Wednesday, October 26, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 26th, Wednesday


Wee hours.
If you want to get sick in your stomach watch this report, at 
I don't want to translate or comment on it, it made me sick when I watched it. As far as I'm concerned S. Hussein and M. Qaddafi were better for their own countries than D-tran Merkel to hers. She not only destroyed her own, but totally contaminated entire EU. Of course, it will go beyond it as fast as human can move around these day. Mind you that EU has no borders, so there goes your entire western civilization. Europe is suicidal; it fired the first shot to its foot, now after above report I register a shot into abdomen. Still breathing, but it's getting heavy. I'll tell you when the shot goes right into the brain. It might go through the mouth or from behind the ear. UK might have a chance to survive, but it's rotting from within.

Yesterday I didn't have time to listen to your show, but I'll catch up with podcast.
I don't believe in polls, the verminic media and the rest. I believe that if this county's immune system is not totally broke down, Trump, with God's will, should win.

I hear he had a TV program. Do you know about that? I heard it yesterday on another show, but didn't get a chance to really check it out. This is the announcement, at 

Above Russian report was so distressing that I don't want to watch more news right now.
It's after 5am now, I need some sleep.

Evening; Couldn't hear your show today.
This morning Trump opened its Trump Int'l Hotel In DC, cut ribbon with fancy scissors, his family were by his side participating. He said 5 words represent his style of working "under-budget and ahead of schedule." The hotel is in old post office, which show that he knows how to deal with government.
Of course jealous-nobodies congregated to show their ugly heads to try to get attention and put a damp on ceremony. Verminic media which caters to them starts their reporting from that. Instead of success and successful, they concentrate on failure and aggrandize those who fail.
"Tell me who're your friends and I tell you who you are," right? Misery likes company and media likes miserable., how do you like it?

According to Russian sources vermin in Syria interfere with efforts of getting people out of eastern Aleppo. At UN security council meeting today there were hot exchange of words between Russian rep. at UN's vice-chairman. The latter started reading a poem, Churkin got upset and let it loose.

Today Trump was in Kingston, NC, at He starts at 1h into the tape. This is the shorter version, at 

This is your today's show, at

So long.

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