Saturday, January 14, 2017

To Michael Savage Jan. 14th, Saterday


Saturday, the 14th, afternoon.
I heard part of your yesterday's show. The biggest news in this country ass of today to me is the "untimely" firing of Maj.Gen. Errol R. Schwartz's, - the head of DC National Guard.
He has to "stop working" at noon, at 12pm, right when Trump has to be sworn in.
As we learn, National Guard and his man's job is essential part of the security measure in this type of super important event for entire country. How did this happen and why?
This is for experts in security to explain, because apparently the order came out from Pentagon and the time I heard that honorable man didn't even know who gave it.
My hunch goes to big O. He and his cronies are spewing last "official" poison by squeezing themselves from their butts. Squeezing each other too from the back side with baseball bats.
Yes, I said it! The perverts, the vemin of universe,the haters of their own, the traitors apparently can not get their money and go sleep in their multiple house in different states!
Thin smoking man in WH is so vicious, so vindictive that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING in this world can satisfy the level of his hatred toward anything normal and human. He was born haram, he lived like haram, continues to do haram stuff and he will NEVER change!!!
Apprentice-of-l.cifer is putting last touches in defense of his scientific theses for PHD in s.t.nic studies in order to cement his tenure for professorship in lu's school.
He's going to teach "s.t.nic sciences," otherwise called BS in "s.tanic studies," which teaches art, crafts and tricks of the trad to harams like himself in order to destroy this country and harm the lives of good people who live in it. I'm sure he's sharp and he'll try his best to accomplish his life goal before permanently moving into his reserved quarters in l.cifer's Court.
Now he's working hard to establish unshakable foundation on his tenure for earning his appointment as big-lu's future forever lackey.
Oh, I just came out with a new acronym for him - LLO.
See, unlike you feel, I feel that Saturdays can be creative too. :)  

The only thing Trump can do to give a kick back on his to appoint that man out loud, the first thing after he just swear into Presidency.
It should take a few minute. Major General Errol R. Schwartz will stop working at 12:01pm and he'll be back at his job at 12:10pm.???? Isn't this possible. If not, why not? Is it a presidential appointment or nomination? Does it need confirmation? I don't know that. I heard that his replacement will take on the duty and he submitted his resignation before and agreed to step down, but I don't trust what MSM is saying. How do they know? From smoking dope and looking through the smog?
If general did agree to that term, why is he surprised now?

The whole thing don't make sense to my logic. How any job can end in midday instead of midnight, unless the employee curses out the employer at noon and walks away?

If such important thing for nation can be tried to turn to a weird-show, then rigid measures should be taken to combat it. Trump should make Gen. Schwartz stand right by his side and in 10 minutes shake his hand congratulating him with a new appointment and promotion.
Yes, give him more money, send him to vacation and get him back on your side. We want to know how much more he'll get after 12:10pm on 20th of January 2017 and see the pictures of his luxury vacation taken after hard work of keeping DC safe on inauguration day shown on Twitter to the world.
Payback is a b.tch - you lowlifeLLO - you!

All those "protesters" who want to come out make some noise to be noticed on cameras, are nothing more than sore losers who hate themselves, hate their parents, hate their country and stand for NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING.
They should be all round up on live-stream, drug-checked and their names should be public.
Yes, they want to be in public racking havoc, then they MUST given a chance to be famous. They can't find any other way, apparently. Show their faces, their names. their addresses, their schools' names, etc. Let them have it!
I hope "Bikers for Trump" lead by wonderful Chris Cox and his adorable German shepherd Trigger will confront the thugs and keep them at bay. They deserve to be in zindan, as far as I'm concerned, but bay is OK at first.

The thugs' parents also should be exposed for raising such low-lives and unleashing them on society. Where is the responsibility by their elders, their parents, their prior generation? We know that colleges are their mind-screwers and we know why they do it. But, isn't it a time for asking more Qs why these things are happening this way?
Am I against protest? No. But those, who want to interrupt inauguration of a duly elected President in this country, do not act in good faith. They're thugs, bozos and drug-addicts who want to bother the rest of us enjoying such a historic moment in our country life.
I'm going to do something about this. I don't like to travel, can't run around and face bozos unleashed in the streets, but will try to get my word out there.

Evening news.
Look how cold has been the weather in Europe this winter, at Where is Al-gorelioni with his heater?

In Moscow New Year festivities are continuing all over the place. Tomorrow is the last day of celebrations. Today lots of kids with their families saw ballet performance of Snow White, at 

[It's so nice.... I wish I'd be there to remember my childhood. Oh.....]

Russian dare-dev.l Sergei Karyakin is the winner of Dakar-2017, at  

This one is the best news of yesterday;
Trump team proposed to have WH press corps take a drug test, at 
Long due buds. We were saying this for long many years - drug test entire congress, drug test every public official and their consultants. !!!

Micheal Moore should be taken to psyche ward in local hospital or given a house arrest. Not that he doesn't have right to "protest," but because he's goal is to brew trouble in the streets on DC using stupid thugs to get attention and cash in on it.
What is he exactly protesting against? Couple of weeks ago he was talking OK about the election. ??
He looks crazy, talks crazy, walk crazy and doing crazy things. Now he's going to get berserk. It's time to take his ugly and crazy face off of our TV screens. When I see that pig, and I have seen him in person very closely couple of times, I turn the channel.

So long.

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