Thursday, September 4, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 4th, Thursday, 2014


Putin's 7 step plan is being discussed in EU and is getting a positive reaction toward road to peace.
1st is the stop the fire by all side simultaneously, 2nd to exchange hostages all to all without any exceptions, etc. It's at  Also @ Starlet737.

Lugansk region is without gas, water and at edge of humanitarian catastrophe because Kiev's thugs surrounded the electric grid with wires and bombs. At Sergei Panamaryov reporting.

You have to check compare and see who is insane in Ukraine's conflict.
Our Dep. of State confirmed that from Sep 16 - 26 in UA will be conducted military training with 1,3 thousand instructors from 15 countries. Among them 200 US soldiers.
Look at this logic; to get together from all over the world and train for already named operation (called "Fast tri-teeth") in nowhere else but Ukraine, which is a war zone, is "normal state of affairs,"
but for RF to have his own military exercises inside his own country, - is a provocation and a scary stuff. Wouuuuuuu.... Ms. Psychy - the spoke-mouth, said that the latter is by the border of UA.
Ministry of defense of RF put a statement out that those are in a region which is 1000 km away from the border and offered her to get a map and learn geography.

On your website i also saw the clip you attached from newsmax; that old, scary looking psychopath -
Brrrrrr- zzzz--zzziiiiiiii-nskiiiii- HRRRRRRRR - BRRRRRRRR, on TV talking garbage out of his
poison infected mouth. He looks like an old, mad poisonous frog bitten by a scorpion which is running around trying to release his own poison as an anti-venom, but can not. Seriously, look at the retard's mouth moving. Look at the stupid daughter's face calling him daddy at least 2 times.
She also was on your station before. What a disgrace. But besides the disgusting, lying, crazy warmongering look at the facts. On that tape between 1:53 - 2:22 min. is cut. What is he saying then?
After 2:22 min. there is a short clip of some ruined building from within, some soldiers with firearms shooting. While you think if he's talking about "Russian aggression" those should be Russian soldiers automatically. BUT.....  First, there are no Russian "soldiers" fighting there, there are local self-defense forces, second, just look at the ARMBAND they have. What color are they? Combined yellow and blue, right?, now look at the flag of UA. See that? They're showing Ukrainian military around ruins, while badmouthing Russia.

If this is the part of the world that you, others and the media can find out what's going on, but have no clue, and can let this warmongers have their way of harming all of us with their rotten brains, what is that I can expect to hear about middle east that I can believe?

At report says that in Minsk today 2 sides - RF, UA and OSCE should meet to discuss the 7 step peace plan.
In the meantime war is waging in Southeastern UA and self-defense is working to free the area around the city of Mariupol from invaders.
At report says that the sides at Minsk meeting might agree to stop the hostilities as of tomorrow 3pm (15 MT) Moscow time. ? ? ? There is no video of such announcement and no details. I'm pretty suspicious that uncleP.P. can promise anything without having his western masters' commands.
Today heroic photojournalist Andrei Stenin has been laid to rest in Moscow, who was first killed and then burned by Kiev's thugs in Aug.6th. he'll be next to others reporters - Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin and Anatoliy Clyan, who also perished while doing their professional jobs of reporting from war zone. What the heroes! Do we have anybody from US who is there reporting?

Look at this: says that at summit of nato in Wales 12th imam - andres
rat- mess-en says that this conflict should be regulated with peace. Oh, my.............. Oh, my...............
Look what his clique promised after that; 15 MILLION Euros for "straightening" of UA military
(just like that, like Halloween candy) and some countries "offered" help of "giving" non-flying and flying military technology and/or equipment. UncleP.P. is there, instead of in his own backyard - neighboring country's capital Minsk. Apparently he can not talk to his own countrymen what to do, but went all the way to people who REALLY do NOT give a damn about him, his money and his beliefs.
For uncleP.P. the price to pay for hanging around in this whatnot show is to loose his country and play the whatever role they want him to play at any day in the show. There are lots of costumes, as you know in that show, and you can custom-made. That's a beautiful thing.
I wonder where are his $$$ Billions hidden or deposited?
Can you do a research on this? You have a stuff, can invite professional people. Right?

Now, I heard your show on and off. You were going from one thing to another without touching most important political issue of the day. I'd wish you invite Dr. Cohen at least ones a week for an hour.
Link his articles to your site. You can do this. The lady you invited, the philosophy teacher, what did she said that we possibly didn't know? I'm a Philology major from much better educational system, but if I'd talk like she talked, you'd hang up on me right away. Not only on me, I know on others too. You think everybody should talk fast like you. All your listeners might use to your talk, if they're loyal, but who likes a pep-talk then another listener calls? How many out there are talking for a living like you?
You prepared all day long. Listener calls wen you give out a topic, so it's more spontaneous. And, everybody knows that is nerve racking to talk to you, because you'd cut short and hang up. Many others told me this, who never would dare to call or were turned off by your impoliteness to the listener and stopped listening.
Now that I bashed you using my credit of being looooooong time loooooooyal listener, let's go to the tragedy of entertainment business today, passing of Joan Rivers. May she rest in peace.
Don't bash her, please. She was unique, she was by herself and she was gifted from above. She used her gift to max. She was unstoppable. There is no school you can go and learn to be funny. I don't believe that. Maybe someone can polish themselves or improve some manners, but humor is one of those things. I have seen her in person only 2 times. Both in NYC. The first time in bergdorf-goodman
where she was looking at jewelry, then in Barnes&Noble at her book signing. I have her book "I hate everyone starting with me." It's hilarious. I love it. The language also is so smooth. Wonder who helped her. I'll get the last book for sure. She was that typical-ethnic-Jewish-funny-aunt, with whom you can't necessarily get along with, but love and miss her all the time. And, of course, there is no party without her. Her parents were from Odessa, which have been a city of many creative Jewish minds. I assume that if she'd be born in there, she'll still be a comedienne and have the same style. Those strong personalities who are blessed with certain genes, wit and energy can't be influenced by environment.
Of course it's scary to meet someone like that in an elevator, because you don't know what she'd say to you. Especially for men. Especially for a man like you, who is a bit of a control fr..k. I'd love to have a chance to meet her and say, "tell me what's wrong with me"? I'd use it as an instruction. Alas.....
She was a god lover. She said that her little dog kept him out of doing a terrible thing, because he needed care. I used to listen to her on WOR many years ago, then many times on Joan Hamburg show, after she lost her show. This is a life anybody can learn from; survival, survival, survival.
About the depression, she said "I can't tell you if I'm depressed, because my mouth is full."

So long.

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