Thursday, October 3, 2013

To Michael Savage (part 81)


Finally yesterday you mentioned that you became a grandfather. Congratulations! Hope the mother and the baby are doing good. You said "circle is complete" meaning you have done your thing in life, but maybe not. Not yet. I know people who became grandfathers in their 40's even 30's.
Why do you think that women don't listen to your show. I personally don't know anyone, but I think there are more than 20 unlike you're saying. I feel your outrage about losing the best medical system in the world. I'm actually not sure about that. Thank God I didn't need anything life saving done in here, but have meet people who are illegals and got open hard bypass and tripass heart surgeries, brain operations and transplants etc. You think doctors care who is going to pay? Do you know that so many people I meet were lowest lives who couldn't care less about this country, didn't came here to do anything for themselves, don't give a damn to learn English or even become a citizen? And those got surgeries worth of 100s and 1000s of dollars?  Go to any ethnic ghetto in NYC starting from Brighten Beach, see what's going on. What about treating people who are over 100 years old, giving them dialysis each for $2000 a piece, just to extend their lives for 2 days? What about that I know someone who came with fake georgian passport and got on welfare and dialysis bandwagon? Yes there should be panels deciding who gets what care, how much and WHY? If you pay and can get whatever you want, there should be hospitals only for rich, yes! If public pays somebody has to ask some Qs. How many people you can see in the streets of NYC look like in vegetable state? They just supporting pumping the blood in the body and making money on them. To me it's not a compassion. If someone don't have knowledge or decision making ability about their own flesh, they should those people rest. We let the horse rest when it's suffering, don't we? Compassion is not THE good thing what liberals try to preach. I can talk about these until cows come home and if my life would be on live-camera last 2 years, I mean 24/7, not short of that. You should see NYC and America the way you never seen, don't know and cannot see right now, because it's illegal to show you. Got it?
To keep someone alive because he/she breaths to me is not a compassion. It's ridicule of their existence.
If you don't want it for yourself, then don't wish for others or support the system which does it to others.
That's all. I'm going to tune in to your show now. It's already started.

So long.

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