Wednesday, November 9, 2016

To Michael Savage Nov. 9th, New day in America!


Afternoon; I'm still trying to digest the information that another day, a brighter one, came down on America. It has been a long time of feeling down and depressed. Yesterday I literally pull lots of hair off my head while waiting for results. It was a long evening. The longest that I remember for doing anything. Usually time for me goes fast, because I work from home most of the time.
Yesterday afternoon I couldn't be inside the house. Came out, sent Trump and his family placards, saying "no matter what happens today, tomorrow our job just starts." I mean it. I can straighten out broken immigration policies, be a consultant for the President on foreign affairs, an interpreter/ translator of Russian language when he meets with Putin, even his private nutritionist.
Putin was one of the first who sent a telegram of congratulations, at I imagine the weight off his shoulder.
Cuckoo foul mouth Micheal McFaul of ours put in his twitter page that Putin influenced the election.
Putin's press-secretary called it absurd.
Already H gave her concession speech. I wonder what is she going to do next. To me she is not feeling well and as a grandmother she needs to stay home to take care of her grandchildren.

Yesterday I voted for the first time and saw with my own eyes that system is really rigged. Why?
Because on the voter registration form it asks; "are you a US citizen? - yes or no. If 'no' do not fill out this form." Well, I marked 'yes,' because I am and got registered. Took my passport with me, in case they'd ask. If you're a citizen and don't have a passport you should have your birth or citizenship (naturalization) certificate, right? Right! Did they asked for any? No. Not at all. Moreover they didn't ask for any ID. Manhattan is the armpit of liberalism, like Rush Limbaugh says. You should see the faces and looks of people lined up to vote. Am I criticizing people for their looks? Maybe yes, maybe not. Don't you see a bum when you see a bum?
System is rigged by democrats, liberals and progressives who create lawlessness and use it as weapon against law abiding and decent people of this country. Thugs, criminals, freeloaders, immoral racists who scream discrimination while practicing it against white people in daily bases.
Reverse discrimination against majority of this country is legitimized, institutionalized, made a goal and mission of millions of people who hate this country, whose grandparents didn't work, parents didn't work, who don't work now and do not plan in the future. Those are Al Sharptongue's, J-the-immoral-Jackson's, O's and his cronies,' criminal-Clinton's, world distractor Soros and his street mob BLM and crooked MSM's constituency. What the vermin in the media can do without those?

Those who intellectually understand psychology and those who just have an instinct for it know why negative energy people do these types of things. Yes, there are very many out there who operate their lives in destructive and harmful ways toward others who're better than themselves. Those harmful ones come in every shape and form - from crazy bum in the street, who can attack and kill, to a billionaire in a mansion, who can pay for unrest, riots and massive killings.
Money can be also used in destroying lots of good things in many different ways. This is a topic for another day, now let's celebrate. I're got a bottle of wine and looking to share with someone who is on my side politically. So far I can't find any. No neighbor, no friend, not even people who work in stores where I shop for decades and know them and their families personally. Nobody. If my neighbors would know that I was and I am pro-Trump, lots of strange cool-off of relations will happen. Not that I care too much. Maybe then they'll ask less stuff from me? But... unless they ask, I'll just keep it to myself to save their nervous system.

Yesterday after 4pm while I was around Hilton hotel, where Trump should be, I got into conversation with a female police officer who seemed to agree with me. I told her directly that Trump is life and Hillary is death just because of relations with Russia. She said he don't have a chance in NY state, but sounded regrettable. I briefly explained the intellectual conflict between WH and Kremlin, gave her a few historic facts showing that it's only personal and created by O and the hot war out of it will kill us all. She seemed all taking in, amazed and agreeable and wondered why I wasn't doing journalism. I said I do it for myself. She said that she was out from 6am and was hoping that before polls close they'd let them go, so she could vote. I didn't ask her directly who she was voting for, but I felt that we were on the same page.
Isn't it something? I'm so shocked that America I dreamed about is far not the same and in reality can be even very different from what its laws and Constitution says.
There is only one way to expose this; to show the proof live. Streamed live is the ONLY way to truth which is the ONLY thing can set us free. Who are us? First it's me, then people like me who're innocent and not connected, then maybe US itself?

One only can hope, but from today on I'm going to take some small practical steps to try to make my dreams come true. I'm old enough to know and do better and still young enough to enjoy it.

My experience of the evening of voting for the first time I'm going to describe in details at another time.*****************************************************************************

So long.

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