Thursday, November 19, 2015

to Michael Savage Nov. 19th, Thursday


I listened to first 2 hours. Yes, I think you'd be good in the position of leading National Institute of Health. especially that you're willing to work for fee. That's commendable.
When I saw the picture of P and O talking and S.Rice as O's NSA, I was thinking of coming up with more impressive name for my position as an adviser with DJT. :) Why Not?
I'm thinking maybe head of HE? I know what it stands for, but not going to reveal it yet.

Good news of the day is that Congress affirmed the mandatory vetting process for refugees.
I have no idea how the other way can come into any sane person's mind. The ones who want uncontrolled horde of unknown to invade us, should be taken to 9/11 memorial and be drowned there in the pool. If that pool is not deep (I haven't been there, they should be hit on the head with a piece of concrete from those buildings' ruins. Take from the museum, use it and put it back for display.
When they say "women and children" they think we're the bozos who can get confused by words. Where are those families' men? Where are they fighting and against who? After children and women they can come too? Nice... How do you know who is their father or husband or brother?
Do you know what kind of mess is immigration is already. instead of strengthening up suicidal bozos want to crush the whole thing down.

In the meantime, Russians are cracking their coconuts alright and dropping the shells on the heads of vermin.  At; operation "Revenge" continues picking up steam and will intensifying by the hour in coming days.

Finally the West wants to take baby steps to come together with Russia. F.H. next week will be in DC and RF to form alliances, at 
[DUH? Why it it taking more than a week to move his slow derriere? Oh, I see, sorry, I forgot he was French. French who bridge the contract with Russia over Mistrals, who still have sanctions in place against RF, harming their economy and thus also hurting his own people, etc. P. really should feel like he dealing with sociopaths. He is such a big-hearted person that in front of TV cameras gave a command to his military to get in contact with French carrier which was going close to Syrian shores and treat it as an ally. I wouldn't. I'd say "stay away, lazy-eye, don't jump on the bandwagon, I've got it under control, I'm wiping it alright."  Or, if i had to have so much empathy to talk to him only on compassionate term, I'd say; "give me my Mistrals for half off, take off sanctions and pay reparations for all the damages caused to my economy." How about that? That would be a tete-a-tete manly talk.]

In one day Russian air-force conducted almost 100 raids from its base in Hmeymim, at Heroic Mikhail Akinchenko reporting from Syria. 
[Look how beautiful those flying babies are. A song comes to mind when I see them; "Fly, baby fly,
up-up to the sky... la, la, la.
Another song; Take me with you to bomb-games... I come fly with you...!!! Would it be fun? not for fainted hearts, of course.
Yes, it's not a ball- game time, it's a bomb-game time for Western world.]

In the meantime, 2 people were killed in a stabbing attack in Tel-Aviv by a Palestinian man from Hebron, at 


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