Tuesday, October 6, 2015

To Michael Savage Oct. 6th, Tuesday


I listened to your show today and was happy to hear the interview with Trump. He's more informed and realistic than other politicians, political commentators, consultants, journalists, TV and radio personalities, talk show hosts, you name it, he got it!
The most important thing is that he's not an narcissist. he doesn't say that he knows everything for 100%. About Russian operation in Syris he didn't say they're right or wrong. He said let them (Russia) do it and we'll save our resources on building the infrastructure f our country, such as bridges, roads, etc. Also he mentioned (not only on your show, but before on TV) that he personally talked to a US General and got an answer that no one knows who is who in Syrian "opposition" now.
mw[That's true. There are many different groups, who I bet, don't know much about each other either.
Any one can get hands on a weapon can claim a grievance, thus "holywar."

Russian Ministry of Defense is saying to West and US to coordinate efforts in order to liquidate the mutual enemies, at 1tv.ru/news/world/293626. 
As usual masochistic EU and American sources of mass info. are showing "emotional" pictures to steer up public opinion against Russia.
I'll get to this clip later **************************************************************

mw [It takes a fool to believe another fool. That's what I'm saying. US should pay all, or at least part of expense caused to RF's budget. Why not? Did it gave a sh.t when in the result of Iraq invasion RF lost 14 Billion in investment plus inventory? Now they're loosing more in Syria directly. Indirectly they're loosing for years to come, Syrian refugees found a way to use a transit route through Murmansk, Russia and some of them of course staying or spreading around the former soviet countries. Small country like Armenia already took 15 000 refugees. Russia has its refugees for last year and a half from Ukraine. Oil and gas prices are down, more expense than usual Russian budget suffers from supporting Crimea, which is blockaded by Ukraine. It pays salaries, pensions and other things to population there, which in the result of transport, food, agrarian water and other blockades has no income. Also planning to build a bridge from mainland Kerch to Crimea, which is a semi island. Does America says to Kiev cuckoos "stop tripping! you're against humanity?" No! They pay those thugs to kill their own, so the war contractors, sell-out lobbyists plus Biden's son can have more money.]

At 1tv.ru/news/world/293619 report say that Russian air-force hit only the area of t.r.r.st militants, especially around UNESCO site Palmyra, where they destroyed a historic remains of structure of 2nd century, and rejects the info. from western SMI that it acts in any other way. *************************

 In the meantime leaders of Donbass agreed to comply with the last decision of "Normandy 4" to extend the deadline of local elections from Oct. and Nov. of this year to Feb. and May of the next year. It's at 1tv.ru/news/world/293618, DNR-news.com. It will fit better into the Constitution of UA (uncle PP said) and mission of OSCE.

In the evening Dr. S.F. Cohen on the radio said that if the US come up with idea of imposing "no flight zone" over Syria and go ahead with it, it would mean direct war against Russia.
I don't think now its possible. Maybe that's why Russia had no time to waste any more. Maybe that's why Putin didn't have any time to go around and look at New York City. He had to fly back, then to Paris to take care of war perpetrated by the West in his backyand, in the meantime oversee and approve this project. WOW!
That man is working his b.hind off, for sure. He still finds time to practice sport even on his birthday? Oh, wow wow! I'd ran out of my mind. God bless him and other decent people in Russia and USA!

So long.


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