Thursday, October 27, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 27th, Thursday


Early afternoon in NYC, rainy and cold. Decided to stay in bed and do this.
Yesterday I was out and about in NYC all day. In midtown, especially on 34th street I saw big camps of homeless that i haven't seen before. All over the place. More and more bum hang out in subway stations. Then went to UES, someone asked for money when I was in the middle of crossing Park Ave, then went to UWS and saw more and more and the number is only growing.
This is Hillary's constituency. All of them are going to vote for her. Accidentally met a Russian man who is a physicist, talked a little politics between RF and US and asked who's he going to vote for. He believed that H can very well light a fire on WW3, but said he doesn't vote.
I went to coffee shop with a friend, visited other friends' businesses, shopped in a clothing store, talked to 3 people there, talked to another 4 people in UWS that I knew personally from my old neighborhood, all of them were mute to discussion and I believe will vote for H. All I could get out of my mouth was "it will be war or peace between H and Trump." Talking of lethargic stupidity... In this day and age not to know or not to care what's going on around the world shows how low intellectual level of American voter in big urban populous areas has become.
Early voting will not help Trump, because there are no observers. Who know if those are not going to go to other places to vote again. Wherever is no proof and control, H we'll win. Dependent class is her base, but look at her, she doesn't live next to them or even close to them. She moves around with her entourage and at night ends up as far as she can from those bums who vote for her.
If she like them so much, why she doesn't hand with them? She should sleep next to them, with them, or take them to her house. Show your "compassion" in deeds, in broad daylight, ms.piggy!
I was surprised that big-fat-stupid-michael-moore endorsed Trump. He has a bone in her body which still works? Nice to know that.
Must hear, at Heard 2:12min.? Hahaha!  

Trump is in Springfield, OH today, full event is at 
He starts talking at 1h 13min into the type. 

Here is Trump's contract with American voter for his first 100 days in ofiice; at 
He announced this a few days ago in historic town of Gettysburg, PA.

Today Putin was talking in the meeting with members of Int'l Discussion Club Voldai in Sochi, at He talked about situations in Ukraine and Syria and added that the West is manufacturing ideas about Russian aggression and aspirations of world dominance. "That's just a lucrative proposition to increase their military budgets, pressure NATO to come close to borders of RF, etc." he said, - "Russia is not getting ready to attack anyone. To think so is stupid, nonsensical and unrealistic. Nations participating in NATO include number of people mounting about 600 million, RF has only 146 million. It's even funny to talk about it, but NO, instead of concentrating on their domestic issues, runners of presidential elections in the US are accusing RF for "influencing" it. What does it mean anyway? Does it mean that USA is a banana republic? How can we influence the will of American people? America is a great Empire and if I'm not right, please correct me."
[Very good, Vladimir Vladimirovich! O doen't do such things, that's why he's jealous and hates Putin. That's as simple as that. His speech is 'must listen to.' ********************************]
Discussions started on Monday, it's ending today (24-27) and included 130 participants from 35 countries.
Club's work is a yearly event. It was established in 2004 by Russian political think-tanks and includes more than 900 reps of In't scholarly community. Its goal is to bring intellectuals together to get information about Russia and its society from first sources.

After 3pm, you started the show saying that media is getting warned by people who fundamentally understood what they stand for. They started to hear from people and are getting cautious.
I don't feel that MSM is calming down. Would I welcome revolution if Trump loses? Yes. But, I don't see a glimpse of it cooking in NYC.  GMO = Gov. media organizations, you say. Hahaha!

Bottom of the hour; your screaming saying that we shouldn't believe what vicious vermin is telling us, we're the majority!!! Sounds good to me. GMOs onn;y represent 20% of the population, but took over 99% of the media.

3:40pm you're saying that when Trump wins corrupt media should be investigated, and if found to be in cahoots with dem machine, should be prosecuted for false propaganda practices charges.
I agree. Last at least 15 years I'm surprised that how come nobody is holding the MSM accountable.
Why not sue them for each lie at the time, just bombard them with lawsuits. Lawsuits should not be 'he said she said,' it has to be presented only with facts - live-streamed video. That's all.

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