Tuesday, October 20, 2015

To Michael Savage Oct. 20th. Tuesday


To understand how Russians are sick and tired of being sick and tired of t.r.r go back and check the entire history on its soil. Look at first war with southern vermin who were forcibly converted to the religion for which they're killing and dying. Those who converted them don't want to take them nowhere close, - the Saudis. Chechens that I talked to in France told me, I haven't check it though.
Those weren't ones with high education.
Look at hospital hostage taking in Budeonnovsk, Stavropol region of Russia in 1995.  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budyonnovsk_hospital_hostage_crisis. 

Evening; I checked on wiki, according to which Turks and Persians brought Islam to northern Caucasus. 400 years they're fighting and fighting and multiplying and multiplying.
Now, after 2 Chechen-Russian wars after the end of soviet union that area is still problematic no matter what. There is no way Russia should agree that those many ethnic groups (mostly Muslim) in Caucasus to become independent. First, there are small and they are many of them, 2nd, they can't sustain themselves and run as a normal entity, in terms of having normal government and civil society, 3rd they'll be fighting in between each other and their territories will become a convenient hub for t.r.r.sts from all over the world. Fly-fly and land there with no visa needed, - right on Russian's backyard. It's a safety issue, it's a survival issue for Russia. Those Republics all have autonomous status already. In resent several years Chechnya was with Russia's support was building tremendously. Build a huge masque in Grozny carrying the name of the current president's father's name who was killed by his own.
Talking of  huge; in Moscow just a month or so ago opened up a masque, which is fit for 10 000 worshipers and wait to hear this, are you ready? - it's a biggest one in European continent.
Putin was there, talked about how their domestic Islam has been such peace loving part of everything else. Let me stop here, I don't want to go about this on and on.
But look at this; yesterday in Krasnodar region authorities prevented a possible bomb blast planed by a young Muslim man who just got a job as an assistant mechanic in an electric grid. He planted a bomb and was aiming the time of blast when most people would be at work in order to cause a max. casualties. You never could guess that that innocent looking young person can think of doing something like that.

I heard first 1.5 hour of your show yesterday. You were talking about the demise of Europe. Yes, it's a conquest in front of our eyes. Deutsche-tran is going to cursed by her own for her legacy.
Do prefer Germans over Arabs? I'm not sure. I never liked Germans. Never liked their language. They're good classic musicians, I give it to them. Their prejudice against others was stopped only after WWII, thanks to tens and millions of dead soviet solders, then I took it's turn in bending over and condemning themselves until that trend took a turn all the way 180 degrees and now went down the hill head first and D-tran opened the gates of Halloween. I see bottomless pit of hell having a sign - "no return." A few greedy industrialists asked the D-tran-merkel to bring people who'd be working on production conveyor lines. But... cuckoos do not understand that the amount of welfare they're going to give to those people is going to motivate them NOT to work. Plus the enchilada of all the human factors and conditions, - their goes the Germany and the rest of 27 cocoons who were not getting along and were cocooning in donkey's ear!
I read that migrants were planing to sue Germany? Good job. Didn't even took off 9th century clothing, but wanted to live all their live for free. Guess what? After man is full, he wants to have sex, right? Or before? You tell us. And, those in middle east prefer the old fashion "unprotected" type.
Did you see the pics of Putin greeting and hosting Saudi delegation just recently who went to Moscow to talk Syria? Besides they're wearing their traditional clothing which come from way before invention of sawing machines, but one of them was also in his summer sandals with no socks. This one was sitting one on one with Putin while the rest were sitting in a row. All of them had white head scarfs, only one of them on the row had pink. Go figure.
Today you were talking about the word in Arabic which means "human conquest" as oppose to "military conquest." Yes, of course, you have to be there to do something "there." Of course you have to reproduce in much higher rate than others to become the majority and take control of the power. Democracy would be the peel that will kill its producer, the West. Middle east lived without it and will live without it.

Now Ukraine; If I'm not mistaken I heard Paul Gregory on your show ones. he sounded kind of OK, at least he was a person who was following the news, I guessed at that time. Yesterday he was on JBshow and talked really crazy stuff. He said "Russian forces in Ukraine" as if it was given. Where this poupou have seen Russian forces in Ukraine? "Now, he said, they're going from there to fight in Syria."
What kind of poupou mind is that? Look at his "titles." In real life dozen of those won't be worth a dime. I hope he can read this! Typical product of lower learning, that's all.
First, I wish Russian forces would go into Donbass 1.5 ago when very first bomb came down and protected innocent people from perishing. Second, should Putin want to, he'd take Kiev in less than a week on slow mission like UPS's "ground shipment." Air-fedex type plan should rap it up on second day of delivery. Too bad I'm not his consultant. I do not believe that NATO will go to war with Russian over Ukraine. They give a darn-damn about both of them, especially and specifically about Ukrainian, which has been expensive headache for them so far. But... that's a proxy war, not a philanthropy ball-mascarade as they try to portray. Charade?  Yes, that's what I'm talking about.      
Putin said loud and clear that Russia is conducting ONLY air-support for its ally Assad against .S.L. But that fatso Paul-G-whoever was saying that as if now Russian "forces" are going from eastern Ukraine to Syria to fight. Tell that bozo not to lie on national radio, when you get a chance. In Syria Russians are only flying planes. Tell him "Planes. Fly-fly. Capish - you fat dummy?" Fat goes into his brain and clogging the cells. That's my diagnoses of his dire condition. Treatment? I'd prescribe "brain colonics." Not sure it's going to help, but still... give him an option.
Oh, before I forget, Saudis who consider themselves a highest class Muslims, don't see fit for quality of  their "holy" lifestyle to be bothered to take some of their "brethren" refugees into their midst.
Nosir, can't do it. But, off the top they promised to finance building of 200 masques in EU. System is simple; you go there, I support your cause from here and we'll take over. It's a matter of time only (siuaw-explains my formula of the mission).
I believe I mentioned it before. You should mention it too, over and over.
Saudis messed with Russians in Afghanistan. The grudge is going way back. Now they pretend everything is ok, but that smoothness is only on surface. Inside they were saying all sorts of nasty stuff and went to Moscow just to show themselves, get face to face with Putin and find out as much stuff as they possibly could. (Prince or sheikh had his ugly-big-toenails open in summer sandals).
Russians have been so humane to every low-creature created on this earth, that now those creatures think that they're smarter and better.
One simple thing; I see how Americans believe that they won over Russians in Afghanistan. They won because Russian mothers stopped sending their sons to their death in "humane war" when soldiers had to walk from cave to cave to kill the enemy and were being killed themselves in enormous numbers because of that stupidity. Now O is doing the same; keeping American soldiers' hands tight-up in their becks. That's why we had 1000s of casualties, who know how many more maimed for life. You want O ask me for solution. I have one, should he ask. It comes with 100% guarantee or I go there to fight too.
Answer to this; "after deciding to get out of that no-goodnik-raggedy-b-drug-plantation territory called Afg., could soviets unleash couple a very little cute nuke on it? Would it show to US and its cronies of that time that "if I won't have control over my backyard you won't either? Yes, it would. Oh, I know, someone would say "what if that would be environmentally bad for Russia too? I think Russia had enough expertise to choose a right size boom-bookh! You know what would be a good side-effects of it? We would not have 9/11. Think about it. Snake bet the hand which played with it and sued on others. Don't you think Russia can finish this east Ukrainian conflict once and for all? Why it's not?
Because I don't do pillow-talks with Putin, I only can guess; another careful and "humane" treatment.
O has a personal detest against P. No matter what the latter will do, O will not be "satisfied."
Dr. Cohen is right about UA, EU and RF relations over Ukrainian crisis; it started in WH and can end there as soon as O says "don't have time for that anymore."  Until then he'll try to do anything and everything against white Christian men here, there and everywhere.

In the meantime western rhetoric is slightly changing against Assad. Before they said "time for Assad to leave was yesterday or today, now they say he can stay to be part of "transition" to a new government. How long that "transition" might take, no one knows. You do the math.

In the meantime in some places of EU demonstrations against mass migration were bursting out.
In Dresden, Germany PEGIDA was rocking the streets on first anniversary of its formation.
At RT.com/news/319110-pegida-anniversary-protests-germany.
In France, Marine LePen calls F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" meaning he is a D-tran's puppet. That girl has pair of cojones.

Interesting fact; all the recruitment .S.L is doing on social media - twitter, facebook, etc. is not being blocked. WHY? Couldn't it be blocked?
Shouldn't every country who is against t.r.r demand from those companies to do so?
Any of them did? What happened? These are the Qs I'm asking and nobody is talking about this to answer.
Now, some might say internet is not regulated, we don't want to do so because it can affect other things. Not true. freedom of speech is highly regulated. Try to call your fat co-worker fat, see what happens. Put a personal ad on craigslist white man looking for white woman or vice-versa see how fast it's going to be flagged and removed. I'm not kidding. But put "black woman looking for black man, white men need not apply" it will be there forever.

Today your theme was "diversity destroys democracy."  I heard most of first 2 hours. You were talking resent migration, turban-Durbin of Illinois, history of Arab-Jewish conflicts, etc.

Of course, things can get out of control very fast in a result of bringing huge groups of people on welfare state. It could be devastating for this country or any other. Blacks as American for so long and you should tell me how many you have met who "like" white people who are still the majority? Soft tyranny of minority in this country continues and and in basket case of "democracy" being exported throughout the world. Your version of doing Sanders is hilarious.

Today Putin talked security of RF with high ranking officers of different military wings of RF.

At 1tv.ru/news/polit/294520; apparently Americans are flying unmanned aerial vehicles and drones in the air of Syria without agreement and coordination by the air traffic controllers of Syrian military. Russians are use to them. Report says that sometimes there are 30 of them in the air at the same time. In order not to get entangled in the air US suggested to sign a memorandum in sharing airspace over Syria.
This is not a news though. I wrote about it a few days ago. From the beginning of this operation Russians were asking US to get together and coordinate their efforts against .S.L.
"This document is very important," says Anatliy Antonov, deputy minister of Defense of RF,
"it regulates flying machines speed, space and flying time in the air in order to operate securely for both sides." One thing Americans are not on the same page yet is that who in the event of crush will rescue the pilots.
Similar report are also on RT.com/news/319226-syrian-skies-planes-drones and 

So long.



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