Sunday, November 22, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 21-22, weekend edition


Here is Trump's speech in NewtonIowa in Nov. 19th. Not for you (I'm sure you watched it) for the readers of this blog. It's an hour long, He starts talking at 16th min.
Another one in Fort Dodge, IA in Nov. 12th, at 

My favorite parts from SNL hosted by Trump at Nov.7th is at scene and him doing some dance moves.  
I don't all what those 2 girls are  talking about, but it sounds typical of h..ches who talk differently
I thought I could pull off slang language spoken in NYC streets, but obviously not in that department. Slut-slang is a thing by itself and sounds really funny. I wonder what "professional" language in that sphere sounds like. In many countries that's a profession like any other, for example Sweden, where Muslims pour in. They can have more of job choices, that's for sure.

Some M preachers on TV were saying that when is a t.r.r attack "the media" is mentioning their religion trying to connect one with another. Duhhhh? If the ones committing the heinous acts using their religion to justify it, why media shouldn't mention it? It definitely doesn't insult those who were committing them and many of their sympathizers.

Russian Navy continues to crock-up vermin in Syria from 2 seas simultaneously, Mediterranean and Caspian, - heating them on their targets precisely.
At Reporter Klim Kanatkin is on a ship called "Grad Sviyakhsk" from Caspian Flotilla, which is able to send rackets reaching 2500 km. Those take 15 min. to get there.
Missiles were painted with words "for ours and for Paris," at 

In the meantime DOS continues to embarrass itself talking stupid by saying that "Russia needs to change its strategy if it want to join US-led coalition."
[Pentagon's press-secretary John Kirby is actually a US Navy Rear Admiral? Wow! Mind is a terrible thing to lose. It seems that it can happen to anyone who works for this administration. maybe it chooses those who already shown signs of wasted intellect? I wonder if it has a test for it, because this seems to be well organized and persistent.
This is beyond joke, right? It should be funny shouldn't it be so sad. This is a sad state of affairs by people who're asleep in donkey's ear in Washington DC.
1.Russia doesn't need to ask anyone to act on its security measures. It's a super power and can take care of itself. - thank you very much.
2. There is no US-led "NOTHING" in Syria, let alone "coalition."
3. As usual, US DOS is talking stupid by twisting facts thinking those who sit in that room are pot-smoking-bozos from American colleges. They might be right, but they're wrong about American people in general and the rest of the world who sees and knows better.
4. Put above 3 together and you'll see why main stream media, which seems to be on WH's payroll, is in this pathetic shape in reporting news and commenting on it.]

Saturday, Nov. 21st;
6 Russian citizens working for Ulyanovsk's airline company called "Volga-Dnepr" (large cargo carrier) were found among the 19 dead in capital of Mali. They were shot at the first minutes of attack by t.r.r.sts, while standing in Radisson hotel's lobby. It happened at 7am yesterday, Friday.
9 other Russians are out of that place and safe in the airport at the time of this report from Moscow, at Russians most likely were in pilot's uniform and were going to have breakfast before starting their shift.
There are also dozen Americans, who were initially taken hostage. One is conformed dead, but I don't see any clearer report about the fate of the rest yet.
Look at the report by Russians that you won't hear from American media; after taking 170 hostages the vermin demanded to cite versus from M-holy-book-K. They released those who could do so.
Hello? Wake up! Good morning infidels!!! Those usually delivered cargo with humanitarian aid to fight Ebola and other things in line with UN humanitarian mission. This particular flight delivered constriction materials.
[Ain't it nice? At 2:30min into the type you'll see the names and pictures of dead pilots. All white, young, christian man with education and skills to help the world. "Disappearing species," that what come to my mind when I see a white man. Even in NYC.
That's why I'm against all those flying to other countries to do good, spend money there for "vacation" or for any other reason.
I say; - Leave them alone to figure out their own problems. Don't let them come here and bring their problems and mentality with them either, That's all. Isn't it simple.
Entire UN is working for one thing; taking money, resources, goods, services, skilled workforce from western white christian world and distributes it to 4th world mostly muslim countries, who do not concentrate to change their lives, because they're extremely busy having unprotected sex as much as possible. What comes out of it, in their mind, should be the problem for the rest of the world. Otherwise they'll come (and were coming already alright), ask, demand, take, consume, attack, kill and take it anyway. In their minds it shouldn't stops on this planet either. By killing us to make the taking process faster they're going to go to heaven and get more sex with more virgins than they could find here, in this life. So, what you think is going to stop them? Talking? Helping? Giving your house and wife, maybe?
Won't be enough either.
Only one thing can stop this, but I can't put it in here. Some things, as you say, you can talk about with your dog only. ]
Russian pilots' names are;
1. Alexander Vitalyevich Kononenko, captain of AN-124-100, born Nov. 14th, 1963.
2. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kudryashov, navigator, ------------   born April, 4th, 1975.
3. Konstantin Vladimirovich Preobrazhenskiy,          engineer,  born Oct. 1st, 1959.
4. Sergei Alexandrovich Urasov, load master   -----------------  born March 14th, 1963.
5. Stanislav Nikolayevich Dumanskiy, avia technician --------- born Sep. 25th, 1973.
6. Pavel Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev, avia technician -------- born August 25th, 1988.

Ages from 27 to 56, all in prime of life.
Monday, Nov. 23rd, in Ulyanovsk region declared a day of mourning.
[I have a sister in law, who was born in Ulyanovsk. That's a famous town for soviet times. Why? Lenin was born and grew up there. His home-museum is in there.
I haven't been there, though. I'd go there with pleasure. I'd go to all corners of Russia just to look around, should I have a chance.]

Brussels is under max security alert (4th level) and stopped its metro and other public transport, keeps administrative and public buildings, concert halls, stadiums closed, also ordered to keep stores and restaurants and cafes closed too, at 
[I guess, just another lazy day for lazy Europeans. Shouldn't they be lazy they'd never had that influx of foreigners. They got so doped up and out of reality that couldn't care less if those new comers were the ones who hated their existence. They would hate and isolate me, should I go, making me feel that I don't belong. How they let millions of others so different from them and so dangerous to them in?
Check the level of all drag consumption, legal and illegal, divorce and prostitution rates, fights about what language to speak in their parliament, level of education by looking at their curriculum, etc, you'll get the picture. ]

In the meantime, France extended the time of mourning from constitutionally allowed 12 days to 3 mouths.
[Another way of excusing their "leisurely" lifestyle. I bet how much it's going to cost those who were working for themselves, such as small family business, no one will give a damn. Unions own the country from top to bottom. When I was living there, one French man told me "we're world champions of sport called "sticking." He didn't like it, though, was making fun of it.
Another one who had been in French military said that he didn't like France and its attitude towards others. He hadn't been anywhere else in the world yet, he was still in his 20's, but he said he didn't like it there anyway.]

The following story warms my heart; In a spirit of solidarity, Russian Police force is grooming a puppy to give to forces of French Ministry of Internal Affairs to replace the hero dog they lost by the name Diesel. Diesel was a German shepherd who died on the line of duty when they were storming the house in suburb of Paris where assumed was hiding. He was the first one to get a fired on, saving the lives of 5 soldiers who were behind him.
The new Russian dog is only 2 mouths old, his name is Dobrinya (from word "dobro," meaning kindness or goodness) and the trainers already believe that he can be a worthy pooch for police force. It's at 
[I'd not give a dog like that to nobody. Dobrinya needs a song devoted to him. He's going to have a tense and dangerous working life ahead of him. May God bless that cute pooch and keeps him safe!]  

In the meantime when the world forgot about survival of humans living in southeastern Ukraine (I didn't, I follow it every day), Ukrainian government ruled by neo-fascists and thugs (sponsored by USA and EU) of our time, continue to do their demonic work of destroying people and their livelihoods in Crimea and Donbass. In Lugansk region in recent days 6 people were kidnapped. Gone without trace.  [Good job America, give murderers money and pretend you don't know what they're doing with it.]
At, report says that 2 last standing electric transmission lines to Crimea were cut off. Another report words it "transmission towers were blown up." It totally stopped the supply to the entire semi-island of Crimea. It's in blackout right now and the region is in state of emergency. Even after this, not fully satisfied neo-nazis in Kiev came out to the streets, demanding to stop all the trade with Crimea.
[Don't anyone see what kind of people can be on this neo-nazi side? Anyone who's working for a living would like to suffer or see totally broke people around? His own people, at that! NO. This are those who presently are surviving on western and American handouts and hoping it will continue.
How or how much Putin can tolerate this verminic crowd's criminal behavior toward his people?
Should I be his wife..... let me stop here...... ]

You - doctor Savage, the other day were talking (with amusement and owe) about Ukrainian solders' "uniquely brave fighting ability" and asked some caller to explain to you where it come from.
First of all Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. They have less differences than let's say Ashkenazim and Sephardi Jews. They're no different with anything, just using a different dialect, that's all. Yiddish and Hebrew are much farther languages than Ukrainian and Russian. Akarina (first a as an a in apple, in Russian means "vicinity or suburb." It is the same as Ukraina, means "area in vicinity." A and U are the same here. In English it becomes Ukraine, like Valeria becomes Valery, like Natalia becomes Natalie, etc.
Than you were talking about them being concurred by Mongols and "inheriting" Mongolian eye shapes, etc. Not true. Overwhelming majority of them don't have it, no matter how long Mongols have been there. They have a shape of middle or big sized oval shape eyes, mostly blue. Mongols do not have blue eyes. In former soviet union those nationalities in Middle Asian Republics do have narrow-shape, mostly brown eyes, because they're close to the rest of Asia. There have been mixing up of course, but until today I might be able to recognize one or the other with 90% accuracy.
In terms of Mongols being in Armenia, they haven't rule Armenia, they haven't live there and command the lives of locals. They were nomadic tribes, who couldn't settle down. To hang around to long, wasn't in their blood. In my education in history (which Armenians kept very well) those came as nomads, killed some to scare, took whatever they could carry with them, but also were faced with fierce resistance. Armenians and Georgians claim that they don't have Mongol blood. In Georgia, which at that time was ruled by an Armenian royal dynasty of Bagratunians, their daughter Tamar (called King) got Mongols' bleeding to death and scare the heck out of them from Caucasus's.
In huge territory of today's Russia Mongols were able to hang around longer. Well, ok, but they were just going from place to place to feed their herd of horses, taking necessities of survival, whatever they could carry on horses. That's it. Their meat source were their own horses. Those are horse-meat eating tribes. Horse eats grass and grain, then they cute the horse and eat it, and, moved on to next grassy area. So, all the wiki-picky-poky you're reading might not be the reputable source for history.
I'd not go by Wiki for anything truthful or scientific. Don't know who's writing those entries there at the first place. Just saying.
In my history books Seljuk Turks were more harmful on historic territories of kingdoms of Armenia, Georgia, people of Caucasus's, Transcaucasia and Asia minor in general, than Mongols ever have been. Mongols were pagans and didn't think of "converting" anyone. Seljuks were Muslim, who killed Christians and desecrated their temples on "religious grounds." Still, until this very day I haven't seen one ethnic Armenian or Georgian who is M. I'm not saying that they absolutely do not exist. There might be one or two in the world, but I haven't met any and don't know anyone who met one either.
Armenians, although losing so much during the history, but have been one of the rare exceptions who never have been slaves and never have had slaves. "Death over chains" is their philosophy of life. And, they'd never degrade another human to the level of inhumanity by putting chains on him and humiliate him. Having mercy, pity, shame, morality and responsibility are basics on their virtue list.
Also "Praise should be only given for things achieved, not received," they say.
Also "You can't be proud, unless others reword you with praise for unique deeds that only you could and dared to do."
Totally different from most of the rest of the world which operate on "take, eat, attack, if needed, have sex, more sex, more and more and none-stop, drop a baby, and another one, and another one, and another one and let the rest of stupid world pick up the tab. That's what M world is doing as I'm writing this; having constant unprotected sex, most of them breeding with their minor/teenage first cousins and letting their reproductive organs loose, - unleashed on the rest of humanity who works for living and produces products and services for their survival. Most of M populations do not work, women are illiterate and considered sex objects whose' job in life is to make babies, who will fight for the food for them. Unless there will be a 1 child law, like Chinese government implemented to stop the multiplications of human hordes (and it worked beautifully,as we all have witnessed), this problem is like a "bottomless sewage pipe" which is going to take entire humanity to its deep pit of hell and rotting death.
My solution; only 2 working adults, meaning over age of 21, can have 1 child everywhere in the world. What about it? Makes sense? The rest? They should work and not to have children.
What about we'll implement this for next 100 years, so we let planet Earth to breath a little?
With this speed of compulsive-unprotected-sex-obsession, the product of it - an eating mouth humans, can not be handled by this planet for too much longer. It simply doesn't have the resources.
Of course, the ones who have sexual OCD covered up by the name of their religion and don't work but consume, going to kill those who have something. If this is not stopped now, wars (all kind of them) are going to get only bigger and more devastating. Until everyone is gone.
I have no clue why any working head in our "administration" can not commend to shut down those internet sites who preach murdering those who provides fro themselves and others to this day.
Now the vermin are communicating with each other and recruiting through games using game stations, without internet. Did you see that on TV?
Anybody who didn't know how to do it, already learnt. Including me, who never played with any of those.
You know, years ago when computers started coming out and going around the world, I had suspicion that it's going to be a tool which can work against American people's advantage in the world, against their compatibility, their jobs, their livelihoods. No wonder. O can write a book about "How the business of selling computers abroad killed America."
You, your listeners, WH, DOS, Trump and all the others do not know how many examples I can show you that devastates our economy right here, right now like termites do to wooden house?
No one talks about it, no one knows about it, besides those who are doing it! And I, who found out accidentally. Do you think there is an agency I can go and tell and stop illegality. I don't know any.
Maybe you should find out one and let me know. We'll call together, record the conversation and follow up. **********************************************************************
I watched B-Walter-old-girl's interview with Trump and his family. I'd like to interview that woman and ask her when she's going to retire and take her BS with her. She goes back with Fidel Castro when he was a youngster. Don't tell me that she didn't have connections to start her work. She asks cheap, unprofessional, provocative, low-life questions and puts her comment-like-info-pieces in between. I think it was an unprofessional interview, the least to say. Hear her tone when she says "Who could guess coming from small town in Slovenia she (meaning Mrs. Melania) can end up with super-mogul in America" or some such. I'm not quieting her word by word, because i don't want to hear it again. It's disgusting. When I hear people talk like that I want to put them in their place so bad.... no matter who they are.
I'm saying from my experience. Many years ago someone said something like that to me, maybe, in her stupid mind "trying" to praise me, but I was so humiliated that I cried for couple of hours. In the result of that though, I changed my mind from doing something that I wanted to do even before coming to this country. After uncovering "rose-colored" big lies and the fraud under attractive name of the business, looking back, I'm thankful for those tears that push me back into suspicion of something not right and kept me watching and learning without paying for it, wasting a time on it, submitted myself to more low-class-low-life people's attitudes and being even ashamed of myself that I gave business to one of the cesspool's of "Ivy" academia. Imagine what are the public ones are doing.
Trying to change my mind and have some laughs before going to bad, I found this clip on youtube and laughed so much, my neighbors knock my door thinking I was having a party without them.
Just watch this;  It's about karma and it can be a good lesson for those who don't believe it. At 2:55 min. you'll hear the mighty Russian folklore. Hahahahahahah.

Sunday, Nov. 22nd; Today in Brussels, Belgium, main sights to "admire" are the men in military gear and armored vehicles, at This is unofficial "capital" of EU, its Parliament, NATO headquarters full of bozos sitting and cashing in. More "fancy" names on some buildings you can find also.
City is still in lock-down. Why NATO couldn't help police in there? Oh, I see, they're not there, they went close to Russian borders, congregate there by the fence, see what they get from Putin. Is that it?
Look what Minister of Justice of that country said. He said that it's not a fault of authorities and law enforcement, but people. People let the vermin in. He put the blame on entire EU - collectively.
See how one semi-literate thug can shake a "almighty" continent and city like that?
Look at the pictures of "people" pouring into EU, see how many millions like that came across those "none-existent" borders and are getting paid for being a human-ticking-time-bomb? Most of them men who want to have sex and food every day. Who they are going to have sex with if their first cousins are not there yet? Of course rape those who are around. Top it off with hostility they already have in their minds and hearts, - you got the picture.

APEC got together in Malaysia. O went, bent over a little and shook Medvedev's hand. He always has S.Rice with him. I wonder where is this woman's qualifications for being his "security adviser" come from? Maybe it's genetic, because of her pigmentation. I should know this by now. Sorry for asking such a naive question.

Evening news; at; last week there were bomb threats on some US flights, in Hanover, Germany, 50 dead in Nigeria from bomb blast, where the youngest was 11 years old, Mali, etc.
[As we see, multiculturalism is really working good on the side of killers, murderers and t.r.r.sts, - alright. Keep bringing close to you, bozo politicians and progressives who progressively and pervasively hate themselves, but don't have guts to kill themselves by themselves. they need help, because simply they're cowards. That's why I'm on the side of euthanasia being legal at least in NY State. In Greek it means "good" or "well" death. What's wrong with that if someone asking you multiple times in writing with legal representation? NY State is full of liberals who are genetically suicidal to begin with and keep keeping them in vegetative state is causing harm not only for us living here, but for the rest of the world. Palliative care should be out of books. That's a money making tool only. Diapers do not deteriorate in any recycling for 4 years (Oprah discussed this in her show), imagine what adult diapers are doing to nature.
Yes, it's better to let them go than keep them around too long, which will have us all killed. I can write about this a chapter in a book.]  ********************************************

There are possible names of those who committed t.r.r against 224 Russian airliner and its passengers, but that's still classified. American and British intelligence helped Russians with this.
Chief diplomat Sergei Lavrov said that RF will use every method possible for its security and defense, at 

Finally, lazy-eye-frenchman F.H. called RF an "ally" (which is a big shift in his pre - Paris - t.r.r "politics") and going to go to Moscow to talk to Putin, at

[Ooh,la,la.. C'est pas vrai, monsieur! How did this happen?
I see. Friends are whose who come to your aid the time of tragedy. Finally this bozo got it though his pot-infested mind. Moreover, good-old-russia, as it happened in WWII, being "followed" by America and Europe; jumping on the train which left the station already. Remember when USA joined the fight against Nazis in WWII? Check the dates; - when Soviets already lost millions of lives and stated pushing Nazis back. At the same time, when Nazis were riding their tanks on Champs-Elysees and having fun of bending french woman backwards right on the street, frenchmen were sitting in coffee shops and watching it as an entertainment.
I don't still feel sorry for that bozo-the-president. He didn't not get a lesson. He should be dead instead of those innocent. Why would i say that? I know it sounds "terrible." So what, I'm not running for political office and no one in this world can shut my mouth. That's the Beauty of my situation. I love it! But, I', still a very kind person in heart and will tell you why I'm saying it.
I'm saying it, because he still wants to bring 30 000 more haters into his own country, put them among his own compatriots, so they will never have a day in their lives living without fear of death.
If I have any compassion left for french people in general, their president looks like a bloody-faced-devil in Halloween. He's in a game called "death" all by himself. He's the chairman of parade called "To Hell." I'd have possibility would send him first with express ticket.
Putin said to his military to establish contact with french Navy going close to Syria on Mediterranean, which they did.
Instead he should say "No, pal, you release your pseudo-sanctions against my country and my people's financial interests, attach a written apology letter sent from your presidential website to mine on internet, also make sure it's published on front pages of all your papers, including "La Monde," read on all TV network news programs, and before getting on your plane to come to take my time asking for help, make sure that the amount of money to compensate the damaged caused by your "sanctions" is clear in my account. Ne comprend pas, comrade? Too bad, so sad. I'll NOT let you on my land."]
This is what Putin should say. I'm actually going to send this part to him on internet and ask him to do so. I'd do even worse, should he-bozo-the-clown-lazy-eye not do not obey my conditions.
You know what would I do? I'd let him fly into Russian airspace, then make his plane go around and around before landing, so it'll get really low on fuel, enjoy the view of him being taken for a ride, then refuse landing. Yes, I'd! Anyone who heard what Russians and Soviet people gone through to survive 2 World Wars on the hands of "Europeans" in general will agree with me 100%. ]  

At 5th min. into above mentioned clip, At Nov.16th, in Antalya, Turkey, at press-conference, Putin says that 40 countries and some private individuals are sponsoring and financing .S.L. Some of them are members of G20. He says that on pictures taken from space show line of fuel trucks stretching tens of kms carrying illegality fuel and other oil products in trade with .S.L. "It can be seen from 4000-5000 meters from above, - he says.
Reporter says that P didn't mention those counties' names, but everyone knows that those are Turkey, Qatar and Saudi, among others.
In Manila O talked about Russia's action in Syria with much settled tone. Before he was saying that
Russians were bombing not those deserved and needed, now they're bombing exactly the right ones.
It's at 6:27min. he says; "last a few weeks Russia has been constructive to solve the Syria problem by political means." [What? Somebody can ask direct Qs to this man?]
Out of woodwork none other than Dianne Feinstein comes out today and on msnbc says that we have to get together with Russia.
[At 10:10min into the tape look at david-cameron-boy in Antalya, shaking hands with Putin
and being exuberant and enthusiastic. British-bastard-politicians and their twisted politics always have worked against Russia. Chameleon-Cameron (he looks like one and his fingers look like Iguana's, I swear, just look), says "thank you" for cracking up in Syria, expresses condolences for victims of airline crush. Says that they have to work together. DUH???
Again, should I be on Putin's place I'd not talk to any of them without first having them corrected their psychotic actions against my country and my people. That's all. Russians did NOT bother any of them in any way, ever. Those "civilized" Europeans always wanted to concur Russia, to run over it, take it, thought it get access to Asia, etc. All you have to do is look at the highlights in history, just check years and places. ]

So long.


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