Monday, February 1, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 30-31, weekend edition


Saturday, 30th,
I heard the second part of your show yesterday. At the end you talked about Hill-Bill's emails, for which it seems DOS wants to throw her under the bus.
Well, she wants to open up and put the matter our there.
She says that she hasn't receive any email marked classified and that it's just a dispute between 2 agency's, which is going on for months.
Just from this one thing you can see the low class of intellect of people involved in such highly sensitive echelons of government.
She has been a first lady, "closely" involved in governmental affairs, then Sec. of State and still can't figure out what "can be" or "is" a classified idem by herself?
Jacky Mason says; "she was the one who was NOT close to President. Every other woman around him was."
But wait to hear this; today on the radio I hears that Bills hands are trembling, one of her hands are trembling, she has a history of fainting, taking a blood thinking medication and now she is traveling with a full time physician by her side. Remember a few years ago she went to hospital with blood-clot behind her ear and had a procedure done?
I assume if she faints couple of times on campaign trail she will be over with. Imagine the rest of the world dealing with an elderly woman "leader" of free world who has a physician by her side all the time and can faint in any minute? Is this as good as America can provide? Nice...
Look, NYSlims endorsed her. That's why there is no independent media and press in this country.
In my opinion they should not get involved in business of politics, but do independent reporting. That's why I don't buy them, don't read them and don't believe what in there.

Let's go to the good news, shall we?
In European figure skating championship in Bratislava Russians came on top; at In pair skating gold went to Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. Tatiana went on the ice with temperature. Bronze also went to athletes of RF - Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov.
In single women skating group the entire pedestal was taken by Russians; Evgenia Medvedeva - gold, Elena Radionova - silver and Anna Pogorilaya - bronze. Great job girls!
The website of organizers - Real good stuff in there.

Oh, looky, looky; after Deutsche-tran's ratings went the abyss, she said that refugees should understand that the asylum they've got is temporary and after Syria and Iraq will be in peace they will be sent back: at 
I think she realized that lawsuits are piling on her neck and she might not only lose her job but also her life, she was advised to put her dumb mind together.
There is a nice joke in Russian about the state of affairs in today's top world and its "rulers."
Too colorful to put in here though.

Oh, here is another cute thing; after landing in Dubuque, Iowa in his iconic Boeing 737 accompanied by music "Air Force One" and greeted by 100s of fans in freezing wind, Trump let kids under 10 to run through the interior of the plane. He said the older ones would ruin it. True - :).
Yesterday I heard him say something that I was waiting to hear from at least one person for last 24 years living in this country. I'm going to hold him accountable for his worlds, if I can, of course.
I'll put it in my other blog which is addressed to him at
I have to find that speech and the minute of the speech first.

Doing fundraiser for veterans, heroic men and women among us was a great idea. He didn't lose anything. Why would he? He gained more trust from people because of the strength of his character. Every intellectual person who can think independently knows that media and press are sell-out for money interests. At least 4 different masters are pulling the strings. That pretty much covers every corner, right? Right!
There is no meter to measure the integrity of objectivity in that business whatsoever. It's just not there. The best school of "journalism" in this country is teaching only one thing; get the story, meet the deadline. It's all about filling out the paper and the air time to get paid. Knowing that bad news gets more attention they try to sensationalize and make noises by attacking those who'd not fight back or try to destroy them. They act like the extension of street gangs. Otherwise, why they're on the side of low-lives and criminals all the time?
Because that's their crowd, that's what they like and hand around with to be able to protect their criminal "enterprises."
I don't use these types of words easily. I believe, actually I just said it so harshly at the first time.
What makes me say this is the fact that there is a dark basement of humanity right here, in NYC, containing about 60 000 people where physical crimes, often violent are committed every day.
There is no report from that "world" whatsoever, anywhere. Like it don't even exist. I'm watching it 4-5 years already and only couple of days ago a few words came out "one man killed another man in east Harlem and he's still at large." That's all.

Mr. Trump should always walk with a stick ready to scare the and press-ti-tutes who want to gang up on him every chance they get. Like dirty, contaminated flies on pure honey.
Mr. Trump doesn't need to give business to those types who want him around to make money on him and stain him at the same time. Point, end of the story! He should open his own network TV. I'll run it. It will be a totally new type operation and will bring down the entire criminal media complex, which makes people emotionally and mentally ill with their lies, deceits and and fake appearances.
We don't have one so called "expert" who understands the mentality and culture of Europe and Russia, who knows history, who can put dots together by looking from ALL sides of equation when it comes to security and wars in this country. The heck with entertainment, if that would be called "entertainment" ALL the time. But, unfortunately the line of separating entertainment from reality is not there at all. Unless one is extremely educated, has analytical mind which is alert at all times while watching "news and commentary," can get confused.
Dumb reporters with one mistake can turn historic events around and cause great harm to society, or make a thief-wuss-lowlife a hero.
Don't be surprised, I can bring quite a few facts from history. Couple of them I witnessed and lived trough in my daily and professional life.  ***********************************************
Associated de-Press-ed, Meet the de-Press-ed, de-Face the Nation, Washington com-Post, NYSlims or NYSlums of crooked minds, MsLSD, C-nyet, C-span-spin, etc.
Megyn-kelly - the wild-life-monkey-gone-berserk should be pictured sitting on roger's neck. Where is that caricature?
Do you think that a decent, seriously educated and knowledgeable woman like myself in her place who'd not be pit aside or even fired after accusation form somebody like Trump and the scare of losing ratings?
What should I have done to get that job or do in daily bases to keep it and go face to face with someone like Donald Trump and survive? Think about it. Use your imagination.
One of Russian major TV channels was showing "Patton" film today. When the last time our bozos show it on major network? I don't think Russians would show to praise him though, because after WWII, somehow he was so confident and belligerent that he wanted to fight against Russian allies too. ???
Another think; who knows what holly-weirdos had while creating the film? Before and during the war, prior to USA getting involved in the war, they were on "Fuhrer's" side and making movies about him. NySlimes wasn't any sh.t then either.
This movie is made in 1970, if I'm not mistaken and, of course, in the hype of cold war weirdos will portray Russians as bad guys. Maybe that was the main reason to start with, anyway. ???
When they liked anything serious about military in this country? They're masters of shaming and twisting anything patriotic about people and historic facts of this country.
But here, at, check out my favorite line in this short clip.
I'm going to watch the entire movie later.
Under Patton's watch the most territories in Europe were liberated from nazis. he was the most decorated military man of US military of the time. He didn't get along with the President, though, told him not to go to his funeral if he'd fall. And, at the end that's the way it happened.
Do you know one of his grandsons works for PBS? In 2 generations, from liberator of continents to playing with genderless puppets, moppets and other crooked characters for a living. Go figure!

I had a member of extended family in here who was a General in French Foreign Legions. When I came, many years ago, I met with him a few times before he died. He was retired and in advanced age by then. His mind was very sharp though. There is a book about him written by his wife.

Sunday, 31st. Can't believe how fast time goes by.
Some film was shown no other than on BBC (surprise, surprise) where head of DoF of USA apparently called or "accused" (I'm not sure, I'm not going to watch) Putin in "corruption."
I believe in commentaries of Russian reporters that their is not even one concrete fact pointed out.
I couldn't expect any better from BBC or anything which goes on that channel. Look at the people who're running it. The whole thing stinks to high heavens. Spokes mouth of 5th column working to completely destroy its own people, - this is what I call it.
It already destroyed 1)border, 2)culture, most of the 3)language and got on with the 4) - psychical annihilation of British people. I have the proof of the first 3, but you can check it out yourself by visiting that country (I don't recommend though, too expensive and totally not worth it), turn the TV on, go on Internet, watch anything live-streamed from streets of London, etc.
After those 3 will be done and over with, the 4th is inevitable, simply because when White Christian
population of UK will be outnumbered they will be thrown out of their land (if they have money to run away) or exterminated like roaches. And, for that they will be only reworded with heaven full of virgins. Suppose to be nice weather in heaven, no work, eat free manana and have unlimited amount of unprotected sex. halla-insh-all.h!
Oh.... Am I using harsh language? Maybe I need to. ???
I have been in that country 3 times, last time in 2000 and it was already horrible. It just gone worse and getting worse by the hour.
British people WILL be exterminated by their own enemies foreign and SPECIFICALLY domestic, because they would not have place to go. Foreign ones they can still fight with weapons, but the domestic ones they can't because in the process they'll kill themselves. There is no place for them to go. I don't want them here, do you? We have no place. Only in NYC  there are tens of thousands of homeless people. They never should take them in Russian Federation because of all the things they have done to them throughout centuries. And, they still are not calming down, for God's sakes!
Putin has some cool temper and it seems to me unlimited patience. He might be feeling that most of Western hemisphere rules by nutty-nuts-on-crock.
Biggest crooks of the world, including from Russia then and now, ran and running to that country to save their stinking lives and keep their stolen money.
Check how many indicted Russian "oligarchs" they gave cover to for last 20 years. See how much of stolen money from Russian people they pocketed indirectly.
Putin is popular, they're jealous, RF is huge, they want part of it, Russian people are strong and firm, they're can't stand it. Cameron should kiss Putin's behind, as far as I'm concerned. Buckingham palace should become a museum of history, if that. I know Muslims will hate the idea, they don't like art and will destroy it completely, but I still have humane wishes for them, because I'm a compassionate American with European background.
You think only Muslims don't like those idiots who let them in? Nosir. Couple of days ago I was watching a report of a British journalist on RT where an elderly man with Sikh clothing (turban and the whole shebang) said right at her face "Anglican church is the church of s.tan." He was firm and smiling big. She repeated his words with ? mark, - Are you saying that Anglican church is the church of s.tan? He open his mouth even wilder and cynically said "yes" with joy, looking right at her freaking face. That man had completely grey eyebrows and the rest of facial hair. He was an old-old rat from slums of nowhere and humiliated a person who's country took him in. Do you think he even worked a day in there? No way in my mind. He got his old dirty behind with stinking turban there and got on free food regiment. If someone or the people in whole allow this to happen maybe like like to be abused, humiliated and perished. That's how I see it.

If we, the American people, would not stand up today and do something about this, it will come to our way. It's the matter of time.
Our only hope is Trump and creation of "Patriotic" party. US should go to Parliamentary system. Those 2 interchangeable bozo-parties can NOT protect this country. Lobbyism should be abolished completely. That should become strictly prohibited and severely punished by law. All public servants should have cameras in their offices and all their conversations should be randomly (not mandatorily) be monitored by FBI for "prevention of crime and abuse of power." No interns in WH - for God's sakes! This country should be able to afford to pay for decent, grown professionals to pick up calls and handle the mail from American people.
There also should be a law prohibiting to have first family's relatives, like O's mother-in-law, to live off the taxpayer money in WH.
There also should be a limit how much vacation President should get. I understand in the age of technology one can be reached out anywhere in the world, but it don't change my opinion that working person who has a "JOB" and working for someone else, should be in appropriate office, dressed up professionally and be alert. And, don't put his feet like d.nkey on the table, at least when others are taking a picture. It shows his discontent for his job and the entire country in whole.
There - I said it!
They don't like Putin, because he done't do that, he's appreciated by his people and his jealous and vicious enemies can lay with him. All they're burning down in their minds is "how come we can't contaminate him with our sickness and deceases? How dare he don't bent over for us?" That's all.

In Geneva Syrian governemnt officials are meeting with representatives of opposition.
It seems like there can be a conversation without shots firing? I don't know, but you can check short report about that process at 
At the time of talks in Geneva there was a bus bombed in Damascus.

I don't know who said "more I get to know humans, more I love dogs," but it's certainly true for me.
Look what touched my mind, heart and soul all together today. Look what I came across to,
Under the video in Russian it says that puppies were taken away from the mother dog (maybe to clean, I hope) and is her reaction when she got them back.
Look at her tears pouring down from happiness. Oh, my Goodness!
Have you seen anything more soul touching than this? I hardly keep my tears back. Should I see her with my own eyes I'd definitely cry. I'd put all those dogs in my bed. :) Lovely... as British say....

So long.

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