Monday, November 14, 2016

To Michael Savage Nov. 14th, Monday


Wee hours.
When I want to talk about MSM one thing comes to mind; C'est la merde de la merde.
Having said the above I want to stress that all the huge events of human history started with an idea.
Some were good, some bad and others in between. Not all of them rose in urban areas, as our left things today, but often in suburbs. That misconception was what "surprised" the "blue intellectual elite" of America a few days ago.
All my life I lived in major metropolitan areas and I have one of the finest and highest educations in the entire wide world and especially western civilization. I'm technically "suppose" to belong to that class. But, I don't, because I decided so, not because they wouldn't consider me. Who are they?
Most of college educated people who consider themselves other than conservative, because their colleges called as it is - liberal. It's nothing wrong with that word, but the problem is; how is it used, for what reasons and where it takes you. Once you do the math, - there goes your neighborhood.
I knew Trump will win, if he'd run first time he talked about it, which was in 2011. That's when I opened a blog, had couple of entries to support him, then, unfortunately he changed his mind.
The blog called "" I continued it at this time, but because I already write what I want to say about him and his campaign in here, I phycically had no time to take that portion out of this blog to put in the other.
In that blog I refer to this one, which might not be to clear for the first time reader, but they can read what I had to say and more, which only can be helpful for their knowledge in supporting him.

Should I get his attention, I'll have my work cut out for me. All I need him or one of his children to listen what I have to say and what I offer to do.
I did this for 6y. 8mo. already anonymously, without looking for any personal reword; no name recognition and no penny from it. I don't even tell those people who I know, they're all liberal. Even to those who know I write and asking the name of the site. I don't give them. It's too much for their brains anyway. NYC's dems, libs and others who supported H were and are irredeemable. :)
See, I can learn too. If you'd give me any highest degree from any IVY college in here, I'd not exchange it with mine. I'm so glad I didn't pay for Journalism School at CU. What an embarrassing waste of money. You come out of there and the best place you can get a job (if you're connected to Pinch, of course) would be the Slimes? Alas...

This is yesterday's Sunday evening news, which covers the past week from Moscow, at
Russians are happy, they seems to be relieved by the fact that Trump is not a warmonger against Russia.
I personally would like to see Pence changing his tone, because he was very hawkish toward Russia during the campaign. He said lots of nasty things because he's unaware of facts. He's unaware because he gets his info from the vermin. Now, that he knows they're vermin. maybe he should listen to someone like myself; - an absolute independent expert.

You know who're in panic now? Kiev's thugs, its neo-nazi government who got 100's of millions of dollars handouts from O, taken from American taxpayer without their permission, at Bet on the old aunt H with free cookies in the basket for them went awry.

Oh, looky, looky, who is crying foul now; none other than cuckoo Jens Stoltenberg - General Secretary of NATO. "Who is going to pay us for BSing the world if Trump decides USA is not going to do anymore? Oh, boo-hoo my rat's .ss - you jerk you!
More than half a million people bureaucracy machine, which is mostly paid by American taxpayers, might slip out of his skinny fingers. Ooh, la, la, Jensy-Jens!!! You trash you! You killed 1000s in their own homes in eastern Ukraine because they were mostly Russian, you racist piece a sh.t! mw

Yesterday was a year after Bataclan theater attack in Paris, at
People came out to remember victims. First time it opened and Sting held concert in it. He opened with a prayer and song "Fragile."  Tickets were sold fast, people wanted to be there.
In the meantime, lib-head F. Hollande's approval rating is 4%.

This is the song Fragile with lyrics, at, it's beautiful.

Look how Russia is fighting its own inside terrorists, at connected to .S.L. Who will give them credit and help with it if not Trump? The rest look like lost their minds.

I have an idea, or, a wish; why we don't we celebrate Trump's victory with big concert? We'll invite Russians too, I'll be playing the piano. It could be so much fun. Just let it loose, shall we?  2am

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