Tuesday, January 19, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 19th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
I heard first 2 hours of your show yesterday. You started with Hill-the-hilarious's speech about so called "disproportionate" incarceration numbers among minorities.
That old-bag hasn't walk in the streets of NYC in her entire fraudulent life. If law on the books will be enforced, huge portion of this city should be in jail. How many would you like me to show you who did crime all their lives and are doing crime now and are getting away with it royally.
I'm not rich to live with rich people, I don't know any of them, thus I live among minorities and people I'm talking about are minorities. Very small percentage of them are white. Talking of NYPD, 99% of them are no goodnik idiots with bias toward white people regardless of their own color. Minorities will victimize me because I'm white and white PO will victimize me even quicker just to please his peers to be fit in their crowd mentality.
Should I have videos of the things happen,
I have written about it before, so I'm not going to get into it now. All I can say that if you're white in not only in NYC, but now also in entire country, you MUST have 24/7 video proof of anything you do anywhere; - streaming live.

The most disturbing news was Portland community College's "initiative" provoking more racism in the name of ending it. That so called "college" should be sued so bad so it get bankrupt and close its doors.
White majority has to understand that this bickering about racism is not going to end any time soon.
The expression "ending the racism," which originally meant against blacks, did not mean to end the racism all together. That's what most of the people before us and you and I wanted to believe. It doesn't say "end the racism against everybody." It says when you end the racism against blacks (and now others joined in) then, when we'll have the power, will do it to you and will do it much worse and will do it forever. Point. End of the story!
There is no limit, no border, no line drown to stop this reverse racism. Where is it? Can you show me? As long as four major industries are making money this will not show sign of subsiding any time soon. MLDF!!!

What to do about it? Talking and informing is good, like your show, but that's not merely enough. You must help your own with concrete measures. You know that in civilized world where the rest of the planet wants to run to, whites do not procreate enough to replace themselves.
Start from there. Have organizations to help their own. For any ethnic organization, there should be a few times more majority organizations. Where are they? Isn't democracy good any more? Isn't it about a majority? I didn't feel like I was a member of majority "community" in this country who had the "power." My feelings are not based on "feelings" itself, but on hard evidences and facts of my daily life. I went to school here, different work experiences, you name it.
I can go on and on with this, but I better start thinking of doing something instead.
Anybody wants to sue NYPD just to get some practice law, please leave your contact in comment box. Until recently I blocked all comments, just for last several postings I left it open.
No, I haven't been arrested in my life, because I have not ever been a perpetrator, but was always harassed, intimidated by police just for calling them for help. They came and say "you're not bleeding, not dead yet, why dud you call?" No matter what is your problem, no matter of the video evidence in the building, or on the street, or presence of witnesses, they're not there to hear, check and do anything. They came and scare with arresting me, rather than check and do something.
Of course the perpetrators know this. Of course that encourages them to do more and worse.
You want believe what happened the last time I called those bozos. One of my good neighbors (she is an African American) and I were threatened by another neighbor, who is hispanic woman. She is the certified craziest creature you can ever meet. 2 PO's came, one white, one hispanic, the white one thought that I was the only one who called and, after seeing me alive, sitting outside of my building, got so upset that I dialed 911 that tried to scare me that he will arrest me for making a false report. He took the stand first to show that "see, I'm white and I'm threatening a white woman, I'm "suppose" to be "fair." He didn't assume that my neighbor (who was on her phone at that time) was with me on this.
He started talking real stupid (you will not believe what he asked me (you have to hear something like that to believe it), pulled out his notepad as if reporting about the crime of "false report" that I committed, my neighbor got off her phone and I pointed toward her as my witness. When she came close, she said not only she was my witness, but she was being stalked by the same person throughout the day and she called 911 for herself. Then the white one stooped writing and the hispanic one got cynical and asked us why we live in this building or in this area or something like that.
That set her off. She is a big, strong woman with lots of muscles with rap-shit and can bring a good sized man down easily. She has done it before. She jumped from her sit and charged toward the spanish bastard, which was on her side with her phone almost sticking in his eyes and words from her mouth came out like from fire-hydrant. There was no stooping her, should the hispanic bastard walk back a little and white bastard decided that it's time to leave. He stopped his "writing" momentarily and said "let's get out of here, man, we don't want to talk to people who have no penises." I swear.
They rushed into the patrol car, I call my girl to back off, and they took off fast. We were sitting and contemplating about what just happened.
She was sure that they thought I was alone and were harassing me. She was sure that they'd not do it to her. She wouldn't take a sh.t like that and stand there trying to "talk" to them like me. When I told her that the white bastard was writing a report on me for so called "false police report" and threatening me with arrest, because I committed a crime for dialing 911, she was boiling.
She were on and on and let it loose. Having been an Auxiliary Police officer I still have respect for uniform, but last 24 years living in this city I haven't seen one of them come and protect me. None.
Every single call was resulted from 'don't pay no mind' attitude to threatening me - the victim.
911 call for help is more upsetting and nerve racking for me, then a hope of getting anything. Just nothing. None whatsoever.
The same night, when the cuckoo tripped again on doorman, police was called again and she was hospitalized for 5-6 weeks. She must have tried to kill the ER doctor for the hospital to keep her in cucckoo-word for that long. She is not a cuckoo, she is a s.tanic creature. That's how s.tan looks, talk, walks, eats and operates. She had played the system like her circus. Taxpayers is the clowns of those demonic souls in this society.
The lesson from this; have a streaming video while dealing with police; white, black, otherwise.
Now that I remember, shouldn't I sue NYPD? That so called "Civilian complain review board" is another waste of time. Of course those bastards didn't come back to "arrest" me for "false" report?
Do I have a case? How long I'm going to be treated like 'persona non grata' for those badge wearing bastards in my country?
Police force is getting younger and darker skin in this city by the day. I don't mind if they are all qualified and act in good faith on their job. But for many of them that is just "a job" like any other they would like to cheat on and avoid doing, if they can. There is no family honor (as it used to be before), or pride in integrity of uniform, as we still assume.
That's just another work clothing like any store, warehouse or office worker has to wear. I haven't seen a grown up white man in police uniform in NYC for a looooooong time.
They have disappeared like yesteryear's snow.
Start from mayor Dinkins' administration. Just do the research and get the numbers out. He cleaned up entire city system from whites workers and replaced them by blacks.
Anybody dared to question? Look who are their sponsors. Whose who run the main stream media industrial complex? Just guessing.
Look who wrote MLK's speech. Not him. Hear what he says in that speech that everyone leaves out.
You did leave out too yesterday. You also do not want to go "so far" in underlining a vicious thought in his speech. I'm not going to write it in here for everything to go and think and find themselves.
You talk about the same issue, but I never heard you connecting his name to it. You talk about it in general terms.

Now let's go around the world; In mostly Orthodox Christian Russia today is Holy Baptism, commemorating the day Jesus was baptized in Jordan river by John the Apostle, aka Saint John/John the Baptist.
This day some "crazy" Russians go deep themselves in icy waters. They're also called Morzh(es), meaning Walrus(es). Some do it in Brighton Beach in NYC also.
Although its 19*F right now at 3:25am and going to go up to 29*F, but still this year it's not that called in NYC compare to some minus Celsius temperatures that can be normal for RF. In some areas they break a thick layers of  ice to deep in one by one. Just the thought of it gives me goosebumps.

Look at this; Faithful throughout Russia bathed in icy waters, at ntv.ru/novosti/1596336/video. 
This is Epiphany, one of 12 most important religious holidays on Orthodox calendar. [I didn't know.] Sermons are given not only in temples but also in reservoirs where people deep themselves.
The belief is that the consecrated water heals the body and cleans the soul from sins.
At 1:20min. a member of Duma, famous boxer Nikolay Valuyev shows an example in Yenisei River in Siberia.
In Moscow 60 portable pools for diving served the locals and tourists, at NTV.ru/video/1252427,
also at ntv.ru/novosti/1596239, also at ntv.ru/novosti/1596238. In this clip there is a picture of another PM diving in Moscow's Revolution Square. That man is a champ in many things all the time.
[It looks like fun, but I'm not about getting second thought, oh, no.]
We'll see pictures from Brighton today.

Also in your show yesterday you mentioned that UK is working on banning Trump.
That's good, he won't go there and won't spend his money there. It's expensive, overrated and waste of money and time together.
4:30am GN to me.

2:05pm, look how Russia looks under the snow. I mean the entire country is covered, all time zones from European parts to Far East, at 1tv.ru/news/social/300273. 
[Where is the 'global warming?' Oh, sorry, now it's 'climate change?' It changes from time to time? Like how? hours by hour, minute by minute? In which way? Hot to cold or hot to very hot, then what? Russia needs global warming, as far as I'm concerned.
The lawyer, who comes before you on WABC, the pony-tale-snake-oil-salesman (he is on right now), once was "explaining" the difference between weather and climate change. It made so much sense from his point. It's a good science made up by and for lawyers.
Russia should seize this opportunity to cut off all the gas to Europe. It is in an emergency situation and needs to provide for its own people's survival. More than $3Billion is not paid by West's puppet state Ukraine, so why provide free services to your enemies? I don't see any report that any western country is offering help in this situation. I believe many of them are happy to see them suffer.]

For coming days in St. Petersburg and Moscow temperatures will drop further with more accumulations of snow and with stronger gusting winds, at 1tv.ru/news/weather/300274.
[Hello global!.. what?]

You started your show calling Sanders a man from Abrahamic times.
Well, looking at him, I'm reminded of a Soviet time cartoon character by the name "Kashchei Bessmertniy," meaning Kashchei the Immortal.

About the Hilly-the-hilarious, this is my take.
1. She is a lawyer and should be able to find out something is legal or illegal by herself, instead of hiring "liars for highers" as Curtis Sliwa calls them.
2. Let's say she was not and is not a lawyer. Wasn't she married to one? A law "professor" at that?
Yessir. If I'd marry one I could learn law basics in the bad, couldn't I?
3. She has been a first lady for 8 years. She might learn there.
4. She has been Secretary of State for how many years?
After so many years of running around she can not figure out the law in the books and can't sort out what she did was legal and illegal and needs to pay other lawyers?
Let me sum this up;
She has an Ivy college law degree to start with, married to a law professor, then governor, then president, worked as manager of law firm "Rose" in AR, has slept in white house for 8 years with the President, had been a Senator in a big state like NY, then SoS of USA and..... still need other lawyers "professional" help to "figure things out?"
What does it say about that profession and herself particularly. Talking of a damaged good, OMG!
She doesn't need "sorting out things," she needs a high profile cover-up by those who might know how. That's all.

You also were talking about today's endorsement of Trump by Sarah Palin.
Why are you working yourself up by talking about it? No big deal. She is not bad, she can't hurt at least. Does she have a base or how big of it? I don't feel like she has, but who knows? I'm not sure.
She has been a consistent conservative in her entire life though. Maybe it will ring a bell with Evangelicals.
5:22pm; you put a clip from potato-face-Kerry saying that if Saudis buy a nuke they can be inspected. You say he's taking the side of Iran. I'm not sure that's true. I assume in his mind we already stopped Iran from getting it.
We don't need to be on either side. Both of them do not "like" us. That's what I'm sure about!

You are absolutely right on one issue; Trump does not know who in the media is talking on his side and who is against him.
I'm saying that he MIGHT not know. Well, it's understandable, he can't possibly have that much time. He goes on the shows who invite him. Yesterday Levin was ranting, taking the side of Cruz vs Trump.
Today I heard that until 2014 Cruz had duel citizenship. When did he drop one and how?
If even his Canadian passport is expired, it doesn't mean he denounced his citizenship there, isn't it?
Can you get a few immigration lawyers on the air from both sides of the border? That would be interesting. I'm saying a few, because in my experience those are most incompetent types in "law industry."
Also Trump said that Cruz had a loan for $1M from goldmine-sucks and "forgot" to report?
I'm not sure what exactly it was, but Trump said that if someone can't read his own financial papers, how good is he?

Now you say that last week you've got a bad news about Teddy. What happened? I'm worried now. Why would you mention that and not give us a hint? Keep us updated on that issue, will you?

5:48pm, you're rating that your audience is bigger than Sara Palin's and Trump should change his advisers, because they're taking him to a wrong road. You've got pissed off hearing that this was the highest profile GOP endorsement so far.
I just hope that it's only the beginning.
You're not a politician and you're not a member of GOP, remember?
It doesn't mean that you can't have stronger influence on processes through your listeners, but the comparison wasn't between all of us, it was between GOP crowd. So, don't worry about it. 6pm.

You should watch this at NTV.ru/novosti/1596558/video. It's a good stuff.
Jews are complaining about rising antisemitism in Europe and Putin offers them to go to Russia.
The head of Jewish Congress tells him that the best place for Jews now on entire European continent is the RF.

NATO is ganging up on Russia from Black Sea and RF is responding by deploying new weapons
in there, at RT.com/politics/329414-russia-to-respond-to-nato. 

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