Sunday, October 30, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 29-30, weekend, after hacked account


Saturday, 29th.
You won't believe what happened last Thursday; the account I use for this blog was hacked.
Thursday night I couldn't sign in.
Yesterday I was listening your show while commuting in NYC you were saying that your phone lines caught fire (I was laughing with you) couldn't call you to say that I couldn't access my accounts. Yes, with plural. All over sudden out of 7 emails 5 was shut down. It wasn't coincidence and wasn't done by Kremlin, for sure. It was done by local progressive-perverts who I criticize. In last blog I praised Putin, why Russians would do that to me? Maybe Russian sh.tty opposition working with clintongue apparatus? Less likely, this was a purely insider job.
Yesterday I was out and about and was very nervous about what to do with the tech. mess. The only thing made me go through the day, besides keeping myself running around very fast, is the news about new probe of H's emails.
The wording of FBI letter to congress is so vague that anything can happen. I heard lots of Qs from talk shows hosts all day, but still have my own.
My gut feeling is that comey-character is playing both hands to stay afloat. They can't release real emails to public and explain that those were classified. Inside congress whoever can figure out, or would want to figure out, can decide anything they want. Isn't it? Who is checking the checkers?
To me, the mere fact that that woman was busy emailing such volume, shows that she wasn't working. Is her work consist of being on the phone 24/7?  Is she a nerd with OCD with pervasive memory lapses? Dementia too, perhaps? I wander if any vermin in the media can find out how many of 33000 emails were about yoga. Yoga my dog's foot!

Int'l news; Aleppo is in mass, children are dead, vermin keep shelling the city and preventing people from coming out of eastern part of it. Pictures are gruesome, I don't even want to link the reports.

To figure out what kind of doped-up place the UN is, look at this miscarriage of justice, at Russia is kicked out from Human Rights Council and Saudi Arabia is not. What?
Remember what happened 2 days ago in Syrian airspace, at 
Look at this news, this is a real beauty, I'm serious, one normal thing finally reported in the news.
Not in American news, but Russian. Watch this at After at first blaming Russia for the incident as always, at this time American air-force apologized for its mistake. Those planes were flying without lights at night and came in less than 500 meters close to each other.

All I can say is that Putin's nerves are made of steel. The whole "civilized" world lost its mind and running loose against him. Look what they did in their own countries. They're attacking someone else to deter the attention from the problems in their internal to external affairs, just because they're jealous of Putin. That's all personal. He doesn't bent over for them and they can't stand it.
That's all.
Look at this nice ad Trump put out, at 
Sunday, 30th.

Ukrainian government is running out of its mind, - for real. Look at the symbol in the main hall of spying headquarters of their DoD and compare it with nazi Germany. The only name of the country is different, must watch this report at
This too is interesting; they want to put a monument for notorious Petlyura, which is raising repulse in Israel.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 27th, Thursday


Early afternoon in NYC, rainy and cold. Decided to stay in bed and do this.
Yesterday I was out and about in NYC all day. In midtown, especially on 34th street I saw big camps of homeless that i haven't seen before. All over the place. More and more bum hang out in subway stations. Then went to UES, someone asked for money when I was in the middle of crossing Park Ave, then went to UWS and saw more and more and the number is only growing.
This is Hillary's constituency. All of them are going to vote for her. Accidentally met a Russian man who is a physicist, talked a little politics between RF and US and asked who's he going to vote for. He believed that H can very well light a fire on WW3, but said he doesn't vote.
I went to coffee shop with a friend, visited other friends' businesses, shopped in a clothing store, talked to 3 people there, talked to another 4 people in UWS that I knew personally from my old neighborhood, all of them were mute to discussion and I believe will vote for H. All I could get out of my mouth was "it will be war or peace between H and Trump." Talking of lethargic stupidity... In this day and age not to know or not to care what's going on around the world shows how low intellectual level of American voter in big urban populous areas has become.
Early voting will not help Trump, because there are no observers. Who know if those are not going to go to other places to vote again. Wherever is no proof and control, H we'll win. Dependent class is her base, but look at her, she doesn't live next to them or even close to them. She moves around with her entourage and at night ends up as far as she can from those bums who vote for her.
If she like them so much, why she doesn't hand with them? She should sleep next to them, with them, or take them to her house. Show your "compassion" in deeds, in broad daylight, ms.piggy!
I was surprised that big-fat-stupid-michael-moore endorsed Trump. He has a bone in her body which still works? Nice to know that.
Must hear, at Heard 2:12min.? Hahaha!  

Trump is in Springfield, OH today, full event is at 
He starts talking at 1h 13min into the type. 

Here is Trump's contract with American voter for his first 100 days in ofiice; at 
He announced this a few days ago in historic town of Gettysburg, PA.

Today Putin was talking in the meeting with members of Int'l Discussion Club Voldai in Sochi, at He talked about situations in Ukraine and Syria and added that the West is manufacturing ideas about Russian aggression and aspirations of world dominance. "That's just a lucrative proposition to increase their military budgets, pressure NATO to come close to borders of RF, etc." he said, - "Russia is not getting ready to attack anyone. To think so is stupid, nonsensical and unrealistic. Nations participating in NATO include number of people mounting about 600 million, RF has only 146 million. It's even funny to talk about it, but NO, instead of concentrating on their domestic issues, runners of presidential elections in the US are accusing RF for "influencing" it. What does it mean anyway? Does it mean that USA is a banana republic? How can we influence the will of American people? America is a great Empire and if I'm not right, please correct me."
[Very good, Vladimir Vladimirovich! O doen't do such things, that's why he's jealous and hates Putin. That's as simple as that. His speech is 'must listen to.' ********************************]
Discussions started on Monday, it's ending today (24-27) and included 130 participants from 35 countries.
Club's work is a yearly event. It was established in 2004 by Russian political think-tanks and includes more than 900 reps of In't scholarly community. Its goal is to bring intellectuals together to get information about Russia and its society from first sources.

After 3pm, you started the show saying that media is getting warned by people who fundamentally understood what they stand for. They started to hear from people and are getting cautious.
I don't feel that MSM is calming down. Would I welcome revolution if Trump loses? Yes. But, I don't see a glimpse of it cooking in NYC.  GMO = Gov. media organizations, you say. Hahaha!

Bottom of the hour; your screaming saying that we shouldn't believe what vicious vermin is telling us, we're the majority!!! Sounds good to me. GMOs onn;y represent 20% of the population, but took over 99% of the media.

3:40pm you're saying that when Trump wins corrupt media should be investigated, and if found to be in cahoots with dem machine, should be prosecuted for false propaganda practices charges.
I agree. Last at least 15 years I'm surprised that how come nobody is holding the MSM accountable.
Why not sue them for each lie at the time, just bombard them with lawsuits. Lawsuits should not be 'he said she said,' it has to be presented only with facts - live-streamed video. That's all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 26th, Wednesday


Wee hours.
If you want to get sick in your stomach watch this report, at 
I don't want to translate or comment on it, it made me sick when I watched it. As far as I'm concerned S. Hussein and M. Qaddafi were better for their own countries than D-tran Merkel to hers. She not only destroyed her own, but totally contaminated entire EU. Of course, it will go beyond it as fast as human can move around these day. Mind you that EU has no borders, so there goes your entire western civilization. Europe is suicidal; it fired the first shot to its foot, now after above report I register a shot into abdomen. Still breathing, but it's getting heavy. I'll tell you when the shot goes right into the brain. It might go through the mouth or from behind the ear. UK might have a chance to survive, but it's rotting from within.

Yesterday I didn't have time to listen to your show, but I'll catch up with podcast.
I don't believe in polls, the verminic media and the rest. I believe that if this county's immune system is not totally broke down, Trump, with God's will, should win.

I hear he had a TV program. Do you know about that? I heard it yesterday on another show, but didn't get a chance to really check it out. This is the announcement, at 

Above Russian report was so distressing that I don't want to watch more news right now.
It's after 5am now, I need some sleep.

Evening; Couldn't hear your show today.
This morning Trump opened its Trump Int'l Hotel In DC, cut ribbon with fancy scissors, his family were by his side participating. He said 5 words represent his style of working "under-budget and ahead of schedule." The hotel is in old post office, which show that he knows how to deal with government.
Of course jealous-nobodies congregated to show their ugly heads to try to get attention and put a damp on ceremony. Verminic media which caters to them starts their reporting from that. Instead of success and successful, they concentrate on failure and aggrandize those who fail.
"Tell me who're your friends and I tell you who you are," right? Misery likes company and media likes miserable., how do you like it?

According to Russian sources vermin in Syria interfere with efforts of getting people out of eastern Aleppo. At UN security council meeting today there were hot exchange of words between Russian rep. at UN's vice-chairman. The latter started reading a poem, Churkin got upset and let it loose.

Today Trump was in Kingston, NC, at He starts at 1h into the tape. This is the shorter version, at 

This is your today's show, at

So long.

Monday, October 24, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 24th, Monday


Wee hours.
I'm linking to this clip again  Trump delivering policy speech, telling what he'd do first 100 days in office in symbolic place - Gettysburg, PA.
At 4:45min he says that H should be precluded from running at the first place, but FBI and DoJ covered her crimes, which included lying to congress and FBI in numerous occasions, including that she told "I don't remember" to the FBI for 39 separate times.
Both she and her husband belong to jail, as far as I'm concerned. Even for a short time. But, if and when they go, this country will have a much better face to look at the world.
Look at the terrifying numbers who many millions are registered, but are not citizens, how many are dead. but still voting, how many vote in separate places, etc. And, this statistic is low, because it includes only those who they (whoever does the counting) could count. What about others?
Who was watching those that I know of who're illegals and went and voted in NYC?

Trump was in Naples, FL yesterday, at Nationally his numbers are leading now. !!! Drain the swamp, Mr. Trump!

Yesterday I was watching some stupid public channel and couple of black women, one of them "professor" of government in local university, talking about "voter suppression," saying that to obtain ID is such a "hardship" for "people of color" that asking for it is a "racism." How much bigger a vermanic deceit can go in a mass media? Can you believe that such lie can be said in public and nobody arrests them for "slendering the integrity if the country." Do we have such law? Why don't we? Our ally Turkey has. WH don't care to appose it. How much and how long the lie can be allowed to victimize normal people, who're the majority, of this country?
People, read Trump's "Contract with America." Plan of David against Goliath.     ******************************************************************************

It's time for some of us, who care, stand up and create new type of media. I'm thinking if I'd not do it, who will?
I believe in my gut that Trump will win. I pray that God will not abandon this country from its protection. I hope (although I can't see them), that majority of this country is still sane and wants to continue to go on. We're on 0 point on survival scale. It can go any way, left or right, up and down
at any hour, at any time.
We have a sane man, who can think with cool head and make decisions to guarantee our survival. That's Mr. Donald J. Trump. He has a beautiful family, extremely successful business and wealth to protect. He loves his country. No doubt about it.
In other hand we have an old, sick, crooked witch, who is suicidal power manic with warmonger-fornicator-predator mate, who couldn't care less to lose him or lose it all. "Propadi on propodom!" she'd say, if she'd speak Russian. Oh... let me think... she has grand-babies? She likes them?
Oh really? I'm a woman. I know for sure that every woman dream is to become a grandmother. Every woman's biggest joy is to take care of her grandchildren; hug and kiss them, feed and change them, sit, wall and sleep with them, sing and play with them, bond with them and leave them with most precious thing in life; memories of love. This witch is not even thinking about it, let alone doing it.
What kind of a woman is that? Who needs a mother who's not there to care for her grandchildren? Her daughter needs her? Since when? She needs her money, that's for sure. I wonder what is she going to do for so much of it? When a woman is having children she always searches for her mother and wants her to be around. That's not a high philosophical materia, it's just a normal human
interaction whiteout which can not be love. Who's loving her now? I believe nobody! Nobody even in her own family. Maybe good old paints' dropping predictor billy-willy wants to back in WH to hand around army of interns. "Unlimited supply" for his appetite. Witch will be bogged down in the office and the "first man" will use every bad in every bedroom to play hide and sick and cat and mouse with interns who're aspiring to earn their knee pads.
Wouldn't it be a "recruitment" tool for those who hate those kinds of behaviors, at least religiously?
I don't even want to imagine such nightmarish embarrassment for this country once again from the hands of hillbillies. Their grandchildren are going to remember them from pictures. Yikes, tu!

This Mosul surge right now and some other things coming soon is designed to help Dems' in the election. Look what French military expert, ex-military commander Caroline Galakteros is saying (4:05min), at
Look at this huge mess, at I can't even start bringing this report down, it's too saturated with facts. Why don't we have this kind of profound reporting?
Oh, I see, we don't have journalists, sorry, I forgot. 5:03am.

Late evening; this is your today's show at
You were fuming, saying if we, the "deplorables," care about western civilization, we should pay attention that those mentally disordered liberals, who are the most suicidal ones, are in work to bring this one down. "From Beethoven to rap in one POTUS," you say.

Those right now are surrounding H - lock, stock and barrel. Things now stand as life and death; life under Trump, death under H, you say, - it's clear as a bell. Civilizations do not die, like the Roman one, they're assassinated.
You're right, sadly. Idiots go to football game and support tattooed bombs who make fortunes playing ball, then kneel to show contempt.
We're living minority tyranny, that's so true. You should see those I deal with on daily bases. You said "we're on precipice, on the line of life and death."

Trump was in St. Augustine, FL today, Giuliani gave speech before him, at He starts at 55min. into the tape. At 58th min. he says that his campaign represents a change of a lifetime and it's a movement like none-other.
This is Sean's interview of Jeff Rovin, Pence and Kelly, at
O love when Trump sticks his finger out pointing at media in hte back of the hall and calling them liars and thieves right on their faces. He says "H would be nothing without them!"
Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Somebody has guts to say it from that high podium to entire country.  

So long.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 22-23rd, weekend edition


Everyone should watch this again, at
This is Trump's speech at Al Smith dinner for Catholic charity, 2 days ago at Waldorf-Astoria in NYC. NY "elite" was there. Of course most of them are sell-outs concerning the future of this country. They selfishly thinking that it's for their own good, but, things they sponsor and promote can come back and bite them in the neck, right on the major life artery. I'm sure some of them not only hate this contry, but hate their own chidren and couldn't care less about their future. Why is think so? Because I just see who they do, what they do and why they do things now, which can have long and profound effect on the very survivl of this country.
I had no access to any of them to talk politics one on one, but I'm sure that either they're ignorant of reality, or thinking others are ignorant about their mentality and the reasoning behind their actions.
A sad situation indeed.

Who is going to tell, better yet to show the reality of the today's world from inside out? Who?
Main Stream Media is not aware of it and uses its own agenda to blew the horn to attract money into their pockets. Only couple of people have some natural instincts for good and bad, right or wrong.
One of them is you - Dr. Savage.

To waste so much wealth, so much effort of so many people before us, who established and built this country for centuries, is a terrible thing to do.
It seems to me that Liberal-Progressive agenda has distraction of this country on its schedule and can't wait to "accomplish" it.
Look how that woman is opening her jaws as wide as she can when she's laughing. She acts as a big snake who is stretching jaws before swallowing her prey. Look at the look in her eyes when she does that.
Fat-Cardinal ain't no sh.t either. Bents over and talks to her like she's his majesty or some such. Dem are good for Catholics, but they're also will gladly take the money from "right wingers" any day of the year.

Look at the irony of that picture; crooked H and Cardinal Dolan siting next to each other shoulder to shoulder, nose to nose, almost goofing off and pretending they like each other. Dems like Catholics because they vote for them, they don't like their "backwards" believe system of none-abortion life. How a cardinal can "like" someone who is pro abortion? All charities like dems, because when taxes are high. rich donate to charity more. Most of it stolen by no-goodniks who run them, maybe, just maybe a little goes down to someone in the bottom, - such as worn cloths and expired food. Hallelujah.
Let me go to Catholic charity and ask for help, see what I'd get. I'll get nothing, I promise you.
Project Veritas should send different people asking for different things, have it taped and show it to the public. See what you see. Catholic church don't carfe about the future of this country. They take the money fundraised in here and take it to hell-holes-countries humans multiply like as they wish.
If you want sex, have it, have it dirty, have it early, have it as often as you can, drop whatever coming out of it and ask God to make others pay for it. Isn't it nice?
Let me guess, just a wild guess, see if the reader will agree with me. Just asking for another guess.
Does Catholic church goes to those places and says;
"I'm the God's apostle who came to take care of you while you have no job, no electricity, can't read and write, couldn't create your own flushing toilet, warm your own water to wash your dirty behind, but don't worry, keep putting your half-brother's/first cousin's poopoo... in it, if it feels good you have to do it, God tells you to do it 365, 24/7 and I'm here to give you soap, food, cloths, wash your dirty .ss so you can believe that God hears you and sends you what you need to keep shagging up until you drop dead?"
I shouldn't say this, but I did. I know it sounds "impolite," but if its that bad why those who're doing it
are not embarrassed, ashamed and stopped? Oh, no, Catholic church is there to "support" those. Catholic church will NOT be there to support persons like myself, who have education, decency, feeling of responsibility, keep their panties on and can support others after getting it for ourselves.
Nosir, none-for-profits are there to keep the underdog an underdog, so they can have more miserable people hanging in front of their doors. More miserable people, more constituency they have, more money they ask from others to "help," richer they get more money they can steal and use for themselves and the crams will go those who can't get better and will create more miserable people like themselves. I want to know, if every charitable organization will close down today. will anything change in this country? I mean all of them. I mean ALL OF THEM let say for 10 years. ???
Especially, particularly and first those who take any penny out of this country.

Dr. Ben Carson said that there are 650 gov. agencies operate in the US. Which ones are those? Do we even know the names? Where do we find? Any journalist who's face is on TV screens and gets paid millions can put that list out? Not only the names, but the mission statement and explanation of the reason of their existence? Some of them just collecting money to take out of this country.
1. stop non-profits; first those who sent money oversees
2. cut all the gov. aid to oversees
3. cut most of gov. agencies which are busy bs-ing with taxpayer money
4. phony science-research organizations, such as those who are working on projects to find out "old monkeys' sex habits," "intellectual levels of baby docks," and some such.
5. totally reform all so called EEO and other agencies' work,
6. cut gov. funding of schools who teach poison against the majority of this country who pays for it;
such as triple and quadruple discrimination against minorities.... What? As long as I have been in this country, which is quarter of century, I live through and bear vile discrimination against me, because I'm white on daily bases. And, unless someone who can sponsor me, give me guarantee that if I'll expose all I live, I'll be taking care off, no one that I know can do it. Money knew about it, but they can't dare; they have children, work, house and want to survive.

Now, let' go to middle east. Today humanitarian pause and corridor to help people from eastern Aleppo to flee is already closed. Two times it was extended by the order of Putin.
According to, reported by heroic Alexander Yevstigneev,
some flee, but many civilians couldn't manage to escape, because the vermin is keeping them as dawns and shields.
Now, who's fault is that? Yes, I have have compassion for innocent woman and children,
but those women are really innocent? Who is going to look around and figure what's going on in the world and then lay and lay and lay some more to make more and more children?
Last time I check NOBODY, including The Pope and Grand Mufti and the rest of "wise ones" saw babies are dropping down from skies. Who's going to tell those stop doing what you were doing and do something for yourself? The world don't owe you anything. It was there before you got there, before having you in this world it's your parents responsibility to THINK how to take care of you.
That's what separates humans from animals. Conscience, will power, judgment, thinking BEFORE doing is the main difference. Learning from mistakes. Generations of people learned how to change, improve and advance. Some people do it slowly than others, because of their mentality, which is bases on their value system, which is based on their religion, which wasn't reformed for centuries.
That's what I grew up knowing; you're here not to take but give, because God gave you 2 hand, 2 feet, 2 eyes, etc. My mother worked 35 years, - full time, My father worked 43 years - full time, they have 2 kids and told us God gave you brain to think for yourself and not to ask from Him. He does NOT work for you. You work for HIM! So go ahead and do it. You can't do it today, think about how you can do it tomorrow. Do not ask, but give. We weren't religious, actually nobody even had a Bible. We didn't need to read an old book to "figure" out right from wrong. They just were clear; study, have education, work, work, work, no matter what job is that, you had to work. Without it you considered a consumer and fee-louder only, a lazy bum. You didn't need to be homeless to be a bum. Nobody was homeless in USSR, nobody. But you'd be called a bum, if you were lazy.
In USSR, Europe and USA people worked until their death. Pilgrims here had to cut wood to put up a fire and make their bread every day until they built roads and buildings, communications and energy supplies which could help connect with others and build a society.
In Europe, German women was the hardest working women. Look at Russian history; after 2 nasty WWs and a revolution women were the ones who work on every job. Men were dead, came back sick, women ran factories, built roads and military machinery, work on the soil, etc.
Incomparably high percentage of women in christian world participated in work force, produced and serviced for other in their societies. In WW2 Intrepid was built by women in here.
At the same time, same decades and centuries middle east and most of the Muslim world was busy multiplying. More the merrier! Just keep it on! Prey-all.h-ish.all.h, and He will take from somebody else and give it to you. Ain't it something? Look at Afghanistan, humans are multiplying in caves, kids, 12-13 years old already having sex with their cousins, producing other kids, living and dying in there and we have to save them?
Oh, - you liberals and progressives, do NOT EVER forget that they hate you, Hate their gits so bad that I can't even put in words in here, - you the people of "civilized" world. Give them food, cloths, medication, go fix their teeth, wash their feet, bring them here and see how they'll spit at your faces and bury you all alive - you liberals garbage you!

Let me do the rough counting; in Islam women don't work outside, there are no jobs, let's say.
Who's going to create jobs for them? Other from other civilizations? Then how come they're the ones who are superior and won't budge on their thinking?
Islamic world always will be in bloodshed, because of these numbers; out of 100 how many are kids, women and elderly. 2/3rd or 3/4? Men get more than one woman and makes more eating mounts more rapidly, then, because more food needed, goes out and kills other men. In reality there are very few people are doing anything to provide for themselves, let alone to contribute to human society.
5 times praying, relaxing, rejuvenating is all for good, but it takes time, isn't it? Look, French are hardly working, what do you expect from Arabs? How many Arab women are working in any job in those countries who took them in millions? Nosire, they're busy multiplying and detesting your society which feeds them at the first place.
Unless this is said and showed out loud, constantly, continuously and openly those like crooked-witch-Hillary can not comprehend. Minorities in here are busy complaining and trying to get more and more stuff and don't know what's coming on their heads.
No vermanic media talks and will ever talk about these simple things.
Who's going to do it if not me?
Savage mentions things, but superficially. That's basically all there is that I know of.
What I'd tell Savage is that it's worth not only to talk about but do something about it, such as having more grandchildren. One is far, far not enough, sir.

Look how damn-low-information-crowds in here are acting up against the interest of this country in upcoming elections.
You'll not believe this, this is a political scandal, at 
There is a common practice in diplomacy between USA and RF to be present in polling places of each other's countries at the time of elections. American observers, diplomats, journalists go and put their noses everywhere they can in Russian elections and report from it accordingly. By the way they have been welcomed so far.
Authorities in 3 states in here - Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas, threatened the members of Russian   diplomatic corp, i.e. employees of Russian embassy, if they appear in polling places as observers during election process. They warned Russians that their appearance will be viewed as a criminal act. ??? What the hell is going on? Russian report about this is short.
I'd love to see one of our "journalists" covering this incident professionally. Anybody alive in this country who works for MSM knows anything about Int'l law of diplomacy and can break this story down? One can only hope.

Sunday, the 23rd.

Let me start this with a fun news; the mascot for 2018 FIFA, which will be held in Russia is chosen; it's the wolf! at
There were 3 of them - cat, tiger and wolf. Very cute, funny and happy looking personage with blue eyes. I love it. My type of a character.
[You'll see, "Int'l community" of western powers, which got crazy already, is going to do everything to come up with some phony, destructive stuff to try to ruin this one for Russians too. If only Putin won't have fun. That's the mission of the west. Remember what they did at the end of winter Olympics in Sochi? Poor thing hardly participated in closing ceremony and run out into a war situation.
I know why O has a vicious animosity toward Putin, but can't write about it in here. It's a poison injected in him by his own "handlers" who will benefit from a war. Putin got nothing to do with it and I'm sure he don't even guess. Why I am sure? Because I feel 1000% about it. It's too far fetched and
a man of his caliber wouldn't bother with a sh.t like that. Too low and too small for him. But for O, it's a big deal, because of his insecurity coupled with his narcissism. That's all.

Look at this, at  
To see who important it is for Russia and the rest of us to defeat vermin in middle east, check
these clips;,, - Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting from Aleppo. 
First one is about a group of bandits/t.r.r.sts inside Russian city of Nizhniy Novgorod who throw a bomb at police,
the second about Assad's and Russian Armies advancement to free Aleppo and the hysteria of western media against it. The report says that if Syrian army will take control of Aleppo it will be a decisive step toward taking control of the most of populated areas of the country where the main lifelines exist. The rest, where there is very little or no population is a desert. That's where allies want to push the vermin.
Entire western media is crying foul saying that Russian and Syrian forces are killing civilians.
You know what?!.... Let me stop here...
Dr. Ben Carson said it out loud while on one of the highest podium of this country when he was running for presidency that to think that we can defeat our enemies without any casualties to their civilian population is an asinine thing to think.

Five years ago Libyan leader Q was killed, "thanks" to crooked H, and that country plunged into chaos, at
Report says;
American democracy wants to bring human and free assembly rights into "dictatorships" by the way of killing dictators. We're all be for democracy, of course, but look what happens to those societies when the "dictator" is gone.
A total mess, devastation, bloodbaths, t.r.r, sea of death and distraction of the daily survival and the future for all for those countries. What kind of "democracy" is that and who needs it? Aren't people of those countries now missing their "dictators?"

Listen what a real expert Yakov Kedmi says about the situation in Mosul.
Another very serious expert orientalist, Russian Yevgeniy Satanovskiy comments on the situation in Syria, at Saying that USA is in an idiotic position.

[We have no experts for the history and specifics of the middle east, no leadership (military or civilian) whatsoever. Top it with low-life, semi-literate, vermin of the MSM acting like a 5th column and there goes your own survival under the almighty force of Russian military. Yes, I said almighty.
One nasty confrontation and collision with Russian military in those top spots in Syria and Iraq can wake us up in another world. No joke.
Anybody whose brain is not dead intellectually can vote for crooked H? Anyone is watching what's going on in the world and can see, hear and feel what can happen in any minute can vote for that witch? She'll bring Halloween forever after for all the people who're high on crock, doped up, severely medicated and are in semi-comatose state. No joke!
I can't imagine what Putin is going through every hour when watching the scale of tolerance against violent idiotism of US and EU. It CAN NOT be unlimited.

Yesterday Trump delivered a powerful policy speech by laying out his plan for first 100 days in office, at
No vermin in MSM writes about this. Those scumbags, those traitors who hate their own children and wants them dead!!! There can not be another reason to be so suicidal.

So long.

Friday, October 21, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 21st, Friday


Rainy, nasty day in NYC. I canceled 2 appointments, decided to take care of 3 more things another day, stayed home to do this. Glad to be in bed.

Nasty, vile NY press again attack Trump. If he'll become the President, would you blame him for drying these sewage pipes down? I mean, I can believe there are still sick minds that pay for those.
I get disgusted when I even look at their front pages, let alone touching them. If even they'd pay me, I'd not read any of papers on NYC newsstands.

Yesterday Trump and H were in some "money collecting" dinner, they call it Al Smith. Whoever was he, I'm not interested to know, neither care about collecting money for Catholic charities. Why? Because I'm not a Catholic? No. Because Catholics lost so much money by settling child molestation cases that they closed lots of schools and perishes. Did they eradicate that problem? I'm not sure, because they don't say it and don't bring any example to show proof.
Am I asking something impossible or difficult to do? I don't think so. If not all perishes, where adults work, but all the schools, all the time must be under CCTV at all times, which should be streamed live so every parent can watch at any given time. Is this a racket science?
I believe that this should be the most important 1st step taken by its leadership before having a face to go out and ask for money.

This morning, when I turned the TV on channel Escape, there was an episode from a case from 1981 murder of Texas priest Ryan, who had "2 sides" in him and was raping man. He was murdered in cheap motel room, may he not rest in peace. What? I'm not suppose to say it? I'm suppose to be perfect humanitarian? For what reason? Who says?
He was a pervert. He took advantage of people who went to him to 'confess' their sins, to find some spiritual solace and empathy, if not support, but he used their weakness to violate them. What happened after he died? He became better? I don't think so. I won't lie to look good as those 1000 people who went to that dinner yesterday and CC collected $6M after that.
I know Trump had to go, he's in politics, he told some jokes, etc. But... if I'd have money to donate, I'd give to animal shelters. All of it. I liked one of Trump jokes particularly; the one he said that H
accidentally bumped to him and said "pardon me." She needs to be pardoned alright.
Anyway; when those rich and powerful getting together in the case is "money collecting," it don't impress me much, the least to say.
Last a few days that's what H was doing while laying in her bed? Media said she was "fundraising."
I have a neighbor who uses drugs, deals drags and when she asks for money she says she's "fundraising." Anything more than a few $s for smoke and drink, is a "fundraising" event.
I think Catholic church should stop their missions in Africa, Asia and other 3rd-4th world countries and help people in here where they got their money from. Do you see how many homeless on the streets of NYC? You think they don't see them? I believe they do, they pass them by and go far, far away to do BS. I want to know if they're taking that money and hiding in offshore. What? Am I saying anything unbelievable? No. That's why I need to have my own network, so I can ask these Qs and let the people get the answers. I already know. I'm doing this as public service to contribute to civil society and I don't need their money if even they'd give it to me. I'll not take from everybody.

Now, lets' go to Mosul, Iraq and Aleppo, Syria.
First US service man died in Mosul offensive, at 

In Aleppo, humanitarian corridors are working to get civilians out of the war zone. It looks like a mess where even locals don't know who is who, where they come from, for what, etc. etc.
Did you hear al-nusra now is called al-whatever or al-whatnot? Who can differentiate good and bad and in between all those groups firing guns and bombing each other? As per believing out media, -
oh my Lord, have mercy, who can guess what they can show and what they can say.
Things in broad day light on the streets in NYC is twisted and turned upside down in their mouths, how they can tell us what's going on where we can't see ourselves? Between those groups there are no lines, no uniforms, no insignia. Everyone is wearing a camouflage and can have any patch on their arms anytime they want. To interchange their "affiliation" all they need is a safety pin. Go figure.
America never should send soldiers on the ground.

Your show will start in an hour, until then I'll search the news.
By the order of Putin, humanitarian pause in Aleppo is extended for one more day, until 7pm Saturday. T.r.r.sts are holding people back, scaring them, shooting at them, shooting at Russian journalists and soldiers. Those who could get out telling horror stories with tears, at 
US State Department releases 122 Clinton emails, at
There has been a terrible helicopter crush in Russia. Out of 22 passengers only 3 survived, at

After 3pm, your show started, you're talking about National Enquirer's article about H's flings with women in the past. I don't know what is that about. Never heard of such things before.
You said you don't care about it because you're a sexual libertarian and we should worry about possibly coming WW3. What should we expect Putin to do, while bullies surrounding O in WH
are ganging up on him, back down? He won't. What about H's words that strong countries talk to their adversaries. Why we can't talk to Putin? What's wrong with talking to him?
Even Jill Stein said if H is elected, we'll have a world war.

This is your today's full show, at Some of it is encore. 

Oh, boy, oh boy, look what I found. The following clip is from Al Smith dinner, watch 1:11min. when H opening her purse, taking something out covertly and with 2-3 fingers together shoving that inside her throat. I believe it was a medication. Here is he clip,
If it's a legit med, I'm all for it, but what if it's a performance enhancer or something else. Look at her face changing every second, her mouth opens wide and wild when laughing. Gives me creeps. 
Look at 24:52min, when Trump goes to sit down on his chair next to the fatso cardinal (yes, I said fatso), fatso is shaking his hand swiftly and turns again to the witch. Look at nasty announcer, who I feel is choking on his sins of doling .... to the kids, especially to kids in "need" (yes I said that), how he's undermining Trump's wonderful speech by using an expression so called taken from Reagan "there you go again." What that suppose to mean? Like he's doing in again and again, which should be annoying? Wow, there are some vermin in that crowd, for sure. When Trump is talking pay attention to the gestures of the big -fatso bending over the her and whispering into her ear, look at his hand gesture like saying "...." I don't want to put what I feel he's saying. And, come to think of it, Trump's father use to go to Al Smith dinners, which means they have been contributing for decades.
Oh, boy, oh, boy, how I don't believe most of the crowd sitting there.
Trump was right, she had her entire campaign sitting there; - entire vermanic Main Stream Media.
Maria Bartiromo decided to deeply open her hanging breasts. For what reason? Isn't she married? That wasn't even beautiful, it looked tasteless. Like she was wearing somebody else's dress which was 2 sizes bigger on her.
That looked pretty slutty. I'm sure she's going to get some backlash for it. Maybe that's what she was looking for? Who knows?  

So long.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 20th, Thursday


Wee hours.
Of course cuckoo-CNN is going to say that most people liked H's performance. What else is new?
I think Trump won. The most important thing from today on is to get out to vote, talk to people to point out the real differences between the two. The future of this country is at stake. One wrong move, one military accident in Syria can start the WW3.
If even some people have been a lifelong democrat, they can vote for Trump in that booth at polling place. You can do it in general election. Go vote Trump no matter what's your party registration is. You do not need to change it. You can do it in general election. Party affiliation or registration is not required. I register "no party" on the paper. Stay in your damn democrat plantation and still vote for him!

Look at this cheerful clip, I love Diamond and Silk. They worked so hard to get their side of the story out. They're uniters, not dividers.
This is taken in spin room after yesterday's debate, at 

This is interesting too; a short clip from spin room in Trump area. R. Giuliani is giving interview to Sean Hannity, at

Sean did a tremendous job for Trump. Look at this article proving it, at

Check Ben Shapiro's "How to debate a liberal,"
Check this clip at, at 24th min he says that media is more crooked than crooked Hillary, that 14% of voters are none citizens. I'm not only not surprised, but I think that numbers can be higher and not only none-citizens, but illegals.
He is talking about 2014 article in Washington Post called "Could none citizens decide Nov. election?"
In one of your recent shows you said women from NY vote 3 times; one for themselves, second for their dead husbands, the third - in FL. It was funny, but might be true and they will be all liberals.
1.8million people are dead and still on the lists to vote? Yikes!!!

This is the full debate, at 

4:45pm, second hour of your show is about ending and I turned it off already. Why? Because you're saying that you don't know who will win, talking about things that you already talked about. You asked listeners to call, saying lines are all busy, but still not taking any calls. I wanted to call, but can't wait for hours on line and at the end not be able to say what I want to say.
It's nerve racking to get on your program. I don't have extra nerves.
This is what I have to say; in my opinion all the debates Trump won automatically, on default. Why?
Because she is a professional-politician-liar and he's an armature-beginner-honest-improviser.
It don't mean that he doesn't know what he's talking about or what the issues are, it means he's not cooked the way she's. He's an authentic boss, has been all his life, she is a shrewd employee-telemarketer who memorized all the answers for decades. In telemarketing they call it "overcoming objections." There is an answer/explanation for any question/objection. As simple as that.
I didn't watch the debate. I listened it over the radio. I didn't like and didn't want to see Trump soft, shagging shoulders and bending over to microphone.
She is so pumped up, I can't even start talking about it. She was in her bed for a few days getting all sorts of intravenous substances to keep her awake for couple of hours. Look at her hair, she doesn't have so much hair. All bunch of extensions are glued in every square inch of her head, look at her makeup, she looks 20 years younger. I actually don't mind. If someone want to look glamorous, I'd have a pleasure to look at and compliment too. But, in this particular case she's not participating in casting for a role in a movie. she's running to became a ruler of free world.
As wee say in NYC on street language "she ain't all that, trust me, she ain't all that, nothing she has to be that."
Actually to give me a therapy after the debate and make this blog fun and exiting at the same time,
I'd insist the reader check this clip out, at (above expression at 5:30min. and 9:50min. after winning saying "it's just about being yourself."
This is from 90's sitcom called "Martin" starring very talented Martin Lawrence. He plays multiple roles in it. Beside himself he played his own mother, which was a firecracker/rioter in nature, he played his neighbor Sheneneh, who is another bright and fiery eccentric character, etc. Sheneneh is a successful business woman, a hair dresser, who has her own hair salon and actually getting awards for her masterful craft. She's not taken seriously, because of her looks, gestures and mischievous behavior, but she can ram her way through with unconventional means, often using street-bully tactics and actually getting her way by screaming the truth.
She's telling the ugly truth the way it is and at the end, after racking the place emotionally and shaking every person's private dirt on surface, she gets what she wants and says "the truth will set you free."  I love it. I love it so much, I can't have enough watching it. By now I know it by heart and can do the entire episode on a dot. Try me.
I know presidential election is different than becoming a member of "women business club" like in that episode, but human psyche is the same in every instance of winning or loosing.
Hillary's constituency talks streets language. Welfare class is mostly uneducated and can't understand or relate to high "materia" (or to a rich man with a perfect looking family), such as national security.
Most people are going to vote their pockets and they're the ones who depend on it. So, in reality, they have no choice but to go for her, because she promises more "stuff."
Trump could do the same way - the street way; just talk straight, use street tactic of interrupting and over-talking and, in the meantime tell the bitter TRUTH. For God's sake!
He has the truth on his side, but yesterday he came out soft. Softer than he needed to be.
He never should let an inch of her poison come close to him. Look what Sheneneh does when she wins and appointed on the board of the club; she generously allows her adversaries to join in too, but hands over her business flyers and INSIST them to distribute those.
When she said that he's undermining the "legitimacy of democratic elections" (damn-retarded words) by not pledging to "except" the results, Trump should say; "What else you want me to "automatically" except? Maybe, after I win, I'll automatically hire you to distribute my flyers? I'll do that!"
That really will make my day! Come to think of it, I'm going to send Trump a bell, like the one Sheneneh rings to silent Gina and Pam. I'll send him a Liberty Bell from Philly. A real loud one.

Also he has to know about and address those people who have been in this country for generations and got used to idea of  being an underclass and being taking cafe of. He should talk to them directly and say; "I know you're out there, I know who you are, you live in NYC next to me, you live in projects, some of you lay on the streets that I walk through. I see you and will take care of you.
I'll not cut social programs, I'll make them more efficient to soften your pain and prevent your kind from the same thing." He should bring couple of them with him and point out to those, go to minority and crime areas of NYC and talk to people directly and get a name of an innocent 4 years old girl, like H did. Libs usually pawn kids for their perv-progressive agenda.
Was it easily doable? Anyone advise him to do so? I don't know. Maybe it's not worth it, because NYS is predominantly dem and any effort would not make any difference anyway? But people from around the country would see it, hear it and feel that his heart is in the right place.
We blame O and H for not doing any good to their home-town Chicago. He should tell us he'll make NYC the best city in the world, because simply he resides there.
In the episode above, at 5:30min into the clip Sheneneh says "she ain't all that, ....."
He should use the same expression. What would that do?  It would show that he watches black shows, likes black actors, loves black people, relates to their mentality and agrees with them in many ways.
Average person first reacts to words; Do you know what they know, do you relate to them with your likes and dislikes?

Living in NYC for quarter of century I can talk Ebonics, recite from many black comedians by heart and even do the certain types of walks and gestures they do. When I talk to blacks that I don't know, in couple of minutes they're surprised he hear what I say and how I say it. Most who know me personally call me  "red hair black girl with light skin" or "light-skin sister." I love it. In "Martin" show also his mother called Gina, his girlfriend, a "light skin "b.itch."

Well, I'm going to see where was Trump today. He said that he'll except the outcome of elections if he'd be the winner. !!! That's my man right there!!!
Sick vermin of the media try to do everything to hold every innocent word against him as a mortal weapon. Of course, if he'll think that the result of votes are not fair or legit, he'll have constitutional right to contest it.
What's new about it? Remember Al Gore? He contested and never even stop talking about it until today. He created an entire industry of money making on imaginary process of the world burning down. Made a movie to embarrass this country called "An inconvenient truth."
After Europeans saw it, I lived in France and they'd look at me like I was the one who was bringing the world down for everyone. His truth and my rat's foot go together, as far as I'm concerned.
Al Gore can contest election results and Donald Trump can't? Who says? Liberals who have Colorado brownies for breakfast? I see.

I haven't gone into Int'l news, you see. I'm aware of it, but no time to write about it. This blog has been a very time consuming endeavor I took on myself more than 6 years ago and don't pay me any penny. Would it if I'd like to? I don't know. I didn't set it up for it. At least until now. Should I have substantial financial means I'll definitely get my own channel or network. It's time to bring the entire rotten, corrupt, stupid 5th column of this country called MSM down to its knees. 
Come to think of it; it's not impossible, not even very difficult. 
It needs my ideas, skills, experience, wisdom, education, knowledge and the money will get the tools to show the proofs. That's all. 
I'll involve and include everybody who'll want to join the conversation. Anybody who wants and even don't want. I'll challenge them to get involved. Spice and fire? Bring it on! Yes! 

Today Trump is in Delaware, Ohio, at
Great speech. He's telling that violence incited at his rallies were paid by the people from Clinton campaign. Also fatso-dana-brazil got the Qs and gave to Hillary. Trump calls for her resignation.
Why is it not investigated publicly and prosecuted? Why sick vermin of MSM are not talking about it? Just look at the pictures all over; she's 10 inches short, but she looks the same or even taller.
Meatball Jr. was kissing her sagging .ss treating her much better. Why he called she "madam secretary?" She is an ex-secretary. That's not a forever title. It's a temp job title.
Why he didn't address Trump as Mr. CEO? He is still CEO and always have been.
What is this; previously gov. job holder is better than present self-employed magnet? Who says?
That was the discrimination against Trump from the get go. He had to tear her and meatloaf a part, give them flood of words not used before - telling them both --- off!
Instead he came out polite and lovely manners toward "a lady" and a traitor conman.

Int'l news; bad, bad bad, 3 Russian military officers are wounded and 14 Syrian city workers executed in Aleppo by the militants. Officers are transported to Khmeimim base, their injures are not life threatening. 14 city official were murdered because they gave orders to civilians to flee the city, at
There was a declared pause in hostilities to get humanitarian aid through, which should be ended tonight, but by the order of Putin it's extended for another day.

UN is ready to provide humanitarian aid as of tomorrow, but it needs guaranteed 48 hour pause.
Putin is in Berlin today talking discussing the situation in south-eastern Ukraine, at Kiev so far did not comply with Minsk2 and assignments of OSCE. The latter is only a civilian mission. D-tran said that no magic happened in that meeting and they'll talk to Kiev after it'd do its homework. Uncle PP looks like a demon to me.

Imagine what Putin is going through? Imagine dealing with all those Big-Nuts in western hemisphere plus Islamic world with its complexities and unpredictability? Wow! That some "job" right there.

So long.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 19th, Wednesday, 2016 AD


Afternoon, second hour of your show. Playing Mexican music - Viva Las Vegas!!!

Tonight is the 3rd and last Presidential debate, which is being held in University of Nevada in Las Vegas.
"What goes in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is NOT going to effect on this event. This is a historic event and will be watched by anyone in the world who has brain cells still working properly.
You're right by saying that average Americans don't think war with Russia, don't know nothing about the past wars and couldn't believe in a new one without it actually happening.

Your yesterday's show is at 
You said that we're at war with radical-Islam and need Russia's help to win it. You played the Russian anthem and loudly said that we love Russia and don't want to have war with it. You called O an islamo-phile. The first time I heard it, it's funny and true.

Also talked about how the media is twisting every ward that comes out of Trump's mouth and using phony characterizations to undermine him. Very true.
I don't know how that type of "winning the conversation" method called in psychology, but it was created by vermin who think that they're the only smart ones.
I actually personally know couple of people who act like that, meaning every word they hear, they stop, twist and use against the other one. It's just a broken meat-grinder which produces its own poison. Those types of brains' functioning can't be changed or cured, only soil can calm them down.
But, until we have to deal with them, we have to use the same method to stop them.
"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth," what about that? In Russian they say "clin clinom vishibayut," equivalent of "like cures like."

You're saying that evil Soros has a company that produces voting machines and Monday's interview can help him or hurt him, for what he said and how the media can interpret it. It's seminal and most likely the last one before the election, you said and put the interview again.

To me one thing is going to be very exciting to watch; Malik Obama, O's half brother who is American and lives in DC will be attending the debate on Trump's side. Yessir! I'd love to hear what he said before, what he'll say tonight and afterwords. I never heard of him before.

Meatball junior, as you call Chris Wallace, is going to moderate. His last name came from Wallik.
This is another one who's disgrace to his own ethnic group like Soros and many others who're so called libs. They're lairs from inside out, from head to toe, top to bottom and all around.

I can expose those bozos like no one else, because I don't work for anybody. Trump can sponsor me, because I'd need lot of protection after I open my mouth. I make sure everything comes out of it is
accompanied by a proof - picture, record or tape, or all of the above.

The third hour; you're talking about how vermin in the media are turning Trump's words (looking up for peace with Russia) against him. He said that if he's elected, before his inauguration he'll meet with Putin. What a wise thing to do. But... vermin are too stupid for their own survival, they hate themselves because they know or least subconsciously feel that they're low-lives and living life of lie. From A-Z. See, to proof that we don't need to just talk back, but show the proof who they're.
Project Veritas is doing a good job but not merely enough to make a difference. Not to many even heard of the name. It's and @Projectveritas. 
Look at this, at

H's campaign came hard on Robert Creamer and called O'Keeffe names. Notorious CNN keeps replaying O's words calling Trump a whiner, because he says that election is rigged.
Yes, it is, because no ID illegals and couple of million of dead can vote, who're all on Dem. side.
Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. :) Also, personally I'd like to know the enemies, to tell, in much better ways, who they're.  If the enemy is the one like lose-lip-joe-biden with foaming mouth and fire-sparkling-eyes who openly, in the media, threatens another nuclear super-power with cyber-attack, I know I have to worry not only about me, but the safety of the entire regions, if not the planet.

[There is an announced "stop the fire" orders in some areas surrounding Aleppo to let civilians to leave the area to get humanitarian aid. UN even said that soldiers can get out with their weapons too.
I'm afraid that no matter the outcome of today's debate, dems are going to do everything to shift the attention from Trump's campaign and massage to other things. Vermin in the media will be busy brewing their witch brew.]

Yesterday you said that not only we have to vote, but we have to get out to vote, meaning talking to people on the other side and explaining what is at stake. Life and death of this country is at stake.
She'll limit the 10 commandments, first the speech, then the self-protection, etc.    
The choice is between Free market or Authoritarian government controlling you and your business and floods this county with people from all over the world who'll bring their hell-hole mentality and behavior.
Lowest form of humanity reached to highest position in news info and entertainment business, you said. True. And, making a fortune while confusing and drowning this nation into abyss. No joke here.

Late night; debate ended, I think Trump did much better than before. Of course she was rehearsed and ready for every Q from meatloaf and every word from T. But... boy, oh, boy. I'm going to check what the name of that type of "debate" in psychology. Must be called "The Art of bullsh..ting." If not, I'll call it as such.
One thing I'd tell T to pay attention to, should I be his adviser, is that there are lots of people who're registered to vote for the first time. He definitely should address them directly and personally.
Also all those who're depend on gov. benefits. The number of those is just growing and if she wins the poverty class will grow more and become increasingly more permanent.

To me the most vital issue is relations with Russian Federation, which can bring us into brink of a war over Syria. It's won't be a war FOR Syria, but from Russian perspective will be a war for its safety and independent Int'l policy making. Russia simply CAN NOT stop its actions in Syria. Assad is an ineffective leader, because he lost control over the rule of his country. But, they don't have any other who is better. That's for sure. And, it's not our job to find one for Syrian people. Last time I check, according to Russian sources, there are more than 10 000 people from the territory of former soviet union went to fight in Syria. Those are getting experience to kill, destroy, sharing radical Islamic ideology and if they win, going to go back to Russia and do the same in there.
Putin has no other choice whatsoever. It's a survival issue for Russia. It already suffered from t.r.r badly. I'm surprised that Putin is not getting crazy dealing with western powers.

So long.

Monday, October 17, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 17th, Monday


Wee hours of the morning.
The sh*t is about hitting the fan in this country's politics. This is the most important election in this country's history. This is election of survival of old good US of A or its failure into 3rd world country or even worse, - it's demise all together. I'm not exaggerating. This is so real, that's surreal.

Biggest cancer of this country is its media. It's eating the body which sustains it from within. There are some benign cells, but 99% of it is pure poison. It's spreading rapidly and deteriorating functions of vital organs one after another faster and faster.
Money making, blood thirsty "All-red" types of verminic characters are out there in full force to suck as much blood as they can. Having uterus is a new weapon of the global fight on ruling the world until it comes down completely.  

Check this clip called "all voters must see," at Watch short history of crooked H's career from Little Rock, Travel-gate to  - you name it. MUST WATCH!

This too at proves that H is crooked.
This too about her "flig-flangs" at 
In 2008, H's "friend" Michelle O said "if you can't run your house, you can't run WH" to H when she was running against her husband, at
Enjoy this at and this at Nice stuff by The Doctor of Common Sense.
You can't afford to miss it.
This is fun too, made by a lady and named "For the People" at

Check my girl Judge Jeanine Pirro's site @JudgeJeanine. 
Check mine @Starlet737. I just re-tweeted some stuff from Trump.

There are meetings coming up for Oct. 19th in Berlin and Paris. Both are very important for the future of this planet. I can't stress that enough.
Only active God can work to stop the insanity of leaders if western powers who lost their minds and crying bloody war with Russia.
Check this article from couple of days ago about crooked Hillary, at

Also check my girls @ DiamondandSilk, they're terrific, working hard for their believes. They want people to have jobs instead of "benefits," they want people to reach for the stars, not for the crumbs.
They should be heads of Department of Labor. I wish I'll see that day.

See what America is protecting and sponsoring; In the center of Kiev neo-nazi-members of Azov battalion burned down the flag of Israel, at
It's good they didn't throw ashes on the face of uncle-Biden, yet.

New from Eastern Ukraine where is hot war is still going on, domestic organized by Kiev's thugs and paid by almighty $s from here killed one of self-defense leaders, patriot of Donetsk Republic Arsen Pavlov when he went home, The explosive was hidden in the elevator, at A young man with a young family,a wife and kids.
Also at This is the official site of Donetsk 
I didn't forget those poor people left out of attention of Int'l community. Their humanity is not valued as the humanity of others who western powers prefer. I always check the news from there, but don't always have time to write about it. Winter is fast approaching and they live in war zone.
God, please, help them! 5:25am

Haven't slept yet.
Don't know what to say, GN or GM?

Late night;  Trump was on your show today, must hear, at
You were talking about your ban from entering UK and H's hidden "worries" for not paying attention to your attorney's request to help remove it.
You asked Trump why is left, who always pretended to be against war, is biting drums of war against Russia, including Joe-Biden. He said "they're incompetent people, O's an incompetent president and H is beyond that. Russia has more capacity and they should be careful what they wish for."
"Election is rigged by the media." he also said.
This is the interview separately, at

So long.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 15-16th, weekend edition


Saturday, the 15th.
Yesterday you started the show saying that T had to be in and you weren't going to ask him about low topic of kissing some women 50 years ago.

The entire thing is a sick manipulation of low-information-voters' minds by vermin of MSM.
Of course some leaches can come out to spotlight now, armed with snake lawyers, to try to cash on a kiss. Is it stupidity to get attention or extortion attempt? With those women who now come on Trump, the case is latter.
Most of sexual harassment goes like this; if the guy/man is cute, rich, powerful and satisfies the financial and social needs of the female, - he's nice. If he's ugly, poor or cheap and didn't do or give as much as expected, - he's a predictor. How dare he!  

Russia is warning its citizens to be prepared for worse case scenario. You're right. O is the one who's beating war drums, because his handlers will profit from it. "Noble Prize" - my rat's .ss!
Here is the show at
You say that we have the worse media in the world. You know why I'd agree with that? Because they're hiding under the name of "most free and fair in the world" motto. At least the rest in the world are not using those phony self-aggrandizing titles.
That same so called "free and fair media and freedom of speech" was the reason I left behind everything and spent quarter of century in here, just to find out that a black lie and black racism can hold me captive just because I'm white, not connected, not rich, innocent and moral. Oh, yeah, you have to see it to believe it. Only your own eyes can make you believe. Only 24/7 live-stream of my daily life will show you what's really going on in this country. At least in NYC. I'm more than sure that what you'll see, you haven't seen before and didn't even have a clue. There is nowhere in multi-billion dollar industry of news and information you can find things that happened to me and what I put up with every day. I'm not talking about jail or prison, I'm talking about a daily, simple, low-key, mind my own business, always nice, generous, friendly, helpful, caring, quiet, honest, paying my bills on time life. What reverse discrimination does is worse than slavery. I mean it and can prove it. Any minute of the day. Couldn't be the best reality show. **********************************

Well, let me go back to the main topic now.  
Even Jill Stein of Green Party says that Hillary instigating nuclear war with Russia. She's right, God forbid, if she'll be in charge and declare "no fly zone over Syria" we'll be in WW3. One order and the real hell will brake loose. Gorbachev is right; we're close to hot war with Russia than we were in the time of cold war in 60's and 70's. Because there was a clear red line and balance of powers.
Now, it's only unpredictability of WH coupled with neutered military leadership. What military man will go for an old sick crazy woman's ruling?
The whole world is going to think that all the men in this country are dead or at least brain dead. Look who's talking loud against Trump; a holly-weirdo, drag-addict, bozo actor de-Nero-my-rat's-foot! His face looks like a caricature of rat's .ss!
Dumb prostitute of Hollywood open their ugly mouths to get attention. Their drag-induced minds
poison impressionable youth in this country.
Trump couldn't make it to the air for some reason. Will be on on Monday.

Here is his speech in Charlotte, NC yesterday, at
At 24th min. into the tape he take down the teleprompters. He does better without it.
That's my man! I have allergy when people read what they have to say, no matter who they are.
They look like parrots which only can repeat, not as people who can simply think.
At 45min. he says that we're going to build out depleted military. That's a protector-man talk!

This is one of his best ideas; owning his own network?

He says that H was pumped-up and need to take a drag test ahead of the 3rd debate, at

Putin is in India for BRIKS meeting and already signed energy and military deals worth of Billions, at and also 

About war on internet with Russia, at
Lavrov and Kerry are in Lausanne, where with many other heads of states are discussing the ceasefire, future of Syria and the region. No rep from from Syria and no new decisions.
It's at and

Russia's ambassador to UN - Churkin said that relationship between Moscow and Washington is the worst in 43 years, at

D-tran wants to put more sanctions against Russia, at  That vermin gone really insane from inside out. I can't wait to see her follow the fate of Saddam Hussein.
Sunday, the 16th.
BRICS summit is closing today in India, Russia will be helping India to develop more nuclear energy, details at 
For 2 days work the accomplishment of huge. Both countries find each other as very important partners in Eurasia. "The ethics of co-operation between member states should be mutually respectful, Putin said, without pressure like the West does."
Press-conference of Putin was deep and substantial, at 
Funny thing happened during the conference; when Putin was talking about the behavior of the West, particularly "big brother" CIA, the light got cut off for a second. Everyone burst out laughing, at 0:57min. To Q who he thinks is more suitable for Oval office, Putin didn't answer by the name of candidate, but by saying that RF will greed any of the two who American people will elect.
"We don't want to worsen our relationship and go into confrontation. It's be nice to get along for the good of both nations, but if the US will push for it, we'll think about it, but that won't be our choice,"
Putin says.
He also says that it was nice when the US intelligence services helped in security measures in Sochi Olympics, but that has been an exception. Russia always was and is open in co-operation for intelligence sharing on For example, years prior to Boston marathon bombing Russia multiple times informed CIA about 2 brothers, but eventually got an answer that they're US citizens and we'll sort it out ourselves. As a rule of conduct the US has no form of dialogue, it's only to rule over the other side which started 15 years ago with events in Yugoslavia when Yeltsin was the president of RF. As soon as he disagreed with position of the US, it all turned upside down.
Today's sanctions are not done to resolve any problem, but keep Russia from being full players in Int'l arena. He wrap-up the 50 min. conference by concluding that RF is open for any compromise and dialogue, but only on equal-partner bases.
[I don't know how clearer this man can talk. Anybody in the media speaks Russian and can translate word to word what this man is saying? Can they at least read the translation on Russian channels in English? Must watch and have translated word to word. ]

In terms of mission in Syria, Putin said that RF is interested to involve more partners in the fight against, at In Mosul .S.L fighters executed dozens of their own commanders, suspecting that they might leave Mosul.
Cuckoo Johnson of UK will get together with his counterparts of France, Germany and the US and "thinking" to invite Putin or not. They want o get together to think about using force against Russian military in Syria. This is really smell burning hell to me. Must see report.

How Western powers, who have most influence in UN, want to cancel "right to Veto" power.
When, by who and why it as established at the first place. report is at 71 years ago the founding fathers of UN were wise and thought about political speculators of future, - the ones we see today.

Russia has its hands full with crazy "partners" around the world. I can't imagine how Putin feels dealing with problems he's face with on daily bases. To me that job is not for one person.

In Raleigh, NC Republican party HQ was bombed, vandalized with graffiti, calling the party "nazi," at 
H is in her bed resting and will be pumped-up to appear one more time. Trump is right she should take a drag test. To be fair both should do and entire congress should do.

Check this to see who's the real helper.
Trump spent his own money to help victims of hurricane in NC. Why H is not doing it? She doesn't have enough for her yoga classes?

So long.

Friday, October 14, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 14th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday you were talking about O's weakening of the military, demonizing police force, instigating mob riots on the streets, turning people against each other after 60 years of progress, war mongering against Russia, conducting the biggest spy enterprise in the history of the US, refusing to call on islamist-t.r.r.sts,  etc. etc. and he should stop listening to his sorority advisers and practicing "scorched earth" policy.    
This is the show at 
You say that plane crushed in Connecticut a few days ago was done on purpose by a Jordanian student pilot and it's being kept under the cover by the vemin in the media.
You say that we have one election left for this country to survive. I agree.
Also you say that many insane are in favor of socialism, even some very rich ones.
Actually, I don't think so. They're publicly lying to avoid hostility and danger from the street mobs and privately sniffing other rich people's butts to be around them and hiding their money in secret places. Some are such bold liars that are not even see themselves as psychopaths as they clearly are.
You gave a small history of a prior push to socialism in 1920's in the US mentioning the works of Eugene Debs and Sacco and Vanzetti.
You're afraid that this administration or the following one if that would be pro-socialism will favor war in order to help economy to move ahead like it was done in 1940"s.
"Neo-cons and neo-libs are salivating for war with Russia. Is that what we want?" you said.
In the past dems benefited from war and that's what they'll try to do if H wins.
You're right. No wonder Putin calls his people to go back home. At the contrary Trump wants us to get along with Russia and not to go to war. Wouldn't it be better?
[Well, it's a 'must listen' show and that's why I linked it. what they're doing to Trump is a stupid kids' game to see if anyone in their right mind will pay attention. To me what he said and has done in private has no bearing to what he's capable of doing for this country. Fabricated character flow accusations of him stink to high heavens.
Today O'll be meeting with his "sorority group" to discuss how to use out military to give passage to 9000 people to come here. Now we know on which side he was all along. He's on enemy side, you say. Peacenik libs will bring us to the brink of nuclear war, you says, which is absolutely true.
52 years ago this same day JFK meet with his advisers about Russia and Cuba.This article is a good read to those who don't know what happened then. After US put nukes in Turkey, - Russia's backyard, Russia decided to put some in US's backyard - Cuba. Tooth for tooth. What's wrong with that?
Look at the map of NATO and US bases all around Russia tightening like a leash. Putin will not take a leash, he will throw a big hot lasso right back. He has black belt in marshal arts and won't be intimidated by O's dead stares.
Check this article at Article points the facts, but don't explain why the whole thing was being done at the first place.]

Look at this; WikiLeaks released more of H's Podesta emails, at in Syria are forcefully enrolling teens, at 
Assad blames US for using t.r.r card for global dominance, at

In the meantime many spots in Middle East are burning and 2 superpowers are on the verge of colliding. Russian are preparing civil drills for 40 million people. Just one misdirected bomb, one mistaken identity of military object, one provocation and WWIII will be burst out. What Putin says nobody here paying attention, which is ignorant on the side of the media. But then, what do you expect from vermin?
Look how NYSlims is behaving; one sided, prejudicial, slandering, misinforming, You name it, they have done it and do it every day. If Trump said something wrong and that's why he can't be a president, then NYSlimes should not exist as a newspaper. It commits a breach of contract on its mission statement. Should be sued, sued, sued and sued some more until become bankrupt.
More than 80% readership is down already. Hallelujah.
Trump says that corporate media is no longer involved in journalism, they're a lobbyist for political agenda, and that agenda is not for the people, but for themselves, at
Rush calls them "political hacks" disguised as journalists. True.
O's and H's war against Putin got nothing to do with Syria, refugees or anything else, but stupid ego and hubris. Did you see the report on media saying that O extended his executive power behind Earth? Oh yeah, he ordered the fed. gov. to prepare to deal with effects of weather events in space.
Ooh,la,la, Monsignor. Imagine how he feels about himself when he goes to bed?

The first snow of this winter came down on Moscow today at 
Can't believe how time is passing fast. 3am. GN


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 12th, Wed.


About 2pm.
Everybody is talking about Trump's poll numbers. I don't believe a second that he's down in the first place. And, if he's it don't matter. I never have been "polled" by anyone, nor I know anyone who has been "polled." I don't know where they get their numbers anyway. When more than 80% of the media is against him and working 24/7 relentlessly on that agenda, what do you expect? I heard on the radio it's 80%, but I feel that number should be 98%.
There is another factor; those who're publicly on his side in the media like yourself, don't live in swing states to make a difference in polling place. You live in CA and your vote most likely is not going to make a difference for him. I live in NYC and as of today I'm not even registered yet. Should I go through the hassle, go to a polling place and see anybody can walk in and do the same like me, going to effect mental health. My vote, most likely than not is not going to make a deference for him in NY State. Is Sean H who's on his side also lives in NYS? Only Rush's vote might count in swing state of FL. One person in media has 50% chance to be counted for anything? WOW!!!

Today is Yom Kippur, maybe you're not going to work. Sabbath of Sabbaths. Go tell your sins, ask for forgiveness so you can open more room for more.... ;) I'm just joking.
Yesterday you were talking about it, saying that nobody is perfect, so we shouldn't ask perfection from Trump. Catholics do the same thing very week on a smaller scale, Jews do once a year on a big scale. It's good to ask for forgiveness and forgive others. It's all for good. My thing with it is this; what kinds of sins are those and how many times someone committes it. I don't like when libs confuse people by calling a crime a "mistake," like crooked H did the other day.
Messing up with classified info. she calls a "mistake." Killing someone is mistake too, but what kind of mistake?
This election is so crucial for the survival of this country, I can't even go there.

I'm checking some pussy-talk all over the world, from Lavrov's mentioning of Pussy Riot in Russia to T-pussy-locker-room-talk in US elections.

Putin said that US gov is created an anti-Russian hysteria and scaremongering its own people.
I agree with it a 100%. I can't even believe what I hear from our media full vermin like Andersen Stupor. At

Your show started, you have a substitute. Hope you pray long and deep for your sins. :) Yesterday you were saying that nobody is perfect. I say you're wrong. I'm perfect. I was thinking to ask to forgive my sins, but then I couldn't find any.

One of today's papers called Trump "a party of one." I'd say one leader of party of silent majority.
H is a member of a horde. Leave her alone one day, see who she gets up from her bed and eats her breakfast. I'd like to see one full day of that woman all by herself, doing daily things. That would close the chapter on her very fast. If she's elected world war III will be looming. Putin calling diplomats and their families to go home to motherland.
Look at the amount and locations of US military bases around Russia on this site,

Also, in "Russia calls" forum in Moscow, Putin said that to isolate Russia with economic sanctions will not succeed. 'Those are provocations and will only harm those who created them,' he said in front of 2000 businessmen from 60 countries around the world, at
Despite sanction a barrel of oil is stable at $50 and interest to invest in Russia is increasing.

So long.


Monday, October 10, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 10th, Monday, Columbus Day & 11th, Tuesday

Happy Columbus Day!

In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered Americas for Europeans. First he landed in Caribbean, on the territory of today's Dominican Republic. He was ethnic Italian, but his voyage was commissioned by Spanish court reigned by queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.
I have a nice book about the story. Love it. Yesterday bought myself a parrot, a beanie baby one. So colorful and cute. Every sailor, an adventurer had a parrot, right? Why not me? His name is Cute.
I think everybody who left something behind and came a long way to start new and become an American, has an adventurer's genome. I certainly do, at least I had 25 years ago.

Didn't go out today, didn't watch any parades, didn't watch TV either. Today all the talk shows were talking about last night debate. They say press shows that H won. BS! That's how we know once more that they're bunch of nothings and nobodies.
Trump won, he should be even more aggressive toward her. MSM set him up with this debate too like the last time. Right off top cuckoo-n-cuckoola started a blame with character assassination. He came out of it well in the second half.
I listened to most of first 2 hours of your show, listened to others and all the dissected parts of the debate. Still didn't hear this particular thing; when she said "my friend M. Obama says "when they go low, we go high" as if calling her a liar is a low thing. Yeah, right. Since when H and M are friends? Have you seen them hanging around for afternoon tea? That's a low lie right there.
When O was running, M told the crowds referring to Hillary's complacency to Bill's blimps; "if you can't run your own household, you can't run the White House, CAN'T do it. I have to agree with her on this one. Hillary couldn't keep her husband's private part close to her skirt, how is she going to keep the world on check? It's a big place, I'm just saying," Katt Williams.

Int'l news; Russia's President Putin was in World energy congress in Istanbul, met with Turkey's erdogan-boy and signed the long coming gas pipeline contract to Europe through Turkey. It's going to go underneath of Black Sea over which Russians will have control over. In return Turkey will get discounted gas, they can start sending their agricultural products to Russia again and Russian tourist will soon fly to resort areas and give business to Turkish hotels and everything around it.
Also talked about ending bloodshed in Syria, at 
To me it's not a good thing. I mean the cozy-cozying with Turkey. I smell a rot when I hear Turkey. Not because the entire nation is filled with bad people, but just look at last 500-600 years of its history. It has been very aggressive toward locals who weren't Muslim and to entire Europe. In 2 WWs they have been allies with Germany. Nobody likes them in middle east, Europe, Arab world, Persia, now Iran, anywhere else, you name it. Only US decided to befriend them. made them a NATO ally to put weapons there against Soviet Union. Now Turkey got US up its tail because of the military bases, milking EU using refugees, organized the invasion of Europe and erdogan-boy is a disaster for that nation. Look what he did just recently. How many schools he shut down because of his opposition?

Also Benjamin Nathanyahu was in Moscow discussing military and business co-operations, at

Look at this clip, see how NATO gone berserk. They're the one who are all over the place coming close to Russian borders and crying foul at the same time. What kind of mental illness is that?
Is it a still unknown type which happen to be contagious?

We're living in very dangerous times. Proxy wars are ragging in many countries in middle east. At any day, any govern time, if it's even an accident, one hit, one spark between Russian and US air forces can start a chain of irreversible events.
Aleppo and Sanaa are in a bloody as of today. No time to cover those.

Tuesday, the 11th.     

Sunday, October 9, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 8-9, weekend edition


Saturday 8th, evening. Rainy autumn day in NYC.
I was listening most of the time throughout the week.
Today UN security council vetoed Russia's version of resulution of coflict in Syria,
There are lots of detail that I'm aware of by listening different sources of experts in Russia, but don't have time to put all in here.
American MSM consist of lowlife-low-class lib-dem political dirty hacks who don't know nothing about anything around the world. What a pity for American people! Is this all we can afford to have out of 310 million people?
I even took a glimpse of public channels today to see what's going on in there. Pseudo-intellectual entity like CarnegieCouncil had a young stupid man as a guest, who kept saying that Russia is the biggest threat to USA's security. Can you believe that? I can only imagine what Putin is feeling about psychotic leader of today's western civilization.
If America would know better would it still be in Afghanistan, Iraq, now in Syria practically protecting al-nusra t.r.r group? Since when naive (should say uneducated, but...) Americans figure out what's going on in the world? Look who are running CIA, FBI, DOJ, SOS, DHS and the rest.
Wow, God help us all!

Putin asked Duma to ratify an agreement according which Russia and Armenia will maintain a mutual air space defense. Armenia is ready for it from July of last year. This will be very beneficial for both countries, because it will strengthen Russia's and its allies defense from southern border.  
It'd at 
Russia MUST keep and sharpen its eyes on key point of its borders, such as Armenia in south, Crimea in south west, Kaliningrad region in north west, which is an enclave between Lithuania and Poland, to combat the aggression of NATO with build up by its borders on Baltic and Black Seas.    
See the report at
What considers a normal planed and announced military hardware move by Russia, is taken as a "scary stuff" by the west and sold to US as a "hostile" act. [Oh, boo-hoo! Anti-missile Iskander-M is the MAN!]

In south only Armenians are loyal to Russians and always have been. The rest are volatile, like Azerbaijan and Georgia. Georgia is Christian like A and R, but Saakashvili messed up its relations with RF. Azerbaijan can't be trusted because of their ties to their "brethren" Turks.
Today were parliamentary elections in Georgia. Polls are closed already, but counting is not completed yet. Dream Party, which is better for relations with RF, seems to be leading the way.
I'll update you on this. ******************
I wish Dream Party wins, although its head is an oligarch. Who doesn't want a rich man? Only those men who're straight and jealous of him. That's all.
I don't dislike rich because I'm not rich, I wish them a good life and pray for their better choices of life. With lots of money you can do lots of good things and lots of very bad things. That's all.

From yesterday MSM is spewing out lots of poison against Trump, because they found so called "tape" where he said he was attracted to a woman, but she was married, etc.
He since apologized. I thought it was bad, because some even screamed that he should step out of the race. Then, right now, before writing this I heard it 2 times and found out that it's a fun chit-chat between 2 men, Trump talking like a boy, which might be even a lie for bragging.
Is he attracted to attractive women? You bet yours. He gets them, but also takes care of them.
99.99% of of men wants everything for free, then brag and go next if they can. Yes, I know it, you know it, your mother knew it and every reader of this blog knows it. Why do you think I'm still single? Because I don't have anybody interested? Nosir, I can put my life on livestream and you'll see how many men, most of them half of my age, will hit on me and want to pick me up. That's why I don't even date. I ask too much money, I ask up front and cash. Nobody can afford me, nobody. Unless they're as rich as Trump. And, I'd not even take it from everybody who is rich and wants to give me. Nosir. I have class, morality and dignity. First I have to like him and he has to go through high bar. How high? You be the judge; if he smokes, I mean anything, leave alone drugs, even stupid cigarettes, I can be around him. I can't be around someone who stinks. That's one of the requirements. Also has to have his psychical check up done with a doctor of my choice. Also I'd volunteer any info. he needs from me and check up with a doctor of his choice. Sounds responsible? You bet.

Today was a terrible tragedy in Sanaa, Yemen. A mourners' procession was bombed. More than 80 people dead, hundred injured.
They blame Saudis, but latter denies the alligations,

Check this out; my favorite Trump fans, Diamond and Silk on Jesse Lee Peterson's program,
I admire Mr. Peterson and I hear him whenever I get a chance. If not all but most of the black people would think like him, they will be much happy, more successful and this country would be much better off for all of us - all together. That what should be the motto "stronger together" not crooked Hilary's race baiting lies.
Please check his site and his website.  
Also on this clip D and S are discussing taxes, media bias and Bill Clinton's "alleged" black son now 27 years old, at
I believe Bill Clinton would go for a quicky with anyone from the street corner, but sincerely do no see a resemblance. I just don't. He has a legal right not to comply with DNA test. Too bad. Would be interesting guest on Jerry Springer.

This one is called "Hillary's body count documentary," at
It claims she "allegedly" killed 114 people on her career path. I don't have time and nerve to watch it, but maybe you do.

Wikileaks put out something from one of Hillary's "speeches" to Wall Street people, was on breaking news on Fox, at MUST WATCH!
Hear 3:25 min. about her "dreams" of open borders with open trades. She said that people in wall street are the best people to reform the system. What? In which way, may I ask?

She cynically asked "what genius loses a Billion dollars?" referring to Trump's poses 20 years ago. My answer would be "the US government, which is $19 Trillion in debt and its getting only worse. Trump turn his business around, didn't he?"   xoxoxo

Just twitted to Trump not to give a damn about cutting off funding from RNC, if even it happens. It's just an intimidation to railroad his mood, that's all. I'm on twitter @starlet737. 


Sunday, the 9th.
For last couple of days the only best local news was that hurricane Matthew spared east cost. Hit much softer than was predicted. Lots of people are without power tough. My thoughts are with them.

Now that foaming-mouth-McCain and the Bushes want to vote for Hillary, watch this
clip about Vice-Presidential debate by D-n-Silk, at

Tonight is the 2nd debate. Before the first one I kept listening classical music. I love Andre Rieu and his orchestra. Enjoy western civilization till you can.
Listen to it and tell me if anything like this is created by other civilizations. How those people who created such marvelous culture became so unguarded toward their heritage? Today their land, property, their children's very survival are invaded by people who hate them.  Go figure.

Late evening; 2nd Presidential debate took place. To me Trump was better than the first time. She looked like a boring old teacher who was saying the same things all her life.

Those 2 low-low "moderators" started with an attack on Trump like it was done at the first time by Fox's snakes. Again - you said this, you said that, bla, bla bla. It showed their lowlifness, that's all.
The highlight of the debate was Trump's sincerity toward Hillary saying that if he wins he's going to appoint a special prosecutor and send her to jail for her email fraud. He should say "when I win" not "if I win."

So long.


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