Thursday, October 20, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 20th, Thursday


Wee hours.
Of course cuckoo-CNN is going to say that most people liked H's performance. What else is new?
I think Trump won. The most important thing from today on is to get out to vote, talk to people to point out the real differences between the two. The future of this country is at stake. One wrong move, one military accident in Syria can start the WW3.
If even some people have been a lifelong democrat, they can vote for Trump in that booth at polling place. You can do it in general election. Go vote Trump no matter what's your party registration is. You do not need to change it. You can do it in general election. Party affiliation or registration is not required. I register "no party" on the paper. Stay in your damn democrat plantation and still vote for him!

Look at this cheerful clip, I love Diamond and Silk. They worked so hard to get their side of the story out. They're uniters, not dividers.
This is taken in spin room after yesterday's debate, at 

This is interesting too; a short clip from spin room in Trump area. R. Giuliani is giving interview to Sean Hannity, at

Sean did a tremendous job for Trump. Look at this article proving it, at

Check Ben Shapiro's "How to debate a liberal,"
Check this clip at, at 24th min he says that media is more crooked than crooked Hillary, that 14% of voters are none citizens. I'm not only not surprised, but I think that numbers can be higher and not only none-citizens, but illegals.
He is talking about 2014 article in Washington Post called "Could none citizens decide Nov. election?"
In one of your recent shows you said women from NY vote 3 times; one for themselves, second for their dead husbands, the third - in FL. It was funny, but might be true and they will be all liberals.
1.8million people are dead and still on the lists to vote? Yikes!!!

This is the full debate, at 

4:45pm, second hour of your show is about ending and I turned it off already. Why? Because you're saying that you don't know who will win, talking about things that you already talked about. You asked listeners to call, saying lines are all busy, but still not taking any calls. I wanted to call, but can't wait for hours on line and at the end not be able to say what I want to say.
It's nerve racking to get on your program. I don't have extra nerves.
This is what I have to say; in my opinion all the debates Trump won automatically, on default. Why?
Because she is a professional-politician-liar and he's an armature-beginner-honest-improviser.
It don't mean that he doesn't know what he's talking about or what the issues are, it means he's not cooked the way she's. He's an authentic boss, has been all his life, she is a shrewd employee-telemarketer who memorized all the answers for decades. In telemarketing they call it "overcoming objections." There is an answer/explanation for any question/objection. As simple as that.
I didn't watch the debate. I listened it over the radio. I didn't like and didn't want to see Trump soft, shagging shoulders and bending over to microphone.
She is so pumped up, I can't even start talking about it. She was in her bed for a few days getting all sorts of intravenous substances to keep her awake for couple of hours. Look at her hair, she doesn't have so much hair. All bunch of extensions are glued in every square inch of her head, look at her makeup, she looks 20 years younger. I actually don't mind. If someone want to look glamorous, I'd have a pleasure to look at and compliment too. But, in this particular case she's not participating in casting for a role in a movie. she's running to became a ruler of free world.
As wee say in NYC on street language "she ain't all that, trust me, she ain't all that, nothing she has to be that."
Actually to give me a therapy after the debate and make this blog fun and exiting at the same time,
I'd insist the reader check this clip out, at (above expression at 5:30min. and 9:50min. after winning saying "it's just about being yourself."
This is from 90's sitcom called "Martin" starring very talented Martin Lawrence. He plays multiple roles in it. Beside himself he played his own mother, which was a firecracker/rioter in nature, he played his neighbor Sheneneh, who is another bright and fiery eccentric character, etc. Sheneneh is a successful business woman, a hair dresser, who has her own hair salon and actually getting awards for her masterful craft. She's not taken seriously, because of her looks, gestures and mischievous behavior, but she can ram her way through with unconventional means, often using street-bully tactics and actually getting her way by screaming the truth.
She's telling the ugly truth the way it is and at the end, after racking the place emotionally and shaking every person's private dirt on surface, she gets what she wants and says "the truth will set you free."  I love it. I love it so much, I can't have enough watching it. By now I know it by heart and can do the entire episode on a dot. Try me.
I know presidential election is different than becoming a member of "women business club" like in that episode, but human psyche is the same in every instance of winning or loosing.
Hillary's constituency talks streets language. Welfare class is mostly uneducated and can't understand or relate to high "materia" (or to a rich man with a perfect looking family), such as national security.
Most people are going to vote their pockets and they're the ones who depend on it. So, in reality, they have no choice but to go for her, because she promises more "stuff."
Trump could do the same way - the street way; just talk straight, use street tactic of interrupting and over-talking and, in the meantime tell the bitter TRUTH. For God's sake!
He has the truth on his side, but yesterday he came out soft. Softer than he needed to be.
He never should let an inch of her poison come close to him. Look what Sheneneh does when she wins and appointed on the board of the club; she generously allows her adversaries to join in too, but hands over her business flyers and INSIST them to distribute those.
When she said that he's undermining the "legitimacy of democratic elections" (damn-retarded words) by not pledging to "except" the results, Trump should say; "What else you want me to "automatically" except? Maybe, after I win, I'll automatically hire you to distribute my flyers? I'll do that!"
That really will make my day! Come to think of it, I'm going to send Trump a bell, like the one Sheneneh rings to silent Gina and Pam. I'll send him a Liberty Bell from Philly. A real loud one.

Also he has to know about and address those people who have been in this country for generations and got used to idea of  being an underclass and being taking cafe of. He should talk to them directly and say; "I know you're out there, I know who you are, you live in NYC next to me, you live in projects, some of you lay on the streets that I walk through. I see you and will take care of you.
I'll not cut social programs, I'll make them more efficient to soften your pain and prevent your kind from the same thing." He should bring couple of them with him and point out to those, go to minority and crime areas of NYC and talk to people directly and get a name of an innocent 4 years old girl, like H did. Libs usually pawn kids for their perv-progressive agenda.
Was it easily doable? Anyone advise him to do so? I don't know. Maybe it's not worth it, because NYS is predominantly dem and any effort would not make any difference anyway? But people from around the country would see it, hear it and feel that his heart is in the right place.
We blame O and H for not doing any good to their home-town Chicago. He should tell us he'll make NYC the best city in the world, because simply he resides there.
In the episode above, at 5:30min into the clip Sheneneh says "she ain't all that, ....."
He should use the same expression. What would that do?  It would show that he watches black shows, likes black actors, loves black people, relates to their mentality and agrees with them in many ways.
Average person first reacts to words; Do you know what they know, do you relate to them with your likes and dislikes?

Living in NYC for quarter of century I can talk Ebonics, recite from many black comedians by heart and even do the certain types of walks and gestures they do. When I talk to blacks that I don't know, in couple of minutes they're surprised he hear what I say and how I say it. Most who know me personally call me  "red hair black girl with light skin" or "light-skin sister." I love it. In "Martin" show also his mother called Gina, his girlfriend, a "light skin "b.itch."

Well, I'm going to see where was Trump today. He said that he'll except the outcome of elections if he'd be the winner. !!! That's my man right there!!!
Sick vermin of the media try to do everything to hold every innocent word against him as a mortal weapon. Of course, if he'll think that the result of votes are not fair or legit, he'll have constitutional right to contest it.
What's new about it? Remember Al Gore? He contested and never even stop talking about it until today. He created an entire industry of money making on imaginary process of the world burning down. Made a movie to embarrass this country called "An inconvenient truth."
After Europeans saw it, I lived in France and they'd look at me like I was the one who was bringing the world down for everyone. His truth and my rat's foot go together, as far as I'm concerned.
Al Gore can contest election results and Donald Trump can't? Who says? Liberals who have Colorado brownies for breakfast? I see.

I haven't gone into Int'l news, you see. I'm aware of it, but no time to write about it. This blog has been a very time consuming endeavor I took on myself more than 6 years ago and don't pay me any penny. Would it if I'd like to? I don't know. I didn't set it up for it. At least until now. Should I have substantial financial means I'll definitely get my own channel or network. It's time to bring the entire rotten, corrupt, stupid 5th column of this country called MSM down to its knees. 
Come to think of it; it's not impossible, not even very difficult. 
It needs my ideas, skills, experience, wisdom, education, knowledge and the money will get the tools to show the proofs. That's all. 
I'll involve and include everybody who'll want to join the conversation. Anybody who wants and even don't want. I'll challenge them to get involved. Spice and fire? Bring it on! Yes! 

Today Trump is in Delaware, Ohio, at
Great speech. He's telling that violence incited at his rallies were paid by the people from Clinton campaign. Also fatso-dana-brazil got the Qs and gave to Hillary. Trump calls for her resignation.
Why is it not investigated publicly and prosecuted? Why sick vermin of MSM are not talking about it? Just look at the pictures all over; she's 10 inches short, but she looks the same or even taller.
Meatball Jr. was kissing her sagging .ss treating her much better. Why he called she "madam secretary?" She is an ex-secretary. That's not a forever title. It's a temp job title.
Why he didn't address Trump as Mr. CEO? He is still CEO and always have been.
What is this; previously gov. job holder is better than present self-employed magnet? Who says?
That was the discrimination against Trump from the get go. He had to tear her and meatloaf a part, give them flood of words not used before - telling them both --- off!
Instead he came out polite and lovely manners toward "a lady" and a traitor conman.

Int'l news; bad, bad bad, 3 Russian military officers are wounded and 14 Syrian city workers executed in Aleppo by the militants. Officers are transported to Khmeimim base, their injures are not life threatening. 14 city official were murdered because they gave orders to civilians to flee the city, at
There was a declared pause in hostilities to get humanitarian aid through, which should be ended tonight, but by the order of Putin it's extended for another day.

UN is ready to provide humanitarian aid as of tomorrow, but it needs guaranteed 48 hour pause.
Putin is in Berlin today talking discussing the situation in south-eastern Ukraine, at Kiev so far did not comply with Minsk2 and assignments of OSCE. The latter is only a civilian mission. D-tran said that no magic happened in that meeting and they'll talk to Kiev after it'd do its homework. Uncle PP looks like a demon to me.

Imagine what Putin is going through? Imagine dealing with all those Big-Nuts in western hemisphere plus Islamic world with its complexities and unpredictability? Wow! That some "job" right there.

So long.

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