Saturday, April 30, 2016

To Michael Savage April 30th, Saturday


We hours.
I have something in my mind that I'd like to tell Trump to ask Hilly about that would leave her dumbfounded. As a senator she never worked, it was a no-show job for her. That's out of the way now. As Sec. of State she is clueless what's going on in our consulates overseas.
There are many things that those who're in charge, but have not gone through immigration process, will know.
I did everything legally and didn't know any other way. I was working for American newspaper and having my reports published in front pages. I still had to wait for several years to become a citizen. But, when I came and met so many others who came from all over the world, I found out things which I can call 'unbelievable' for the lack of better words.
The whole hole is so messy that there is no way to clean it, fix it or change it. It has to be shut down completely for at least 7 years. Point, end of the story. The only rare exemptions could be made for certain professionals. Throughout that time world perception of dumping their bad on us will change,
many will give up on the idea of running in, because the wall will be there.
To me, people should try to make their own country better they can come study, pay from their own packets and go back to better their lives. We can keep the brightest ones, if needed, make sure they're taking care of themselves and contributing.
Cheap labor? Maybe it's needed in some places. For that there can be strict work-visa and payment on the books. Will some veggie and fruit farms suffer in result? Maybe. For all I care.
We'll eat less of that tasteless stuff. We'll go to restaurants less, travel less, do not visit overseas at all, eat less, support our local communities' mom and pop shops, stay put, stay safe, start thinking clearly.  
In terms of 'building bridges' as Hillary says, I can tell her to build one with her millions and pack up and leave with those who like her. All her life she is yapping and making millions. how did that happen? When this woman produced anything? She has a law degree? OK. When was the last time she practiced? In law firm in Arkansas where things were 'mismanaged' and FBI was on her tail?
People went to jail and dropped dead around that criminal couple. Her hubby signed NAFTA, which outsourced jobs, he bombed christian country in the middle of Europe and gave part of it to Muslims.
His law License had been revoked since those times. I still didn't make peace with the idea that he didn't do jail time like everyone else would. That was my first disappointment from legal system of this country. That showed me that not all the citizens are equal before the law. Then, things went down the hill from there. One "surprising" thing after another. A lie, deceit, corruption every day in my face no matter where I go.

From 6pm browsing through some channels and glimpsing on evening news and no wonder on one
of the public channels (surprise, surprise) 2 black women are talking about how black youth is "mistreated," such as born in powerty, incarcerated, etc. One of them already has a none-profit organization making money pushing racism card, presenting it as her God's given mission in life.
Of course, nobody asking racism from who? Why would anybody ask when 99% of the media has that music put on already and letting anyone with big lying face come on and top-top under the rhythm to carry on the torch of division, resentment, controversy and hate.
Bad news is a good news for media, so why not fan the flames and cook some white meat on it?
I'd like to see how easy it was to get an approval for that specific organization and compare the time frame with those whose agenda is not selling racism.
The insanity of the talk of racism from minorities against the majority is absolutely given a green light and red carpet with fanfare by the vermin in the media and the press.
Word "racism" is automatically taken as whites against blacks and nobody is stopping and asking to specify. In my first hand experience, black and generally minority racism against whits was established, licenced, institutionalized, incorporated and made a hugely lucrative business, before I arrived here 25 years ago.
And, it is only getting worse. From the beginning hating and victimizing the white majority was a "reason" for the behavior, then it became excuse, then after O became power.
Instead of calming down the hate and cooling off the flares, the fraudulent business if racism is blooming and prospering.
Should I have hidden cameras wherever I walked, shopped, worked and lived until today and had my own channel to put it on, I'd not worry about a day of straggle to the end of my life.
Well, when I came computers were only in offices. From mid 90's they started coming out and now through social media my point will be simple and easy to make. How? Guess what? Just show. Yes, it's so simple and easy, it's unimaginable. What can be more believable than to show a picture, recording or a tape? But wait, there is a big barrier; - law! Yes, some laws prohibit it, most of the time it's left on judges discretion, and very many companies, profit or none have their own 'policies" against taking a proof. Proof is what they want to show. I'm not saying running around and taping everybody everywhere. I'm saying that in most places you can't show take a proof what's going on while you're part of the equation or things are done specifically against you.
Your right of accessing law enforcement is depend where you live. Yes, I'm very serious. Not just to push the button and call. That you can do, but their respond is totally controlled by their own desire what to do with that phone call. getting the news to media is whole another ballgame. I know I;m saying "surprising" things. No, I'm not. Most of the people know, but nobody is taking an action. It's too much work; it's a uphill battle and the war against armed and more powerful. I know I'm talking about a very heavy subject. This subject is a rotten mad on the bottom of this society, which gets thicker and more poisonous by the day.
Stench is coming to your nose for some time already, some developed an immune system and became lethargic and indifferent (as long as they get their gov. checks and smoke their stuff), others are very ill and can't stand it any more. Like myself. You're right that this is a one of a kind silent and thus stupid society that gave up hope to fix anything. Look at the politicians; one crooked after another one. Trump is a lone man trying to penetrate through the darkness of thick forest. It hasn't been groomed for so long, that anyone can get lost. I can tell him so many things going on right here in NYC that he never heard of. How he suppose to find it out? He can pass by, look into the window and still don't know what's inside the building.
What we don't see things going on right around us on daily basis? Why nobody is getting in bottom of it? Because everybody who is functional has something to protect; a job, career, reputation, place to live, health and money try to keep.
Those who have nothing to lose and get their psychological kick out of harming others usually come out with daring faces and get on silenced majority's face o destruct, destroy and cash in.
If you think this is just happening all by itself, I have a news; - NO. It's very systematically organized.
Finally; is there one person out there who can do anything about it? Just one. Yes, just one, - yes!
ME! With God's help. All I need is my first needs met and a protection. All I have to do is to show, have other people show, no matter black or white or in between. How about it?
This will be my mission, should I find a sponsor like Trump.
I study and learn all my life. Every day. Things I can do, none other person can.
That's because of my gift of gab from God, background, education, knowledge, personality, character, hobbies, etc. There are things in human that are not transferable and can't be thought.
There are still lots of things that machines can't do; love, care, touch, feel, reason, etc. ******************************************************************************

To wrap up this monologue I'd like to say that whoever donates to public channels is not doing good service to this society. That's all on this for now.
We need to organize a 'truth telling campaign" to inform those who pay taxes and live clueless lives.
We'll take proof from all the sides.

Now let's go to the news that doesn't appear in our local sources. Today is the Holy Saturday on Eastern Orthodox, meaning Julian calendar. Day before Easter, the day of Holy Fire. Traditionally the faithful gathers around the belived tomb of Jesus in Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem, where according to believe Jesus will light the fire to let them know he hasn't forgotten them.
Tomorrow is Easter in Jerusalem and one of my favorite days of the year - May the 1st!

In the meantime, right now the holy fire is being flown to Moscow via official flight.
Patriarch Kirill of all Russia will conduct a special ceremony for excepting and distributing it in the Cathedral of Holy Savior in central Moscow. royally screwed its format, so I can't link an individual clip.
Here is a short report from, showing the midnight preparations of clergy, who are wearing white gowns instead of black, which symbolizes mourning to show the victory of life over death. This symbolizes a new beginning and the victory of light over dark.
Also for festivities in here check 
Tomorrow is going to be a rainy day, otherwise I might go too.
There are gorgeous Orthodox churches in NYC, Greek and Russian in UES.

So long.

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