Thursday, December 11, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 11th, Thursday, 2014


You just started your show talking about D. Feinstein stabbing statue of liberty in the back with her comments and stand on the conduct of intelligence agency issue.
You were happy that was raining in San-Fran, because it would keep the mobs off the streets rioting and looting, hopefully. You say there is no 4th of state, no press, no media in general.
Putting clip from O's interview talking about "race" (what is new under the son) you mentioned "without quality can't be equality" you wrote in your book named "Death of the white man."
Talking about your father and other immigrants who came and worked hard and there was no welfare state then.
Then asking listeners is they punish their children these days and how. Then you told how you were punishing by your father and why it made you the person you're now.
Well, I don't have children, this topic do not concern me, but the children I see coming out of schools in NYC, riding buses, running the streets I qualify as "jangle broke loose." Not only the majority of them are not ever punished or disciplined, but never told to act as a human. To have "manners" is a fancy word most of them don't ever heard of, let alone act on it.
And, if you say something to protect yourself from emotional abuse and harassment, you might be very well attacked physically, accused of "discrimination and racism" (although they are all mixed race groups) and you'll just make it worse only for yourself.
All adults walk by, sometimes look at each other with eyebrows raised, and walk away. No one says anything that I heard of, including myself for last 23 years living in NYC. Teaching in school system, especially the public, was never in my mind, although it could be lucrative job, for the reason that it looked like not institution of learning, but an adult day care where they congregate for some times of the day, while their parents are doing whatever they're doing. Rush L. calls it "farming" and I agree with him on this.

I'd love to have that book of yours mentioned above.
3:39 pm now you mentioned that 50% of adults don't work in this country. For people like me, as you called before "innocent and not connected," I'd add "educated and decent," there are no "jobs" to pay for market price rent anymore in this city and the situation will is getting and will get only worse.

Now Int'l news; Putin is in India and this visit is more productive than any other before. India and Russia had good relationship for a very long time and india considers a "privileged partner" in business. From supplier and consumer relationship these 2 are now in the spheres of military and nuclear development cooperations. Also in 2015 RF will supply oil to India.
And, this is the beginning, the RF rep. says at
Ukraine is in turmoil; on daily bases there are more and more protests are bursting out all over.
Country is completely bankrupt and can only survive on hand out from outside. Did EU know this can happen? Did they anticipated problem of this magnitude? Did they need any more eating mouths depend on them? Millions not only in need of food and energy, but medication and shelter? More poor people flooding into their countries? Nice... Who knew?

So long.

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