Thursday, March 20, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 100)


Finally yesterday, March 19th, 5:30pm, after listening for 15 years and writing 99 pasts to you in last 4 years, I've got to you on The Savage Nation.
Today is the first day of spring, I'm in a good mood.
Yesterday's topic I called about was fun and it got funnier when you didn't let me finish, cut through and understood something even funner.
Your mind works really fast and as a man's mind it goes right into personal stuff.
I was saying that because of China's neutral stand on Crimean issue, Mr. O wasn't happy and he sent Mrs. O to talk to first lady of China (on personal visit called "vocation" and without witnesses called "reporters") to find out things behind the scenes and hive some hints.
You know the saying "you want to ask the man who is in charge or the woman who knows what's going on?"
I meant Mrs. O goes to talk to Mrs. Jinping and tune her up; to give her a message. Let's say during the quiet walk in botanical gardens or elsewhere private, drop a hint, show some biceps and a give a little stare.
That's all.
If she stares at me, I'll do anything she wants. Am I crazy to mess with a girl like that? Oh no, not me, I'm a delicate woman and fast on my feet.
Before I finished my sentence saying a man can blab in the bedroom (in this case I meant with his wife), your mind just cut though, got scared and you asked me if I really meant Mrs. O went Mr. Xi Jinping. You sounded a little panicked.
At first I've got confused by your reaction too, surprised why would your audience be taking it a wrong way, and actually backed off saying that I was joking, but my theory was pretty valid and i try to make my point.
I don't know how it came out. It might be funny to hear the recording.
Every strong man has a stronger woman behind his back, well, most of them, Putin doesn't, he got divorced recently. Maybe I should go get his back covered? What you think? Imagine you'll have a studio to broadcast from Kremlin and I'll be your simultaneous interpreter. What a fun that would be, ha?
That place is gorgeous, man, - The Kremlin. You'll be speechless.
Yeah, the prove that my point yesterday was not only sensible but almost scientific, came today in the news that Mr. O will meet with Mr. Xi Jinping next week in Europe. I believe the latter would have the hint how to read the signs! Don't you think? Ask Mrs. Savage, see what she says.

Now, Crimea.
2 days ago in his address to Duma, while asking to approve the ratification of Crimea to Russia, Mr. Putin said "Everything in Crimea speaks of our history and pride. This is the location of ancient Khersones, where prince Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual life of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined overall basis of culture, civilization and human values that unite the people of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in Crimea, in Sevastopol - the birthplace of Russian Black Sea Fleet."
Then he talked exactly how history unfolded by unexpected events of history and how Russians especially found themselves as minorities (and second class citizens) in so called "other countries."  That was the time that their historic land still mostly inhabited by them was given from one ruler to another without asking their opinion as humans, but like sack of potatoes. In 90's Russia wasn't able to correct any irony of history and people held their heads down and hold their tears back. But now, they're asking their brethren to help to get out of neo-nazi turned west rulers and begging for their protection. Russia realized that it wasn't only mugged, but it was robbed.
He also said "We don't want NATO troops to welcome us to Sevastopol, we want to welcome them!"

I say good job Vladimir Vladimirovich, you're a worthy son of your grandfathers! That's me - Anna saying it.

Now, he also said;
"Who come to protest in maidan had legitimate demands against their government's corruption, poverty and inefficient state management. They had right to peaceful protest and election, but they didn't stop short of terror, riots and chaos. Seizing power with fire, overthrowing the elected government. Then nationalists, neo-nazies, Russophobes executed a coup with murder. There is no legitimate government in Ukraine today, they're imposters who took power and are being coached by overseas ideologues and sponsors. Pursuant to Article 2, Chapter 1 of the UN Charter, UN Int'l court agreed  with this approach of self-determination without asking of permission of countries central authorities on July 22, 2010 UN declaration says. Priorly on April 17th, 2009 US submitted this Statement to UN Int'l court about Kosovo. Double standard in this case is amazing, primitive and blunt cynicism."
To show that economy and life is better in Russia he said that last year only 3 million Ukrainians found jobs as day laborers in Russia and their earnings totalled $20 Billion, which is about 12% of the UA's GDP.

Oh well. I was happy because I see people who belong together had tears of joy and happiness in their eyes in that magnificent hall.
Doc, all you have to do is to look at the people: look at the both sides, look at their faces, their attitude, they placards, even without knowing the history and the languages they are speaking you can clearly pick which one you want to be around and which one you're scared of.

Now I'm listening Russian MPs, all talking to be close and get closer to Ukrainian "people"  talking unity and peace with them, welcoming them to Russia to work and live, welcoming their solders' families and servicemen to serve in their territory and live there in case of intimidation from the bunch of politically illiterate thugs who are in power now in Kiev. Anybody of regardless of nationality in Ukraine if wants to go live or serve in Russia, RF will give proper documentation (it's being to proposed now - work permit, citizenship) will regards and preserve value of their diplomas and  their rank in military, etc. One side says come to me with open arms and caring face, another side says "don't come here and get out with a weapon in hand and dark mask on the face.
Even blind can see.
Don't forget, Doc, most of them know each other and their families, they were one unit not long ago and called each other brothers in arms. Today, the same Molotov cocktail holding bunch proposed to impose visa regime for Russians, saying they don't belong there. Now, honest to God, how would you feel if you're Russian and inhabitant of the most eastern part of Ukraine. Wouldn't you say "if you're not going to let me family to visit me, and on top, I'm discriminated and disenfranchised already, I can't trust you and will not abide to your illegitimate governance"? Even Dr. Phil says; "You can not make up for it - scr.w it!" Yes, he says that loud and clear on his TV show.
In Russians areas of Donetsk, which overall called Donbass, mostly Russian, industrial, all these people working in coal mines, in factories of all sort of products of heavy and hazardous industries on 2-3 shift jobs.  They were threatened to be fired if they'd go out to meetings. They had one only elected governor in their Region and Kiev's bandits arrested him. In the rest of the country the thugs are appointing their bunch - most of them are the most corrupted friends - oligarchs.  
In my opinion Ukrainians are much better of in Russia then in Ukraine, because today german tranny was barking in her nasty language (boy I can't hear that sh.t!), and showing her fascist nature to his long time ally - Putin. "Red cow can't change it's skin" - wisdom says.
Also Mr. O was threatening with more sanctions today and I just read 10 names of Washington officials on ban to Russia, including McShame. I think he's on Viagra and some other thing which makes his mind race and he can't sit home.

Your program is started and you're not there, hope it's not your tooth :)
If it is and if you ask me, a Medical Nurse from USSR, I'd say a high quality Cognac will do!
Take care now.
I'll keep you posted.
Take care

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