Friday, November 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 27th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
Most people are thinking shopping, I'm watching world affairs and credible experts in history and political commentators. Besides hard facts of history, they don't agree on everything political, far from it.
The hard fact is that F.Hollande was in Moscow yesterday and started with "dear Vladimir" while addressing P in front of media.
[Is it a soft-hearted, sincere approach of wounded man who must shuffle cards of priorities and needs help? That's not how I see it. He couldn't care less about P and RF before Nov. 13th. Moreover he was hurting RF's economy by acting like a herd for USA. I eel that P should not talk to him without having sanctions against his country lifted and financial damages compensated.
What I would do suggest P should do, should I be his consultant?
After lending and getting into wherever he had to stay, he should send his team to have F.H. call Paris (on the videotape) to remove sanctions immediately and get his thick checkbook out and write a check with my number on it. That's all. To me, that's should the be minimum condition. That's just fair. Then he could meet him and call him 'my dearest Francois" as many time as he's want to.]
Yesterday P said that RF is giving info about his forces' whereabouts in Syria to the US and asked if downing of a Russian jet means that the latter is giving out that info left and right? While explaining how they conduct their anti-t.r.r operation and how they gave all the info. in order to avoid any accident, they've got stabbed in the back. What those "turkman" groups were doing in that area, waiting with video-cameras ready pointed right on the flying plane? Then quickly putting it on internet and bragging?  
[Good Q, but nobody from WH is answering.
Thug-turk-erdogan, who organizes t.r.r acts in his own country against kurds and other minorities, said that he is not going to apologize for the incident. What do you expect from a genome like that? His son is involved in oil trade with .S.L and has his picture taken with them.
Also big-daddy-commander of the world in WH didn't care to pressure him to do so. Nice...
In my opinion RF doesn't need to be in any coalition. It's a superpower and can take care of its own affairs. That's why the Nato members are ganging up on it. They can't stand to see somebody independent and powerful. It's not bad to get everyone together, if West is going to be the ones who is going to rule and give commands the rest. Russia has a long history of being ripped off, betrayed, taken advantage of, etc. Russian people know history more than any other. ]

By the opinion of Russian experts Hollande's visit to the US and RF is for photo-op with O and P in order to show that as if he's going places and "doing" things, - just to propping up his reputation at home. Downing Russian jet and killing one pilot when he ejected himself and came down, was an organized ambush and official Washington didn't even condemn it. Thugs got on him like scavengers screaming their al.%$^! Does it show anything? Not for those who're heavily sedated by cocktail illegal drags or in vegetative state!

Russia's and France's priorities toward Syrian problem didn't match.
As usual frenchman's thinking was backwards. He wants to remove Assad first, then establish interim government, then fight against .S.L.
Putin wants to defeat .S.L, then let Syria people to decide their future.
Who is sane between this two?

Look what I remembered and looked up from Oct. 8th, after Russians got on with business in Syria; Ash-head-ex-college-professor-Carter said that Russians are behaving "unprofessionally" in Syria, they're crossing Turkey's airspace and their plans are going to come down.
You think this bozo is a prophetic super-expert in military? Look at him, his demeanor, his "qualifications" and who appointed him for that position. He has been a professor of "science and int'l affairs" in lower-learning-institution-of-Harvard? Wow! Look at that subject matter. How many million lies he had to use each hour "lecturing" that type of uselessness?
You got the picture.

Another "interesting" thing; turkman-criminal-erdogan doesn't apologize for ambush and downing of Russian fighter jet and a helicopter and killing of 2 servicemen, but still wants to meet with P at
"climate summit." So called "UN climate change conference" in Paris is starting this Monday.

[To me, P shouldn't bother with that big BS to start with. Russia should be for global warming, like myself. I like hot better than cold. Russia has vast territory which is not being used because of severe cold weather.
When globe will boil, lot of people will move to those clean, amazingly beautiful and unobstructed areas with clean air and water. I'll go there and live with surviving animals, hopefully lots of dogs (who don't need to ride sleds anymore) and bears. Yesir. We'll save polar bears. I'll organize it. They're going to be all right. I love them. I have a real big polar bear (stuffed animal) in my house.
I bought her and I'm taking care of her so good, you have to see it to believe it.
Liberals, progressives and other mentally-not-grown-ones still on pot and crock might ask me;
"What about the rest of the world which might be effected badly?
My answer; "What about it? You take care of the rest of the world. I care about one big part of it.
Capish? Good! I'm not applying for sainthood, not running for Pope's position either. Haven't born with angel wings, so can't fly places whenever I want. I need a steady ground, pal. You save the world, you became saint - for all I care."
The problem with people getting together and pulling shenanigan on the rest of us using that excuse is a sickness called "greed." They've got so far in the game of conmanship and bullsh.t artistry that they're doing in out in the open, in front of the wold. Grabbing money or getting involved in it's shoving around to their cronies is the goal of that game.
Am I against being careful or caring toward nature. Not at all. I do that every day with a little bid I can with my habits and behavior. But to talk and do globally tricky things and make huge money on it, only genetically snaky people can do. The first and biggest proof in this particular case in starts with the headline; at first it was "global warming" (remember Y2K panic?), after that didn't fly (because Kamchatka is not getting any warmer), now it's "climate change." Change in what direction? It's getting hotter or colder now? Who know?!
Maybe they're getting together to figure out that part.  2:30am
Global money grabbers and exchangers always need stupid people with power in large groups around them. What a nice occasion to get together on this thing ....  Pay attention; always verbs like "helping," "saving," "rescuing" are used. Who can "dare" to be against those brilliant and heroic "life-saving" things? You can't even open your mouth for a Q in the fear of self-condemnation of your conscious. That's what they're relying on; using your own conscious against you. 2:30am

Afternoon; After I signed out, went to bed and turned on the TV, 4am news showed and said
"After F. Hollande visited Russia, Putin agreed to "join" the western coalition against .S.L.
WHAT? What are the people in media are smoking? Are they all crazy? Any of them can read and right, comprehend simple things? What is this?
Why would Putin "agree to join" when he was doing it all by himself? This a 180 degrees the other way around. This is not usual lying, misleading, leaving important part of info. out, this is all the way the other way around. Like in WWII when french decided to switch on Russian side from German side (remember french forces were guarding "Reichst.g" in Berlin and letting nazis scr.w their women broad daylight on Ch-El while riding their tanks to win their own "Grand Prix?). Oh, yes.
Just take a look at the date when USA decided to join the fight. I'll make it easy for you; it was after
soviet military started to push the vermin back. Then USA jumped on bandwagon to share "victory."
Unfortunately lost many of his own mostly young people. French still think that Americans did it for themselves to help their "economy." Whatever!......

3:08pm, you're saying that we're facing the same enemy for 1200 years. You're calling your listeners all sorts of degrading names, such as brain-dead, psychotic, etc. for not understanding that those are religious fanatics and we're dealing with low-class, historically genetic murderers.
Who are you talking to? Why are you creaming, ranting on those who turned your show on?
People who hate you don't listen to your show. I don't want you to use word "you" directly on us while you're insulting those who're in "dance of death" in Europe or not against those who wants to bring it here. I don't like to be yelled at.
You ALWAYS should use "THOSE WHO don't understand," "WHOSE WHO can't see clearly,"
"WHOSE WHO don't uneducated," Point who are you talking about with simple words "those who" instead of "YOU."
You called Sanders "a typical crazy" for blaming climate change for What would you expect from a person with background like his? Extremely few can come out of the sewage that he grew up in. As the saying goes "you can take a person out of trash, but you can't take trash out of the person." This applies directly to Sanders. He was making more sense dealing with Russia (saying we should stay away from conflict with it) than hillary-the-hilarious-with-menopause is. That woman is a living-breathing-running-around-death-wish for this country.
At 3:29pm you suggested to put O in a position of "war time consigliere" instead of his job. Well, that is an elder statesman and second close confidant for the top person. That's still too high. He should NOT be in the top with any power at all.
3:38pm,  you're saying that Russia is sending 150 000 soldiers to wipe out vermin and they're rightfully not going to allow our vermanic media with its cameras to follow them.
I don't want them to send ground forces; - only from air. They lost 6 pilots in t.r.r attack in Mali,
2 (one pilot and one marine) in recent war-criminal-ambush-by-turks. If you compare the rate of human reproduction between Christians and Muslims, you could see it's 1:10 at least.
It can be even 1:100 in some areas of the world where the latter are extremely preoccupied with consuming food and products and having unprotected sex. The fake prayers (for peace) are the break in between whose 2 "rituals." "Peace" means THEY shouldn't be killed. It doesn't say anywhere in their books that they shouldn't kill US. There even a reward for doing it is in a form of granting residency in heaven with supply of unlimited amount of sex, starting with 72 virgins. Who wouldn't not take that deal? Especially the men stuck with their first semi-retarded cousins like themselves.
If course men in those areas will run to their deaths with signing joyful songs as we see. They're getting paid $400 a month from those who sit on black gold and are enjoying themselves with the money that our stupid governemnt is paying them for that g.rbage. There is no job which can pay that much, their parents are mating like no tomorrow until they die, there is no room and enough food for everyone, so what the heck; let's get paid to get rid of this stupid life to get to the other - the much better one.
Do you see the deep mind-game played with nice words under the name of God and religion to execute this psychological trick to murderdom? Call it "martyrdom" instead, that's all. Who's is checking words?  Half of muslim world can read and write, but wants and needs food and sex
every minute of the day. What about hot water and soap they need to use after those "rituals" just to start the laundry list?
Who is going to provide? Me? Anybody thinks can tell a tale to me like that should kiss my rate's .ss, if you can afford it, of course, because doesn't take anything besides cold cash in $s - up front. No credits. Even my rate is smarter than billions of people on this earth who are shagging up worse than animals right now "hopping" that another idiot (who didn't know how do do himself) it is at work right now and will pay for what will come out of it. Those dirty .ss inbreeds! Of course they're going to close their faces. What kind of face you want them to show in public? Don't they know what they were doing minute ago?

Let me tell you something; I'm not happy with this so called "coalition" garbage Americans are pulling on Russians. O will send troops to bother and interfere with Russian mission in Syria, in the result of which more Russians will be in harms way. That's what my gut is telling me.
To create balance in the world within rapid human growth and consumption and present and potential resources on this planet can be even out only with another clean up huge war. Unfortunately. That's the truth and I'm not the only one who knows about it and talks about it.
That's not what self-hating murderous and suicidal vermin can say. Those cowards use worlds like "help" and "compassion" just to get their cheese our of it and be on the safer side of equation.
Should I say the same, I'll feel much safer too. It feel good to be "for life" like rigid conservatives preach. I want any of them come for an interview with me with a condition that they'd answer to all personal Qs also. See how many will show up. I'll get you on a secret off top - NON!
You're one of them on that issue, but I let you slid, because I agree with you on most things. You're not a suicidal maniac who wants apocalypse after himself. You have family and a grandchild. I don't have those, which makes me more humane person! :) Just saying.............
4:35pm. - in "Savage States of America" is D. Trump on the phone with you. It's encore of your previous interview with him that I heard live and commented on it.
Trump says that Christians can't come, but muslims are allowed to this country, when Christians are having their head cut off.
What I can say is that you and Trump don't know even a small part of fraud committed in immigration in this country. It's a one big hot mess. A mob cartel is running it from top to bottom.
Both of you can't check and find out unless I personally point out factual things to you. I don't like just talking, saying things, hearing someone's comments before processing things myself using my abilities. That's why I like when anyone who wants to make a point to start the sentence with word "because." Say "because of this," then "I thing, I feel," etc. I'll save you time, because in the middle of the talk I'll get the point already. I can bring many examples and you'll be amazed how effective interview am I.
I can't believe that with all his means Trump and his wonderful children sat down with old-b.g-B-W in his home answering to banal Qs. Especially the stupid, childish and in the core sneaky Qs she asked to grown children while reading from her papers.
You think about 90 years old who got so much poison injected on her face is writing her own Qs to start with? With all her millions of $s she don't hire a off-pot-professional to write decent Qs for her?
I understand that Trump has to use any exposure to media. At the same time he knows is he says loudly "media is terrible, they don't even show the crowds when I speak. I go home, my wife asks "were there any people, darling?"
Even after that, they don't turn around and show the crowds just to prove him wrong. Not even, nosir. Those are incurable, unchangeable genomes. They're full of poison and naturally use poison to run on. Consequently poison comes out and goes around to poison others wherever they go.
I know what Trump needs to succeed. And, he is the only one who can afford it. He MUST try it. He MUST at least talk to me and listen to me until I finish explaining. If he can realize the huge project I have in my mind without me, - good luck to him. I'm all for it! Should he'll see that I'm the only one who can do it (simply because it's my project to start with), all I need are tools and expenses paid.
Unless he becomes Potus I don't need to apply for any job on his payroll. I'm ok right here.
How about that?
Do you know how we can start? How he can check my abilities?
He can open any paper, any article in it, any interview on TV, including the recent one with the old-b.g-who-can't-smile anymore (because of 100's of face-lifts), and ask me to analyze and comment on it. See what he thinks. He'll be convinced that there is not even one out there like me. There is not even a remote chance finding anyone close to my natural gift in communication with the type of education I've got, my knowledge and life experience honed by living in different parts of the world, my abilities and willingness to use all of it for goodness of good humans on this planet. There were and always will be bad people in the world. I'm not naive. I can be hopeful, but not delusional. I want to help good people to make us all survive. That's all.
Should that not happen, guess what?; I do not have children and do not need to worry what would be after me. But, in 2015 AD, I still do.
Now, at 5:30pm, before I check the news from my trusted sources and learn more stuff from real world class experts in different fields, I'll get some lunch and listen to good, spirit uplifting music.

Do you know that from times of Pharaohs' Egypt the territory of today's Syria was a land of warfare between Hittites in the north and Egyptians from south? Hittites were located mostly on the territory of today's turkey. Their 'remnants' are doing the same thing today, aren't they? Syria was a cross road, trade route and strategic location in middle east. That's why is was a constant battleground. After Egyptians there were Romans. Look at events started from 15th century B.C. and come down with numbers.
Not only today's turkey is on the side of .s.l and trades oil with them, but its end game is to brake Syria in parts and take some of it. How that can be done? Not the way Putin suggests; - stabilizing the situations, getting rid of t.r.r.sts and having elections by Syrian people. He doesn't wish collapse of that state. Look what nato did in Lybia. Hollande was one of the main forces in that genius adventure. Contrary to Russia and its interests Turkey wants Syria is disarray, totally broken in pieces and out of control. At has its eyes at least on 2 provinces that they want to take for a long time.
By the same token Christians should take most of Syria and Turkey to visit their ancestors' graves.
Look at Istanbul, a totally Christian city started by Greeks. Why America doesn't put Greece and turkey, both Nato members (Greece is closer because it's an EU member too), side by side and take the side of its Christian and broker a dead to restore historic fairness? Look what Greeks are saying;
"Turkey is encroaching our airspace every day."

Now this; My wish came true. Good news for Russians.  
At; non-visa regime between RF and TR will stop from Jan.1st.
[I didn't even know there was a such thing. that was reckless to start with. You can't let millions of your citizens to go visit and spend money in a country who has been your historic enemy and still is.
There is nothing in common between those two. besides that simple people are minding their own business and want the same basic things in life. there are good people in there, of course. But one can't go and search in millions to meet one. It's impossible. They can make money and do business and want to dead anyway. Right here, in NYC, I heard turkes saying bad things about Russians and their "travel" business in there.
Especially today, under the economic sanctions, no Russian should go anywhere overseas (unless they have a family or business) to just look around and spend money. Russia is very big, actually it's a biggest country in the world and there are plenty of places to spend money and support their own.
All compassionate Russians today should have people of Donbass in their mind and heart, try to go there, help their own people.
I'd be in P's place I'd close the border to any muslim country first, then the rest.
It's not "humane"? Who say? America had embargo against Cuba for 55 years. Hello? Rush had to get his cigars from underground. No, just kidding. I don't like smokers, that's why I'm picking on him.
So, the new decision made by gov. of RF doesn't say that Turks can not travel there. They just have to go through process. There are up to 100 000 turks in Russia today. Huge construction companies are doing business. Lavrov said that the last act of aggression is not the only reason they came to this conclusion. There have been many other things before this.
cockoo-erdogan was telling P not to "play with fire over the downed plane incident." Oh, boo-boo to you! I hope he goes ahead and put a visa regime in place from his side of the border.

Discussions about the meeting of Hollande with Putin were in world media.
At, 3:55min. Putin says that there is no chance that Russian plane wasn't targeted. "They have insignia clearly visible on them, "missing out or being confused" is excluded. That's nonsense. That's an excuse. Too bad that instead of investigating, apologizing and insuring that it won't happen again, they're trying to give us excuses, as if there is even nothing to apologize for. Well, that's not our choice, that's the choice of turkish side," he says.
One "genius" foreign journalist (following what she read in her local paper), asking P why he sent
S 400 to Syria calling it MRL (system of volley fire). P corrects her saying that's an "air defense system." You read the rest. P is asking Qs like he is talking directly to turkman.

[System of Volley Fire/Multi Rocket Launcher is the second most dangerous weapon after nuclear. How the representative of "western media" (who apparently was able to get her big behind in 2 big Presidents' press conference) confuses a defense system with it? Isn't that typical occurrence instead of an exception? You better believe it.
On the bright side, I can use this episode in my upcoming comedy show.]

At; Today in Novocherkassk, Rostov region, line was unending to say good bye to marine Alex Pozinich.
He was only 29 years young and 10 of those years he gave to service of his homeland. Parished while rescuing a comrade in  arms.
To remind you; when bastards hit the plane, 2 pilots ejected themselves. Bastards shut at them both. Oleg died and Konstantine was wounded. 2 helicopters flew to rescue them. Bastards opened fire on them too. One was shut down. Alex was in that one. Dead. Then bastards blew up the helicopter laughing and chanting their #$%^! Marine Alex Pozinich died in the process of rescuing commander, 1st class pilot Oleg Peshkin.
Kostya is in recovery now. He wants to stay in military and in the same Syrian base. Bravo, man!
We should take some of Russian brave officers to train our new generals. O purged the best of them so easily like throwing away some rotten carrots from his wife's veggie garden.

Words can't describe my sadness. I pray for their souls and for strength of their lived ones. to survive after them.
Bastardturks should pay their families to the rest of their lives. But no. Putin is too soft for it. Has been like that for a long time. It's time to draw conclusions and act accordingly and appropriately.
Should I be clever enough to end up in a crowd in front of him as a "journalist" I'd ask him;
"When are you going to draw conclusions from lessons learnt and finally act on them, Mr. President?"  

So long.

P.S. Trivia; You believe in fate or in coincidence? A man can be struck by lightening - twice?
Watch this schlemazel crawling at OMG!
My heart goes out for him. I hope he's OK. I sinned, I laughed first.


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