Monday, December 8, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 8th, Monday, 2014 AD NYC, NY, USA


Look at wonderful celebrations for 250th anniversary of Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.
If you haven't been there, you should go. If it's too cold for you now, go at the end of May and beginning of June.
Look at the stunning 3D light show projecting the history of it!...  WOW!
St. Petersburg itself an amazing city. Its developer - Peter The Great invited famous Italian architects of the time. He was pro-West. He built the city as a window to the West, modernized even the looks of Boyars. Boyars then were like senators now. He ordered them to cut their beards short and change their long tunics to western clothing. There is a movie made about that time, it's fascinating. You're a history buff, you should watch it. I forgot the name, but you can search.

Today you were saying "hi, hi, ho, ho, everyone get a gun to go." I was laughing by myself in restaurant, while having chinese lunch in UWS.  Well, what is going on right now is complete and utter demoralization of law enforcement, which can bring us to the edge of distrust in authority.
And there where your civil society goes. Color was a reason for massive criminalistic behavior,
then it became excuse, now, after 2008 it's becoming a sign of power, which means all of us, including the armed police should be scared to say or do anything to protect ourselves or apply the law. I don't want to go into this because it so "politically incorrect." We're not suppose to see it, feel it, mention it, talk about it, oh no. Look how scared the mainstream media is, - handing over backwards to please the crowds, so they won't be attacked.
While you were mentioning that 100s of young people who don't work are rolling on the streets of San-Fran, my Qs is; who raised them like that? Who were their parents? The school, the society, entertainment industry, which in the eyes of our adversaries and enemies makes us look demonic.
I'm not saying they're better, I'm saying when they show the dirt part of western civilization, their ideas of distraction of it becomes valuable, moral and justified.
Can we just ignore them, pretend they don't exist? We may, but that would be idiotic of our part, -
the least to say. Unfounded optimism is more dangerous than pessimism. We let them in in droves, but we can't go to their countries. We say "it shows we are better people." In front of whom?
Saudis definitely don't think so. They think Christians are immoral and thus dirty people in general
and don't want them to walk their streets. We take them to WH, the last resident of which bent over
to the King, remember?
I asked my Yemeni friends, who are all decent family moral hard working people. They all say "we believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet, but his time is gone. Christianity used to be a good religion at that time. Now it's Islam." That's all. That's what they believe. Do you think anybody will challenge them on it? Not me and no one else that I know of or have seen. There are more than 100 mosques/prayer places in Manhattan only.

NYC today is busy with royal guests, I believe the Russian oligarch who owns the team will be there.
Maybe his friend Bloomberg also, of course with Jay Z and Beyonce, etc. Media calls Lebron James our King - King James. It's about 7:30pm now, I'll see if I can catch the game on Internet.

So long.

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