Monday, November 21, 2016

To Michael Savage Nov. 21st, Monday


Wee hours of the morning.
Look at this clip where POTUS is making fun of Trump at WH correspondent's dinner 2 years ago, at His badmouthing of Trump starts at 9:20min. into the tape.

Late evening; today you were talking about Pluto's "Republic" and intellectualizing about what kind of society we want to have. Put some Greek music, lovely...
Talked about Trump and all the vermin of MSM (who were against him going) to his residence to "talk to him." Talk about what type of business, I ask? Let me come closer so I can stab you deeper?
Maybe. To me it's not a good sign. I better see this picture clearer than in 50 shades of yellow. We already have a 5th column in all shades of yellow journalism.
Who's advising him, how much he listens, we have no way of knowing. I hope he is guided by a "higher" feeling of inclusiveness in leadership for all.
We can only hope that the price for this non-tangible luxury commodity will not bring down the real estate on top of the property/soil on which we all live - this country.
Country has a different meaning than the market place. It has its own character, personality and historic DNA. Market place is for everyone who can get into it and take whatever they can.
Legally ran, regulated market has rules and laws, even street fairs and open bazaars are regulated. Those who scream and demand lawlessness are using words multiculturalism, tolerance and inclusiveness to achieve chaos of their choice. They themselves are NONE of those.
Demon always uses nice words which are very hard to disagree with, simply because they're "nice."
How'd you say "no" to word "help" or "love" or "give" or those above?
My answer is; we don't need to say "no" if we don't want to. We just have to ask Qs before saying "yes." ??? Help who, how many, for what reason, how much, for how long, why now, etc.
Why would I love those who hate me, my culture and religion, I'm asking? Because we're better than them, so we have to "sacrifice ourselves?" Wait a minute...
They already believe that they ARE better than us, why not they follow the same philosophy? ???
Let them be the better one fore a change, see what they give us to advance and improve our lifestyles. Any education we don't have here, innovation, technology?
America provided half of the world with tech for running water and flushing toilets.
We don't need anything from the 3rd world, simply because they don't have sh.t. Why they don't have good sh.t? Good Q, but I prefer not to open by big fat mouth, at least not yet.

All I can hope and prey that Trump knows what he's doing and if he'd have any of the snakes in mass media and entertainment around him that will only serve a purpose of following "keeping enemies closer" wisdom.

I'd work for him for free, I don't want to live in DC, it feels too unknown to me. Too cold and impersonal. I have been there once only so far, but I have seen too many crime documentaries from there.
You also said that Os bought 3 houses in different locations, DC, Hawaii and CA and was wondering were the money came from. Oh, please, I don't and I have no Qs about it.

Do you know that cast of Hamilton by order of big tour organizer should not have any white actors/performers? Yes, Rush said it today in his show. I have no reason to doubt his sources.
Another thing you were furious was same music awards yesterday. I didn't watch, I don't listen to insane and vile stuff, end of the story. Other vile people are paying thus enriching those vile people in entertainment business. Money goes around, I don't care. Does it effect on the mind of children and makes them grow as cuckoos? Yes, absolutely, a 100%. Music you grow up with, fairy-tales you read, behavior you saw in your own family, plus the inherited genes - there goes your identity.
Only Tarzan was very different from his human tribe. We're all memories plus emotions and intellect comes later. For some the latter never arrives, which we see more and more often through the mass media.

Int'l news; OPEC in Lima is over, Putin said that short talk with O was constrictive and he thanked him for co-operation with RF. What??? I assume he just was polite to outgoing "colleague."
He said that he mentioned Syria and economic sanctions. I don't think O gives a damn about it at this point. It has been and we'll be "personal" between the two. One reason is Ed Snowden, but beside that there is another one. *************************

In Syria .S.L bombed 3 schools in Aleppo when children were in classrooms. Many casualties, the pictures are so distressing that better don't see.

From this point on we - the reporters, should shut down mass media coverage. We know for a fact that's a sewage for normal minds. We should get some life left for ourselves. We worked hard, we put tremendous intellectual (which also takes a physical tall), energy into this election and we need to recover to be able to enjoy it. I personally put 6.5 years into this blog without benefit of any penny or name  recognition.
I'll continue reporting Int'l news from reliable sources, but right now let's pray for Trump's successful transition to WH and for health and safety of his family.
I'm going to listen to Russian romance music and classic music.
Andre Rieu rocks and his orchestra is totally awesome!
Feed your soul people, album called "Falling in Love,", 
Watch this at and think how and why these people bring those with 9th century mentality and clothing, who despise and want them dead, to their homes and feed them for their own demise?
Also - Havah Nagilah - at /
My dear, unknown readers, let's enjoy sounds of western civilization as much as we can, shall we?
Com'on, keep it up, lalalalalalala......!!!  we just escaped the 3rd world war,
check this out at, oops, oops, oops, oopse, la-la-la!!!!
Play Russian anthem thanking Mr. Putin for his patience, at

Then this at  Ta ta ta ta ta !!!!
and this at  tra la la la la tra la la la .......

So long.

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