Thursday, March 6, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 94)


First she said "reset" now called him a Nazi. ??? Ain't it a b.t.h? - All my democratic friends said. Potato face Kerry went and gave out 1B of other people's money to get attention. Him, McCain, Clinton all should be sued for inciting violence. I think Kerry wins on both sides: he gets paid what he does, calling it a job, then he can sell Ukraine Ketchup, because at least the next several years all they can afford is potatoes.
I saw the meeting of PM Medvedev with the head of Gos-prom, who said that Ukraine owe them 1.5 Billion already and they're going to bring the price to original level from April 1st of this year, unless they pay fast. So, Kerry's potato money is for only the raw ones. You can't even cook the potato.

O said that there were 2 sets of lawyers and 2 sets of interpretation of Int'l law, after Putin's press conference. Not really. They just underestimated that the other side knows what they're doing.
O backed off, not Putin. People who made a coup, which is illegal, don't even call it a coup, they call it a "revolution." And Putin said " if that is so, it means there is another Int'l law, under which it means the other "country or government" is no longer there, all prior contracts are annulled and with the new one we don't have any agreement. We don't even no who they are. Even after this Putin didn't cut the contact with the present thugs in Kiev.He said he commended them to keep a contact.
Crimean supreme council made a decision to have a referendum at March 16th, instead of 30th.
What else do they want - all these "Int'l" thugs. They got involved in bother-killing conflict by buying one side.
You should hear what professor of Russian studies at NYU Steven Cohen said about those thugs. He called it "hutspa" and explained that is it when someone kills his parents and then jumps out of the window, because he's an orphan. You should put him on your program.
Imagine how dangerous the Hilarious Rot-ham can be, if God forbid, she is elected?
I'll get back to this after I listen to your program.
I'm still working on the full, literal translation of Putin's press conference in part 93. It's in draft right now.
You can check and compare and see that NO English speaking course has it in full, NONE!
I have listened to your program and got through to your producer 2 times. He listened 2 times, thanked me and didn't put me through.
Now I came back and listening to you at 5:20pm and you're having some damn callers one after another.
How he decides his stuff. I could give you facts that you don't mention.
Oh well, I'll continue to listen.

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