Friday, February 5, 2016

To Michael Savage Feb. 5th, Friday


You started your show with a clip from Hilly-the-hilarious screaming about Sander's positions on banks, etc. You said that her son-in-law is a hedge fund operator.
You didn't know that his in-law (the father of the groom) was convicted of fraud and did time in jail for it? Yessir! In-law is a jailbird.
You said that everything was such a set up that the moderator Rachel "mad-cow" hugged both of them at the end.
Then you talked about Bernie Madoff, how he's happy in the jail. Yes, He's a sociopath. Those types don't get depressed, don't seek help, don't kill themselves. They squeeze every oz of everything from anything and everybody around them. It don't make a difference who they are and what can happen to them, including their own children. They're in this world all by and for themselves. That one at least got caught (not that I'm happy that he's eating free food), so many others are free out there doing the same thing right now.
Those types usually also believe that every one is like them also. For them, it's just a fair game.
I study psychology by myself, I don't need to go to school and pay a fortune to get a paper for it.
I study basics while in University, then built on it with more work based on real life around me. I have been in different countries and speak different languages and have interacted with many many different people from all places and walks of life.
Let me tell you something about banks; bank is in business of getting money and making money on it. Of course you know that and all the readers of this blog know it too.
What is not said openly about it (like about anything else just to be "nice"), it's a world of greed and fear. Those are 2 "fuels" that it runs on. Do I think greed is always bad? No.
Greed can be used as feeling of eagerness for hard work, motivation to create more of what's out there, provide better service there is, create new products and services, etc, etc.
To me greed is bad when it uses illegal tools and puts the result of fraud in more fraud and thus causes harm to others or to entire society.
In Bible "greed" defined as sickness. I don't remember the verse now (I'll look up for it later******), but it says "it will be time when many people will become sick with greed."
It can be contagious for some who have certain  personality types for the sake of jealousy (in negative sense) and competitiveness.
But if greed is used to work harder and it benefits everybody around, I'm all for it.
I have studied my own character traits. I'm one of those very rare types that never negatively emotionally effected by others' success and wealth.
For example, I always was and still very happy that no matter how though it is to survive living in NYC, I'm living in the city of wealthy people like Trump and Bloomberg. When Bloomberg was the mayor of NYC I was living and traveling Europe. When they'd ask me where I was from I'd answer- "where Bloomberg lives - NYC." Their eyes would widen up.
One couple from Scotland that struck a conversation with me asked, and said the same thing and added that he works for free for the city of NY. They smirked and said "yes, he better, with all that guilty money that he has." I said "do you know how much this man donated to charities? 100's of millions of dollars!!!" They said, "yeah, well, he should." I still remember how that struck a cord for me, that's why I'm writing this. I bombarded them with a words with Q marks about Scotland, UK and the entire Europe, that made them confused and they changed the conversation very fast.
I felt like they badmouthed my uncle or my cousin, something like that. My reaction to put them where they belong was the equivalent of family member.
Mr. Trump also used word "greed" in is advantage in one of his recent meetings with people around the country. He said "I'm greedy, I like to take everything, I like to have everything, I like to have lots of money. I'm going to do it for America; take, take, take, bring it in!" On the podium he showed it with his hand gesture like rounding up and collecting the winnings on the game table.
I like that. I'm all for it. I'm happy that I live in the same city that he and his wonderful family does. I wish I'd have a family like that. [Should I have a man like that I'd have between 30-40 kids, like a whole classroom. I know, I couldn't bear all of them myself, but that's besides the point. If he or someone else will sponsor my ideas now, I hope it's still not too late for me to have them and take care of them all by myself without a man. ??? ]
This country is technically bankrupt. extremely few out there can have an idea how to fix it and most of those wouldn't like to bother with politics.
So, that makes Trump is a rare chance we've got now. Instead of spending millions he could be making them and having total fun every minute of his life, as he rightfully deserves!!!
Living in WH will be not upgrading but downgrading for his lifestyle.
He has to trade a penthouse with lower-floor-living. He has to live under control, in locked down building with always shut down windows. Yes, In WH they can NOT open any window. None. They can come out to balcony from time to time, but that's it. I can't imagine not opening my window even just a crock. It's crock opened right now when outside is 37*F and windy right now. I use a little heater on #1 and that's it. My hallway's window in front of my door is always crock open by my request, so I can have ventilation.
You can see now that I'm not cut out for WH-living. I don;t like fame. I enjoy anonymity. Want to walk the street when no one pays attention. I'm not a first type personality which gets the energy fro outside. My energy is rechargeable from within at my own pace. I'm an predominantly auditory, which means I'm not impressed by the look of the person, but by the words and ideas the person uses.
Also, because I'm highly intellectual (sorry for saying it, but its true) and thus analytical, so the way someone talk has less meaning that what he/she says. Usually sound comes first for most people, that's why public personas get training how to "talk." You hear how many out there use deep voice to "impress" like they're saying something "important." Do you know that in an average auditorium or classroom only 6-7 percent of people understand what you're exactly talking about? Yessir! That's true. Not my research, though. Research is mentioned in textbooks used by CU.

You talked about a few other things, such as neck adjustment (that you don't believe in),
European men becoming a wuss phenomenon (letting their women be abused by foreigner thugs), Zika virus (which is vitally important, but didn't get the attention of gov. yet), wanting to become a boxer (which your father encouraged) in your younger days, etc.
You also talked about a panorama with O's face in Pushkin Square in Moscow having a number of killed people in the result of US wars from around the world.
I haven't seen it yet, I'll check it later. *************************************************

Now, let's go to local news;
A construction crane came down in Tribeca, NYC, killing one and injuring 3. It's so dangerous having so many big and toll buildings close to each other. That was a monster crane.
Carson blamed Cruz for stealing votes from him and he is right. There are recordings from Cruz campaign telling that Carson is dropping out and as if he gave a massage to his followers to vote for Cruz. Trump took to law enforcement men and women and encouraged them with more support in the future.
Cruz apologized to Carson, but said that the staffer heard it on the news. That is still a lie, or at least is dishonest. At first, Cruz didn't put out a clip from news saying that, and if that's even true,
and second, Carson didn't tell his constituency to vote for Cruz. The staffer came up with it by himself. So, 50% of the whole thing is a lie for sure, and the other 50% is under question. What does this say about Cruz? He's a liar, - :----) !!!
Carson and Trump should get together and clean up this mess before going to NH. That's what I believe. They should both boycott Iowa results and do not go to NH until the fraudulent results of Iowa are fixed.
Did you hear that some members of media called Trump "plain spoken?"
Yeah, that's true, that's what I like!!!
Oh, do you know about a funny exchange happened between Trump and somebody name Tucker from Fox? This was told by Tucker; years ago he made fun of Trump's hair on TV. Trump called him and said; "you've got better hair, but I get more" :-! and :-D !!! Good job Mr. T!

Now Int'l news;
Russians started using SU-35 jets in Syria, which is a supersonic fighter with the speed of 2500 km per hour. It can fly from one end of Syria to another in 15 minutes. Can carry up to 8 tons of weapons on board. That's why rightfully it called "host of heavens," at
[I'd call that baby "master of sky." I think it sounds more pragmatic, like military should be.
"Host of heavens," that Russian translators called it, sounds too romantic to me.]

At report says that ex-SoS  Kissinger, who meet with Putin recently, wrote that without Russia, USA, no matter how powerful, can NOT solve global problems accumulated in today's world.

Oh, look at this; Iran is switching to Euro in payments for oil, at
[The first stick up to US's you know where.]

In couple of weeks Pope and Patriarch of all Russia are going to meet in a neutral territory on the island of Cuba. Relations between Orthodox and Catholic Churches were strained for 9 centuries, believe it or not. To be exact, from 1054, when their opinions about ceremonial and other rituals deffer.
[Can you believe that? The same book, the same Lord/Prophet, the same God and this. What do you expect from those who do not only "disagree with details of sermon", but hate your religion so passionately and profoundly that will be reworded with forever heavenly for killing you? How long Jews, Christians and others are going to tolerate this?
Already some imams are making noise in the media saying that their meeting "should not be anti-muslim. I'm wondering who it has be to against; green headed one eyed aliens? Just asking. ]

So long.

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