Friday, September 26, 2014

To Michael savage Sep. 26th, Friday M & E News


Morning news:
After 17 years there another Russian woman went to space. She is the 4th woman cosmonaut from Russia; - Elena Serova with her colleagues Alexander Samokutyayev and USA's NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. 
Report at shows that sputnik SOYUZ successfully was ducked. They will be there 170days. At you'll see that she trained 7 years to be ready for this mission. Her 15 years old daughter says she is very happy for the mom.  
In Novorussia there are still hot spots where hostile artillery of privately hired "Aydar" group is working; report at

Evening news:
I heard some of your show today. You were talking about Old testament, the old religious rules and
their observations today.
I know religious observant and highly educated Orthodox Jews (with MA, MS and PHDs) who with all their devotion and discipline don't have an illusion of being holy and being able of doing what exactly everything spells out in the book. When I met them first time in my life in the beginning of 1990's and asked how they think they can follow every rule and law of the book, the answer was
"you just try your best." That's it. End of the story.
Ones I heard one rabbi on radio (forgot his name, unfortunately) who said "we don't have every answer for every Q, we try to help people to live with their Qs." Perfect!

If we'd know God's business, we'd not be so full of Qs, right? Right! I, the writer of this blog, live with the best of my abilities, because I can't control everything in life (starting from weather in the morning) and don't have the freedom of doing whatever I'd prefer to do at any given time. That's all.

Now... At you'll hear report right out of kids game called "broken telephone." The tragedy is that this is played by big shuts in the world. By people elected and/or appointed who decide the lives and businesses of 100's of millions of people.
Ukraine's debt of more than $5 Billion to Russia for gas was being discussed again in Berlin.
More than 5 hours of negotiations came down to reddening of eyes of the head of RF's GasProm Alexsai Miller. In another 1.5 hours Commissioner of EU Gunter Oettinger announced that there was a progress in the deal. He said Ukraine should pay $2 Billion at the end of October and another
$1.1 Billion before the end of the year. And the price for next 6 months should stay $385 for 1000 cubic meter of gas, which is a discounted price ($100 less than EU pays to RF).
Alexander Novak - the Minister of Energy of RF says that they'll go with the volume of consumption of UA consumers during the winter mouths according the weather, etc.
Sounds better, right? Sure. Wait to hear this; UA's thick headed Energy Minister came out and instead of saying thank you to EU for paying to keep his dumb behind from freezing, started talking and disagreeing with the side and the schedule of payments. And all of his talk Russian side heard from media. What??????
You want to see a psychotic misanthrope who ca not even be happy spending other people's money, look at Yuri Prodan. By the way word "prodan" in Russan literally means "sold."
Sold out to satan, that's what I say. in the meantime another cuckoo - the PM of UA was in UN saying that Russia wants to freeze Ukraine. If those are not psychopathic, misanthropic madmen running a neo-nazi government, then who are they? How would you diagnose a such sate of mind?
Imagine yourself in Putin's chair and look at the picture.
Even always cool and reserved Gunter Oettinger got out of his patience saying that if they won't help UA to pay for gas, UA would be stealing from Europe. !!!

Look at another proof of psychosis running throughout UA parliament called Rada.
report say that several members of UA parliament last week visited RF's parliament to talk peace and cooperation, to discus how to build broken ties in politics and social issues.
And, ... what you think? UA's Ministry of Internal Affairs filed an indictment accusing those good will ambassadors almost for treason (it's a long name), which is by UA law is punishable for 5-10 years of prison.
Those Russian MPs were appalled by the treatment of their colleagues in Ukraine and were protesting the action calling it "political association of opposition."
Couldn't you see who is who? This is like day and night.
And the "western" world can't see this, is not reporting on it and is PAYING for it too?
How crazy is that?

So long.

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