Sunday, May 10, 2015

To Michael Savage May 9-10, Victory Day Parade 1945-2015


May 9th:
Huge and successful Victory Day Parade for 70th anniversary took place in Moscow and some smaller ones in more than two dozen other cities in RF.    (1h:20min. long)

Delegations, representatives and leader of 30 countries from around the world were in Moscow to commemorate the occasion and pay their respects to veterans. Wonderful weather in Moscow.
Parades took place also in CIS countries.

At 13:48min. into the tape, when Minister of Defense of RF, Army General Sergei Shaigou reports to Putin that participants are ready to start, you can see Chinese president and his wife sitting right there. That's the most prestigious spot for guests, isn't it? I believe so. Remember what I said before?
Chinese first lady is a very elegant person. She deserves compliment cards sent to her. Maybe I will.
Her voice is amazing and her delivery of music is spiritual. I love her singing, voice, the persona she brings into it and the tonality of her voice, although I don't understand a word of lyrics.

Look at that asshole on his cell phone at 16:00min., when P. starts to address the parade.
Should I be an authority figure in RF, I'd want to find out who he was and do something about it. Should he have other more important things to do or hear, he should not be there at the first place. That's how I feel and that's what I'm saying. They shouldn't even allow any cell phones in there for not only a social but also security reasons. Imagine you're a veteran, you're into the such historic moment going through so many emotions of your life's survival and suffering (like the veterans next to him) and someone next to you starts blabbing on his phone? What kind of sh.t is that?
Seriously, I WOULD turn around and DO something about him and his phone. I could not help.

Putin says that about 80% of the world population was involved in that devastating war, but the hardiest part came down on Soviets. At 17:40min. Putin also mentions the help of allies; - UK, FR, USA. All of them were not there. What a pity to them!!!
My diagnoses of this behavior is this;
1) epidemic of "brown plague" was not eradicated completely or 2) its susceptibility ran out already.
The third, -  what one famous Russian politician says; The WEST is overfed and bored and wants another war for entertainment. He also says, rightfully; "do not rescue anyone, do not have mercy for your enemies. Soviet soldiers should not be crawling half a Europe in the mad to get to Berlin. We should bomb them from the air (which they have already capacity to do) and get rid of Germany all together, so we would not have the same problem again today." He's very right in every practical sense.  If germany would disappear all together as Assyria and other countries have been throughout the history, we'd not have this conversation and this new dangerous threat in the world today, which is against, at first directed toward Russians.
Enemy came to USSR when people were asleep and started to annihilate them all by bomb-shelling from the air indiscriminately, calling them "inferior" humans who deserve to die.
And, N.- Germ had a "written agreement" with a scary character like Stalin, that Soviets got nothing to do with their historic problems and geopolitical ambitions and they're not going to fight against them.
Today Nato is getting closer and closer to Russia, against their post-war and Gorbachev-time agreement, want to put a some sort of a "shield" which can shell RF's all military bases and, pay attention, at this time they DO NOT even put in writing that's so called "is not against them."
Boiled chicken could laugh in the pot, as they say in Russian.
Compare the these 2 things; written agreement with Stalin being voided, as pleased,
and not written words with Putin, who is an angel from heaven compare to Stalin.
What will stop them today? Give me one reason, - just one.
After berlin wall came down, already for decades, they're breaking their agreement of "not advancing nato towards Russia."
By the way, Russia wanted to be a member of Nato, they didn't take it and now coming close to it. They mess in RF's backyard-ukraine, full of Russian dead and alive, while at the same time screaming at Russia "not to meddle into ukraine."  If this is not a political psychosis, what is this?
One thing makes sense only in this entire equation; for war-monger-crazis-like-mccain to make money on blood, as "" tried. But at this time, in this part of the world it's on Slavic, Christian and ex-ally's blood. That's all.
At 20:20min. a little face-lift for first lady of China Mrs. Peng Liyuan? It's done very good, - in moderation.
At 21:17min. you'll see Bun Ki Moon, at 22:10min  starts minute of silence.  Then, it starts.
At 31:56min; wife of pres. of Az. looks scary (very bad plastic work, looks like a frog),  husband looks ugly and their soldiers - both. Why did they paint their faces like dark-skin-clowns-carrying guns? They hate Russians and Russians know that.
I feel too bad that Georgia is not there. Georgian people are much closer to Russian people.
At 34:52min. China's pride is passing. Beautiful. At 36:10min. look at gorgeous lady-cadets of RF.
At 42:03min, - sailors of Sevastopol. Hurrey!
At 54:19min. pedestrian part of parade is over and military machinery starting to pass. In it 194 counts of war machines both from WWII and contemporary. Tank T-34 is a historic one used in the war and known to the world as the best of its time. At 59:20min. another new types of BTR made under project of Armata, then T-390A, then Iskander. At 1:07:45 air show starts; very impressive
TU-160M is passing  first, then lots of helicopters. Then An-124 Ruslan named Vlad. Gladilin,
Il-76, TU-95MS, TU-22M3,  TU-160 bomber otherwise called - White Swans, then SU-34, showing refueling in the air for both. 7-8 min. left for the tape, you'll get the picture. Maybe I'll cme back to this, bit now I want to watch only... and enjoy.
Salyut Uriy Dolgorukiy!

Now, the-deutsche-tran-merkel went there today, Sunday, and laid wreath to unknown soldier's memorial with P.
Pay attention; there are 2 wreaths, one is rapped with a Russian tricolor ribbon, which one P tends to.
She tends to the other one only, - with her black-red-yellow, it's at 
So, what does it tell you?
It tells me in her mind and also in actions in broad daylight she's honoring only nazi-soldier's memory. That's all.
Maybe even, in her mind, she is cursing at the other one for her humiliation.
I mean, com-on! They played this game for so long.
At the press-conference she can't help it though. Again talking about UA and its borders'
"unchangeability." She's a political reptile. That's how I feel.
I wonder if Putin feels the same way?  His family barely survived the blockade of Leningrad.
Putin said that the West should stop its double-standards, such as we see in Y.m.n. He said that in there happened something similar to Kiev - an armed coop. The west is helping to bring the ousted pres. back with war, but when it happened in Kiev, they saluted it and ran crazy to support it and the
In the tape, when she and Putin are walking and P. stops to talk to kids on the way, first she says "hello" in Russian, then asking a boy in English "where are you from?" feeling that he is not local.
Then she is "amazed" saying "turkey,wow!" Why do you think she did that? What psychiatrists and psychologists will say about this moment?
I have my opinion; she is pathetic.
I'll check later the "int'l coverage" of events of this weekend. *******************************
This just a short one, at
Celebration are continuing today and people in good moods and high spirits are out and having fun,
It was a grandiose, epic, safe and perfectly organized event. Molotsi rebyata!
You know what would I like to do on Sunday, should I be there? Who I'd like to hang out with, have a toast and actually thank for their courage, character and work?
With bunch of those pilots who were operating those planes. :) Those are unique men, the type that becomes rarity in the world today. gradually, slowly but surely.
Hope the West will get scared and leave Russia and its interests alone. ???

So long.


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