Tuesday, February 2, 2016

To Michael Savage Feb. 2nd, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning. Today I wasn't able to listen to your show.
About half an hour ago heard that Cruz's numbers were higher than Trumps in Iowa caucuses.
What that suppose to mean? A few numbers here and there, who cares?
How Cruising-Cruz can be more appealing and reassuring to pubic, I don't know.
What is puzzling and a little even worrisome is ice-cream-man's coming so close to Trump. That dude is really a light-weight as Trump says. He's so young and not seasoned, he looks like a kid who memorized his lines and keeps repeating them in panic.
I don't fell particularly impressed by people who talk so fast. There is no time to think. Someone who already knows all the answers like in a pep-talk competition is not giving me impression that they comprehend what they say.
He can make decisions that fast too? How? "Let's go to war, let's come out of the war" in the same sentence?
I'd go to volunteer for Trump, but don't know how yet.

Now, Int'l news; 76 dead and 110 injured in the result of triple bombing in densely populated southern areas of Damascus. There was a market, public transportation stop and warship house.
First there was a car blown up from distance, then suicide bomber blow himself up next to a bus, then, when people gather to help the effected, the third bomb went off.
Russian, Syrian and EU chief diplomats came to mutual conclusion that this was an act by .S.L to disrupt talks of reconciliation in Geneva.
Oh, well, this whole bloody war is not going to subside any time soon, as far as I'm concerned.

Do you know that some time ago there was an organization(s) in Iran called "family planning" or some such? But, when today's "big-shot" came to power, he had them shut down and declared
"14 children per family" rule? isn't it something.
Some of those rigid conservatives in here, who're against abortion, should go live in that country.
How woman who is given to a man like a flash, a piece of meat, who has no education, no means of surviving independently, can't provide any products and services to society or the world, can have unprotected sex, consume resources, drop more eating mouths and not to send anybody around her to kill others to insure more and more food? How?
Where is the place all those humans can live, where are the resources that they need to consume, ha?
All the men who talk about abortion or other things, should shut the hell up and let the woman to decide what to do and how to do it. That's not a men's issue. That's all.
Sincerely, I don't even believe for one second that the men who talk against it believe what they're saying. They're lying through their teeth.
They all should go to Iran and forcibly breed women, use their uteri like a factory, see what happens to her mind and body and what comes out of her and enjoy the whole thing, - for all I care.
How semi-literate people can teach, advise and give right guidance to so many children coming out, seeing the world and wanted to have what others have?
I believe most of those who blow themselves up in a hope of getting better life somewhere else called afterlife come out of that type of environment.
There is nothing more irresponsible than creating other humans and putting them into an unsafe, insecure, backwards environment BS-ng yourself and others that someone from the sky will "reword" you for free.
Yes, that's is exactly what I am saying. When we pray do we say "God give me this because I have done this already?" No. Do we say "God, give me this because I'm doing this now and I'll do it tomorrow too?" No. What is the most of the pray consist of. Give, me give me, give me. Right.
I grow up knowing that God is busy for me. He's taking care of those who can't see, walk, move, are in pain, etc. My father used to say "don't bother God, you might anger Him and get opposite what you're looking for, go do your stuff yourself, He gave you eyes, ears, legs, arms, brain and the rest, which are working!"
When i was a kid, I thought my father had the God's phone number. I'd say "dad, please, can you tell him to pick up and talk to me? He'd say "what is it, you have everything, what you want?" You know what I wanted? Come to think of it now, a very interesting thing; I wanted God to make my Teddy bear (the one in my crib, name Brownie, which i still remember) a real bear.
A real one, - the one who could walk, talk, come to play in play ground with me, come down with me on the slide and will go to pee behind the bushes.
Needless to say....  I'm still waiting.

Why am I saying these things and wasting wasting my time? Don't I like Iranian people?
Of course, I do. I love Iranian people. I know about 400 words in Farsi. That's a nation of Ferdowsi and Hafez. I'm a Philologist, I study their classics. Actually, in my entire life, I haven't met one Iranian anywhere, - in former Soviet Union, Europe (in France where I lived) or here in America, that I don't like. None. I like not only Iranians from Iran, but also Armenians and the Jews who came from Iran.
Go to Rego Park, see what kind of absolutely beautiful, clean, rich and diverse stores they have. Enjoy the most friendly and respectful service you can possibly get anywhere in the world. In the times of Shah all the minorities thrived in there, after the "revolution" the hell broke loose for those who were thinking like I'm thinking now. Iranian Jews and Armenians didn't end up in here poor, they had enough money to buy houses and establish independent living for themselves.
Most generous, open minded, delightful, gorgeously dressed and loving people who can be around.
Of course all Iranians don't go for "14 kids minimum" regiment. In Tehran one of most popular things girls do are plastic surgeries.
I'm talking things in general. If the nation, any nation, is multiplying faster than it can't find resources to provide for its needs and desires, is always going to become a burden to others around them.
A human specie can act as a vicious animal. I didn't say "the human race." I said "a human."
A human who wants to survive most likely won't just lie down and die from hunger and thirst and watch others eat and drink. It will do something to survive. If it's a literate type and can talk, organize, converse and write, will come up with ideas justifying his actions.
Look at the misery in countries where human reproduction is the highest. Loo how by controlling reproduction China turn the tide of history of its development around. Look why India is not able to do it. I spoke with quite a few of those high paid tech professionals who come here and get 6 figure salary. They all confirmed things I was thinking and saying. Those who take care of themselves are very concerned about social policies in there.
Purists don't even believe what they're talking about and never can do what they're preaching to others. They can bend over 5 times a day in public, carry any book they want and use any combination of words they can come up with.
I want to interview them; - MOI!, ME, MYSELF AND I! On live TV in Times Square. How about that? I want a chance to prove myself wrong? Am i not allowed?
I want to interview our own "rigid" conservatives, as Teddy-the-Cruzer is portraying himself.
Only Trump can organize something like that.
I know he can't put us together in one room, but through him I can get the appropriate attention and be able to ask my Qs publicly.
If Trump would have me with him, I might of done it already.
It's about 2:30am now and I finish by saying that I'm a conservative, I live, act and talk like one.
But I'm also a rationalist who understand that everything in nature needs care and maintenance.
Every time I buy a clothing I look to see how it needs to be cared for. Shouldn't I? Maybe I should bend over and pray for God to come down and clean it while I'm sleep? Maybe I can have Him for afternoon tea, just in case He wants to take a break from "working" for me?
Nice, isn't it?
I don't feel sorry for those women who pretend that they don't know that nature and God together gave them judgement, conscious and will power to control their instincts and impulses and not use their their uteri as factory manufacturing human spices.
Yes, I don't. One woman can not possibly give birth and raise 14 children without getting herself crazy and making them crazy. They can be exception here and there, but not in general.
You will not believe how good they know what they're doing.
Let's not get into a deep-deep psychology of all living creatures. It will be "politically incorrect."

Maybe I can talk about this in another context.
You, Dr. Savage, couple of times touch up on this, but didn't go too far. Remember you said bad plants eat good plants, because they're aggressive and poisonous? That's what I'm talking about!
Poison is created by God and nature too, right? Yes. So who among living spices have intellect to sort it out? I have one answer only; -  humans. Anyone has another answer?
This is what I'm talking about!

Summing up my above-mentioned thoughts I have to say that I don't believe that Ted Cruz believes everything he's talking about. Once he said "Liberty thrives when there is a Virtue." I agree with him. I knew it. He didn't learn it in law school though. Somebody gave him the phrase.
I have a book of "wisdom-isms," I'm going to give it to Mr. Trump. It's no big deal to quote others, it's a big deal to show what you have built. That's how I see the reality.
Most humans are pragmatic creatures. They wake up thinking what to eat, how to get it, so on and so forth. I'm more of an idealist, like you. Study more, try and try and earn less than and learn more.
Making money and especially certain amount of it was never an agenda in my life. In every job I had I was overqualified and underpaid because I didn't have "connection."
More than 90% of people have to be told what to do. They're doers, not thinkers. In every nation, including the most advanced ones, thinkers are a small percentage. I'm one of them. You're one of them, Mt. trump is one of them.
One blessing was giving to me by God, that I wasn't born with drop of poison called "jealousy" in my blood. I'm not jealous of anybody who has anything in this world whatsoever. It's shocking that I take it as it is. I'm happy that I live in the same city that somebody like Mr. Trump and his family lives. I'm happy that he's a married man and has a young and beautiful wife and wonderful big family. I'm please that it can happen and it happened to him.
You do not believe how many out there feel the opposite what I feel. They even look at me like something is wrong with me. But, unfortunately most people born with jealousy, not the good jealousy, to say, "I want to be like him," but "I wish he wouldn't have it or will lose it." Some I know personally very closely who can not go to museum, because they psychologically can not service to see things that they don't have in their houses. Not that they're poor and deprived, no. That's how their brains are wired, that's how they live and will die with.

Afternoon, about 3pm, your show will start soon. I listened couple of conservatives on radio today, one said Cruz got 7 and Trump got 6 delegates, another said each of them got 5. ???
To me it don't matter. It's still margin of error. Trump was advised not even go and waste time on Iowa, because he won't win in there. So, coming second so closely is already a very good result.

Your show started, you're talking about agrarian socialist movement in farmland like Marx, Jefferson and Jesus were competing in Iowa yesterday. JC- Cruz, Jefferson was Trump.
Talking about knee jerk conservative voters.
Ted Cruz is dangerous, because he's against Putin like a manic, he still thinks iron curtain is there and we're still in cold war.
Bravo, Mr. Savage!!! You're the wisest man in media.
Today you confirmed that all this time I put into writing this blog was totally worth it!

Of course, big business is ridding America for better or worse. People in investment banking are turning the wheel of economy in this country, you saying. I agree.
I'm pro capitalism, I'm against "not regulations whatsoever" policy.
I'm against allowing hiding money outside laws and many others that I can't get into right now, because I'm listening to you the same time.
There is a program came out showing that an organization called "Global Witness" conducted in USA, pretending that an African minister wants to come and bring money in and wants to launder it.
Went to 13 big law firms, talked to 16 biggest shot lawyers in town and only one of them said "that's not for me." The rest were ready to do all the screwy-dewey.
What I learned from it was that there is no law prohibiting lawyers from doing crooked things. While bankers MUST report suspicious activity, lawyers are not.
No wonder that most of the people that I know think that lawyers go into that profession just to find out how to do screwy-dewey legally.
Among million laws in this country there is none against simple wrongful things like that.
The other one is that criminal defense lawyer is not obligated or maybe even not suppose to (I'm not sure which) to directly ask the accused if he'she is really guilty?

That's what needs to be changed in this country. Wash the laws which are 200 years old and come up with less, clear and open system that'd be understandable to average citizen. Law, to me, should be a public service, not a business. I am all for those who do a good jot charge whatever they think they worth for, if someone wants to pay, but i'm against that someone like me suppose to go to a lawyer to figure out how things work.

Now you're talking about Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed by Clinton's treasury secretary Rubin, in the result of which banking system was let loose, eventually broke down the economy and brought us to O.
You'll be surprised to know that in Occupy Wall Street movement, which I covered independently and put out clips on youtube, we, with my pal Jack, who was there more than me, were discussing it.
He had a sign about restoring it. I asked what it was about and started searching and learning and talking about it. So,WS Occupiers weren't all pot smoking street libs, we were there too. media never would come to me and ask any Q. They would always go to find the most disoriented person, ask whatever and even do voice overs on their voices to show them even more disoriented.
I gave been there for months. Wasn't living there, but was a frequent visitor covering the process.
Vermin in the main stream media have 6th sense that no other animal has; leave out the smart one. Don't go close. How do they do that, I don't know.
Should I need to find out something I will go to look for someone which will look like an mature person, hopefully feel like an a sober thinking type and ask Qs to that. I swear, I'd be standing holding the same side of the poster, the same stick with a teenager with dreadlocks and torn jeans looking like a school dropout, they would come towards both of us and go right directly his or her mouth and stick the mic in it, like I wasn't even there.
Then I'd see even worse on Fox News; they'd make the voice slow and cranky making the person look and sound even worse. It was so shocking. I do NOT respect Fox News from then on and never watch. I used to, I thought it was at least better than others, but ...  Last events with Mr. Trump showed that that is just another hobo-place-for-talking-heads. Cuckoo woman, an so called "employee" is sitting on her boss's beck like a monkey and riding him as a donkey.
Oh, I just came up with a rhyme. Monkey riding a donkey - kelly-on-ailes.

I should call and share with you, make you laugh your lungs out like we deed the last time we talked (remember we both hang from laughing uncontrollably), but you're so bad taking the calls, that I don't have no nerve to wait.
We can do this though; if you have me your direct phone number, I can test you my point, then you can call back when and if you want to put me on. Will that work? I think it will work beautifully. !!!
See I came up with a great idea. ******************************************************
Do it for Trump. You don"t need to win me over as a listener. I gave you business for many, many years you're still my favorite. Now let give business to Mr. Trump for all of us, shall we?

Second hour started. Someone should tell Cruz that Putin is our natural ally against t.r.r, you say.
Right! And also you're right to say that most Americans like Putin. That's how I feel.
This is a HUGE issue, that can't be overlooked. It should be a turning point against Cruz's agenda. Cruz's mentality can kill us.
We have enough haters and enemies already, he'll make our friends and potential allies into enemies also. What are we going to do then? A war with Russia won't be with machetes and pistols in an open field. There won't be survivors to count the bodies and write history books. ********************
Only and only this should be enough to blow out Cruz, Hillary, the other corn-beef-man automatically. Putin said; " don't try socialism, we did, it doesn't work." What else you want to know more?
Europe was drowning from its laziness, rotting to high heavens from its moral decay, now it's invaded by enemies who will dance of victory on the graves of those who to let them in.
The only nations we're close to and can share values with are Russian federation and Sate of Israel. That's all about it I wanted to say about it today.

At 4:45pm you're calling Cruz and Rubio fools for hating Putin. I'd call them "weak-fools."
To your Q "why are they doing it knowing that most Americans know that Putin has a backbone and very high popularity in his country, and like what he's doing with .S.L," I'd say that talking against him might give an idea that they're so "powerful" they can take on him. They hope it makes them look bigger than they are in the eyes of those who can't see clearly. Like they're "compatible."
Look at them and look at Putin. Give them all litmus test in global politics on live TV.
If American people will hear what exactly Putin says and thus does (no body translate him in this country, don't forget that) they'd ask him to be America's President too (part time), before we sort out this mess.
Can we have a policy ran like a venture between 2 countries? That'll really bring us together.
believe me, I;m not going to say that all Russians are good people and there are no criminals among them there and here. I'd say like anybody else treat them with the force of law, clean up Brighton beach from illegals, put them in jail or send them back. You want to to show where they are and what are they doing, be my guest. Just ask. You'll shall receive information streamed live to million of your listeners and to the rest of the world.
As here as well as there I strongly believe in helping those who deserve to be helped, who try to help themselves and WILL be helpful to others. That should be the condition to receive help.
Only I can organize that the best and most effective way it can be done.
Your second hour is over.

Now, Int'l news that no one in this country covers and/or comments on;
Putin spoke with Deutsche-tran over the phone discussing southeastern Ukrainian conflict. Both agreed that there is no alternative to Minsk agreement. Also talked about Constitutional reform in Kiev and local election in Donbass.
"Conversation was constrictive and practical," said press-secretary of Kremlin.
[How the-big-fat-b.tt-frau can pretend that she is "in between things," instead of being one of the organizers and main sponsors of the slaughter of a Slavic brethren nations, is beyond me.
She is happy for any death on both sides. You understand that?
I have a dream........  ****************************************************************
I want to see the day that Trump and Putin would sit down and have fun together and say to her "go to hell as of tomorrow otherwise we will sand you there after tomorrow!" I CAN NOT wait to see that day. And, I see myself as an interpreter sitting in between those 2 men and smiling.
From my Independent side if the isle, I'd tell her to go to her nazi grandfather's grave (the one who killed my uncle and grandfather) and say 'hello' for me."
After seeing this picture, a civilized world will shack up and wake up to a news reality, which will make this country to survive for another 200 years, thank Hashem!

You want a proof that I'm not being overly emotional and hypersensitive, I'll show it to you right now.
In the meantime, when they're talking on the phone and while she's using "re-conciliatory" language,
in Donbass fire from heavy artillery is resuming from Kiev's (her cronies') side, at 1tv.ru/news/world/301236. 
How would anyone explain that? You have to watch this clip, please. Look at the devastation, look at the emptiness of that war zone and it still being shelled. There are a few towns right now under the bombings and one of the self-defense local man says that neo-nazi-kiev-thugs decided "to wipe from the face of the Earth the village Zaitsevo in couple of days." 1:23min. The school building is the only place they can use to hide and operate from. At 1:46min. self-defense soldier saying "that's 82nd bomb for the day blown off" - over their heads.
Thugs are changing their positions fast and with each day coming closer to the lines of self-defense and to the rest of civilians still living in there. In the result of this aggressive advancement 2 of peaceful civilians were wounded. At 2:03min, you'll see a woman with uniform and a pappy in her hands saying "of course we'd love this to be over with, peace to prevail, but as you see, it's not happening." According to the agreement tanks that the vermin are using now suppose to be at least 15 km away from that line. Even stupid OSCE in its 31st of Jan. report says that situation escalated by Kiev is worsening and it's against the clause "to stop the fire" in agreement.

At NTV.ru//novosti/1602021; a major TV channel in France showed a documentary by Paul Moreira "The Masks Revolution" about maidan revolution in Kiev. Report also at NTV.ru/novosti/1601902.
It wasn't "liked" by the thug-neo-nazis whose' masks were torn open and the author/director/producer Mr. Moreira already got multiple life threats. In 56 minute long film one of the most disturbing scenes is the live burning of over 40 people in the Union building of Odessa, which he personally witnessed and filmed. Film apparently shocked and horrified European viewers.
Ukrainian embassy in Paris "demanded" to remove the film from the air, but channel refused and that news actually enticed the audiences' interest more toward watching the film.
Also please check the twitter for @PaulMoreiraPLTV. He deserves appreciation for his work. He has no dog in this fight, he's a French national and totally independent producer. Film was not shown on gov. ran channel, but independent channel called "Plus," @cannalPlus. Everyone should see it. 
To me it's mandatory. Also check. #stoptheUkrainiantaliban.   
Your show is about to end, you say Carson was angry on Cruz because his team was badmouthed by Cruz's campaign. You put the clip of that rightful accusation.
You also say that National Review and "The Weekly Standard" don't "notice" you, because you're not one of them. B Crystol from TWS don't like Trump, because Trump don't depend on anybody. True.
I have seen that fool talking on TV, "he ain't no sh.t" like they say in NYC streets.
I haven't seen (I believe there are some in the whole wide world tough) a man who wouldn't not badmouth another one who was better looking, richer, younger, had a better car, wife, etc.
I'm trying to remember one. I'll get back on this when I recollect my memories.
5:55pm, You put ice-cream man screaming on his "excitement speech" saying "for moths they told us we don't have a chance, etc, blah, blah, blah." You called Iowa an anomaly state and not representative of America. You're right.
You and I worked our b.tts off these 3 hours. I was back and forth to other pages of news from the world while pushing the mute button on and off listening to you over the Internet.
6:00pm. I'm starving, but I'll get back before night is over. I have to watch 3 hours of political program with top notch experts in Russian, then Dr. Cohen will be on radio.
My work is 24/7, free of charge, that's why I consider myself one of the best citizens of this country!!! :)
What? Why not? Why Rush say "talent on loan from God" about himself every day and gets away with it? He gets 100's of millions of dollars for talking. He should not talk about women issues and consider himself whatever he say he is. I'd like to interview him!
Does he deserve what he gets? Yes, by all means. He talks beautifully, but... doesn't walk the walk in his personal life. When you've got a chance and the previladge of having a job of giving piece of your mind to many millions daily, I want to see an example, not an exemption. Just saying.

Now you go to PLTV.fr/eng and watch the thriller in French, follow Paul @PaulMoreira,
send a Thank You card to him to his work at;
Premieres Lignes Televison,
10, rue Nicolas Appert, 75011, 
Paris, France.
before I get back.

After 11pm, I'm back. Report about US government quadrupling its military budget for 2017 in EU,
at RT.com/usa/331009-pentagon-budget-war-big rings nasty bells of war. Like never before, even during long years of cold, US didn't come close to Russian border like today.
This new "adventure" by WH looks and feels more dangerous and any other time of the history of those 2 countries' relations.
Both sides are deploying new weaponry. Russian sent new and more powerful interceptor plans to Syria (or already did, SU-35 plane, if I'm not mistaken).
Dr.Cohen put it in words in detail like a real professor and that worked me up emotionally even more. This is seriously bad stuff - for really real hot war.
US wants to put forces and arms in East European countries, like Romania and Poland, Turkey is using US and NATO as a pawn (or vice-versa) to unleash war on Russia.
To have Trump in WH next year is a matter of not only living well or better, but much more importantly it's becoming of a matter of survival by the day.
Those crock-head-fools in power are really loosing their minds.
What Putin should do? He has been more than cool headed and patient, has been more liberal than many in Russia want him to be, even his security council and it's still not enough for the US and its crony - EU and war toy by the name NATO.
Like a stupid kid who wants to play with burning fire, because nobody says NO to him just yet.
I'd be Putin I'd have a press-conference, send all the telegrams and letter, make all the calls transmitted throughout the world's biggest networks and put his conditions down very clearly;
"you come to this point into my backyard with this type of weapons, I'll strike you first! That's
a no-no zone right there and point!" That's what he should do.
Between all the fools on one side and Trump on the other, the Q can come to "To be or not to be?"
For this country and the rest of the world.
All of the nukes are on high alert on both sides and should even false signal comes, it'll takes only 14 minutes to decide to retaliate or not. Within 14 minutes you should be reading from Shakespeare ready to say "good buy, Horhey!"

I don't like to finish on this horrible note. It's not my intention to be "alarmist," that's why I'm going to tell you to watch something hilarious said about Hillary by my favorite comedian, when she was running the last time against O.
Go to youtube.com/watch?v=bpGusSDX78w and laugh at her as much as you can.
Look I found another comedian's sting to Hillary, after O was elected. This one is as hilarious as it's truthful, at youtube.com/watch?v=tsE6tkHMxdU.

So long.
P.S. When I get my live-stream going it's going not only informative and educational like none out there, but also entertaining up to tears. Without sense of humor I'd not be able to do this at all. gn

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