Friday, April 29, 2016

To Michael Savage April 28th, Thursday, 2016 AD new era in space exploration of RF


Today I start with fun-trivia stuff. To me those are;
1.John-the-crying-Boehner calling Cruz a luc.fer and an SOB,
2.Lyin' Ted choosing vice-presidential candidate in the face of none-other than fiorina,
3. Retired cop accidentally shooting gun in his podiatrists office in LI, injuring himself and the foot-doctor in his foot!!! Yeah-ha-heah, yippee-I-O-ki-yeah!
At least one fun afternoon to start working.

For trivia from overseas I can tell you that an 11 years old girl managed to get into a plane in Moscow and fly to St. Petersburg, where she wished to go for some time, - all alone. She got there with no problem and the camera shows that nobody paying attention to her in airport and no one asked for ticket on the plane. She quietly took an empty sit and as the song says; "fly-baby-fly, up-up-to-the sky!"

Another huge success in space exploration in Russian Federation; a brand new cosmodrome named "Vostok" (spaceport called "East") gave beautiful start to sputnik Soyuz-2.1a, while Putin watching! Yeah-baby-yeah!
Everybody should watch and admire the achievement of human imagination and capability of bringing that imagination to life.
It's at 
The spaceport was being built for 4 years and is located in RF's Far East region of Amur.

No matter how many times I fly on the plane it still boggles my mind how someone (don't know who) t the first time in history of human kind imagined that metal, the huge chunk of iron can fly in the sky. ??? Then imagined that it can have a shape of a bird, then thought of humans sitting in it, then another one thought that iron can have a shape of his p.nis and can fly way over the sky looking for ... God?

How many people believed that that can happen and worked on it? Had to devote their lives learning all sorts of previously unknown stuff and top it off with theirs to bring this to this day??? WOW!!!
I'm really in OWE with this. This made my day and gave me hope for tomorrow.

The world is so full of haters (s.tan working through humans) that would do everything to stop something like this and still did not succeed. !!! I'm in such an owe of this picture that need to open a bottle of win. Yes!

So many nice things in the world for me today;
- All my medical check-ups were OK yesterday, tu-tu-tu!
- My favorite month May is around the corner,
- Trump is winning in US Presidential run,
- Russians successfully launched a new, multi-billion dollar spaceport with Sputnik flying,
- Rainy, but calm day in New York City, which makes me to stay home and do what I love the most.  *********************************************************************

There is a wonderful song from soviet era about Space and the Earth from the point of cosmonaut.
He sees the Earth from the window of the spacecraft, but dreams about the green grass in front of his house.
Let me find it... here; -
You must hear this and have someone professional translate it for you or maybe find it with English titles, if it's in there (which I'd not trust much).

I'm so happy that going to listen to nostalgic music and dance with my stuffed animals before your show starts. It's 1:35pm ET, NYC. !!!

3pm; now you know why O gave to Billionaire-President of Ukraine $335 million just recently to kill more Russians and Ukrainians and harm Putin's reputation as much as possible.
Why he wouldn't tell (if he think he's so smart and Uncle PP should listen to him) to put his own dirty money out for his own stinking agenda? Why? Instead he sent cookie-baba-nuland to talk to US'a new Prime Minister, telling that they don't need to comply with Minsk-2 agreements for that money.
In the meantime in East Ukrainian town Elenovka was shelled by the vermin from Kiev,

You're starting the show with a little music and saying that life is a very heavy struggle. that people know that around the world, but we forgot about it in here - America. We don't tell our kids that anymore. That leads us to today's politics, etc, etc.
I don't agree completely; American life has been pretty hard from my side of the spectrum and in my experience. It has been from hard to almost impossible for me. Many times I wanted to go back and call the quits of struggling. All I could take with me was my American Passport and English I learn by myself.
Tomorrow Trump will be on your show to further define his agenda on foreign policy. Good!
You're right, he always makes news, he don't just come out and talk and he's hard guest to get.
Some "brainiac" woman says that paying attention to grammar is "raciest" because people who know the right way to speak and write are white.
Nice... I can use that line. Come to think of it, because I never had an English language class in my entire life, it sounds fair to me. Who knows how many mistakes I make writing this, but I can tell you for sure that should I pay attention I'd do much better than right now. Right now I just try to hold back (editing in process) my faster mind and put out raw thoughts before line editing, like I'd do in notebook. This is far not the finished material I'd like to see published.
But, for now, what you see is what you get and the writings of the people who work for NYSlimes are going through a few stages of editing and proofreading. I'm on my own on this and I'm glad I'm.
Your'e saying that Jackals are going to be unleashed in the streets of America wherever Trump will go, sponsored by most ev.l man on Earth - S.r.s himself.
I don't even want to write his full name in here. It might contaminate my innocent and clean blog.
Do you know how many foreigners from all hostile nations he enabled to come to study here, while American students are drowning in deep debt? Yes, I've met many of them personally.

Now you're talking about some "study" saying that some psychotics can be creative. Hahaha!
You're right that most of collage professors are poor-n-jealous idiots. Where I come from and where I've got my education, professors were post respected, smart, decent and well to do people.
Not at Ivy college that I worked, which will charge you arms and legs. Imagine the rest.

You're asking that maybe O should create "Racial Anthropology" department in DOJ to give a test how much of racist one is. Hahaha! He certainly has a self-hating genome inherited from his anthropologist mother and no-goodnik father.
Impression such as "Psychopathic boldness" was in that article? Interesting.
Just on the point of above discussion on "flying iron like a bird" was an imagination of a psychopath, if not worse. At that time they didn't even have a word to describe that craziness of a person.
I believe as soon as someone expressed that thought people wanted to castrate him so he won't bring up generation

Federal government arrested some extended family members of vermin who killed 14 innocent people in CA last year. Those vermin couple who left their infant at home and went on rampage.
Trump was right by saying " do not buy apple!" I never liked that sh.t anyway. I never needed it. Doesn't look good to me and its "creator" was another "psycho." He wasn't psycho because he created Apple, he was crazy because when diagnosed with terminal cancer he started eating grass to cure himself. He had all that money and died at 56. He looked scary and creepy to me though. I don't know why. I felt he was expediting the demise of human civilization, which is increasingly getting more dependent on technology.

Second hour; Doctor "Un-Savage" (as you announced yourself) is in the studio and taking calls. :)
I figure out that professors here consider themselves "intellectuals" and are poor and jealous rich people in the beginning of 90's. At first, one guy who was from Russia doing MBA at CU told me.
I didn't believe right away. Then I started seeing with my own eyes.
Just found an article talking about it;
at True!
I disagree with one thing only; not everyone with degree is an intellectual. The article is too generalizing and can cause confusion.
I don't have time now to go into it. Maybe later.*****************************************

Second half of the second hour; you're talking to a physician caller about euthanasia, which don't interests me. It's from Greek which means 'good' or 'well' death. Its approach in society varies from country to country. In Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and in many others it's legal.
Don't tell me that whereever it's NOT legal physicians are not performing it every day of the year.
They do. I have my own view on its moral, ethical and legal aspects, which varies from crazy conservatives' viewpoint in here stretching from intellectually dishonest to outright lying. That, and the abortion issue. The latter should NOT even be discussed by men. That's all I'm saying.

You're saying that 20 000 illegal alien criminals were released into American communities in 2015 and that should be O's legacy. Agree.
The end of the hour. You're reading a story about a man in cave with poodles and little bears, which is from the middle of your book "Confessions of the service human." Cute.

5pm, Let's go to the rest of Int'l news, shall we?
The report on Channel One or is a good one, but they changed the format and all individual reports go under the same. No use to link it. You can check it by the date and find the report yourself. In that report Putin is on the front line of observers. He arrived to Amur region yesterday. In bright sunshiny day all nervously were their looking up and counting down. Then, everyone's mood changed from nervous to happy.
Six years ago Putin put the first stone in the breaking ground of that humongous contraction site. You have to see it to believe it.
An entire town, named after Tsiolkovsky (rocket scientist and a brainiac of his time) is built for more than 90 000 people to live and work around that space station, - a tip-of-the-human-mind phenomenon.
Three rackets were on the board of Sputnik, one of them carrying the name of Mikhail Lomonosov, - another Russian brainiac. Moscow State University is named after him also. A gorgeous, gorgeous place to be in and study.

Parliament of France voted for favor of ending economic sanctions against Russia, which will be hard for EU to ignore. It called for entire government to boldly stand against EU centralized control and if needed to be the first one to conduct its economic affairs individually.
[It's about the time for French to strike. We'll see when idiots in Brussels will sober up.]

Today PM Medvedev told governors of all regions to put the job of providing housing to veterans on the first gear.
[Sound like trump will be on the same page with both Putin and Medvedev. Of course haters can't stand it. Haters' job is to distract and destroy, even if it will destroy them too. Hate comes from inside. Who hates another person for no reason but spite and jealousy is suicidal from the get go. What can you expect. Luc.fer has a big following everywhere, all the time. The problem is to recognize and illuminate quickly. Getting philosophical is not appropriate in that department. It should be banned and should stay banned for every normal person with common sense. Hate can't be negotiable.
I don't care what money makers on that industry will tell. That's all.

So long.

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