Saturday, March 1, 2014

To Michael Savage (post 91)


No matter how much I call i can't get through. Paul Roberts interview was good and you should check also and have someone to translate it to you. All the voices on Russian side talk peace, stability, brotherhood and the side of maidan, which is in turkish, talking about money from europe and usa against the interest of their historic and genetic brethren and their survival, let alone safety of their lives.
Mr. Putin just signed an agreement giving them $15 billion in loan and half price on gas. If you see the footage of signing agreement on Feb. 21st in Kiyev, you'll see those people who now seized the gov. power were there signing those papers with the president. That knucklehead boxer and today's "finance minister" are the ones later hit the maidan again with weapons.
Putin adressed the Duma of RF with concerns of  Duma of Authonom Republic of Crimea and got unanimous vote on the side of insuring the safety of lives of people in conflicted areas.
According to stipulation G of part 1 of statute #102 of RF decision was made to insure peace and conduct the upcoming referendum in May 25th.

This is all about gas pipeline and increasing the influence of Europe on the price of brother killing conflict.

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