Thursday, May 23, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 51)


I was listening yesterday, you were furious, I was furious. Ones most powerful nation of the world let one of his most valuable sons be slaughtered in the street in broad day light. And young men here like Michael Behanna is still in prison. please put his parents on your show.
You see already 4 days of riots in ones one of the most peaceful capitals of Europe - Stockholm, where actually unemployment is lower than EU average and has one of the most generous welfare system in the world?
Go to the site and see what editor in -chief of "Dispatch International" Ingrid Carlqvist is saying. Today's immigrants don't want to integrate in most part. This is true for overall - Europe and America. Even the ones that don't have religious differences, such as Spanish in America, think you should waste your time, your energy, your mind learning their language. You're right, they are acting as conquerers and colonizers. Imagine what is where most of them in Europe have religious difference. Most of them think their religion is better than Christianity. Even the ones I know for more than 20 years and they are good, family people, still think that Christianity was one good, now - no. In France when I'd talk to Chechens, no matter what simple daily life conversation that could be, they would cross to go to another topic and ask me why I don't change my religion. Like it's sometime bad and should better myself. The one didn't like how much they were getting from French government, liked to go to Sweden. They said it was better.
Now it term of Spanish: if you choose to go to another country, as I did, you one YOURSELF FIRST to add to your life, learn something more in order to get something more. I guess if the free money and food was the only thing you were looking for and you've got it, why bother? I came with 3 languages and was eager  to learn English. I'd walk with dictionary under my arm and in my purse. I'd hear people talk to each other in the street passing by, I'd open it and try to figure out which word was it and how it spells. I still didn't have any English class in my life and can run my mouth a mile a minute. I might not be perfect, but I'm not trying to be perfect anymore, I speak better than lots of them born here and I'm not looking to teach it.
Before, Ellis Island time, people came from with a shirt in their backs looking forward to be AMERICAN, their second generation mixed and spoke English, receiving welfare was shameful, their dream was to achieve, to succeed, not to hibrenate. America didn't took from my identity, it added to it. Now I speak 4 languages ( actually I forget lots of French, I should say 3.5). Most Spanish think you should bent over to them, give them free goodies and waste your time learning their language while you're providing for them. Some immigrants would say they don't want to be a citizen, like it's an insult.
They get all the benefits already, so why bother. Someone should sue the "ice scream man" to teach him a lesson of not lying to entire country. Its shocking how someone like that can become a senator.
Entire Europe is invaded with most of their own haters and on top of it rotting from within with AIDS, as you said yesterday. AIDS if their civilization is going to bring them down faster than they can imagine.
You hear about that french famous writer Dominique Venner, who killed himself in front of the altar in protest of that psychopath presiden's decision? He saw and he knew full well his country is finished.
If you don't speak the language of the land that you chose to go live or immigrate, there are only 2 reasons for that; either you're mentally challenged, demented, incapable, or you're resistant, rebellious, resentful and hateful. So, which one is that with Spanish in America? Now you add other minorities with their religious difference on top of it and see how you're going to handle it.
In Germany turks created "no go" zones. Foolish germans can't walk through their own streets. In their particular case I don't feel sorry about germans, because they were with turks in 2 world wars. They got what they deserved. I was very close to germany (was in Zurich) and didn't bother to even cross to go see, neither I'm planing to visit it in my lifetime.
In terms of UK putting ban on you: I wished and I prayed that you'd not be bothered fighting that s..t!
You decided to do so, it took lots of energy and health from you, I respect your decision. BUT... please... don't worry about it, the CARMA exists, it come back to vermin. They do it to themselves. They created their own national AIDS in their own mind, in their own mentality. It would be degrading for you to go there. You haven't been there for about 30 years, I have been there 10 years ago, I don't want to visit, you will feel sick and sorry for them, so WHY BOTHER?
Write a letter to Cameron and put on your site - an open letter, let it stay and keep writing. Open blogs beside your site, put his name on it, keep doing it. Send them to every biggest media outlet in the world.
He is a bam, he's such a lowlife (with his predecessors) that he keeps dozens of Russian criminals in hiding as long as they took their money there from Russian jurisprudence. I'm talking about big crooks who are already convicted of a crime in Russia. One of them just dropped dead, still has money hiding all over stollen from Russian people.
I have too much to say. I was on UWS and couple of things happen yesterday. My life should be on lifestream, so you can see what Spanish do, what white liberals so and what muslims do, I mean you should show on your website live. Then, you should look at NY slimes and show what TV is reporting. All I'm missing someone who is as rich as soros and sponsors me to do the job of bringing down of media's house of cards - right and left.
Yesterday I saw the book by Mitt Romney "No apology." I haven't read that and almost wanted to by, while started to page it first and read some of the random paragraphs. He talks good about american exceptionalism and then, lo and behold, badmouthing Russian polices and Mr. Putin for trying to protect their own country. I almost through the book back, no wander he didn't win; he didn't know well and he wasn't even fighting.
It's about lunch time and after browsing a toy store to keep my mind in better things and give myself a balance, I'll have some good meat.

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