Monday, November 23, 2015

To Michael Savage Nov. 23rd, Monday


Look what's going on in Crimea at 
It's in dark. 
Cronies and lackeys of WH and DOS in Kiev bombed last standing 2 towers providing electric from mainland. Today, Monday, in Crimea everything is closed; no school, no work. Only emergency facilities, like hospitals, which have their own generators, are working.
Ukrainian radicals which are working on blockading Crimea from the time it was reunited with mother Russia, in their retarded-neo-nazi minds trying to make people "suffer" and leave the region.
That's how hopelessly psychotic they are. At 2:44min. look at the fights breaking out because those fascists don't let people to go close to towers to fix them.

Today is a day of mourning in Ulyanovsk region of RF where 5 of 6 crew members of cargo airplane were from, at 
All churches and cathedrals will hold masses for departed souls.
The rest of the crew, 9 people who survived the carnage, arrived back last night.

Look at this and do your own math; at Each bearded-meat-targets working for .S.L casts $400 a month for 7th-century-gown-wearing-saudi-kingdom. Army of 30 000 he can pay, for sure. Thanks to stupid America, which give them, installed and showed them how use a pump to pump the oil and then started buying from them. Well, pal, they wouldn't be able to do it by themselves, why would you let them have it?
To me it's a problem with judgement of this government, but the tragedy is that that money have been used (remember 9/11?), is being used (watch the clip) and will be used against us to finish us, - infidels. Those are the type that you can take out of desert, but you can't get sand out of their minds.
(Do you remember sheiks visiting Putin and the "main head" was sitting in open toe sandals?)
They already changed American society as we knew it, changed the way we used to live already.
I came here in 1991 and in 90's going into office buildings without ID and without taking my shoes off in airports, Even I, a relatively new comer, feels the big difference every day.
.S.L costs 12M a month, which is peanuts for their sponsors from all over the world. Those people whose parents were first cousins, still can't pump their black-liquid-gold themselves. Oh-no! Low-life Europeans for good money went there and doing it for them.
You should definitely watch every second of this report. Vermin are not only thriving on oil, but on other things around them, such as pieces of ancient artifacts, ransoms, big-juicy donations from pseudo-God-fearing-ultra-religious-sheiks and every other Assad-hater.

Kiev's thugs fired at villages in DNR, at 

Within last 48 hours Russian air strikes destroyed 472 t.r.r targets, within last 5 days - 1000 oil tankers in Syria.

Do you know what's the motto for .S.L thugs? You didn't hear it on American media, did you? Me neither.
It's, -  "Christians to Egypt, Alawites to grave!"
3:03pm now, before your show, the pseudo news says "if Russia changes it tactics, we'll welcome it to our coalition of 65 states." Can you believe your ears?
Those people are doing that dangerous, dirty, expensive work called "war" all by themselves, now finally 65 idiots realized they were wrong, they are "ready" to welcome Russia?

You started; "the thin smoking man in WH didn't talk about the slaughter in Paris, but about media for not reporting ........"
Then you're reading from RT about Sicilian mafia warning .S.L with retaliation in the case of attempting on NY. Then reading from your book "The Savage Nation" where many years ago you wrote about that to stop the government needs to invite the baddest of mafias to WH and ask them how to do it. This is the original report at
It's fascinating.
Mr. Gambino will be joining the show later on.
You're right, "the man 'who knows from where' in WH, vermin in the media and ratsenbergs are doing exactly the job of what's called "domestic enemy."
When taking the oath of allegiance I swore to fight against enemies "foreign, as well as domestic." Every decent citizen should!
You're right - sorority is running the country. It should be dark skin and preferably with uterus.
That's the qualification for attorney general, national security adviser, you name it.
Throw in some self-hating liberal Jews like d.axelrod (the ones like him in Upper West Side of Manhattan hate your guts and want to shut you up), some child molesting liberal Catholics and a few white christian and atheist drag-addicts on welfare, - there goes your country!
That's what consist of Dem-party with donkey as coat of arms; just look at the names, the faces, the action and check the medical records.
At 3:43pm, talking about Kennedys.
I think Kennedys were a mob, I don't like the entire clan, whatsoever! Some mobsters can do good for their communities, there are different ones among them. In island of Sicily people were left without any control of government. they fought against Mussolini, against nazis, so they're not that all bad. If course where is a vacuum in authority and law and order, people tend to control themselves. Consequently those are with natural skills and charisma in organizing and ruling come out and run the place.

4:00pm. Gambino will come on the show (from "undisclosed" location) 30min. after the hour.

10:10pm; I heard Gambino on your show. He talked a little bid about history of Sicily, describes the the safe life a little while ago in NYC's Italian neighborhoods when people would sit outaside, drink coffee, kids would play and do their things and everybody knew everybody. Unfortunately it's not the case anymore. Things changed, neighborhoods and country in whole has changed.
He evaded your direct Q as "what he thinks gov. will do should they take on themselves defending their neighborhoods." He said "we have to get together, we have to unite." I'm all for it.
I'd love to meet with him and hos friends. I can use some protection right now, right here, where am at. NYPD is full a low-lives from streets who hate working, hate white people (it comes from the top) and victimize them every step of the way knowing that they can get away with it.
We need people of all walks of life, especially couple of brave, righteous and decent black persons to work with me to uncover, show, expose, sue, shut down and correct this nasty, twisted systematic discrimination against majority individuals and groups.

Today, idiotic president of Ukraine, an old oligarch who worked for every prior administration and crook in that country before being "elected" as a "better" one, was celebrating 2 years of starting so called "maidan" demonstrations in Kiev, which in his words "changed the country, EU and the world."
I agree, it changed by to all the way to worse. That country is bankrupt beyond repair, in the last 2 years it's economy dropped 47%, in its Southeastern regions civil war killed 8 000 thousand innocent and displaced a million. Entire residential thriving areas became ruins of war-zone. Unemployment, inflation, you name it, it's a basket case - a big time!
As Dr. S. F. Cohen says "it's an economic cemetery." [Good diagnoses, doc!]
At, poll shows that 72% of Ukrainians think that country headed to a wrong direction.
[Too bad that events in middle east and recently in 2 big capitals in EU shifted the attention from those poor, starving, suffering, innocent, decent, hard-working and abandoned people of Donbass; - ethnic Ukrainians, Russians and others alike.
Only Russia still helps them with humanitarian aid periodically. Look how many thing Putin has on his plate. Is that a job for one man? He does work of at least dozen super-man.

So long.


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