Sunday, December 28, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 28th, Sunday, 2014


I'm listening for most of the time.
You were right about giving gifts, ha, ha! I think the best thing to do is not to give anything to anyone, but I have a bad habit of giving. It's deeply rooted in the culture and daily routine of people's lives where I come from and my mother was one of the few humans in millions who was happy to give unconditionally, readily, quickly, happily and all the time to everyone who might need or even not need of anything.

Now about politics and social life.
The overview of last year's events from the eyes of Russians you can check at
Winter Olympics of 2014 was really amazing and became a source of pride for Russians. Whole world was watching and enjoying, but America (as it did in 1980, when  i was on the other side),
was trying to badmouth, poison, put a dark shadow on it.
It was too much for Putin to enjoy in his adversaries' eyes. That's how I see it.
Lights didn't manage to be turned off from the grandiose festivities, when he had to rush to look through binoculars into far waters of Black See to manage facing upcoming possible war zone.
Just watch the clip. See how unbelievable happiness Russian nation felt for a month.
It showed new Russia to the world in many different ways than only sports competition could.
USA, who thinks that it's a leader of all good things in the world, showed "sinat chinam" in my opinion.
I'm not saying that it's not a source for any good around the world, I'm saying that this was sinat chinam for any normal person. **************************************
For a short time Russia a and city of Sochi (which I remember as paradise from my experience many years ago) had become the best place to be for the world.
How could this be any good for those who have destructive minds? Oh, no.... Someone else had the spot under the sun? How could it be tolerated by war mongering perverts and their sponsors? No way. They were using green $s and every other lies possible to bring bloodshed as fast as they could. When Russian sport pros were getting showers of stars for their performance, western nato satans and mccain-addict warmongering blood thirsty contractors in here were working hard to make it to be forgotten as fast as possible.
Look at the faces, hear the sounds of euphoria of happiness in this clip and put the parallel picture of the events in neighboring Ukraine. Look how madam pawpaw nuland is giving cookies out in maidan, EU promising money and encouraging the thugs in the street to start killing their own brethren in their own country.
Paralytics showed that there is no limit to the dream. Impossible was made possible and unattainable was achievable when you see men without legs playing hockey.
Autonomous Republic of Crimea's reunification through referendum added to the pride of RF in 2014 AD. Winter and spring were good for Russia, but there came the summer without delay. Witch brew worked. The only people who don't guess that the whole world is seeing it as it is are the only blood brewers themselves. At you'll see a short overview of the year.

"Most difficult and painful topic of this year has been the civil war in Southeastern Ukraine, which
touched every Russian family," saying the commentator at
Commentaries varied from side to side but all agreed with one definition - "tragedy."
Peaceful songs against corruption in the main square in Kiev turned into scary bloodshed in the country. Armed coup, radical overrun of power, burning people alive in Odessa, shelling entire cities full of residents, foreign $ involvement and dirty insider money took almost 5 000 innocent civilian lives so far. 100 000s are wounded, about million displaced so far. Families divided by ideology and entire regions are burned down and destroyed. It will take generations to rebuild and many more to forget and forgive.

Look at new political card on the map at

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