Monday, February 8, 2016

To Michael Savage Feb. 8th, Monday, 2016


Happy Chinese New year! Get the dragon and monkey and make some noise to get a good luck!
This year is year of monkey and dragon considered bringing a good luck.
Everybody get some whistles to scare the bad luck off!

Today I heard only second hour of your show. Mr. Trump was on from New Hampshire. You spoke much more than him, which sounded more of a complement/encouragement then an interview.
You get very excited, rightfully, when he's on. The whole hour you talked like "mile a minute." It's your show you should do what you're pleased, but sometimes we want to hear him too.
He is a wise man, he has good instincts, he said that he doesn't mind that Russia bombs .S.L and we should help him with that.
Others are not only incompetent in foreign politics, but, in case of becoming commander-in-chief, can bring this country to its demise. Those are Cruising-Cruz, Hillary-the-hilarious, and others who think that Russia is our enemy. Their sick and dark minds working winded-up on a mode of inevitable self-distraction.
You were right to remind him (or tell him) not to listen to his advisers all the time. In his place he can be surrounded by all sorts of people who can do all sorts of destructive things. Their is no litmus test for loyalty besides Abraham in Bible, never have been. Those who're now around him, in the case of falling off the favor with him, can use their power and influence in opposite ways.
Their have been emperors and kings who were betrayed not only by their court-men and/or soldiers, but also by their own family. Thank God his family is wonderful, which is a blessing. I wish I'd have a family like that.

In the meantime, today early morning Russian military conducted a readiness drill in its southern commend, at 
They sent a memo informing foreign countries agencies about it.
I believe that our media ill cry foul about it, but I'm not following much of it anyway.
During your show, at the break time, you said that you watched Fox. Called Kelly, Cavuto and some names.
I don't know what you have against short hair, why are you badmouthing her haircut.  Hair is a dirt to start with and less of it is better. That's my opinion. Most people can't have short hair, simply because they have horse faces, big heads, irregular feathers, etc. Hair supplements and takes away attention from the feathers of the face. More of it gets more attention. Lots of it (also lots of makeup) shows aggression caused by desperation for attention. You never know how person looks like unless completely shave his/her hair. That's all, end of the story.
Should I be a monarch (for one week only), I'd give an order for everyone to shave their heads, thus
keep a good hygiene and less faking in my kingdom. ::)) Yessir!
Another thing you always make fun of is seltzer water. What's wrong with seltzer? because libs that you've got to know in your life were drinking it? I'm a conservative ( in very sane ways) and I love it. I also keep my hair short and sometimes pull some hair out when I hear global stupidity from the mouths of those who have power to effect millions of lives in the world, including others.
Anxiety is a sign of unresolved stress, which can cause it. Who and how can resolve an emotional stress of someone like us who see and understand how things really are in the world today?
You want an example? I give it to you.
Look at chain of events from 20 years on, after former Soviet Union and switched from socialism to capitalism. Russians thought that now capitalist West and good old US of A would embraced them and stop calling them all sort of names and be 'scared" of them. Instead, nothing changed in the minds of rulers of the West towards that country. 90's they sponsored many who had little or no loyalty to that country and made them rich or very rich (the oligarchs). Eventually those left taking or trying to take all the money with them to the West. Many of them succeeded, some dropped dead or one or the other reason, some got caught, etc.
Five years prior to fall of 2013 when unrest broke out in Kiev, Ukraine, West already had invested $5Billion there and was prepared for it.
My guts tell me that is should be much more and was being cooked for longer time than that.
Entire new generation of 20's and 30's in that country grow up with a poison of hatred in their blood towards their own Slavic brethren the next door. How did that happen? This wasn't an accident. It possible could NOT be. This was coming for a long time and was thoroughly planned.
Countless so called "NGO"s flooded that territory taking with them enormous amount of money for their "operation." Who send them there and for what reason? What's their mission? How many we have in RF and UA, how much money goes to them from public and privet sector and for what reason? Where are the results of their "work."
You're the first streamed talk show host in America, which is great! I'm so very happy for you. You have been my favorite for a longest time. That's why I', asking you; you should be doing investigation about the statistics and letting us know.
Should I have the money that talk show hosts are getting I'd be able to do it myself. This is one more reason why Mr. Trump should hire me.  ***********************************************

Situation in military sphere between the US, NATO and RF is dire, thus full of horrible surprises.
If Putin would not be an extremely sober and unusually tolerant person, we'd be in WWIII already.
I agree with every bad word you use to describe the mental capabilities of members of our main stream media and those who employ them. I agree that megyn-kelly has a Pinocchio nose. Trump should call her Pino-nose-china (from word chin). Oh, I just came up with this name.  Isn't it cute?
I should start using it myself. MegynKelly, aka Madam Pinonosechina. To be more politically correct and giving into trend of genderlessness in our society (as it's so fashionable now), we can call her Pinonosechin(o). Rose-the-nosy-O'Donnell in my book qualifies as a big, thick poisonous snake.
If there would not be a single man alive on this planet I'd not marry her anyway. Single life is good for me. I never complain.

Now, to prove that I;m not an alarmist, I'll tell you that after getting 3 Billion Euros from EU for "refugees," Turkey is asking for 2 more. I'm thinking why not? Why shouldn't they? In their place, if idiots could give more, I'd ask too.
But, at the same time my Qs is; who is checking how much of that money is going to "refugees?"
What if, they're going to use it to buy more advanced weapons from the West in confront Russia.
That money can be used to pay those same refugees to fight for them.
Now that RF's sanction against Ankara hitting the agricultural sector, those who don't have income anymore can sign up for fighting. How else they're going to feed their usually very big families?

Recently again Ankara cried foul, as if Russian plane was closed or even "crossed" their air border for 4 minutes. There are no signs in the air. What is that mean? Russia is spending a fortune and enormous very highly skilled military manpower to fight the verminic-.s.l, so those won't take over Syria, than in the rest of the region and get to them eventually, as they have planned.
Do I "like" Assad. No. Why would I? he let the situation to get out of control for may years already in his country. Maybe he's not mentally equipped to be a commander-in-chief, as we understand it, but... let me not go that far.
I saw on youtube a clip; he and his wife visiting a christian orphanage in a small town, sitting down with them in a small room, having lunch and interacting with them and pledging to help more.  
Vemin-of-isil will kill those kids in front of their care takers and then behead the rest.
Facts show that in most of the totalitarian countries where the ruler is toppled, the next one is usually worse and the country sinks into chaos. To me those thought of democracy, equality and other goodie-goodie things should come from within. Those societies are not ready, they don't know about those things, and, the biggest bombshell of it all - DO NOT WANT IT! They hate Christians and Jews, they don't believe what we believe, they want us gone, fi-ni-to! They can be reworded with eternal life in heaven for doing it to us with their own hands. They're busy having unprotected sex, mostly with their first cousins, thus working on making more eating mouths every second of the day and will need more space, more land more food for them.
How difficult to understand such a simplistic concept? One doesn't need to be able to read or write or go to school for this. You just have to look around. God gave use eyes to see. You can "figure out" anything about human behavior, look at the animal world.
All animals like humans do 2 things the same way; eating and procreating (in the result of having sex). How else I can put this to be able to "look nicer," - I don't know. Having an offspring takes an "unprotected" sex. Some call it "the dirty one," I call it "unprotected one." Am I not nice already?
Difference between animal and human mating is that animals don't do it every day or every mouth, human can do it every 365. Now they even got medications to do it multiple times every day.
I know from my parents and grandparents first, then from my simple life experiences and education in biology and human behavior that difference between human and animal species of the world is the mind. We, the humans, have more advanced brain, which give us intellect, thus possibility of judgement. Judgment to make decisions before our actions. Ability to analyze and use the intellect to apply "will power" over certain bodily factions should not be a "problem" for a normal human.
Humans get their hormones later in life and by the guidance of their parents, the society they live in and by their own brain factions should be able to control it.
I can't blame a dog for having poppies, or a cat for having kittens, because God or nature or both of them didn't give them mental capability to control their hormonal system. Animals act on their instincts in procreation process. That's the way it is. Now, with all our compassion for them, all the special foods, medicine, entertainment provided, we take and guess what, castrate them so they won't multiply. Isn't this against the nature, against God, against anything humane?
To me it is, - ideologically. It used to give me a horrifying feeling when I was younger. How human can be humane by doing that, tempting on animal's life. Who gave him/her a right to do it, I'd ask. To me it was; "if you don't want an animal, why are you taking it at the first place?" Spaying and neutering considered a BIG sin in my heart and soul. But, years of seeing how animals multiply  and there is no place for all of them to be taking care of, I, kind of made peace with it.
Would I do to mine? I don't think so. I still would not. but i don;t have a pet now. Should I decide to take one I have to weigh all options. Unless the animal is not spayed or neutered yet I have to count what might come up and be ready for it. But, I understand why they do it in animal shelters and can't judge those people who agree with it.
Now, listen to this carefully; why can't we say to a human specie, male or especially female these words; "if you don't know where the food, clothing, hot water, medicine, educations and the rest of million other things are going to come from, maybe you shouldn't bring more humans into the equation of misery you're living in "hoping" that other stupid ones who work and create products and services and build houses and roads, are stupid enough to take care you and them?"
Another Q right into their eyes on live TV; - "Aren't you embarrassed and ashamed that as a human while you're getting laid, others are using their brains and working? Look at the Arab world, look at entire Muslim world, look at the rapid pace they're multiplying. Of course, pretending that they're so modest and god fearing that they pray to God a few times a day, don't convince me that they believe that God works for them and going to drop food, clothing, warm water, etc. from heaven a few times a day. Needless to say, NO-BODY in the world have seen it. No, they believe they're "better" ones and God should "take" from others and give it to them. otherwise, you know the deal - the infidels, they're going to do it by themselves, such as "take" it from you!!!
Do you see the natural chain of events based on hormonal use created in their minds? Isn't that an aggression against the rest of humanity who are not into that business from morning till night?
Do you think that people in their right mind believe that whose who are rap themselves in sheets are innocent, modest, kind hearted and naive humans? Think again. Naive kid, minor or even normal teenager doesn't get "busy" with sex before fully emotionally maturing and taking responsibility for it and for its possible outcome. In normal countries it's even prohibited to marry their first cousin. In Muslim countries it's considered the "best" choice, the good done. When, many years ago, I told to one of my Muslim friend (who I know 24 years now) that in my culture and religion I couldn't marry my cousins, -1st, 2nd, 4th, it should be 7 removed, he smirked like it was stupid. "We marry in the family," he said proudly, like it was the proof that his religion was better than mine.
Am I friends with him after everything they feel, say and think against this country and Christianity?
Yes, of course. I can't judge everybody for everything. This country lets those who don't give a darn damn about the language, culture and borders of this country, what can I do alone? he's a hard working man, he took care of his family, his kids go to school here and they're all good. I wish everyone who comes from where they're be like them. I'm not a preacher either. I don;t work on converting people. Now mine cup of tea. Actually I gave holy-Kuran to his older son (when he got into college), which contains translation of each verse from Arabic to English. That kid is very good, he goes to college, he helps the father in their business, but growing up in here didn't stop him right after high school go back and marry the daughter of his mother's sister. I saw the pictures of the wedding. Only men are there, of course. The grandfather, in pure happiness dancing at the wedding of his 2 grandchildren. He has a 'green card," he has money, he can be a citizen if he wants too, and I believe he has more "rights" and will get more attention and better treatment by anyone in the streets of NYC than I.
When I was a kid I was told that I'm a human and compare to other animals (which have the same internal organs) I'm privileged to have a judgement and will-power which I'm obligated to use every waken moment. Right from wrong, good from bad was in front of us in our parents, grandparents and most of society's behavior and didn't need too much of explanation. My father worked 43 years and my mother 35 years before retiring and wanted their 2 kids to have education, job and then settle down, get married and only then have children. I still remember my grandmother pointing out at the bird's nest on the tree. She said; "see how those birdie are small, how small their brain are compare to ours and they put the nest together before laying eggs." I thought this was most simplistic things to understand in life; be self-sufficient before bringing others into the equation. Every religion, as far as I know (I'm not a theologian) teaches 2 things; morality and responsibility. That's the bottom line.
Everyone can make a mistake, but it depends on you what type of mistake and how many times.
Some things were no-no, absolute no-no, such as "go out for "fun" and come home pregnant."
What? Actually, where I grew up it wasn't called "fun." It was called another word starting with F, but with 4 letters. Fun was when you get together with your friends, turn a music on, eat, dance, sing, play (I played piano), tell jokes, laugh and go home. Coming home pregnant would mean putting down, spiting on my parents' faces, crushing their efforts raising me to the ground, dismissing and dishonoring their lives all together. There could not be any excusable "explanation." I'd have shown that I acted as a stray cat and thus should be treated worse than a stray cat, because simply I'm a person who chose not to use God given privilege - the human intellect. Those things went without saying. It was in the air, even in my teachers' and neighbors' eyes, in their expectations of me. How possibly I could throw that trust and step on their efforts. We were told that teachers are the second parents. When they weren't there, whatever teacher say - goes! That's it, end of the story.
I thought it was simple. it was a usual thing. You keep your honor from your young days and build on it. You'll the the first in the class, you'll get the best education, you look for the best man out there with a good family, settle down then do the "adult business" of having offsprings so they'd know more and have better lives. Where I grew up in average family there were 2 people working and they had 2 kids. It wasn't enough to multiply too much (it needs at least 3), but people weren't into multiplying business, they belived in higher things.
We weren't religious, but we always belived in God. We were all baptized, everybody that I knew had their weddings in churches as a symbol of culture and tradition. They had to go to city hall to registered also, church wasn't allowed to issue marriage licenses. I lived in no-crime country where I could hail any passing car and tell where i wanted to go. Never heard of rap or child molestation incident. Diverse rate was extremely low, child mortality and infectious diseases were very law, all the vaccines for children were available like in most advanced countries, no AIDS case was ever registered, before I came here in 1991, and no drugs. Drugs were where money was - the big $. Ruble couldn't buy it and the country in whole was pretty much closed to the capitalist America and Europe. Because most of my ethnic people live outside as a diaspora, it was easier for us to travel than the other nationalities or ethnic groups who had nobody to give them invitation. Besides some group travel as tourists to East European countries we needed invitation to get VISA to come here.
Personally I left home, father, a dog (who was like a baby for me) and came here because I belived in "freedom of speech." I mean, I belived that real "freedom of speech" can be found only here - in USA. Rest of my family did not believe and didn't bother to immigrate. And there were many like them; some already have been in here and returned and told the bad stuff, some belived that bad stuff and didn't risk to take the chance.
My experience after 25 years in here is that this is one silent society with living under constantly very loudly trumpeted high-end lies about its "rights" for human kind. Oh, boo-hoo! !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Am I being too rough? I have to, I have no choice. I'd be much happier to write about Soviet beautiful and meaningful cartoons, about romance music that I listen to keep my mind straight and my soul watered, my impressions of Monaco, etc. But, there is no time for such luxury. Now, let's go back.
To prove you that some nations did something to prevent them from self-destruction of multiplying uncontrollably and actually turned the tide around and became prosperous, I'll give you one name - China. Because they legally limited the childbirth, they became more advanced than ever in modern world and becoming a superpower slowly but surely. Maybe I shouldn't even call it slow, 50-70 years of history is a very short time for them.
What happened when they started to impose one child rule? America condemn them, went there with candles and and money and encouraged people to have sex and multiply in front of them because
"that's the right things to do?" Nosir! They love China. I love everything Chinese; the culture, the food, colors, art. I always stop by in Chinese Art section at Metropolitan museum whenever I get a chance to visit. I like their attitude toward work. They're so fast and relentless in their approach to work. Actually, you think I just like to talk? No, I follow up with their culture and traditions too.
Not only I didn't forget that today is their new year, but I bought a tie for my friend with Asian theme; Yellow dragons on red silk. Yes, I'm considerate person, thank you. I'm going to go to China town, hear the noises, have foods and give them business. They deserve it. Are they perfect for me? No, I don't like when they don't put names of food, especially pastries in English. Should I be the mayor of the city I'd make them. But, other than that I feel good when I go there.

You think I'm the only one addressing rapidly multiplying business in Middle East as a problem? No. A few years ago, then mayor Bloomberg dared to mention it in one of his press-conferences. At that time he just came back from Israel and was asked about the political situation in Palestine.
He said that with the money and humanitarian aid they get they should be first if all building their economy, infrastructure, educational system, instead of having more children.
I do not remember his exact words, if course he was "polite," but I was still pleasantly surprised that he even mentioned it.
Other pathetic liars and frauds in politics go there and instead of telling them the truth, encouraging them to continue to do things the way they are doing and promise help.
Many years ago I was watching a documentary, which "suppose" to show that they're poor and suffering, relying on help from outside and asking to help. I saw a man who was fighting in the line of free food distribution center. He got couple of bags (as heavy as he could carry) of food and went home. Then they showed his family; - 12 children. Of course the wife is home, as almost all the women in there, he didn't have a job who knows how long, and 12 children are sitting on the floor and eating. Do I care about other humans, especially children? Of course I do.
But, should I be there, unlike that stupid, idiotic reporter and the crew, I'd speak my mind and tell the 2 adults; "Don't tell me that you believe that the whole world don't know where children come from.
So, when you're going to come to terms, and better yet do something to curb your hormonal enthusiasm, about taking responsibility of raising them? Please, stop throwing them to the faces of the rest of humanity. It's not nice." Yes, that's what exactly I'd tell them; - get control of your hormones and kicky behavior. Capish?
I know in this particular case, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is long and complicated.
They lived side by side before 1948, then the hell broke loose when Israel as country was founded. Who did what types of bad things to whom is an unending discussion.
The fact is that the accumulated hate is too deep and, sorry to say, can not fad for many, many decades to come.
I heard many Israeli politicians, historians, journalists, etc. That's not a war only on one front. That conflict has 4 sides and the fight is taken up to Gods, which can not be reconciled.
I'm pro-Israel. I never even questioned it. I don't think it should be even asked. Why?
So simple; Arabs have 22 countries, Jews should and must have at least one. That's why!
What would I suggest, should be a problem solver? Just thinking. I always put myself on someone's place who can make decisions and solve problems before criticizing. I'm not only a reporter, I'm a journalist, commentator and believe in "journalism with cause." That's my motto. It's not a "job" for me, it's my career and calling. I do this for free and I can say anything I want.
Now I'll answer to the Q "how to resolve that conflict." It's unsolvable. Some problem in math and physics are unsolvable also. It's one of those. Point, end of the story.
What can be done to stop the bloodshed from both sides? It can be done. I see only one way out of that trap. It's coming, I'm going to tell you. But first let me remind you that we have this wonderful ally in middle east, - a rich, wealthy, shiny country, where 7 or 8 thousand people call themselves "sheikhs" have everything under the sun and spend like no one else in the world. You guessed it - Studies. They feel like every day entire Muslim world is bending over toward them and they're God's given cream of the crap. The best and most righteous Muslims in the world, right? Right. Ask them, see if they're agree. I heard it from them. USA gave them technology to dig the oil up, they couldn't do it by themselves, right? Right. And, we're buying it from them, right? Right.
They get the money, can and do hire most professional builders and architects, buy most expensive jet liners, cars, keep leopards as pets, etc. Oh, by the way, this is the recent news; they're ready to fight under NATO or US commend in Middle East. Against who, I'll not know, because I will not believe their answer. They have all the money to buy and trade with weapons in open int'l market, so where they will use, who they will sell it to will remain only their business.
But, let me answer now, should I be in the place of O, at first I'd suggest that all the Palestinians who are want get out of the misery to move to Saudi. They should have an area, so they won't be parted with their extended families and older ties which can be comforting and reassuring in their new lives.
I'd tell Saudis that we want them to take them. That's all. Those who want to stay in Israel and obey Israeli laws can stay.
The biggest things can be done with small actions. Let me take you in small steps and you'll see how absolutely possible it is.
O goes to masque, as he did recently (to show that he's a brother), takes a Tv crew and directly tells Saudis; "we want you to do one huge, unbelievably humane thing to your brethren. You can not say NO to this, because by doing so you'd prove that you're no good Muslims, you're greedy, you do not practice, but fake your faith. That proof we'll force us to change our minds and attitude towards you and we'll deal with you and possibly come to take the wealth from you to do what real Islam is teaching; - fairness and equality. If you're OK to see your brethren are dying and don't do anything about it, we'll do the same to you (meaning we'll make you suffer by taking over your country and oil in it. We'll watch your holy sites better than you, what about it?).
Don't you think that will get King's attention? Especially all those things I mentioned are in their holy book. "You have to help your brothers" it says. And. "all Muslims are brothers," it says also.
Isn't that simple? Read the book out loud, Mr. O! Give them the request and put the time for answer.
I believe the rest of Muslim world (who don't like Saudis, believe me), will be looking and waiting excitedly.
Undoubtedly to me answer will come on time; "What do you want us to do?"
Answer from O;
"we, the people, US Congress and I decided that you should take 4 million suffering Palestinians to your land and treat them as it's fit for older and richer brother.
We're sending boats to bring them to your shores and before you build special settlement for them, they should be distributed within Saudi compassionate and generous people.
In the name of prophet, may peace be upon him and all might God - the merciful.
We're going to monitor the situation, we'll sell you contraction material, food, clothing, send NGOs to oversee the process. I'll be visiting you at festival of Bayram with lots of sweets."
Is this too difficult to come up with? Not for me. I though about this for a long time, wondering why they don't think of it? Why all the geniuses in politics can't come up with this? Have you ever heard of complete solution like this from any of them? I haven't.
What do you think, Palestinians won't be willing or even happy to go live in Saudi? Yes, they'll will. No normal human wants to live in war with a fear of dying every day. If they would not, that means they're not "normal" so shouldn't get humanitarian aid until putting their minds together.
You absolutely can not play clown games with millions of people who pretend they're stupid or incapable. Nobody talks to them directly and tells the truth in their eyes.
Saudis are ready to spend money and lives to fight for more money, they should be sparing some of it on their own people.
Does any cuckoo in Congress understands this? Which one? Have you heard of one who talk about above-mentioned things my me? I haven't!
I wrote about a few things today. I didn't watch football, just looked at that on the screen of TV.
I don't understand American football. Nobody explained it to me. It shouldn't even be called football. Football is the European one, the one you're not suppose to touch with hands. That's why it's foot-ball. This is a contact-pile-up game which should be called hand-ball. I know who won and I'm glad I didn't watch the halftime performance organized by against-whites racists.
Someone has to have b.lls to sue that sh.t! You see where is this going right? It's becoming more and more obvious.
You're right about aclu-garbage, it should be charge for treason and shot down completely. That's the only solution. It can not be salvaged. It's too far gone, for God's sake!
Do you know that our good ally Turkey has a law "protecting turkishness." Yes, if you say or write something that might be considered disrespectful for Turkey and its people, you will be finds and go to jail. I don't see American big, nasty mouths in media and entertainment business talking about this, or American politicians do something about it.
When Mr. Trump becomes a president he should let people like me and you unleash barrage of lawsuits against the media, its runners' enter corporation ownership, its lies and misinformation and its outright traitorship against the people and the strategic interests of this country.
One small example I mentioned before; one idiotic reporter (a fat woman) from here asked Putin a question (with underlying blame) not knowing the weapons she was asking about. But, to look stupid is one thing, that's not that harmful, but if that bozo put a name of the weapon she "thought" was sent there, many readers already wet their pants and started screaming about it from fear. Who is going to change it? Nobody. it can be on internet, gone thought talk shows, been briefed to el-jefe, etc.
For only one thing like that she should be heavily fined and banned from working in any type of official news agency. She can write fiction books, if she wants to.
Oh, let me say this before signing off today.
Do you know that M. Qaddafi use to write romantic poems to SoS of the time - Condy-Rice?
Yes, almost every day. Apparently he was preoccupied with that. I heard that on Russian TV from someone who officially met with Saddam, Mubarak and Qaddafi.
Do you know that at the time of Mubarak, population if Egypt was grew 1.5 million a year. That's what Mubarak told her. I felt it could be more. It should grow geometrically. Mubarak said that all those new people needed food, clothing, education, more energy for consumption, etc and he kept up with the pace for all those decades of his reign.
Thanks to American Billion of free dollars for "help, co-operation and partnership." Mubarak had only 2 sons, when average family had  many more. We saw how those kids grow up and throw him behind the bars, didn't we? Imagine what can they do to us.
Russian experts also believe that Arab spring was a disaster and only general Al-Sisi was able to stop it with military coup. Depends what side you're on, coup can help too.  

So long.

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