Sunday, December 28, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 28th, Sunday, 2014


I'm listening for most of the time.
You were right about giving gifts, ha, ha! I think the best thing to do is not to give anything to anyone, but I have a bad habit of giving. It's deeply rooted in the culture and daily routine of people's lives where I come from and my mother was one of the few humans in millions who was happy to give unconditionally, readily, quickly, happily and all the time to everyone who might need or even not need of anything.

Now about politics and social life.
The overview of last year's events from the eyes of Russians you can check at
Winter Olympics of 2014 was really amazing and became a source of pride for Russians. Whole world was watching and enjoying, but America (as it did in 1980, when  i was on the other side),
was trying to badmouth, poison, put a dark shadow on it.
It was too much for Putin to enjoy in his adversaries' eyes. That's how I see it.
Lights didn't manage to be turned off from the grandiose festivities, when he had to rush to look through binoculars into far waters of Black See to manage facing upcoming possible war zone.
Just watch the clip. See how unbelievable happiness Russian nation felt for a month.
It showed new Russia to the world in many different ways than only sports competition could.
USA, who thinks that it's a leader of all good things in the world, showed "sinat chinam" in my opinion.
I'm not saying that it's not a source for any good around the world, I'm saying that this was sinat chinam for any normal person. **************************************
For a short time Russia a and city of Sochi (which I remember as paradise from my experience many years ago) had become the best place to be for the world.
How could this be any good for those who have destructive minds? Oh, no.... Someone else had the spot under the sun? How could it be tolerated by war mongering perverts and their sponsors? No way. They were using green $s and every other lies possible to bring bloodshed as fast as they could. When Russian sport pros were getting showers of stars for their performance, western nato satans and mccain-addict warmongering blood thirsty contractors in here were working hard to make it to be forgotten as fast as possible.
Look at the faces, hear the sounds of euphoria of happiness in this clip and put the parallel picture of the events in neighboring Ukraine. Look how madam pawpaw nuland is giving cookies out in maidan, EU promising money and encouraging the thugs in the street to start killing their own brethren in their own country.
Paralytics showed that there is no limit to the dream. Impossible was made possible and unattainable was achievable when you see men without legs playing hockey.
Autonomous Republic of Crimea's reunification through referendum added to the pride of RF in 2014 AD. Winter and spring were good for Russia, but there came the summer without delay. Witch brew worked. The only people who don't guess that the whole world is seeing it as it is are the only blood brewers themselves. At you'll see a short overview of the year.

"Most difficult and painful topic of this year has been the civil war in Southeastern Ukraine, which
touched every Russian family," saying the commentator at
Commentaries varied from side to side but all agreed with one definition - "tragedy."
Peaceful songs against corruption in the main square in Kiev turned into scary bloodshed in the country. Armed coup, radical overrun of power, burning people alive in Odessa, shelling entire cities full of residents, foreign $ involvement and dirty insider money took almost 5 000 innocent civilian lives so far. 100 000s are wounded, about million displaced so far. Families divided by ideology and entire regions are burned down and destroyed. It will take generations to rebuild and many more to forget and forgive.

Look at new political card on the map at

Sunday, December 14, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 14th, Sunday


Brief overview of last week's events you can read at You could see the political and social mess going on in Kiev, Kharkov and in the rest of UA. Look at nazi signs on the emblems of private army group called Azov, which is sponsored by one of the oligarchs. I'm sure there is horror going on in southeastern parts in the form of hunger and freezing from cold for those who are alone and unable to get anywhere to get help to survive.
This past week IMF announced that promised financial help in the amount of 17 Billion Euro to UA is under threat, because it can not allocate 15 Billion of those. That's why a EU delegation went to Kiev and according to Financial Times Germany's finance Minister called Moscow and asked to delay the payment of interest on the last year's 3 Billion Euro debt. Apparently UK's finance minister was puzzled saying "they are asking for help from Russia and still keeping the sanctions? It doesn't work that way."
The 9th convoy with humanitarian aid from Russia arrived in Lugansk region last week with food and other necessary survival stuff for winter. Report says that this is only a week for a long time that they didn't get a report of any civilian casualties from warfare.
I'm sure they're dying from side-effects of already happened hostilities, which created distraction, hunger and despair. Top it off with a cold winter without roof over head and heat and you'll get the picture.

Interesting interview at showing how our uncle had set up shop in Estonia against RF and what happened to it. And, supposedly, Putin should not know all about these things?
Now this "unconditional humane 'help' for poor UA" is a rosy shade or what? Who would fight arms and legs with bloody death of their own sons and daughters to just "help" someone else? WTFDTM?

Member of EU parliament Nigel Farage said "enough poking the Russian bear, we can't tell Ukraine which way to go and it's unwise to provoke the bear, which finally may react."
It's at

So long.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 13th, Saterday


Yesterday you were talking about p.rn and asking listeners to call and share how it affected their lives. I don't see it affecting anyone's live in a positive way. To me it's a stain on human dignity and can't be justified. Human race should get rid of it all together, because it only caters to a wild, aggressive and ugly side of a human psyche. Humans in general are comprised of both angel and satan. You can see it on daily bases. One person might push you under the upcoming train from subway platform for no other reason but hate, another one might jeopardize his own life by jumping down and rescuing you from bloody death.
Watch local NYC news, you won't miss it. Just recently in The Bronx a strange man to the couple standing on the platform pushed the husband under the subway train. Wife saw how her husband bludgeoned to death in front of her eyes. How she can survive such a trauma, only God knows.
P.rn is inherently aggressive, emotionally and physically violent act which shows the lowest of the low in human. No one in their right mind would be involved in it or approve of that type of "business." That's how I see it. Of course, I agree with you that it can and it IS being used by more conservative cultures like in Islamic world to condemn, reject and demean the cultures and religions where it is acceptable and/or is a legal business, such as the Western World.
But... if somebody is watching it, using it, making money on it, in type of society like ours, it's hard to put a stop on it. Good freedoms bring bad freedoms and for decent people, who are always a minority in my opinion, is hard or almost impossible to make changes. That garbage bloomed under stainy clinton, a little subsided under bush, now it's running rampant according to statistics.
You should see a program on UK TV taped in London; Muslims in their neighborhoods are trying to stop congregating and doing "business" on the streets by taking down the flyers from the polls, patrolling on their own cars on speakerphones to disburse the "haram" as they call it.
And, white, christian, Englishmen are going around with placards screaming "freedom" and "democracy" to protect their garbage.
In this particular case I'm on the Muslim side. It doesn't mean in Muslim world there is no perversion,
sodomy, or other things. But to let it out like that and make it legal like it has been in many European countries for a long time by now, is totally destructive to family. No wonder those societies do not procreate enough to replace themselves.

The light side of your show was when you called John Boehner a pallbearer at the funeral. That was hilarious.
Today street mobs are in DC pleasing their master. All it will end by making the streets less safe and charge the taxpayer mad $. That's all. Some of them in that crowd going to be rich, - very, very rich.

Not much is reported for today from Southeastern UA, but one of the political TV talk shows I heard a DNR parliament member saying that an elderly woman was found dead in Donetsk eaten by rats. She was so weak from hunger that she couldn't fight against the vermin. And USA sent troops to fight alongside brother killers and also food, cloths and other things. Amazing...
Some residents interviewed on the streets were saying that they hear sporadic gunfires here and there. There is still a hot battle for Donetsk airport.

So long.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 11th, Thursday, 2014


You just started your show talking about D. Feinstein stabbing statue of liberty in the back with her comments and stand on the conduct of intelligence agency issue.
You were happy that was raining in San-Fran, because it would keep the mobs off the streets rioting and looting, hopefully. You say there is no 4th of state, no press, no media in general.
Putting clip from O's interview talking about "race" (what is new under the son) you mentioned "without quality can't be equality" you wrote in your book named "Death of the white man."
Talking about your father and other immigrants who came and worked hard and there was no welfare state then.
Then asking listeners is they punish their children these days and how. Then you told how you were punishing by your father and why it made you the person you're now.
Well, I don't have children, this topic do not concern me, but the children I see coming out of schools in NYC, riding buses, running the streets I qualify as "jangle broke loose." Not only the majority of them are not ever punished or disciplined, but never told to act as a human. To have "manners" is a fancy word most of them don't ever heard of, let alone act on it.
And, if you say something to protect yourself from emotional abuse and harassment, you might be very well attacked physically, accused of "discrimination and racism" (although they are all mixed race groups) and you'll just make it worse only for yourself.
All adults walk by, sometimes look at each other with eyebrows raised, and walk away. No one says anything that I heard of, including myself for last 23 years living in NYC. Teaching in school system, especially the public, was never in my mind, although it could be lucrative job, for the reason that it looked like not institution of learning, but an adult day care where they congregate for some times of the day, while their parents are doing whatever they're doing. Rush L. calls it "farming" and I agree with him on this.

I'd love to have that book of yours mentioned above.
3:39 pm now you mentioned that 50% of adults don't work in this country. For people like me, as you called before "innocent and not connected," I'd add "educated and decent," there are no "jobs" to pay for market price rent anymore in this city and the situation will is getting and will get only worse.

Now Int'l news; Putin is in India and this visit is more productive than any other before. India and Russia had good relationship for a very long time and india considers a "privileged partner" in business. From supplier and consumer relationship these 2 are now in the spheres of military and nuclear development cooperations. Also in 2015 RF will supply oil to India.
And, this is the beginning, the RF rep. says at
Ukraine is in turmoil; on daily bases there are more and more protests are bursting out all over.
Country is completely bankrupt and can only survive on hand out from outside. Did EU know this can happen? Did they anticipated problem of this magnitude? Did they need any more eating mouths depend on them? Millions not only in need of food and energy, but medication and shelter? More poor people flooding into their countries? Nice... Who knew?

So long.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 10th, Wednesday


Today you started the show asking if there are sedition laws on the books, as I agree with you, should be. But are there? I'm not sure. It makes complete sense to have those. I'd say it's necessary,
but I'll be optimistic now, just hoping there are some under other "definitions."
It's so stressful to see what's going on, that listening about it one more time, makes it more distressing. I couldn't listen to the entire show.
But look at that so called UN thing; who is it to tell what our intelligence community should do and not do?
To me, it's time to get those bums out of this town, give the building to Trump Corp. to convert it to condos. Let them have it in South Africa, where it might have more use, such as traveling, turism, etc. NYC residents shouldn't pay taxes to accommodate those bums and also shouldn't have provided
security to so called british royalty for their useless visit, who have enough money to bring their own security with them. The least I'd agree with, would be that City Hall should send a bill for all the expenses accrued for their show up, show off, self advertisement and entertainment.

Yesterday I was listening to Dr. Cohen on the radio, he talked about 50 prominent Europeans signing against sanctions against RF published in german press. Also he was assuming a possibility of Ukraine being partitioned not only west and east, but in many parts. Western Ukraine is formed from different parts coming together throughout history with their own ethnic majorities from neighboring countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc.
That newly elected ultra right-wing parliament of theirs with western puppet oligarch president in reality does not have the support and followings of the rest of the country. Average Ukrainian don't like the war with their brothers and don't like the oligarchs either. I don't see that those oligarchs in UA giving out their money to pay for country's debt or even collaborating with each other for the good of the country.
Moreover none of them are in the front line fighting for their "cause" whatever that might be. Some have their own private armies, who do whatever they want to do on the ground and are not accountable to any authority, including the president.

But let me share a laugh with you. This made my day couple of days ago. Did you hear that Columbia Law school students took off or change the schedule of their exam because they were
"emotionally distressed" or "traumatized" by the grand jury decision about not indicting the cop?
I had a real good belly laugh. My monkey George laughed too.

At you'll see the convoy of humanitarian aid going from Russia to Eastern Ukraine. 40 tracks from Moscow region, then 80 more from other parts of the country carrying food and other necessary survival things all together 1200 ton are took off on Tuesday.
Also taking New Year presents for kids. In Russia Santa comes at night of Dec. 31st and brings gifts to kids only. Orthodox Christmas is at January 6th and it's a religious holiday only and does not include any gift giving to each other. You can give to anyone anything or donate to the church, but it doesn't have the connotation of custom or obligation to do so.
At reports that the people who live in Avdeyevka villege in Eastern UA are telling about the thivery of armed forces of UA.
Who knows who are they exactly? Could be anyone sent there to do whatever they want to do. Who is watching, who is watching "suppose" to be watchers when they're the one sending those out there.
At the report says that 80% of Ukrainians say that the political situation is bad. Duh? There is a hot civil war for a year already.
Their PM who is an "economist" is not covering up that for next year the economic situation will not improve and the goal will be to survive.

Youth in London is running around against their police, I'm sure you saw it. Can you believe that English white men are being killed in their own country with axes on the streets and the crowds are protesting against wussy british police? Why do you think this is happening? Look at those youth and then look at their mothers and fathers. Look who was babysitting them, what they were watching on TV, reading and learning from Internet.
i can write a book about this, but for now, so long.

Monday, December 8, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 8th, Monday, 2014 AD NYC, NY, USA


Look at wonderful celebrations for 250th anniversary of Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.
If you haven't been there, you should go. If it's too cold for you now, go at the end of May and beginning of June.
Look at the stunning 3D light show projecting the history of it!...  WOW!
St. Petersburg itself an amazing city. Its developer - Peter The Great invited famous Italian architects of the time. He was pro-West. He built the city as a window to the West, modernized even the looks of Boyars. Boyars then were like senators now. He ordered them to cut their beards short and change their long tunics to western clothing. There is a movie made about that time, it's fascinating. You're a history buff, you should watch it. I forgot the name, but you can search.

Today you were saying "hi, hi, ho, ho, everyone get a gun to go." I was laughing by myself in restaurant, while having chinese lunch in UWS.  Well, what is going on right now is complete and utter demoralization of law enforcement, which can bring us to the edge of distrust in authority.
And there where your civil society goes. Color was a reason for massive criminalistic behavior,
then it became excuse, now, after 2008 it's becoming a sign of power, which means all of us, including the armed police should be scared to say or do anything to protect ourselves or apply the law. I don't want to go into this because it so "politically incorrect." We're not suppose to see it, feel it, mention it, talk about it, oh no. Look how scared the mainstream media is, - handing over backwards to please the crowds, so they won't be attacked.
While you were mentioning that 100s of young people who don't work are rolling on the streets of San-Fran, my Qs is; who raised them like that? Who were their parents? The school, the society, entertainment industry, which in the eyes of our adversaries and enemies makes us look demonic.
I'm not saying they're better, I'm saying when they show the dirt part of western civilization, their ideas of distraction of it becomes valuable, moral and justified.
Can we just ignore them, pretend they don't exist? We may, but that would be idiotic of our part, -
the least to say. Unfounded optimism is more dangerous than pessimism. We let them in in droves, but we can't go to their countries. We say "it shows we are better people." In front of whom?
Saudis definitely don't think so. They think Christians are immoral and thus dirty people in general
and don't want them to walk their streets. We take them to WH, the last resident of which bent over
to the King, remember?
I asked my Yemeni friends, who are all decent family moral hard working people. They all say "we believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet, but his time is gone. Christianity used to be a good religion at that time. Now it's Islam." That's all. That's what they believe. Do you think anybody will challenge them on it? Not me and no one else that I know of or have seen. There are more than 100 mosques/prayer places in Manhattan only.

NYC today is busy with royal guests, I believe the Russian oligarch who owns the team will be there.
Maybe his friend Bloomberg also, of course with Jay Z and Beyonce, etc. Media calls Lebron James our King - King James. It's about 7:30pm now, I'll see if I can catch the game on Internet.

So long.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 7th, Sunday, 2014 AD


At the end of the week you were mostly talking about the incident in S.I. saying that cop(s) should be indicted. When you see the short version of the tape, it's awful. It looks like they killed him by choking right then and there, but when you see the lengthy version you'll see that it's not a chokehold technically and after he says he can't breath cops called the EMS and were acting pretty concerned about his situation. He died of complications of his preexisting health conditions. Being arrested wasn't the first time, so he should know better what to do, which he wasn't. Instead of getting lessons from this what NOT to do when cops are arresting you, the massage sent by the mobs in the streets is "do not obey at all, do worse, blame the law and get paid for it as much as you can."
Soon will be law of lawlessness for doing anything with people with dark pigmentation of the skin."
Do you know how many times I didn't call the police, that I should of? How many times police comes and play clowns doing nothing? How minority cops can make fun of you if you're white and take a side of the one who looks like them, no matter what? Pe-liz!
My take on this is this; if cop will be indicted and convicted there can't be no monetary reward. To me, crime is crime, no matter what. There is no "hate" crime, because simply there is no "love" crime. All crimes are hate crimes. What does "civil rights violation" means? The man is DEAD! How many of his right weren't violated? Hello? Duh? All his right were violated, papa! How you consider one right is above the other and one is more important than other, when someone is DEAD!?

Another topic you were talking about last week was that minorities invested couple of things to accuse majority and get over them taking all sorts of privileges. Yes, you were right on that; they called me "privileged" because of my skin color, even though I had nobody to help me with anything - my own ethnic group or black, white or other. By inventing things (nobody stops them anyway) they can take more and more privileges for themselves and make people like me 5th sort of citizen.
I was already 3rd class when I came here in 1991, now it's getting lower and lower and simply becomes more dangerous to walk the streets of NYC.
Suggestion: all white people, I mean ALL of them should wear hidden or open livestreamed cameras on themselves everywhere; the streets, their residences and the workplaces where they share space with minorities. Only and only showing everything factual and live can show the truth of this society's multi-level historic lies, mainstream media's corruption and sociopathy in their reportings - news and commentary alike. Yes it's going to be police state, no matter what you and I say or like, because the drones will hit soon. Be ready. I do NOT care. I want drones and I want them everywhere - in my street, on top of my residence and on top of anyone I come in contact with on daily basis. Should I had a hidden camera throughout years of my simple, low-key, minding my own business life in NYC, I should be rich and retired by now. All those so called "human rights and civil rights" never applied to me in this country, - in 23 years by now.

Right now this country is starting OPENLY spit in the souls of those who respected it, did legal thing and showed meritt to get something to be proud of. I remember that day. I remember how happy I was to become a US citizen many years ago. Rules of conduct were different for me than for others who did the wrong thing. I want to know, why are the ones who did something ILLEGAL not only are not punished, but being REWARDED!
When Mr. Bloomberg became a mayor he said "if you'd say yes to something wrong, how are you going to teach your kids to do the right thing?" I thought he meant it. Look at all of them - the whole lineup of geniuses who ruled and are ruling over us. No matter which side of political aisle they're on.

Now the other things;
Those sanctions imposed by the WESTand the US are hurting Russia, but in his address to Federal Council of the country, Russian president Putin said that difficulties bring new possibilities and RF will stand and will be stronger.
He offered "one time amnesty" for deoffshorisation of money taken out of RF. I think that's reasonable and should be done by those who made their money there, continue to live and work there or are simply patriotic. I'd say the same thing to Americans. Actually, it should be a law everywhere. You made your money here - keep and spend in here. Otherwise, at least, if you took it out meaning you trust another country's system better, get the hell out and live there. Should they complain complain about the taxes, should do something about it; change the system, invest tax free, etc.
For example Google operates in Russia tax free. Yeah! It dribbles and dunks at the same time! Hello, Kitty!

Now, the bad news; people left in Southeastern Ukraine continue to die from bullets, bombs, hunger and cold. Where are our "int'l media outlets" like CNN? It's busy showing local streets' unrests which only exacerbates the situation.
Russia should and hopefully will take "serious steps" to help those people who are their brethren.
They sent another "humanitarian convoy," but should you believe in retarded UA mainstream media,
Russians should have been taken Kiev by now and inaugurate Putin as new Czar of New Russia.
At least they saved the lives of Crimeans. They'd be perished like the rest right next to them.
At you'll see some small business owners are happy that Putin said that gov. is not going to raise the taxes and school children are getting familiare who is who in politics. New companies are exempt from taxes for first 2 years. Moreover, at 2:30 min. of the clip
he says that he's suggesting a "break time" from any audit for those businesses who will be compliant for first 3 years of their start, for the time of another 3 years. You'll be good for 3 years, you'll be trusted for another 3. Isn't it a wonderful idea?
You should see and hear young people in there who are starting and running their businesses and talking about it. They say it shouldn't only be a survival thing, but competitive and strategic.
Come to think of it, should you (or someone else who reads this blog) sponsor me, I'd love to think about doing business in RF.  :)
I know one business is absolutely necessary to be done by now in both USA and RF at the same time and in between. I can do it - brilliantly! I just need some cash to put the connections together.
Nobody else that I see, hear and know of can do what I can in this sphere.
My genetic gifts from God topped off with my education, knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, desires, dreams, willingness and availability right now can NOT be matched by anyone.
Hope you'll change the topic this week. I want to hear Dr. Cohen in your show.

So long.
P.S. Also check to see where your tax$s are going and American young men in uniform are doing in Eastern Ukraine. It's at

Thursday, December 4, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 4th, Thursday

I heard your opinion on not indicting the cop yesterday. What would be the reasons behind the decision, we do not know, unless we'll be able to see what was presented to them. But what came out of it is much more harmful to white people living in NYC and around the country, because all this type is to make mad money to those agitators in the street. Tax payers who are at work right now and got NOTHING to do with it will pay an enormous price and make all those people behind the mics on TV screens richer and more famous.
Am I on the side of cops? Not all the time. If I given to walk the street by the side of the cop instead of one standing in the corner and plus who knows doing what, I'd certainly prefer the cop. Do cop do what they suppose to do when I need them and call them. Nope, they never did. They play stupid and leave or even worse, harass and intimidate me for calling. Should I had those incidents on tape, you'll be shocked to hear they actually like to "work" such as do something about something while in their uniforms on their job. Do I know a little bit about the penal law and police function in general.
Maybe. I have been an Auxiliary Police officer at NYPD. Got the training, passed the test, put the same uniform on without gun and volunteered for the goodness of my heart.  Garner died in hospital and he had many underlying conditions. What coroner said has no meaning to me personally, because every one of them would not be mind to get a fortune out of it and retire. Who is going to double check their work? YOU?
Should a black cop who shot a white man cause this type of a steer? It had not before? Yes it did and it's forgotten.
I know one thing from yesterday; streets in NYC are getting more dangerous for people like myself. And, you're not there psychically to protect us.
Now, after 3pm, you started your show with the same topic while I'm writing this. You keep putting the tape for us to hear and it's disturbing. I'd be you, I'd try to contribute for prevailing of cool heads now, rather than putting more oil on already burning fire. I don't want to go out to the city because of unpredictable crowds. I use public transportation unlike you and live in predominantly minority area, where 3 weeks ago right around the corner of my block at 7:30 in the evening I almost got mugged by a teenager. I spent the cash on food and had only food shopping bags in my hands, which I offered to him and treated him like he'd be my son. He kept repeating "give me all your money, all your money, all your money," looking into my eyes, trying to scare me with his a few inch away face. I really didn't and told him. I said "take the carrot cake, do you like carrot cake?, that's my favorite."
I was not prepared to get defensive, had no time, he approached me very nicely running from the other side of the street and calling me "miss, miss, excuse me." When i stopped and turned to him I said "yes, baby what are you looking for, what you need?" My initial feeling was that he was asking for direction, because nobody else was on the street. When he came close he asked if I had money. When I said "no, i don't have cash, he got emotionally belligerent and got on my face with scary look. I kind of offer help to take what ever he could from me by offering what I had. I thing he just believed me and left. I told a girl behind me to hold off until he's gone. She was very thankful to be warned. Both were black and very young. She said I was lucky, because maybe he just started his "journey" for the night. He'll keep going until he'll get what he was looking for.

Top of the 4 o'clock news now on the radio says that it was NOT a chokehold that cop applied, it was a 'take down' text book maneuver.

To me, it can't be double jeopardy. Someone can't go to jail and the taxpayer pays the bill. One or the other. Law should be changed. If cop is guilty, he goes to jail. That's it. If you want more punishment, such as what you call for "violation of human rights" he should pay the monetary price. To me it should be one or the other. If he/she has no money, victim should get no money. That's it. As in my case. I've got hurt by a bozo bam, who pays me? She went to prison eating and doing other things for free victimizing the society more everyday.
Victim's family should be offered one or the other thing;
Money or prosecution. That's all. End of the story. Let's mandatorily indict  all cops, see what happens or settle the case. Give the money publically and have them sign on live TV that they'd take, go, enjoy it and never talk about it publically, otherwise public should sue for damages.
I'm sick and tired of listening anti-white racist rhetoric by media, which is escalating in streets by the hour. The law-life and snake oil salesman before your program on your station here was spewing hatred for 5 hours yesterday instead of 3, continued today for 3 more and you join the band afterwords. Enough is enough. The lies on the streets are so perverted that I can't believe what I'm seeing. Phony "black lives matter" (as if they haven't been matter for 150 years by now) in reality is cover for subliminal message of "kill all whites, they don't matter anymore, black power mobs ruling the streets starting from WH." That's the real headline underneath.

Real politics is going on in eastern Europe, which can effect all of us here - white, black and in between and you're not talking about it.
At  and /273210/11and full version at /273180 Putin says that the most important political event of 2014 was reuniting Crimea to motherland as it was always part of and belonged to. If you'd read the text in English you could learn more about the history, culture and the politics of that region today. Your grandparents come from there, right? Your grandmother talked the language, so it should be close to home. Maybe you should read Ivan Ilyin, see what he says about Russia.
Putin says that disbalance of power is dangerous for USA too, because it gives them a false believe that they're almighty. "More tolerant and cooperative we've got with the WEST last 2 decades, more insolent our adversaries got," he says.
I mean you should really listen what he says and how and compare with the bloody fiction thrown on us by the main stream media in here.
He also said that RF is not interesting in new and costly arms race, but won't let anyone to intimidate and endanger its safety and security. "Difficulties create new possibilities" he said at the end.
That's true, RF is big and have great resources and by not importing stuff, they'd be more inclined to produce their own goods and services.
For example in Silicon Valley the first language is not English, but Russian. They're building good accommodations to try to take them back. All they have to do to pay them as much as they can get in here. That's all. I think more of them we'll go back.

So long.

Monday, December 1, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 1st, 2014


I'm listening. Not all the time, but pretty regularly. At least I leave my home radio on WABC when I leave.
Today you started with thoughts about family gatherings in general; that some leave the Thanksgiving table bruised. Well, in New York I've got to know people who are scared yo meet their families. One of them, who is in his 50's successful man, can't take the emotional stress of being around his own mother. She can say some things such as "I used to have good looking kids, look what happened" and look at all grown 3 children; teacher, nurse and Wall Street trader. This is a light one. She came to NYC from CA and he just couldn't go out to eat with her. Just didn't go out for a dinner and never invites his mother to his place. So...
From last Friday I started listening to Christmas music. I'm in Starbucks now in UWS and it's playing in background. Smell of fresh Christmas trees being sold on Broadway reminds me my childhood when we always had a fresh tree and big ones. Where I'm from Santa comes after midnight
of Dec. 31st for kids only and they open the gifts in the morning of Jan. 1st. I remember I wanted a dog, a real one. Every year I'd wake up there would be a stuffed one. There was always an excuse
of a new year, next grade and more weight. Yes, as your father thought you should be a macho man, my mother thought I should be a big and fat. She was obsessed with feeding me, which made me hate food. That worked perfectly well; growing up I was always slim and even after 23 years of living alone in NYC I'm just perfect.
This is the Ok part of the blog, lets go to politics.
Today you also mentioned that there are 2 things blackrasists (yes it should be one word from now),
created; as if whites have "privilege" and there is racism without racists. Oh, you haven't heard much more about what's being created by the day. Because of criminal main stream media enterprise, only one side is being heard from - the real racist side, which they're afraid to confront.
Mob rule rules the main stream media and now it's getting worse by the day.

Politico published some retarded reporter's article about Ukraine. As if their pres. says they're dying because they want to be European. I don't know to sneeze or vomit on that thought process.
To me journalism is the best profession in the world, because I think it comes to me naturally,
but these so called ones especially in USA can cause real world problems.
This Ukraine issue created by NATO is as low as any criminal perpetration of a brother killing war can go. So called cease-fire signed in the beginning of Sep. is not working. Every day there are shellings of residential areas and innocent human deaths. Oh, by the way, one American company is providing food for so called "Ukrainian soldiers" and the name of the battalion is Azov ran by an oligarch, which got nothing to do with regular forces. They don't even obey the president or parliament. Maybe you should find out the name of the contractor company and talk about your taxes going there.
Yes, ruble is down, yes, oil prices are down and sanctions hurt Russian economy, but Russians got through hell on earth throughout the history and by making them suffer won't make them like you more than they already do. Last Tuesday Dr. S.F. Cohen had some good facts on radio about the situation. I don't want to repeat them in here.
At you can read that Crimea established free investment
 zone and I feel everyone who can afford to do so should be going there or investing in there.
I can go on and on showing the atrocities being committed by western ukrainians (which are minority by the way in their own country) and their sponsors in West and USA, but I'll tell you what we don't see and hear in here; Putin said that Russia has more friends than adversaries in the Western Europe.
Among them Presidents, Prime Ministers, very many MPs, 12 000 enterprises and business connected to Russia, which can make up the number in Millions.
I couldn't even believe anybody who would tell me that there is not One and only ONE journalist who can write about the right thing regarding this conflict in the middle of Europe, actually a worse type of a war,unless I'd see it with my eyes. And, here I am. A year watching and analysing and not hearing anything factual and realistic in so called freest and most "competitive"media world of the whole wide world.
You're the only one has a gut feeling about this, but you don't have anyone who would come on the air and put out the facts and commentaries. Unless you put me on.

So long.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

To Michael Savage Nov.13th, 2014


I had to take off from writing in here due to traveling, but was following and taking notes.
Today you were talking about immigration, that potus wants to shove down to our throats.
Yes, he wants to "fundamentally transform" America as he already declared out loud. He's just keeping his words. That's all. There are many things can make him want to do that and to try to realize the idea by using all the power he can use. None of them is caused by "love" or basic respect to this country and its rule of law, unfortunately.
Like you I can see the dark side of the human specie and like you I'm not too optimistic that every time it makes good decisions. I saw one superpower crumble, when no one would believe in it, even members of my family. Who would think soviet union would collapse the way it did? Handful of people inside, who were members of intelligentsia plus some with common sense. I was in journalism then and there and after Gorbachev's announcement that he's going to "reform" things, everyone was glued to TV to see how he's going to do it. Didn't take much for intellectuals to understand that he's about crushing the country down. It took me 3 weeks, every day, from morning openings of sessions of supreme soviet council until closing (which were live broadcasts for the first time), for me to realize that the only way to survive for me was to get the hell out of there. It has been 23 years for me to be here and I'm much better citizen than most of those who got it by chance. I'm pro immigration, but I'm totally against the one he's trying to pull on us, because its deadly dosage will kill this country as it is fundamentally alright!
Believe it or not, if he manages to push that bulldozer under the foundation of this country and let it loose, the damage will NOT be fixable at all. I mean forever. And, believe it or not, lots of people, who are educated, capable, immigrants and natives alike, are going to look towards other shores. In 2013 more American citizens gave up their citizenship than ever before, mainly because of outrageous taxes. I'm not sure he's going to "enjoy" being here, either. Do they want them in kenya? Maybe, as long as he takes his money out of his pocket and gives all to them? Maybe then, they'd let him hang around? I certainly hope so.

Yesterday you were talking about the injured marine and his dog, that he can't get back. I didn't hear you all day today to know any update on it. But God bless you for helping that cause. I know what he's going through. It's like his baby brother he's separated from. Unfortunately there are scumbags in military also. Generally I respect men in uniform, but some are criminals like in any other field.

Now about Ukraine.
I was following what was going on in there last a few weeks. Oct 26th Rada elections produced increasingly pro-western parliament. Then, Nov. 2nd, eastern regions did their own elections and declared independence. How much of it was before (because it was autonomous already) and how much more they've decided to give to themselves, remains to be seen. At least for me from here.
They didn't vote to join Russian Federation, instead reserved the name Novorussia - Novorossiya, as they say. They have been that before, so this is not a first time thing. Kiev stopped financing those regions many months ago. Gradually starting from "revolution" they pulled through in February,
then entire summer no one got paid from gov. budget; no teachers, no doctors, no pensioners, no one who was depend on center. More than 4,000 killed, about 1 Millions displaced, who knows how many injured, distraction of infrastructure of entire regions will take decades. But this is not over with. The "west" don't like the elections in there. "Democracy" is what fits their needs from time to time and from case to case. Not what paper says it suppose to be, noooooo, not for perverts who're looking into new markets to spread their diseases, no.... Somebody has elections and didn't ask their permission? Oh, no.....  "They" should let you have it, or bring it to you, or force down to your throat
if necessary (the way they do it in Middle East), then maybe, depend on weather and the news about their personal lives, they'd "legitimize" it, or not.
I listen to everyone who talks about this matter in America I possibly can. Only Dr. Cohen is the closest who comes through factually and realistically. He was on Batch on Tuesday.

Ok, now; Putin was in China also, I heard he got "groovy" with potus with some friendly gestures or something, I didn't see the video, so can't vouch what it was. But he said no more gas before UA pays for the overdue bill before that. Today he is back and traveling, checking out new and improved industrial projects in the country. I heard that a few days ago Ruble went down and Europe is very divided on sanctions' issue with RF. UA's Grivna is down too and pensioners were protesting in Kiev against National Bank. It's at Also the situation of those who went to western parts of the country from southeast fleeing the war is dire, because gov. requires them to register as whatever they suppose to call themselves and it causes huge lines in front of Social Services offices. It's at Nina, mother of two living mounts in one room of relatives saying that there are no jobs whatsoever, no daycare for kids, no monetary help and sometimes they go hungry. Sometimes they have only potato for whole day.
Alena Vosotskaya says that 12 sq. meter room with roaches they've got to settle in they have to pay 1,320 grivna, which is lots of money. Jurists said that's unconstitutional not to pay people in shoutheastern regions, because they're still considered the part of the country.
At you'll see that the UA's energy minister Yury Prodan says that they can't stop buying coal from southeastern regions, because they won't survive the winter without it. Apparently in the middle of Oct. UA asked Poland to supply coal - guess what? - for free. That's what report says and I'm not surprised, because it seems they think that if cuckoo over-viagra-ed mccain shook their hands the whole world should give them everything for free.
While I'm doing this in one of Starbucks coffee shops in UWS, the man next to me asked me a Q.
He was from Swiden. Guess what? After short talk about politics I told him about you, your show, your new book and sent him to Barnes and Noble to buy it. He was enthusiastic to find out there was a book store still opened, now it's 8pm, that he could sit down like in here and browse around.
He just went there. I told him where he can pick it up exactly as soon as he walks in. They also got souvenirs, just got gorgeous holiday cards, etc. Nice place to do the holiday shopping.
Also check

So long.

Monday, October 20, 2014

To Michael Savage Oct. 20th, 2014


Had to take couple of days off from writing, but as always was watching the news.
From Oct.6th at heroic Sergei Zenin is reporting about the situation in Eastern UA.
Then it goes on and on with more victims and tragedies. It just became a nerve racking thing for me to do this every day.

Kiev thugs planted and left behind landmines, which are blasting every day killing and injuring people. 3 teenagers, 3 boys all 19 year old were killed from one of them in front of their building, where they came out of bomb shelter for a few minutes.
From 6th of Oct. you're mostly talking about ebola and you're right. But only so much I can hear about that. Unless people get out to streets, those people in QH or CDC (Center of Disease Consolidation) are not going to use common sense. We are, as people are left in danger of fending for ourselves. That's how I feel it.
Hope you're listening to Dr. Cohen who went to Russia and came back last week. He is the one who is not biased and knows what he's talking about.

There was a canceled demonstration in Moscow by authorities. Its organizer is a patriot by last name Strelkov. He is the MAN who stands up for his country and the nation like you would, should you be a general in USA. he'd tell people to go ahead and bring this conflict to the victorious end for Russia and its people and show the West a spine. Putin didn't want to escalate the situation with crackhead nuts from the west. Instead there was a meeting for so called "peace" in Moscow. Its massage should be to stop the bloodshed, we're brothers, etc., but instead or amongst peaceful naive signs there were neo-nazi banderaflags from UA. Now, tell me if you can believe that Russian flag could be waved in "peaceful" meeting in Kiev? How come nation called Ukraine, which owe Russia more then $5 Billion for gas already used, and that's only one debt,  can be so bold, so arrogant, so violently aggressive to dare to channeling nuclear Russia, but Russia don't let its patriots come out and speak their mind. Do you see the parallel between what minorities do to majority in this country and how it's handled? Of course, the sewage is going there from here and Europe is the pipeline.
There are political talk shows you can listen to, which are high class, but they're in Russian.

So called ceasefire was not good for people of eastern ukraine. kiev's thugs using it as a time to regroup and rearm, like they did at the time of previous one. People should not agree to it.
They were lied to again and paid with more destroyed lives. Big shots got together in Italy a few days ago and Putin was clear to say that they can't send free gas to UA anymore. They want prepaid deal.
You could see that so called WEST is not into making this conflict better or to stop all together, because they're simply not helping UA.
Today, Oct. 20th,  so called "national guard" of UA bombed a chemical factory in Donetsk region.
It's at Talking about ebola? What about dying from man made disaster from hazardous chemicals and be maimed by generations from it?
You can put those 2 together and voila!, you've got a basket case coming from different sides of the world. Those chemicals of into the soil, get into the water, let alone the air which we all breath.

So long.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

To Michael Savage Oct. 2nd, Morning News


I listened to parts of the your show yesterday. Talking about ebola, I'll tell you my opinion;
DHS, DOS, DOE, HHS, CDC (and maybe more) all guilty of endangering the safety, security and health of the citizens of this country. I can go on and on with this,but it's not what I want to do now.
Did you hear what Dr. Cohen said about Ukraine and Russia relations on Tuesday JBshow?
WOW! I din't know that Bite-me-MrBiden could put his foot in his mouth with dirty galoshes on.
He apparently did it a few years ago in Russia while talking to Putin, then the PM, on his face!
Imagine that Putin has to deal with Hillary-the-hilarious, Bite-me-Biden, john-the-bloodymouth-McShame? The whole "bums' club" under the dome in DC getting together and standing up clapping
for a brother killer who came to ask for OUR money to kill more of his own.
I can't believe my eyes and ears. What can I say? The only sign of sanity I have for myself is that I still can be surprised.
Yesterday's news from main networks in Russia had such disturbing reports that I couldn't go through. I couldn't bear to see all the wounds, how soldiers of self-defense are treating each other's injuries, the only doctor in there was working right under the sky, in the battlefield, on the ground,
on the soil, on the dirt.
Even though I'm a Certified 'Medical Nurse in Military Reserves' from there and have seen and worked to help people in disaster, still those pictures took an emotional toll on me. Man made disaster is much more hurtful because of its psychological side, especially when it's done by
your own countrymen. Closer to the skin, deeper the burn.

You want to see a real journalist, a MAN, watch heroic Sergei Zenin reporting from war zone on the evening news of Sep. 30th on at 21:00, clip's name "Donetsk airport is still a zone of intensity."
Don't know why, but this clip doesn't have a number.
At and @starlet737 (tw.#774) you'll see the bombing of the center of Donetsk, bodies all over. Yesterday was a bombing also. Self-defense reported that there were 11 casualties. About 50 people are injured, among them children.
Who can count them all, anyway?  Who can count people who are dying from hunger, thirst in dark and cold or from their injuries, those who couldn't go anywhere?

At report says that The Investigative Committee of RF indicted UA's Defense Minister and some others of committing genocide.  Check for details.

Timur Siraziyev is showing what's going on in Kiev at 
Look how those "pro-EU and democratically oriented people" are doing "justice" on the streets.
At 2:30 min. into the tape you'll see member of Rada Irina Farion, who is a known openly-bloody-russophobe, calling for world war III. Hear what she says to troops before leaving to Donbass for killing mission.
Look who are we protecting, who are we paying, what we're encouraging. I mean not US - you and I, but our government. Did she ever heard of Minsk agreement, ceasefire, UN Sec. Gen.'s order to keep the ceasefire? Look at this one and put john-the-bloody-mouth -McShame next to her. What a company of warmonger nuts paid by American and European taxpayers ! ! !
These bunch blood thirsty creature are the ebola of today's political life of the world, which is despite their small number can contaminate beyond their living borders.
As the old saying goes "tell me who is your friend and i tell you who you are."

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 30th, M & E news


Morning News:
Finally. Special monitoring group of OSCE put a report out about mass graves found in Donbass.
At and
In the village of Nizhnaya Klinka were found 3 of such graves. OSCE also mentioned at least 5 breaches of seasfire. In village of Krupskiy in vicinity of Makiyevka bomb came down on a house killing the resident, 3 others were injured. In Donetsk 5 more people were injured.

In Donetsk locals are trying to fix everything they can themselves, especially to get day-cares and schools ready for Oct. 1st, when initially planed to start the academic year. This is under continuous gunfire and shelling from the side of Kiev's thugs.
It's at Oleg Shishkin is reporting.
Look how school looks like; the first day the first class will be a safety lesson in war reality; how to get to the door fast, how to get to the basement to hide. Basement has beds, just in case. In Here people from surrounding buildings were hiding. This school is in one of the more dangerous neighborhoods of Donetsk, called Kiyevskya. It's close to airport, where still fights are going on and which is still under the control of UA military.
My Q is: if this is a ceasefire, why those thugs don't stop shooting or better yet get the hell out of there and go home?
Locals in here are so used to the sound of shelling, they don't pay attention too much anymore.
Another school was a little luckier; the roof and the walls are still standing. Teachers covered the broken windows with plastic, which they bought themselves, although they didn't get paid for many months.
At 1:30min. into the tape you'll see that the kids are going to learn with old books, whatever they still have. ************************** DNRovskix poka netu, nado sozdat. ********************
Shkola imeet website, no kotoromy mozhet otpravit zadaniye.  ??? ******* How to help?*******?
In Donetsk there are 93 schools partly or fully ruined in the result of bombings.
At 2:25 min. you'll see another school in village called Grafskaya which is in total ruins. Bombs directly come down on it. Look how people are working, volunteering day and night. A man says all attended that school, of course they do it for free.

At the contrary, the thugs who came from one end of the country to another to kill and destroy, to commit genocide also steal, rob, rape, vandalize and desecrate.
What type of brainwashing was working for last 2 decades in some parts of western UA which was able to create monsters like these?
Nazis were defeated but weren't all killed. You'll see the resurrection of their mission at broad day light.
Check also

Evening news:
Violation of regime of ceasefire is continuing. In Lugansk region town Papasnaya came under heavy artillery fire from UA Army. There are casualties among civilians. At and @Starlet737 (tw.#772).
Also around Donetsk airport battle is raging with new force for the control of it. Under these dangerous circumstances people were trying to fix the broken gas pipe. About 1000 homes are without supply of gas.

At  - 12 violations of ceasefire recorded for last day, most of it around the Donetsk airport, reports local City Hall.
Self-defense reported that around Kramtorsk area they found that UA military established radio-electronic surveillance and its operators are communicating in English. Hiring mercenaries is also a violation of agreements.

You want to know where your tax $ are going today in the name of spreading democracy and how your media bends over backwards to show us who are the "good guys" who need "help" to build "democracy" in Eastern Europe.
You should see this at (tw.#773). Be careful, it's disturbing.
Today in Kharkov on Derevyanka Street crossing Lenin Ave. was found a young man's body hanging on the fence of the Church of  the Nativity, build for 2000 y. anniversary of Christ's Birth.
A man believe to participate in a conflict between locals and pro-EU crowds earlier. He was local who didn't want a soviet era monument to be removed.
You see how pro-EU and west loving neo-nazis can do to their own half-brother and the neighbor?
These are the O lovers, O payees, O trainees, O employees, O democracy apprentices.
To be perfectly democratic and get an A+ from the West on the subject of democracy, in Odessa, group of 'right sector' neo-nazis beat up a member of UA parliament Hector Shifrich representing Party of Regions.
At 4:25 min. you'll hear the reporter saying that he was in Kiev and interviewed right sector members. "They are mostly 18 years olds whose ideals are mussolini and franco. This is a real civil war," - he says.

At reports that in the result of war about 4500 homes were destroyed in Donetsk area.

So long.

Monday, September 29, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 29th, Monday, 2014


Today you were talking about 1.Oklahoma maniac and 2.WH security breach.
My take on the 1st is that unfortunately we're going to see and hear more of these type of cases.
On the 2nd, Mr. Pres. wasn't there, the family was gone and I guess they lax the security.
Also the intruder was a military pro, don't forget that. I have hard time to believe that he didn't know they were not there. Maybe he did for the heck of it? Who knows?
Anything in our lives justifies occurring of these 2 events? NO!
What should be done for future reference to prevent it? You have basic good points and were screaming about them.
I can't elaborate on, it's too much. I can write a book about it.

Now, - war news from Eastern Europe.
At and @Saterlet737 (tw.# 771).
This war  have been different. It's civil, at first, then its crimes' in their cruelty have rose to the level of being against humanity.
I mean - it's a Genocide! 
What happened in southeastern Ukraine from beginning of this year, is classified as Genocide under RF law and Int'l law.
Investigative Committee of RF opened a case against UA administration accusing it provoking and carrying out of genocide against Russophone civilians in residential areas of southeastern UA.
It's based on the facts that peaceful civilians were bombarded with 'GRAD' and 'Urogan' and other heavy missile artillery. Thousands of civilians are dead, in average 500 units of properties were destroyed (I feel it's a low number), among them residential buildings, houses, factories, hospitals, day cares, schools, along with infrastructure vital for survival of life - water, gas, electricity, roads, bridges, info. communications from TV, radio to Wi-Fi.
The punishment goes from 20 years to capital.

At report says that today Vice-PM of DNR Alexsei Purgin announced that more than 4 000 civilians have been killed in last months, about 400 bodies are still in morgues around the region and more mass graves are being discovered.
Today Int'l experts visited one of the sides and Alexander Brod of Human Right Commission of RF is saying that actions of UA military created genocide. Int'l experts also were shocked of the scene of atrocities unleashed by Kiev on its own people and the contrast of pictures between reality on the ground and the news and commentary of events in the western world.
There are rep.s of humans rights and social justice groups from UK, France, Bulgaria, Africa.
"During my conversations with locals i found out that also other heinous crimes were committed here, the ones committed against miner girls, such as group rapes, which should be brought up and investigated and punish," - says human rights rep. Enorst Gronich of Latvia.

In the meantime self-defense reported that in Donetsk region today were 5 breaches of ceasefire rule by the aggressors. That situation prevents from working on fixing of vital communication, such as water pipes, electric wires, etc. It's at  
#DonbassAgainstNazi.  Also at you'll see a similar seen to the news of the day. Purgin says that 80% of the bodies in morgues are decomposed, because they were dug up and very heard to identify. Look at that brave young man name Denis, who is a deputy of police chief and says that they'll find the guilty and bring them to justice.
That's the brother you'd love to have right?

My take on this is that Russian side should hold off those 100s and even 1000s of men from before this thing could be all over. What if those they already gave back did these crimes and was let loose?
How are they going to find who was where and who did what among them who were generously given back to their mothers and wives and sitting on their sofas in their homes?
It's a big puzzle to me. Maybe because I'm not an Int'l law expert? I feel that thing don't even exist.
Like a wise saying I grew up with, which characterizes someone's existence but in a form of death.
It's there, but it's not there. Like WH security that evening.

So long.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep.28th, Sunday


Let me start with a normal news that made me smile for a long time for a change;
at you'll see in Vladivostok, Premorskiy Krai, Russia, people are celebrating "Day of  TIGER" with colorful and cheerful parade. Big Kitty, Kitty, yes, yes!
Look how people are happy, saying to protect Amur Tiger and wild life in general is their mission. Educating children in ecology and bringing them up loving the nature is important.
Also the king of Taiga had his statue opened in the center of the city. Today, at 15th anniversary of this holiday all professional fields came together; biology, zoology, ecology, inspectors of anti-poaching, etc - all who participate in protecting this rare cat. Even cosmonauts joined the cheer and sent their congratulations from space. They even had a tiger stuffed animal.
The day ended with big concert in Vladivostok.
By people's cloths I see weather was warmer there than in Moscow. ?
Now I feel buying myself a tiger. Like the one they had in Sputnik. :)

At you'll see that the artillery fire has intensified in and around Donetsk's airport, which also erupted fire in factory TochMach. Vice-PM of DNR Purgin said that there is one more mass grave found near village of Nizhnaya Krinka, where UA Nat'l Guard was positioned. Exchange hostages 30 to 30 between the sides should happen today.

At says that Washington Times reported that 2 groups of American Defense Ministry Consultants arrived in Kiev to ???
Don't want to write their lie about why they're there. Makes me sick.
What can I do, I don't know. Sometimes I want to take a sign "NO war with Russia" and go to Times Square. Haven't been there for a long time. As a NYer I try to avoid crowds, gives me anxiety.
Maybe I'll one day. I'll let you know. 99% of people in NYC I try to talk to about this are oblivious and couldn't care less.

At heroic Alexsei Ivliyev is reporting about the again intensified situation around Donetsk airport, saying that the entire day heavy shelling from Grad and other reactive lethal forces cannonades did not stop. Especially 3 residential neighborhoods were hit. Houses and building are burning. You can see the Donetsk city covered with smoky dark skies.
One huge fire in a storage factory of something can't be stopped.

Look at that! Beautiful, full of life city of Donetsk in fire, distraction, open cemetery under dark smoky sky and our fellow citizen "defense experts" went to teach those who do this in their OWN country how to do it better and more using our taxpayers' money.
Absolutely unbelievable.

At report shows 60 to 30 exchange of hostages/detainees between the sides.
Gruesome video of exhumation of bodies with taped hands and gunshot wound to the heads from mass grave in eastern UA is at Heroic Marina Finoshina is reporting.  It's also @Starlet737 (tw.#770).
One only identified body so far is 21 years old Nikita. His mother - Galina Kolomiytsva is saying that UA soldiers took him "for exchange," - swap with SD. Her husband asked to take him and leave the son home, but they didn't listen.
At you can find Lavrov's interview about the situation from Russian side of the story.

At report sums up the weekly news.
The most horrifying thing, say the report, was finding of mass graves around Donestsk. More are being found by the day and locals are scared to go close because around or inside them can be mines.
MID ( - Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of RF demanded full investigation of mass graves from Int'l human rights and other bodies who handle these type of crimes. Those also agree that the responsibility of crimes committed on the territory of UA lies on it's administration, because they're all its citizens.
Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting.
Maria Moiseeva's father was dead and buried in the garden of the school around Ilovaysk by UA so called "Nat'l Guard" soldiers. 2 more people in the same grave were also locals with gunshot wounds.
Almost everyone around the town has horrible story to tell. Some don't even know if their neighbors are alive or dead because of mass distractions of residences. For example 2 elderly people were found dead in their basement days later, because the door was locked from outside. Killers tortured them, shoot them in their knees, palms, burned their heels. Robbery, humiliation and cruelty has been a signature of "Nat'l Guard" of UA.
While cleaning up the area from mines self-defense found another mass grave. It appears to have been there from the middle of August. "All seem to be civilians shot to death from close distance. Bullets went through their heads. Then heads were separated from bodies and hands were tight up.
It was extremely gruesome," - 2 self-defense men are telling.
At 5:30min. into the tape a teacher , Elena Pronina, who lives in ruins for weeks telling that UA thugs told her to be thankful to be alive, because they had an order to clean up the area from the face of the earth, just flatten it. They shoot and killed a woman she knew while she was walking back from her daughter's home. She is so traumatized that she don't believe in deceitful sound of silence.
The ones who have been hostage taken by Kiev's thugs tell that they have been in hell. Stanislav shows his chest word "separ" on it, which stands for separatist, written by turning. Kind of a burn-skin tattoo that can't be undone. In his lower beck there is a big nazi swastika.
In the process of exchanges of hostages during the last week most of those given back from thugs were civilians who got nothing to do with self-defense. They were all snitched and detained, beaten, convinced to take on some crimes they didn't commit and all for the only reason of later exchange.
From 7 min. you can feel like the soil in there was soaked with blood. Looks like a dead zone all over by the road. How people who are still alive in there can face the coming winter? I see cold is in the air by their cloths and surrounding nature.
At 7:44 min. local resident and witness to actions of Kiev's thugs Vasily Draganov tells how those UA "soldiers" treated half-full of one of their trucks bodies of self-defense solders.
You want to know? Buckle up! They surrounded Kamaz truck  half full of bodies with 2 tanks and opened simultaneous fire on it, blowing everything up in the air. Vasily says he saw the body parts all over and hanging from tree branches. You have to watch further yourself. I can't do this too much, makes me pull my hair.
Check also 

So long.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 27th, Saturday


Today in Moscow about 17 000  people came out to protest against the war in Southeastern Ukraine, otherwise called Donbass. People whose parents buried in there, whose still live in there, who grew up in there and who came as refugee from there. "Stop killing your own people" was the main massage I saw. It was organized by the memorial of "Tragedy of Nations."
It's at also @Starlet737 (tw#769).

Action for memory of victims in Donbass was organized also in Volgograd in Russia around a memorial dedicated for battle of Stalingrad. This city took 100s of refugees in whose tragedy become their own. It's at

In Europe, in Spain and Germany also were demonstrations held against the war in Donbass under the banner "Stop killing people of Donbass." Action against was in Kharkov, Ukraine was met with batons, tear gas, gunfire, military trucks and tanks. It's at
This is the today's administration of UA which commends to suppress and disburse their own citizens right to express themselves talking pro-peace. Psychically punishing those who don't want to fight and kill their own brethren.
This is one new neo-nazi government born out of  violent, bloody, illegal maidan and their armed thugs who burned the skin of hostages from self-defense (who went to protect their own homes and families) in the shape of swastika. This is the side USA is on. Deputy thug such as anton - the cursed
geraschenko published on internet that he'll punish those who come out to metting (2:06 min.).
He called it "breaking the order in the city," which as you can see at 2:20min. into the tape. The same "order" was NOT used to stop a crowd walking throughout the city chanting "moskoley na nozhi" which means "Russians on the knife." The same police department in the same city was escorting and protecting this crowd who was screaming praises for pro-nazi bandera in WWII. At 2:55min. into the tape you'll see them attacking other young men in the middle of the city's main square and creating brawls. No "order" needed for the law enforcement there. No-oh!
In Odessa demonstrators came out with pictures of burned people in Union building at May 2nd, and whose Berkut officers killed in maidan in February. They got together in "Ploshad Sobornaya" (means Cathedral square) of the city and wanted to do "March for peace," but were stopped by the police.
I see signs saying 'Blind war is killing our brethren,' 'May 2nd is a national tragedy,' 'Peace in every home,' 'Stop the war,' etc.
A woman says that for those who don't want peace Ukraine means nothing, their own people mean nothing. At 4:00 min. you can see a young woman is being arrested as an "organizer" because she brought bunch of white balloons to demonstration. At 4:30 min. see a thug with UA law enforcement uniform threatens with streets swearing language demonstrator to "dare" to go ahead with march, telling them they'd be 'bl..ped." Even the tape blocked the words he used. Public decided not to reckon with a violent force and disbursed. Same happened in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaparozhye - oppression of the voice, even if that voice is for peace. Just was a little better, some veterans lead the walk and were able to put wreaths on the memorial of their fallen comrade heroes of WWII.
This is what UnclePP's take is on "democracy" supported by US. ??? Interesting, isn't it?
In Barcelona, Spain and in Germany demonstrations for peace in Ukraine went without oppression.

At you'll see that in Donetsk area yesterday still gun fires erupted around the towns of Kirovskoye, Rastzepnoye and Nikisheno. There were distraction with 1 civilian dead and 6 injured. Also Kiev's side announced a halt in process of exchanging hostages with self-defense.
So far they were exchanging mostly innocent civilians who they snitched and detained. While they're getting their thugs back, they are not giving out detained members of self-defense.

With minute of silence Moscowits honored the memory of victims of mass killing in Donetsk region, at
As a gesture of goodwill self-defense force in one sided manner gave out 5 hostages of Kiev's army, see at
Also at
EU news; British join the adventure in Middle East and the other western news you can find out yourself.

So long.

Friday, September 26, 2014

To Michael savage Sep. 26th, Friday M & E News


Morning news:
After 17 years there another Russian woman went to space. She is the 4th woman cosmonaut from Russia; - Elena Serova with her colleagues Alexander Samokutyayev and USA's NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. 
Report at shows that sputnik SOYUZ successfully was ducked. They will be there 170days. At you'll see that she trained 7 years to be ready for this mission. Her 15 years old daughter says she is very happy for the mom.  
In Novorussia there are still hot spots where hostile artillery of privately hired "Aydar" group is working; report at

Evening news:
I heard some of your show today. You were talking about Old testament, the old religious rules and
their observations today.
I know religious observant and highly educated Orthodox Jews (with MA, MS and PHDs) who with all their devotion and discipline don't have an illusion of being holy and being able of doing what exactly everything spells out in the book. When I met them first time in my life in the beginning of 1990's and asked how they think they can follow every rule and law of the book, the answer was
"you just try your best." That's it. End of the story.
Ones I heard one rabbi on radio (forgot his name, unfortunately) who said "we don't have every answer for every Q, we try to help people to live with their Qs." Perfect!

If we'd know God's business, we'd not be so full of Qs, right? Right! I, the writer of this blog, live with the best of my abilities, because I can't control everything in life (starting from weather in the morning) and don't have the freedom of doing whatever I'd prefer to do at any given time. That's all.

Now... At you'll hear report right out of kids game called "broken telephone." The tragedy is that this is played by big shuts in the world. By people elected and/or appointed who decide the lives and businesses of 100's of millions of people.
Ukraine's debt of more than $5 Billion to Russia for gas was being discussed again in Berlin.
More than 5 hours of negotiations came down to reddening of eyes of the head of RF's GasProm Alexsai Miller. In another 1.5 hours Commissioner of EU Gunter Oettinger announced that there was a progress in the deal. He said Ukraine should pay $2 Billion at the end of October and another
$1.1 Billion before the end of the year. And the price for next 6 months should stay $385 for 1000 cubic meter of gas, which is a discounted price ($100 less than EU pays to RF).
Alexander Novak - the Minister of Energy of RF says that they'll go with the volume of consumption of UA consumers during the winter mouths according the weather, etc.
Sounds better, right? Sure. Wait to hear this; UA's thick headed Energy Minister came out and instead of saying thank you to EU for paying to keep his dumb behind from freezing, started talking and disagreeing with the side and the schedule of payments. And all of his talk Russian side heard from media. What??????
You want to see a psychotic misanthrope who ca not even be happy spending other people's money, look at Yuri Prodan. By the way word "prodan" in Russan literally means "sold."
Sold out to satan, that's what I say. in the meantime another cuckoo - the PM of UA was in UN saying that Russia wants to freeze Ukraine. If those are not psychopathic, misanthropic madmen running a neo-nazi government, then who are they? How would you diagnose a such sate of mind?
Imagine yourself in Putin's chair and look at the picture.
Even always cool and reserved Gunter Oettinger got out of his patience saying that if they won't help UA to pay for gas, UA would be stealing from Europe. !!!

Look at another proof of psychosis running throughout UA parliament called Rada.
report say that several members of UA parliament last week visited RF's parliament to talk peace and cooperation, to discus how to build broken ties in politics and social issues.
And, ... what you think? UA's Ministry of Internal Affairs filed an indictment accusing those good will ambassadors almost for treason (it's a long name), which is by UA law is punishable for 5-10 years of prison.
Those Russian MPs were appalled by the treatment of their colleagues in Ukraine and were protesting the action calling it "political association of opposition."
Couldn't you see who is who? This is like day and night.
And the "western" world can't see this, is not reporting on it and is PAYING for it too?
How crazy is that?

So long.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 25th Thursday


I heard part of your show, part of the interview with Dick Morris. Wasn't he democrat before?
Oh, well...
About Mr. O talking at UN; he reads what others gave him to read with the feeling of king of the world. That's all. In Russia political commentators think that he called for war against Russia, about what he has no clue. They say IS was created by USA, that our media is "upside down comedy" and calling American foreign policy "chaos mongering geopolitical experiments," which threatens the stability of the world and every person in it.
Look who is sitting behind O in UN and talking into his ear - a woman thug. Look at her witch face, witchy hair and scary format crooked mouth, look at her invading another country's representative's private space in hostile manner and ugly demeanor. Feeling of shame alone should be enough to keep this type of people out of eyes of the world from embarrassing us. But yet again...

In my opinion USA, for no good reason at all, declared economic, political, proxy-military and information war against only one other superpower in the world, which could be the strongest ally against the most vicious threat to us. Cold war is back, US taxpayers are paying for renaissance of nazism in western Ukraine. Russia is not going to get along with russophobia next door with continuous killings of their own people and culture and now we have to worry about the hot war at any time. Isn't this something? No wonder he got his Nobel peace prize up front.
I'd take one of those forms, soften it properly, put anti-bacterial cream on it and wipe Teddy's behind. :) Aha! (vechercvladsol27-29) ******************************************************

Look what is going on in Novorussia. I'll start calling the eastern Ukraine, Donbass or DNR and LNR Novorussia, what it used to be and became to be now. The central and some parts of western Ukraine used to be called Malorussia (literally means "small Russia") before 1917 revolution when Soviet Socialist republic of Ukraine was created by Lenin. Akraina (A as apple) in Russian means vicinity. Because it was the edge of Russian Empire on the west, they called it Ukraina. After WWII very western some parts of it were added and they have some ethnic clusters from neighboring countries.
To sum this up; southeastern Ukraine = Donbass (which is DNR and LNR together) and now back to NOVORUSSIA.

At and @Starlet737 (tw.#767) you'll see that OSCE is working "as much as they can" as they're defining their job to find mass graves, identify bodies which were not buried,
were not buried in proper ways or in the proper places. The whole area looks gruesome. I can't really go thought the translation. Makes me sick. An old lady is saying that Kiev's solders were robbing houses, after killing people in their homes were loading dead bodies in trucks and taking them no one knows where. Also taking all the men clothing they could find, changing their uniforms to civilian clothing to bland in. Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting.

At you'll see that around Donetsk gunfire is not subsiding, situation still is tense. Kiev's thugs were fighting around Airport, managed to damage a gas pipeline, they were shelling on residential areas of Kirovskaya and Vishnyovaya, also on the position of self-defense around Dibaltsovo and Novosyolovka. In the result 2 civilians are dead and 5 injured, a few houses were destroyed.
In the evening there was gunfire recorded on eastern side of Mariupol.
Yesterday's plan to exchange 60 POWs from each side didn't happen because Kiev's side didn't prepare documents. Grievance from self-defense to Kiev is that the ones they get back are mostly civilians who never took an arm in their hands, and among them also minors. This fact was
recorded in western media. Also NYTimes reported that in the exchange on Sep. 21st among 28 released from Kiev's side 20 were civilians.

At heroic Alexsander Yevstigneev reporting from the neutral zone
in Lugansk region where 2 sides' military representatives came together to talk. That was about an hour tense conversation. Self-defense suggested 2 options to the other side
1. to turn their weapon down and go home
2. or be on their side while they will get food and shelter.
Conversation should be continued later. Men on Kiev's side are scared of going back and facing court marshal.

So long.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 24th, Wednesday M & E news


Look at this; at also @Starlet737 (tw #766) you'll see some pic.s of mass graves around Donetsk, where "Aydar" (privately owned military group) was situated. Most are young women, who have been raped, tortured, then killed. One of them was pregnant. Look at the pain on Zkhirinivsky's face, when he is talking about the "education" the young generation got in Ukraine for last 23 years, after break out of USSR.
Constant brainwashing and propaganda since then did not stop a day, encouraged and sponsored by the WEST and USA. The result is what you see now;  some look at their own people as mortal enemies, although they haven't seen themselves anything remotely similar in their lives.
"It started with Yushchenko and after 23 years that's what we're seeing now - a new nazi government on our border," - Zhirinovsky says.
If he'd be the president of Russia, this would not happen to Russians. Putin is too soft and too careful and still not only not appreciated, but demonized by the West.
I just found a report published in 2008 talking about distraction and exhumation of memorial for soldiers of WWII in Lvov city area in western Ukraine, which is against its own law in UA.
1st it's against the distraction of historic monuments and 2nd the exhumation of bodies without asking the family. Who cared? Nobody! The bodies were laying under the broken statue out in the open and especially younger crowds were taking pictures for fun on their cell phones.
So, what do you expect from crowds like that who get paid $ and given arms and promised a "good life" which would be p.rn, perversion, drug culture, no family, no country eventually, in my opinion.

At (tw#767) you'll see what Russian FBI found a ring of underground arm-dealers who transported machine-guns and heavy artillery from who?, Yes, old good Europe!

Actually in Russia they call Europe "an old bag" such as old baba (a woman is derogatory sense).
Come to think of it, it's true. Look at those old, rotten buildings (to me they are!) carrying the old world nastiness, look at the dog waste all over France (you can't walk on the streets, yaiks), paying and breeding and multiplying their own enemies in their own streets and homes and confusion and anger not knowing what to do about it. They screwed themselves and want to take the rage of self-defeat to other lands.

At you'll see the distraction of a little town Kirovsk which is at outskirts of Donetsk. Look what America's "friends" did in here; entire town is in ruins, cemetery is bombarded so badly that survivors are scared to go in, some churches are destroyed beyond repair, religious relics and icons are mostly burned. Just look and tell me when last time Mr. O went to church and for what reason?
Look at 1:45min into the tape, please?! Look at this young boy name Artyom whose parents died under the bombardment of their house. He survived and all this time was hiding in another half-destroyed house without doors and couldn't come out from fear. But when he heard that self-defence forces were in town he went out to greed them and is telling his story. He says that he put a cabinet against the opening for door and stayed there.
His has some relatives who are ready to take him in another city in Russia and he'll go to school in
there. His parents burial? Self-defense took it upon themselves to do it.

"How democracy is working for you?" would ask DR. Phil to Russians.
I was watching every political commentary and talk show in Russian and can tell you that show everyone these days are saying that "democracy by USA means 'I'll decide what to do with it' and you'll follow my commend."

Now, our DOS reported that as if 1000 Russians went to eastern UA to help the local people. How did they get this number? Who counted for them?
To me that's just a "threw any number" political game by the US to semi-literate general public which is so drugged up, it doesn't even know what civilization it's experiencing.
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that it's true, OK? Russians went to protect their own families next door who were being murdered and starved to death. Why shouldn't they do a such selfless heroic acts as honorable humans at the first place is one Q.
Why was humanitarian aid convoy from RF to eastern UA was being stopped with all measures possible by calling it "invasion," but bombing Syria "without consent of its 'elected' government" is an honorable fight against bad people. yesterday's bomb killed 8 civilians in Syria, 3 of them were kids. Why Russia wouldn't stand up and say "we're going to get involved, because (as we say it here), 'we have interests" in there." When we went to Iraq, Russia lost $15 Billion that I saw was published at that time. Who knows how the side-effects of it are going on until today for Russian economy?
But, my main Q is; - "what 3000 US troops sent to Africa a few days ago, under the pretense of "fighting Ebola virus," are really going to do there? Just to take an antibiotic ointment requires thousands of military men and women to deliver? Are military personnel going to do doctors' work? What is this?
Oh, if you think Russians can't guess, think again. They know why we're there in those specific areas. And, you were right when screaming your lungs off about them being contracted and bringing the deadly scam back home. Then, look at the picture is getting more colorful: we'll be busy with new war in middle east, growing fear of from within and epidemic on top of it. I think O is so out of touch that his philosophy is "after me? - 2nd flood!"
That's it for now.

Evening news:
Shanah Tovah! Your opening the show on Rosh Hashanah was beautiful. Some things don't change.
The wisdom of ages can be ignored only by ignorant, but can not ever be dismissed.
It's in every human's essence feelings of right from wrong, but some decide to take things in their human hands. If that group grows, that can become a challenge for those who chose to behave in righteous ways. The saying is: "do not underestimate the power of stupid people in big groups."
Unfortunately ugly and satanic coexist with good and righteous and you mentioned the distraction of Armenian church and Memorial in Syria by vermin. Only group of satanist could do it.
What Armenians did to those vermin to deserve that? Throughout the history Armenians show themselves as an exemplary culture. Culture of education, creation, exceptional work ethics, family values, hospitality, respect to each other and their neighbors, - you name it.
Like the Jews they have been scattered throughout the world and had to invent and survive over and over again. Everywhere Armenian lived, before and after 1915 Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, in Middle East they were loyal citizens, reliable confidants and compassionate neighbors. Many of them went to USA and Europe after the war broke in Lebanon 30-40 years ago. But they were still there in not small numbers, keeping their memories and their identity going.
That Church also contained the remains of victims who were found in mass graves right there in Syrian desert of Der-Zor where they were brought from Turkey on foot.
A few mouths ago totally emptied village of Kessab comes to mind. I'm looking at comments sent to Armenian weekly published in MA, USA and there are Qs like "is Turkey's hand in this?"
I'd not be surprised. The nation who still didn't not apologize, can NOT be changed.
Armenians being first official Christians of the world from 301 AD always had less children then their neighbor Muslims, not because they like children less, but they care more for their better future, then theirs. Raising a family is lots of hard work and commitment and in their minds only praying might not do it. Prey God to give it to you what? Entire free living while you're home multiplying?
They don't believe that. They believe you should do the work and then pray for the possibility of being able to be born to do the work.
Throughout the history war and killings have not been their cup of tea to survival. They heavily invest in education and craft. Education takes time and effort, making babies takes 5 minutes. You can loose all the material things you have, but you can't loose your education and skills and can go to a new place to start a new life.
That's why Jews succeeded when they were losing their things and forced to go from one place to another. They were fast to reinvest themselves and start over. Most of the Jews speak more than one language as Armenians do. Both were killed and chased because of their identity, not because of their "bad" behavior. If course, there can be couple of rotten apples on every tree, but those two generally showed strength and resolve throughout millenniums.
Also look at 2 World Wars. IN both wars Turkey and nazi Germany were allies. At least nazis apologized, put the right side of history in their books, but their ally Turks still can't turned the tide of truth on their side. They're still living in history of lies.
Look where Armenia was in ancient world;
next to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria. Look at the map of 1st and 2nd centuries AD; it's from Mediterranean sea to Caspian sea. Why did it shrink? Because the religions around it multiply much faster. And, what do you do to feed so many children when they're crying from hunger? Go get someone else who has it. That's it, point, end of the story. There is no time to think, contemplate, create, build when someone is busy having unprotected sex. Yes, I said it! SEX! But, overall Islam is changing. There are good imams and there are the bad ones. How they teach, what they say, how they get into young people's minds and send them to their deaths? - I don't know.
I think too much of anything is not good, even the religion. Too extreme of it, isolates one from others in rejective manner and eventually bring it to the point of intolerance and hate. Too much sex is not good especially unprotected type of it. And, should I have microphone I'd tell as many as I could "don't have children without thinking how to care for them and bring them up when you're poor, semi-literate, jobless or sick in mind thinking God should work for you, while you're constantly having unprotected sex!
God gave you body parts to use, but didn't tell you how much. As human our difference from animals is judgement. We have given by creator or nature (if you're an atheist) a thing called "Judgement" and have free will to exercise or not. We, humans, SUPPOSE to think before we do things. It's a must!
To me, personally, - the writer of this blog.
Satan exists, though. I believe angels exists too. One satanic woman I've got to know in NYC has a name Angel and uses 2 last names. This satan is in prison right now and will be there for many years, but many others are all among us, walking around in human flash. Most of them, if not all of them are genetically predetermined criminals. I'll spit on the face of any psychiatrist or psychologist, who would dare to tell me otherwise, right on every national network channel, in Times Square  - LIVE! See if you'd find one. You WILL NOT! You know why? Because I'm right and in their professional job they're silent on this topic, never will say anything remote unless answering to concrete Qs and yes or no answers. They don't want to loos their prictices, be sued for talking stupid and/or lying in order to sell medications.
I can talk about this unending. Maybe I'll get back to this topic again. ****************************************************************************

So long.


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