Sunday, April 26, 2015

To Michael Savage April 25-26, weekend edition


April 25th.
Yesterday you were ranting about Hilly-Billy-bunch, saying that under her position as SoS strategically very important industrial contract was given to Russia, etc. There was on article in the NYTimes about it. I heard it as soon as it came out - the first thing in the morning on the radio. I don't know nothing about it and it seems that nobody knew either.
What's in between the lines in that agreement, we don't know. What they asked instead, what was in writing and what was not. What favor they've got from Russia, because of that, who knows?
What NYT is writing doesn't affect on me anymore. I have seen stupidity coming out of it for decades. Always something very important is missing in the serious story, the least to say.
You were talking that among other things H-n-B have done, one was still back in Arkansas during the investigation when documents were stolen from Roselaw firm that she was managing.
It made me laugh. I remember Jacky Mason saying something about it years ago at one of his Broadway shows. He said 3 Jewish lawyers from NY went to AR and got caught doing it. When investigators asked them what are they doing in Arkansas, they said "we're on vocation."
J.M says "have you seen 3 Jews talking where to go for vocation; - Paris or London? Then decided "naaa, let's to go to Arkansas for hag feeding festival, we missed the fertilizing festival, this can be 2 in a row."
That show of his is hilarious. In there he also talks about Billy-the-loose-willy (my words).
When hours of s.x types with JFlowers came out, he said "it's my voice, but it's not me" and...  got away with it. He's like a cat with 9 lives. These 2 can make a magic. I give it to them, it's a match made in heaven
Jacky says; "I heard those types, I couldn't walk for a year and a half!" He is so funny, I love his talent. He is not a cheap-shot-leftest like the most of them, he's a conservative.
At the time when CD of that concert came out, my neighbor gave me as a gift. I played it so many times, I could recite it by heart. I met him once in Wendy's in  midtown NYC several years ago and we chit-chat. He came  sat next to my table and I threw some of his jokes on him. He found me funny, we talked politics. I was trilled. If I'm not mistaken I mentioned about this encounter between us in this blog, but don't remember when.

Now about the rest of the world; at - Putin went to Armenia to take part in commemoration of 100th years of first Genocide of 20th century. There also was Hollande, world famous Charles Aznavour, other world dignitaries.
Also check, UK DailyMail, Al-Jazerra, LATimes, all over on Internet, you name it.
I saw in LA there was bad traffic because of the demonstrations. I'll write more about those later on.
Too much to write about this topic.    ***************************************************

In the meantime, things in Ukraine are getting worse. It seems that country is diving nose down into
deep chaos. Not only crazy-uncle-PP is not doing what was agreed upon in Minsk, but watching and enjoying killing of his own; from members of intelligentsia in Kiev to hopeless and helpless people in Donbass.
Cuckoo EU blaming Russia for different gas prices for different countries. Apparently Germany is paying less than Bulgaria, but those contracts are separate from each other, signed in different times and have different clauses. Besides they all those countries have different levels of economic involvement in Russia. For example Germany was pr maybe still is paying for some economic projects, etc. It's all depend on different situations on market in a given time, isn't it? Now they want everybody pay the same price? Then, why everybody should pay the highest price, instead of the lowest that they want to? Gazprom answered just like that; why don't you all pay the highest price?
EU is running psychotic. Just wants to sue Russia, just wants to keep it down by trying to take what it has for free. That's all.
Does USA sells its pharmaceutical products for the same price to everybody in the world?
What kind of BS is this? This is not a double or quadruple standard, this is psychosis at its best.

Sunday, April 26. 
At you can see and hear about how uncle PP is running the country. He's apparently is a head of U-ianmob, even brighten beach street-smarts know.
See how UA oligarchs are running loose all over the world. The tape is about 40 minutes.
You like these types of stories. They're intriguing and mind boggling when you forget that our official gov. is wheeling and dealing with those.

Today from 1:30pm people will meet in Times Square for centennial commemoration of the first genocide of 20th century. Weather is going to be beautiful, wear comfortable shoes and listen to testimonials of survivors and be a part of living history. There you'll meet high ranking clergy, local and Int'l politicians, writers, world known scholars, professors, - you name it.
Even my favorite comedian touched on this topic in his show recently.
43 states of US already recognized the atrocities committed against Armenians in O empire before and during the WWI as Genocide, but our Federal Government has a hang on it. Can't make up its mind, can't look its definition in dictionary and put the numbers together. I'm not saying to follow what Armenians and all European countries are saying, I'm saying to look up, compute and decide independently. That's all. But no... WH is busy supporting another one in southeastern Ukraine today. This particular event in human history is significant with its nature of horror no matter where, when and against whom it was committed. Why? Because the same handwriting, the blue print, the road map used 100 years ago in different size and forms have been used in all over the Middle East since and believe it or not is being used today. Today Middle East is burning again, Christians all over there and elsewhere in the world are still being discriminated and killed and there is no real end to it. Africa is another big continent which today is also exposed to the same vermin. Should we not do daily sort-out for hostile elements to our organisms, it will threaten our existence as a country and culture for sure. Story of Tower of Babel is one of the first examples of a smallest caliber to show a distraction of order in human society. Let alone the deep, uncompromising hatred which gives birth to urge to kill you by not using their own brains and human conscious, but G-d as unquestionable and only commander-in-chief.
What happened before and why? The answers of those Qs should guide us to think about the possibilities and probability of why and how it can happen now and even here - in USA.
Never believe that Oceans will protect us from it. When our awareness and alertness will be down compromising our immune system from within, that vermin, which is already here in small forms, will bloom and blossom very fast and will take over the garden killing all the others as it also happens in the nature with flora.
This should be on the top of our lists of topics of discussion.
"If it's not broken - don't fix it" theory does not appeal to me. I believe in being conscientiously oriented on prevention, rather than taking action after the fact. The latter is more work the best and impossibility to replace or correct, the worst, - like lost human lives.  From little things in daily life to world politics I believe in prevention, rather than a chance.
What happened 100 years ago it's not over at all, that's my point. I can write a book with diagrams, patterns and numbers showing the same vermin going throughout the world and slowly trying to stick its ugly head across the Atlantic Ocean and right into our backyard.
Genocide or any other take over of the property of those who has more is not only done by knifes and guns, there are other many "peaceful" ways of doing it.
Potus like the second type "approach" to it. It looks innocent to those who don't know geography and history. No wonder those 2 subjects are almost eliminated in American schools' curriculum, - middle and high and also throughout college courses. Do you think this is just accidental?
To find out look who are heading the educational system, what's their background and affiliations are and where their and their peers' geopolitical and economic interests lie. Top it of with human "nature" with its nasty sides and then you might get the hint. Europeans know this and now they feel what succumbing of American influence in political trends did to them and their societies. Before they were fighting in between each other and somehow they all still were surviving. Now, the genocide of totally different elements, who can't stand the existence of all of them together, will finish them all.
I hope I'm wrong on this. But, I know geography and history much better then most of Americans.

Let's go to the place in the world that I'm interested in the most these days and what you're not covering.
At you'll see the coal miners in Ukraine from west, middle and east are all protesting against the Kiev government. In this there is no left and right in politics or geography, they're all together.
At 1:45min. a UA soldier from Lvov, which is the hot-bath of right wing no-nazi gov. in there, saying that Kiev gov. is criminal because it makes people poorer and poorer.
Protesters in Kiev in front of USA embassy are carrying placards reading "USA - thanks for poverty," "we're not a cattle" and others. Police arrested 20 people right from the start (2:30min), the rest were banging their constriction helmets to make noise to get attention of the government.
These workers did not get paid for 6 months already. They want their salaries paid, they want to meet with their president. "We don't have money for any medicine or medical care," - another man says (2:53min).
Uncle PP called protest of those workers "organized by oligarchs to put pressure on government."
At 3;36min he says that miners have "right" to demonstrate or protest, but not in Ukraine and not today.
At 4:28min. Ukrainian journalist Uriy Molchanov says; "Ukraine became a seen of illusions trying to impersonate Harry Houdini. Like Houdini said "it's not important what you are doing, it's important what people believe in their minds what you are doing."
mw - from now on will mean "my words" and I'll put them inside [].
 [That's absolutely true! Today's Ukraine is living in a parallel reality, calling those living in Eastern regions (who attempted to stop the tanks invading their territory with their bare hands) - ter.r.sts, brother Russia who spent 10's of Billions of dollars to sustain and make Ukraine survive during last 20 years, - an aggressor, etc.
Kiev's new government rulers (who came to power through "revolution") not publicly, but privately calling USA and EU "sugar daddies," etc.
Sugar daddy might help you with something, but not without screwing you alright! Don't we all know that? Do you know what these 2 sugar daddies want today from UA? I know, but I'm not a talk show host or politician to talk about it for hours. You are and you should talk about it. Why don't you? ]

At 5:38min. you'll see an ethnic Ukraine retiree and veteran of WWII Valery Tseptok talking about how it became impossible to live on pension in Ukraine today. He says "Kiev is ordering to destroy veterans, canceling all sorts of holidays, prohibiting the Ribbon of Saint George, stopping all the talk about P.r.shenko's actions, etc."
In Kiev, instead of May 9th, by the order of uncle PP they want to celebrate another event, which happened 100 years ago on the mountain of Makovka, which is now in Lvov region.
Then Austro-Hungarian army with Ukrainian radical-right-wing-nationalists on their side was fighting against Russian Empire. Russia and Ukraine were the same country then and they won.
It's not clear what are they going to celebrate, a defeat?

mw [Austria and Hungary didn't stick together since then, foreign .ss kissing nationalist ukrs lost and calmed down. Now their left overs are sticking their ugly heads out. What is it they want to tell and teach to their young generation right now? They want to make them believe that they're closer to A and H now than their own Slavic brethren i n their mix and next door? Unless they give them illegal drugs to cloud their judgement, to check the situation out, all it will take is to ask A and H if they give a any sort of darn damn about any Ukrainian whatsoever, no matter dead or alive. ]

Coordinator of movement "Mothers of Ukraine" Galina Zaporozhtseva at 7:15min. is saying;
"People are waiting to hear that Adam and Eve were Ukrainian. This government's members today in their declarations are not relying on any historic facts. Those are big fantasy makers and fantasy disconnected from reality is often schizophrenia. Society is sick, we tried to heal it before they took arms and started killing us."
Only in one week 4 famous Ukrainian politicians and intellectuals were shot to death in cold blood;
journalists Olga Moroz and Sergei Sukhobok, member of Rada Oleg Kalashnikov and famous Oles Buzina. Now his works are taken off the shelves. "By the special order from the top" explained the clerks in bookstores.
People are leaving Ukraine in droves. Many are moving to Russia such as ethnic Ukrainian journalist and blogger living in Kiev Mixim Robreba with his family. To the last minute he didn't want to leave his country, but his name ended up on the website which lists names, addresses and other data about so called "people's enemies" published under the name "peacemaker." (8:10min.)
So called Ant.n G.rashch.nko (a big-thick-neck-member-of-rada-n-"adviser"-to-minister-of-internal-affairs of UA) on his social media site openly threatened journalist Anatoliy Shariy to leave the country, otherwise he will be charged none less than "financing of terrorism."
At 9:22min you'll hear what Anatoliy is saying about the situation.
In the place of no law is head to sort out what's right and what's wrong, so basically for powerful everything goes.

At you'll see that the US soldiers are training those neo-nazi left-overs how to conduct an urban warfare and how to liquidate its result.
In Donbass some people were instructed to leave their homes as if "for their own safety" because until the May 9th escalation of conflict is anticipated.
mw [Just earlier I wrote about the genocide happening even today. This trick is one of those for organizing deportation; to push people out of their homes under pretense that's for their own good.
This has been widely used in from 1896 - 1923 against Armenians. ]
Heroic Yevgeny Baranov is reporting from Donbass.
Privately owned battalion Ayar is openly refusing to obey Kiev's orders. At 1:57min. you'll see uncle PP is using the word "attack" for the near future actions by Kiev in southeastern regions of UA.
Compare to last years, UA's military budget of  2015 is 6 times over.  PP also said that fighting is the way to bring economic rise, that tanks and hamwees are solving the problem of unemployment.
At 5:18min. you'll see the clip from Lou Dobbs program on TV when US Army retired Maj. Gen.
Robert Scales was calling to kill as many Russians as possible. I wrote about it before.
Another retired-gone-cuckoo of ours - Wesley Clark was even predicting the "time" of escalation of war in Donbass (5:48min). Wasn't he double talking and subliminally giving a hint for Americans to act before May 9th?
I think so. They want to spoil the pride-holiday for P. They can't stand to see him smile, feel good or enjoy something. It's a shame that USA who was an ally of Soviets in WWII today can take on such disgracefulness.
Talking of prevention, there is something P should do no later than tomorrow. Should I be his adviser I'd tell him what that should be.

So long.
P.S. Check out this epic song and try to sing along.  See how your spirit will be uplifted.
This song allows your voice to go as high as it possibly can. Choir is being conservative here.
It can be sung like in opera. I play this on piano and sing along, I love it!



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