Thursday, May 21, 2015

To Michael Savage May 20-21, Wed. & Thurs.


May 20th:
After "brilliant" sponsorship of Ukrainian-neo-nazi-psychotics by US and EU in order to bother Russia, in Kiev group of people went on hanger strike in front of Rada.

Have this clip translated for you from and tell me if he's not absolutely right. This man is a firebrand in Russian politics, has been there for a long time. He's an unstoppable loud-mouth, but throughout decades of his career in politics most things he predicted, warned about and analyzed as a historian and politician actually came true.

Rada decided not to pay its debt to Russia, which was a loan given to UA in Dec. of 2013.
At Putin said that RF has right to demand 3 Billion Euro debt earlier, but doesn't do it form consideration of not worsening UA's financial crisis.
"Very strange that it's not even middle of the year and our Ukrainian partners are practically announcing a default. We have to decide how to handle this up to taking the matter to int'l court,"
said Putin.
Russian banks, which all together contributed $25 Billion into transactions with UA, will suffer from this. The biggest ones, who are government insured will suffer most, that's why gov. can't stay on the side on this. Putin instructed PM Medvedev to bring the situation under the control.

See what's going on? Poor-bozos in kiev treat RF like noting and nobody emboldened by their "western" masters. They owe different government $50 Billion. Why western sponsors don't pay for them? What happened? Printing machines broke down? They ran out of ink?
Well, IMF is not "suppose" to give credit to those countries who are in default, so... How is this going to play out, even Putin don't know. His specialists in finance will handle this.

Oh, you want another live-time clownada from Rada? Here; at
Today Rada one-sidedly canceled the military-tech. cooperation agreement with Russia, which was in works from 1993. All the hope of kiev-bozos are on American military assistance. They ask us to put bases there with system PRO, as if against the "danger" from RF. If you haven't seen a world-class-psychotics lately, look at the man's face at 1:00min., another at 2:00min into the clip, etc.

I don't know what PRO is, neither I want to find out right now. All I see is UA-monkey wants to sit on American taxpayers' becks for a long time to come, if not forever.
All I can say to this is "- Long live American taxpayer, hurrey!"
How much and how long Putin, his administration and Russian people can handle this marasm of logic from UA government? It seems to me that bunch of criminals who run it got contagious brain cancer. ? ?

Minister of foreign affairs of RF Lavrov discussed the situation and answered to Qs of Senators in Federation's Council, at He referred to May 20th agreement in Sochi with Kerry.

In the meantime, in the last 24 hours, neo-nazi-brother-killer-aggressors sent by kiev 30 times used fire in Donbass, at 

Red Cross announced that kiev authorities are preventing the humanitarian aid to homeless and hungry in Donbass.

Today you were talking about purging the US military by current administration, reverse discrimination, asking who will stand up for European Americans who are most discriminated now.
To that I'll say something short; the street mob rule is reserved for everybody else besides European Americans. Take out self-haters from that bunch, you might not have majority already. So...
When you say those things I feel you're talking about my life in USA. There is only one civilized, legal way of protection; - 24/7 live-stream.
Well, should I have it from the day I arrived in NYC, I should be a very rich person a long time ago,
(20 years ago), according to "Constitution" and countless laws on the books of US.
Yes, ACLU is a mob of law degree thugs, law enforcement is demoralized, judges are mentally corrupted, jails are full and more people should be there should they be caught.
Backwards media coverage is provoking and inciting every type of conflict they can get their hands on, race-pimps and their lawyer-masters are siting on taxpayers' beck and riding them like a horde.
Attorney-general with commander-in-chief are conducting this show, warmongers in Congress brought us to the edge of another hot world war, which we can't win, etc, etc.
You said that you want to do something besides talking about these problems. Good to hear that.
You can, if you want to. I'd suggest, at first, you try to sort out your most loyal and highly intellectual listeners and put them on the phone regularly. Then get people who agree with you to start getting together to help those who share their ideas.
I'll put more ideas later.       ********************************************

May 21st:
The name is this mess shown at is "credit maidan" in front of rada.

At; in the southeastern part of UA, OSCE continues to register violations of ceasefire agreement around village of Shirokino on the way to Mariupol and in city Yacinovataya (close to Donetsk) bombed a train depot. Fire broke and burned dozens of passenger train cars.

More than 100 trucks which carried humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Lugansk today were returning back to RF. This convoy was the 27th one; at 

Russian Federation's embassy in Damask today is again under the artillery shelling,
At reports that one Syrian military personal is killed, several injured.

Last 2 years commerce between RF and Iraq grew 10 times; at /4.
Putin in the meeting with PM of Iraq Aydar-al-Abadi said that despite the problems in world economy and problems in the middle east the relationship between two countries is growing and becoming more productive not only in the sphere of social, but also techno-mil. In the meeting with Medvedev /4 the sides also discussed co-operation in anti-t.r.rst activity.

I heard a part of your show discussing Gate's announcement of the right to open the door for gay-coaches-in-boy-scoot. I'll talk about this later. *****************************************
At late night I accidentally stopped the on channel, where people in city council were discussing the "need" of creating "alternative" to incarceration.
Maybe "sanatorium?"
Everybody was immersed in their "worry" to "help" those who will break laws, no one's agenda had a word discipline and responsibility acting in lawful manner. Like the cops are from UFOs running and randomly catching humans in the streets of America.
Then on the other similar channel was re-run from fall of 2014 general Clark's book's presentation in 92Y. He talked and talked and talked about everything. I didn't see the name of his book, but if I'd edit it, it'd called it "mind id a terrible thing to loose." General Clarke is a really crazy-n-stupid man.
But, let's not underestimate the power of stupid people acting in groups.
NPR became a gay-channel. Every time in many mouths i accidentally turn it on, it's about lgbtqukissmydogsass. You asked the caller who he'd prefer as scoot-leader for his son, he was banging his tongue back and forth in his mouth.

I'd prefer my sons stay home and get home schooling. That's it.
You're right saying "when nation's morality goes, there goes the nation."
To me immorality is a contagious, vicious virus and actually spreading rapidly around the world right now.
Many, of course not all, gays want to marry to save on taxes.
To save money maybe I should marry a bear? How am I going to pull this through? I want a real bear to be my soul-mate, what's wrong with that?
My childhood dream can't be considered worse than any others' people's dreams, is it? Why would it? It's actually bright-n-shiny, naive-n-very-loving. Love counts most, isn't it? I have to wright about my feelings and intentions toward cute animals, so the reader can feel it. Why not? *****************

So long.


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