Saturday, September 13, 2014

To Michael savage Sep.13th Saturday Morning news


Second convoy with 200 tracks with humanitarian help sent by RF has arrived to UA's Lugansk region. It's at & @Starlet737 (tw.#750).

Last day at least 6 incidents of breaking of ceasefire from the side of UA Nat'l Guard was reported from self-defense forces of Donbass. In the result of which a few civilians are dead and 2 residential building are destroyed. At  Also # DonbassAgainstNazi.

In one of the towns called Yasinovataya in Donetsk region, which wasn't taken by UA military, people try to come out of basements and cautiously check out the "ceasefire."
In town's market lady who is selling products showing that she has written prayers in each pocket and also hanging one from her necklace.
To Qs of reporter - heroic Sergei Zenin if she's afraid, she says "of course, but people are hungry, they need products."  Pensions are not given to elderly from June or July. No banks, no money, no contraction materials to fix the ruined homes or even the roofs, to get cover over the head.
Some men from self-defense forces are watching the order in the town and in the market;
trying to fix communications, checking sellers of food products in market and telling them not to jack up prices for first necessity items, such as bread, oil, sugar.  One says, - "we understand people need to make money on their products, but not too much, only moderately, because these people are all suffered a war."
Look at the ruins pictured in this clip at (tw.# 752) It's horrific.
And the WEST is trying to "punish and isolate" Russia, who is sending food to this people, - their people. America can decide who is who and help whichever side they pick and choose, in the lands they never have been and have no clue about, but Russians are NOT SUPPOSE to help their own people living next door?
What kind of sick mentality is this? !!! Who do they think they're talking to? !
Look at the people with kids who still are in basements with no electric, no windows, no ventilation. It's so humid in there that every morning they have to put their blankets outside to dry. Look how a kid talking about bombs blasting around and helping the father to clean the streets. There is now such thing as "war children." They sure will grow up very fast and many will be scared for life.

So long.

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