by neo-fascists and thugs (sponsored by USA and EU) of our time, continue to do their demonic work of destroying people and their livelihoods in Crimea and Donbass. In Lugansk region in recent days 6 people were kidnapped. Gone without trace.  [Good job America, give murderers money and pretend you don't know what they're doing with it.]
At, report says that 2 last standing electric transmission lines to Crimea were cut off. Another report words it "transmission towers were blown up." It totally stopped the supply to the entire semi-island of Crimea. It's in blackout right now and the region is in state of emergency. Even after this, not fully satisfied neo-nazis in Kiev came out to the streets, demanding to stop all the trade with Crimea.
[Don't anyone see what kind of people can be on this neo-nazi side? Anyone who's working for a living would like to suffer or see totally broke people around? His own people, at that! NO. This are those who presently are surviving on western and American handouts and hoping it will continue.
How or how much Putin can tolerate this verminic crowd's criminal behavior toward his people?
Should I be his wife..... let me stop here...... ]

You - doctor Savage, the other day were talking (with amusement and owe) about Ukrainian solders' "uniquely brave fighting ability" and asked some caller to explain to you where it come from.
First of all Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. They have less differences than let's say Ashkenazim and Sephardi Jews. They're no different with anything, just using a different dialect, that's all. Yiddish and Hebrew are much farther languages than Ukrainian and Russian. Akarina (first a as an a in apple, in Russian means "vicinity or suburb." It is the same as Ukraina, means "area in vicinity." A and U are the same here. In English it becomes Ukraine, like Valeria becomes Valery, like Natalia becomes Natalie, etc.
Than you were talking about them being concurred by Mongols and "inheriting" Mongolian eye shapes, etc. Not true. Overwhelming majority of them don't have it, no matter how long Mongols have been there. They have a shape of middle or big sized oval shape eyes, mostly blue. Mongols do not have blue eyes. In former soviet union those nationalities in Middle Asian Republics do have narrow-shape, mostly brown eyes, because they're close to the rest of Asia. There have been mixing up of course, but until today I might be able to recognize one or the other with 90% accuracy.
In terms of Mongols being in Armenia, they haven't rule Armenia, they haven't live there and command the lives of locals. They were nomadic tribes, who couldn't settle down. To hang around to long, wasn't in their blood. In my education in history (which Armenians kept very well) those came as nomads, killed some to scare, took whatever they could carry with them, but also were faced with fierce resistance. Armenians and Georgians claim that they don't have Mongol blood. In Georgia, which at that time was ruled by an Armenian royal dynasty of Bagratunians, their daughter Tamar (called King) got Mongols' bleeding to death and scare the heck out of them from Caucasus's.
In huge territory of today's Russia Mongols were able to hang around longer. Well, ok, but they were just going from place to place to feed their herd of horses, taking necessities of survival, whatever they could carry on horses. That's it. Their meat source were their own horses. Those are horse-meat eating tribes. Horse eats grass and grain, then they cute the horse and eat it, and, moved on to next grassy area. So, all the wiki-picky-poky you're reading might not be the reputable source for history.
I'd not go by Wiki for anything truthful or scientific. Don't know who's writing those entries there at the first place. Just saying.
In my history books Seljuk Turks were more harmful on historic territories of kingdoms of Armenia, Georgia, people of Caucasus's, Transcaucasia and Asia minor in general, than Mongols ever have been. Mongols were pagans and didn't think of "converting" anyone. Seljuks were Muslim, who killed Christians and desecrated their temples on "religious grounds." Still, until this very day I haven't seen one ethnic Armenian or Georgian who is M. I'm not saying that they absolutely do not exist. There might be one or two in the world, but I haven't met any and don't know anyone who met one either.
Armenians, although losing so much during the history, but have been one of the rare exceptions who never have been slaves and never have had slaves. "Death over chains" is their philosophy of life. And, they'd never degrade another human to the level of inhumanity by putting chains on him and humiliate him. Having mercy, pity, shame, morality and responsibility are basics on their virtue list.
Also "Praise should be only given for things achieved, not received," they say.
Also "You can't be proud, unless others reword you with praise for unique deeds that only you could and dared to do."
Totally different from most of the rest of the world which operate on "take, eat, attack, if needed, have sex, more sex, more and more and none-stop, drop a baby, and another one, and another one, and another one and let the rest of stupid world pick up the tab. That's what M world is doing as I'm writing this; having constant unprotected sex, most of them breeding with their minor/teenage first cousins and letting their reproductive organs loose, - unleashed on the rest of humanity who works for living and produces products and services for their survival. Most of M populations do not work, women are illiterate and considered sex objects whose' job in life is to make babies, who will fight for the food for them. Unless there will be a 1 child law, like Chinese government implemented to stop the multiplications of human hordes (and it worked beautifully,as we all have witnessed), this problem is like a "bottomless sewage pipe" which is going to take entire humanity to its deep pit of hell and rotting death.
My solution; only 2 working adults, meaning over age of 21, can have 1 child everywhere in the world. What about it? Makes sense? The rest? They should work and not to have children.
What about we'll implement this for next 100 years, so we let planet Earth to breath a little?
With this speed of compulsive-unprotected-sex-obsession, the product of it - an eating mouth humans, can not be handled by this planet for too much longer. It simply doesn't have the resources.
Of course, the ones who have sexual OCD covered up by the name of their religion and don't work but consume, going to kill those who have something. If this is not stopped now, wars (all kind of them) are going to get only bigger and more devastating. Until everyone is gone.
I have no clue why any working head in our "administration" can not commend to shut down those internet sites who preach murdering those who provides fro themselves and others to this day.
Now the vermin are communicating with each other and recruiting through games using game stations, without internet. Did you see that on TV?
Anybody who didn't know how to do it, already learnt. Including me, who never played with any of those.
You know, years ago when computers started coming out and going around the world, I had suspicion that it's going to be a tool which can work against American people's advantage in the world, against their compatibility, their jobs, their livelihoods. No wonder. O can write a book about "How the business of selling computers abroad killed America."
You, your listeners, WH, DOS, Trump and all the others do not know how many examples I can show you that devastates our economy right here, right now like termites do to wooden house?
No one talks about it, no one knows about it, besides those who are doing it! And I, who found out accidentally. Do you think there is an agency I can go and tell and stop illegality. I don't know any.
Maybe you should find out one and let me know. We'll call together, record the conversation and follow up. **********************************************************************
I watched B-Walter-old-girl's interview with Trump and his family. I'd like to interview that woman and ask her when she's going to retire and take her BS with her. She goes back with Fidel Castro when he was a youngster. Don't tell me that she didn't have connections to start her work. She asks cheap, unprofessional, provocative, low-life questions and puts her comment-like-info-pieces in between. I think it was an unprofessional interview, the least to say. Hear her tone when she says "Who could guess coming from small town in Slovenia she (meaning Mrs. Melania) can end up with super-mogul in America" or some such. I'm not quieting her word by word, because i don't want to hear it again. It's disgusting. When I hear people talk like that I want to put them in their place so bad.... no matter who they are.
I'm saying from my experience. Many years ago someone said something like that to me, maybe, in her stupid mind "trying" to praise me, but I was so humiliated that I cried for couple of hours. In the result of that though, I changed my mind from doing something that I wanted to do even before coming to this country. After uncovering "rose-colored" big lies and the fraud under attractive name of the business, looking back, I'm thankful for those tears that push me back into suspicion of something not right and kept me watching and learning without paying for it, wasting a time on it, submitted myself to more low-class-low-life people's attitudes and being even ashamed of myself that I gave business to one of the cesspool's of "Ivy" academia. Imagine what are the public ones are doing.
Trying to change my mind and have some laughs before going to bad, I found this clip on youtube and laughed so much, my neighbors knock my door thinking I was having a party without them.
Just watch this;  It's about karma and it can be a good lesson for those who don't believe it. At 2:55 min. you'll hear the mighty Russian folklore. Hahahahahahah.

Sunday, Nov. 22nd; Today in Brussels, Belgium, main sights to "admire" are the men in military gear and armored vehicles, at This is unofficial "capital" of EU, its Parliament, NATO headquarters full of bozos sitting and cashing in. More "fancy" names on some buildings you can find also.
City is still in lock-down. Why NATO couldn't help police in there? Oh, I see, they're not there, they went close to Russian borders, congregate there by the fence, see what they get from Putin. Is that it?
Look what Minister of Justice of that country said. He said that it's not a fault of authorities and law enforcement, but people. People let the vermin in. He put the blame on entire EU - collectively.
See how one semi-literate thug can shake a "almighty" continent and city like that?
Look at the pictures of "people" pouring into EU, see how many millions like that came across those "none-existent" borders and are getting paid for being a human-ticking-time-bomb? Most of them men who want to have sex and food every day. Who they are going to have sex with if their first cousins are not there yet? Of course rape those who are around. Top it off with hostility they already have in their minds and hearts, - you got the picture.

APEC got together in Malaysia. O went, bent over a little and shook Medvedev's hand. He always has S.Rice with him. I wonder where is this woman's qualifications for being his "security adviser" come from? Maybe it's genetic, because of her pigmentation. I should know this by now. Sorry for asking such a naive question.

Evening news; at; last week there were bomb threats on some US flights, in Hanover, Germany, 50 dead in Nigeria from bomb blast, where the youngest was 11 years old, Mali, etc.
[As we see, multiculturalism is really working good on the side of killers, murderers and t.r.r.sts, - alright. Keep bringing close to you, bozo politicians and progressives who progressively and pervasively hate themselves, but don't have guts to kill themselves by themselves. they need help, because simply they're cowards. That's why I'm on the side of euthanasia being legal at least in NY State. In Greek it means "good" or "well" death. What's wrong with that if someone asking you multiple times in writing with legal representation? NY State is full of liberals who are genetically suicidal to begin with and keep keeping them in vegetative state is causing harm not only for us living here, but for the rest of the world. Palliative care should be out of books. That's a money making tool only. Diapers do not deteriorate in any recycling for 4 years (Oprah discussed this in her show), imagine what adult diapers are doing to nature.
Yes, it's better to let them go than keep them around too long, which will have us all killed. I can write about this a chapter in a book.]  ********************************************

There are possible names of those who committed t.r.r against 224 Russian airliner and its passengers, but that's still classified. American and British intelligence helped Russians with this.
Chief diplomat Sergei Lavrov said that RF will use every method possible for its security and defense, at 

Finally, lazy-eye-frenchman F.H. called RF an "ally" (which is a big shift in his pre - Paris - t.r.r "politics") and going to go to Moscow to talk to Putin, at

[Ooh,la,la.. C'est pas vrai, monsieur! How did this happen?
I see. Friends are whose who come to your aid the time of tragedy. Finally this bozo got it though his pot-infested mind. Moreover, good-old-russia, as it happened in WWII, being "followed" by America and Europe; jumping on the train which left the station already. Remember when USA joined the fight against Nazis in WWII? Check the dates; - when Soviets already lost millions of lives and stated pushing Nazis back. At the same time, when Nazis were riding their tanks on Champs-Elysees and having fun of bending french woman backwards right on the street, frenchmen were sitting in coffee shops and watching it as an entertainment.
I don't still feel sorry for that bozo-the-president. He didn't not get a lesson. He should be dead instead of those innocent. Why would i say that? I know it sounds "terrible." So what, I'm not running for political office and no one in this world can shut my mouth. That's the Beauty of my situation. I love it! But, I', still a very kind person in heart and will tell you why I'm saying it.
I'm saying it, because he still wants to bring 30 000 more haters into his own country, put them among his own compatriots, so they will never have a day in their lives living without fear of death.
If I have any compassion left for french people in general, their president looks like a bloody-faced-devil in Halloween. He's in a game called "death" all by himself. He's the chairman of parade called "To Hell." I'd have possibility would send him first with express ticket.
Putin said to his military to establish contact with french Navy going close to Syria on Mediterranean, which they did.
Instead he should say "No, pal, you release your pseudo-sanctions against my country and my people's financial interests, attach a written apology letter sent from your presidential website to mine on internet, also make sure it's published on front pages of all your papers, including "La Monde," read on all TV network news programs, and before getting on your plane to come to take my time asking for help, make sure that the amount of money to compensate the damaged caused by your "sanctions" is clear in my account. Ne comprend pas, comrade? Too bad, so sad. I'll NOT let you on my land."]
This is what Putin should say. I'm actually going to send this part to him on internet and ask him to do so. I'd do even worse, should he-bozo-the-clown-lazy-eye not do not obey my conditions.
You know what would I do? I'd let him fly into Russian airspace, then make his plane go around and around before landing, so it'll get really low on fuel, enjoy the view of him being taken for a ride, then refuse landing. Yes, I'd! Anyone who heard what Russians and Soviet people gone through to survive 2 World Wars on the hands of "Europeans" in general will agree with me 100%. ]  

At 5th min. into above mentioned clip, At Nov.16th, in Antalya, Turkey, at press-conference, Putin says that 40 countries and some private individuals are sponsoring and financing .S.L. Some of them are members of G20. He says that on pictures taken from space show line of fuel trucks stretching tens of kms carrying illegality fuel and other oil products in trade with .S.L. "It can be seen from 4000-5000 meters from above, - he says.
Reporter says that P didn't mention those counties' names, but everyone knows that those are Turkey, Qatar and Saudi, among others.
In Manila O talked about Russia's action in Syria with much settled tone. Before he was saying that
Russians were bombing not those deserved and needed, now they're bombing exactly the right ones.
It's at 6:27min. he says; "last a few weeks Russia has been constructive to solve the Syria problem by political means." [What? Somebody can ask direct Qs to this man?]
Out of woodwork none other than Dianne Feinstein comes out today and on msnbc says that we have to get together with Russia.
[At 10:10min into the tape look at david-cameron-boy in Antalya, shaking hands with Putin
and being exuberant and enthusiastic. British-bastard-politicians and their twisted politics always have worked against Russia. Chameleon-Cameron (he looks like one and his fingers look like Iguana's, I swear, just look), says "thank you" for cracking up in Syria, expresses condolences for victims of airline crush. Says that they have to work together. DUH???
Again, should I be on Putin's place I'd not talk to any of them without first having them corrected their psychotic actions against my country and my people. That's all. Russians did NOT bother any of them in any way, ever. Those "civilized" Europeans always wanted to concur Russia, to run over it, take it, thought it get access to Asia, etc. All you have to do is look at the highlights in history, just check years and places. ]

So long.


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