Thursday, September 12, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 72)


I can't, I can't, oh my!... This should be funny, if wouldn't be so dangerous. See who are ruling the world. How did this happen? How insane people got where they got? It's like a comedy of errors not for normal equations or people but of mentally ill, psychopathic, vicious and suicidal.
Nobody knows what's going on. More garbage you hear more sh.t comes out of it. No sooner you hear someone is trying to make sense, another one is putting a hot mess on top of it.
Rush was right to call carry and mccain old f.rts. Did you hear? They hired a 26 years old fraud to consult them? If even she had a PHD, it don't mean anything to me. She knew someone that's how she got a job and she also has "personal qualifications" for old f.rts. I saw she photo, she looks like a face they'd like you use.
What about coney rice who got a job because of she skin color? She had a PHD about "cold war" which she brought back. Now this administration got another lying rice on their side. She got a position because of the color and the last name and she connections to feds.
That was nice that you read from Mr. Putin. Also the comedy about nancy was hilarious. She consulted she 4 years old grandson what to do about the world, like O was saying that his 10 years old daughter consult him about the rights of homosexuals. 10 years old knows about sex? That's one "functional" family right there. No wonder his wife flies separately and had a freudian slip of the tongue saying 'as a single mother" while talking about herself. After the reporter try to correct she, she didn't even change, she said that was what she meant.
There was a statistic that about 70% of American are on at least one medication. My doctor things that's very optimistic. I think, the rest should be too. Some taking it, some don't. Do we know how many politicians here and all over the world are drugged up?  You should see what kind of fraud, illegality, "violation" of "human rights" I see every day. I actually saw it today, right this morning.
Someone being threatened while called racial names, such as "white batch" called the police. 19 precinct as usual operates on the motto "get paid, get out of here" came over, didn't do nothing, she called again, then they frisked her and call the ambulance.  Place I'm at has a policy of not taping, so ones you don't have a proof you just give business to courts. How you can proof what's going on, if it's "illegal" to tape. I don't know where to ask for political asylum to get our of this messy garbage this liberal trash society created for themselves. There are no right and wrong, no good or bad, so if you were born normal, lived a normal life and want to continue, it becomes impossible.
because they're the crazies, they are the perverts, they're the criminals, that's why they say the rest of society is like them so they can bring everybody down with them. If you mixed good with bad, it ALWAYS becomes bad. That's why the bad, rotten ones say we're all the same, which means you can't be good. There is no good in their minds.
Oh well, you have to be a monarch to clean this sh.t. No less than a good monarch can fix this.
I'll be listening to see how tragicomedy of my life unfold today.

So long.

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