Wednesday, August 13, 2014

To Michael Savage Aug. 13th morning news


I have 5 more posts in draft from July 30th - Aug. 7). Need to go through and complete them with taken notes, so be patient.
Events are evolving so rapidly that I can't catch up daily bases. So get ready to read lots of material from last couple of weeks and see the clips @Starlet737.
This is an emotionally disturbing and physically grueling job for me.
The people trapped in the war zone, men being killed like a meat target, cold war gradually getting into a hot zone is very alarming. Thanks to verminic media, which is busy talking about the details of someone dead, gen. pop. have no clue what can come up in couple of days.
OK, alright, he - Robin Williams is dead. What's unusual about the news reporting someone's death? Oh, I know, he was an entertainer. Whoooo. So what's surprising about an Hollywood addict's death?
I listen to your show all 3 hours and could say deep things, but didn't call. Doctor who called and you said "that's deep, maybe I'll come to you for therapy" remember? What was so deep about what he said?
Now, you want my opinion? I have had more social interactions with humans that I believe you did and have enough education to say - you never know what's in someone's mind, heart and psyche. Shakespeare said "there is no art can show the content of the mind on the face." He was and still is right. That's why he's classic.
About who and why does those things to themselves, none of our business. If someone has responsibility to care for others and does that, it's an selfish act and an ugly one. His case is one of those. But if someone is suffering and has no way out and don;t want to be a burden to anyone and does it, it's an act of disrepair and consideration for others.
Nobody knows the brain, no medical doctor can tell you that he knows unless he's a crook. Medical establishment came up with depression medication side effect of which can be suicide!
What else you want to know? Suicide covers the spectrum from heroism (when someone runs for his death to save others) to vile, disgusting act to punish and victimize others (source of which is only hate or rage). The latter better done with class, meaning not creating gruesome, emotionally disturbing scene otherwise I would say "good riddans." This is my take on it.
About Robin Williams, he was my second favorite comedian. But he was a lib, addict and as usual all of them all over the place in this country and the world poisoning the minds of young and indirectly harming good, moral, decent people. I can write a book about this and show examples on my own daily life.
About your Russian ancestors and their attitude about life I'd love to talk to you one on one. They were right in their view of the world. That's all I can say here and now.

OK, let's go where is hot war and waging and decent and good people don't want to die, but are dying from bullets, bombs, hunger, thirst, cold, dark and have no one to bury them.
This is going on TODAY in civilized Eastern Europe - in Ukraine, where people had thousand years of civilization, have 100% literacy, having less than 2 kids per family, most of them working in hard jobs such as mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, you name it and no one is running to save them from slaughter.
I heard Dr. Cohen today on Bachelor and got shortage of breath. The madmen in Kiev are asking for it and hoping to get paid. What are we going to get out of it here? Can you tell me?
Can you have Dr. Cohen on your show today and give him as long as he needs to explain and make us aware of the situation, please?

I missed the main Aug. 12th nightly news from Moscow. Time flew today like a hell. Maybe shouldn't listen to your show for 3 hours? :)

This is Aug. 13th 9am Moscow news.
Here, look at this; @Starlet737 (tw.#669)Kiev thugs are advancing and people are trapped in basements hungry, if they're still alive. Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting. Only one bomb in one building burned a few apartments and killed an elderly lady and a 19 years old guy. Only couple of reporters are there in the war zone in a huge area and they can't move much at all. How much of anything they can show, you think? I'm sure less them 1%. That's an itself a tragedy, when there is no record of tragedy in this day and age of communication and technology.
The lady who reads the script is in emotional pain. I can hear her voice is straggling to keep up the pace. I don't think I'd be able to read it at all no matter what.
In main cities of Lugansk and Donetsk there is no water in residential building and homes for already 2 weeks now. Huge lines form all day long for water. Months already no money is going anywhere to these people. Kiev stopped paying pensions and salaries long before, then bombed mines, factories, homes, banks, stores and pharmacies. You see people don't know what time it is when they're in basements. You see woman's wound is rotting without bandage. Kids all over sudden grow up, keeping so calm and collected. is about the photo reporter Andrei Stenin who is "lost" from Aug 5th in Ukraine. Check report at

At reports about more refugees arriving in Russia's different regions; more than 500 people in Smolensk, several families in Ulyanovsk, 133 arrived in Sverdlovsk.
And this goes on and on continuing on midday news.
It's 4:30 am in NYC.

So long.

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